Good Day?

Black & White: Opposites Attract

Chapter 5: Good Day

Song of the Day: Sunhwa and Yeungjae, Everything is pretty, BAP Crash-, SHINee Dream Girl

                Seohyun stares up her ceiling, eyes not leaving the particular spot. She doesn’t notice the time tick by or the calls from maids or her family. For two straight hours, hers eyes gaze the bland ceiling, not noticing her brother enter her room. He tries to snap her out of her gaze but her eyes don’t flinch. He pokes her sides and blows in her face, causing Seohyun to blink out of her daydream. “What’s wrong Joohyun-ah?” he asks.

                Seohyun shakes her head. “Nothing Hyukjae oppa.” She replies.

                Eunhyuk just replies with the opposite. “I beg to differ, you aren’t doing your homework which is highly unlike you and you didn’t respond to our calls since you’re usually so obedient to respond.” He said.

                Seohyun avoids his gaze. “Nothing is wrong oppa.” She replies.

                Eunhyuk sighs. “Fine, then, a penny to your thoughts?” he asks.

                Seohyun stays silent. “Hyun?” he calls when she gets that faraway look in her eyes again.

                “Joohyun-ah, gwenchana? Hello? Earth to Joohyun?”

                Seohyun sighs. “Oppa, can I ask what made you fall in love with Gyuri unnie?”

                Eunhyuk raises an eyebrow. “Well, she was pretty and she’s nice. I was attracted to her and she seemed to have stolen my heart away. I mean, she is the only girl I saw in my eyes.”

                “Oh, would you call that love?” she asked.

                Eunhyuk tilts his head. “Joohyun-ah, are you in love or something?” he questions.

                Seohyun stays silent and Eunhyuk snaps his fingers with a grin. “Really? Aw, my dongsaeng has grown up now. Who is it? Did you finally fall for your fiancée, Chansung?”

                Seohyun frowns. “Don’t mention that oppa. I only see Chansung oppa as a friend, nothing more.”

                His curiosity piques his interest even more. “Then who?” he asks.

                Seohyun shrugs. “Oppa, I don’t want to mention it.” She said.

                “Okay, then tell me what he looks like and his character.” Eunhyuk said.

                “Well oppa, he is taller than me, and he has these brown eyes that are gentle yet they seem so sharp, and he has this really nice voice. It really makes my heart flutter. And he was very polite to me, a gentleman.” She explains.

                Eunhyuk smiles. “Oh really, Joohyun-ah, it looks like you fell in love.”

                “Jinja? Is it really love?”

                “It sounds so. From my point of view, it seems like this guy has gotten your attention. Can you tell me what his name is and year and how you guys met?”

                Seohyun reminisces the experience and she slowly smiles, retelling the story.


                “So what’s a girl like you doing out here?” Kyuhyun asks.

                Seohyun sets her lips in a straight line. “Well it’s my first day here, so I wanted to look around. I found this place and it was just so quiet and it seemed so familiar.” She replies.

                “That’s very interesting. That’s how I felt when I first came here too.” Kyuhyun said.

                Seohyun’s brown eyes widen. “Really? What was so familiar about it?”

                Kyuhyun glances down at the girl, amused with her shining, brown orbs. “I don’t really know. It was like, a dream, or a lost memory. I’ve seen this place before though.”

                “That’s so weird, that’s what I thought too.” Seohyun replies, giggling just slightly.

                Kyuhyun smiles at the girl. A ringtone goes off and the two jump slightly at the sound. They both check their mobile devices and Kyuhyun sighs, looking at the caller ID. “I have to take this Seohyun-ssi.”

                Seohyun nods and stands. “It’s okay. I got to go anyways.” She said before slinging her bag over her shoulders. “See you later?” she asks hopefully.

                Kyuhyun smiles. “Definitely.”

                Seohyun turns, hiding the big smile forming on her face and she almost skips away from the spot.


                “Wow Joohyun, I mean, Seohyun, I should say. That’s some story.” Eunhyuk said.

                “What, is it really bad?” Seohyun asks.

                Eunhyuk shakes his head. “No, it’s just, wow, that guy sounds really nice. But you failed to mention his name.”

                Seohyun shakes her head. “No oppa, I don’t want to. The next thing you will do, is track him down and tell him to stay away from me.”

                Eunhyuk shrugs. “Who knows, maybe he’s a devil in disguise. All men out there are beasts. Except me.” He said, with a grin on his face.

                Seohyun rolls her eyes. “Yeah right. But I think he is a sincere guy. I mean, I, I don’t know. I just feel right with him.”

                Eunhyuk softens at her words. “Arasso, I won’t ask who this guy is.” He said.

                Seohyun smiles and she hugs her brother. Eunhyuk stiffens, and Seohyun immediately feels him stiff. “Oppa, are you hurt somewhere?”

                Eunhyuk hides it. “No, I’m fine.”

                Seohyun frowns. “No, I think something is wrong. Oppa lift up your shirt.”

                Eunhyuk shakes his head. “No, of course not, why would I do that?”

                “See? You’re hiding something. Lift it up now.” Seohyun orders.

                Eunhyuk shakes his head. “No, it’s from last week’s injury. It’s fine.”

                Seohyun frowns in disbelief but let’s go of the topic. “Fine. But I would make sure you get that injury checked.”

                Eunhyuk smiles and gets up. “I got to go, Hyun, see you. Oh wait, I mean, Seohyun.” He said with a wink and he turns, ignoring her ‘oppa’.

                Eunhyuk heads to his room, closing the door and he opens his shirt. Sure enough, the injury was already making an effect. The blood was almost starting to form and starting to see through the bandage. He hisses in pain and he quickly grabs the first aid kit and rips the bandage off and he applies the new one along with ointment. He sighs as the pain starts to subside. “Choi Hyoyeon.” He said through his gritted teeth, closing his eyes, remembering the day’s events.


                Eunhyuk was walking down the music halls, heading to the dance room. He places his hand on the handle and froze, hearing music coming from the room. He decides to slowly peek in and he sees a female with long brown hair, back facing him, and dancing. Her moves were very fluent, graceful and fast. The steps and beats seemed to be in synchronization with her arm and leg movements, her hair waving back and forth in the air, and her moves just seemed to be a part of the music itself, everything moving at perfection. He continues to stare when he feels his phone buzz and he looks down, receiving a text from Gyuri. Oppa! Eodiya? I’m waiting for you! Ppalli! Eunhyuk smiles and he shuts the door, looking for his girlfriend.

                But before he can shut the door properly, something seems to be in his way. He looks up to see the girl who was dancing standing right behind him, foot stopping the door. “If you watched, that would be 100 won.”

                Eunhyuk looks at her. “What? Just watching you?”

                “Yes, now give me 100 won.” She said, pulling out her hand.

                Eunhyuk stares at the hand, and he just chuckles, slapping her hand as if it was a high five. “Haha, sorry, I don’t think you’re mistaken, I didn’t watch you. I just merely passed by accidentally.”

                The girl glares at him and before he knows it, he is down on the ground, face down and his hand now behind him. “Yes, you weren’t watching, you were staring. I’m not a stupid girl that you can easily fool around with, I saw you staring at me while I was dancing. So you better give it up or you’re not going to get off this ground.” She said.

                Eunhyuk winces in pain. “Okay, okay, I’m sorry. I’ll pay you.” He said.

                The girl raises her eyebrows and she gets off of his back and Eunhyuk stands up. “Fine, here’s a 100 won.” He said, handing her the money.

The girl smiles as she flips the coin before turning back at Eunhyuk again, handing the coin back. “ Forget it. I think I deserve something else. You were staring, not watching me.” She said.

                Eunhyuk’s jaw dropped. “What? I have to give you more. How much do you want from me? 200 won? 500?”

The girl shakes her head. “No, I want, hmm, that thing.” She said, pointing at the phone charm on his phone. 

Eunhyuk looks at it, a little bit reluctant to give it away, but he hands it to her anyways. The girl eagerly grabs it and holds up to the light. “I’ve always wanted one, but it was all sold out before I could get a hold of it.” She said, squealing.

Eunhyuk gazes at the girl in front of him, a little awed at her. “Excuse me,” he said, causing her to turn to him. “What’s your name?” he asks, mentally face palming himself for saying something stupid.

The girl however, didn’t say anything and responds. “Hyoyeon, Choi Hyoyeon. I’m sorry, for being so rude, sunbae. “She said bowing a little.

Eunhyuk shakes his head. “No, nothing wrong with that.” He said.

Hyoyeon just nods, and then turns on her heel. “Anyways, I’ve got to go. My friends are waiting for me. Thanks for the charm, uhm,- “Eunhyuk. Seo Eunhyuk.” He responds.

Hyoyeon nods and leaves. “I’ll see you around, I guess, Eunhyuk sunbae-nim.”

In seconds, she disappears and Eunhyuk was left alone. He stands there frozen until someone calls out to him. “OPPA! Why are you here? I was waiting for you!” a girl’s voice yells.

Eunhyuk turns to see his girlfriend, Gyuri, with a death glare. Eunhyuk coolly plays it off. “I was wandering. Sorry jagi, I promise not to do that again.” He said.

Gyuri pouts but forgives him. Eunhyuk looks at his phone, checking the time. “We have a couple of minutes before class starts; do you want to do something?” he asks.

Gyuri doesn’t pay any attention and looks at his phone. “Oppa, where’s the cell phone charm I gave you?”

Eunhyuk mentally curses inside. “Uh, I lost it?”

Gyuri narrows her eyes. “Bwoh? Oppa, you lost it? But I got it for you.”

Eunhyuk avoids her cold gaze. “I’m sorry Gyuri.”

Gyuri pushes him away and slaps him. “Don’t talk to me.” She said, walking away.


                Eunhyuk slaps his forehead, knowing full well that he should’ve went after her, but somehow, he didn’t. He just didn’t feel it. “Maybe, it was only infatuation?” he wonders out loud.

                His mind wanders back to that Hyoyeon girl. “I wonder, what was so special about that charm?” he said, remembering Gyuri and Hyoyeon’s reaction to the small item.

                “AISH!” he yells, hitting his pillow in frustration, confusion all over his mind.


Back in Fairytale…

                On the throne of Fairytale, a black haired woman in a light, evening gown, sits in her room. That woman, Ignicia, looks among the many people that were working outside her palace. “Ha, 18 years, and nothing. This curse is really something.” She said, taking a sip of red wine.

                “Ah, I should check on these, prince and princesses, see how they are.” She said.

                She turns to her crystal ball, and starts saying a spell:

                Oh Magic Ball, Oh Magic Ball

                As you hang on my wall

                Show me my cursed spell

                And show the royal that fell

                In seconds, the ball starts showing the first day of school. Ignicia’s snarl turns to a scowl. She watches the events turn through and her hands ball into fists. She throws her wine glass across the room. “What’s this? I thought the darkness was on my side. Why does this happen? The stupid council, it was their plan all along. Why was I so slow to realize?”

                Ignicia hisses as the pictures disappear. She sits herself on a high back chair and she snarls in anger. “I need some help, I need to do something. I can’t let all my hard work disappear. Then this whole curse was worth nothing. What must I do?”

                Ignicia stares at the fire burning in her fireplace and she stares at it, playing around with the flames. She gets up in frustration and screams. “What shall I do? This is just getting nowhere.”

                She decides to summon her pets and helpers to her side to get some idea.

                I summon thee my wondrous friends

                My helpers, guardians and beloved pets

                I seek for your aide by my side

                For a meeting must hold for the sake of my pride

                Immediately, dark blue smoke appears and 18 different figures appear. Ignicia smiles at their appearance. “My darling pets! I missed you so much.” She said.

                They just smile. “Mistress Ignicia, what makes you summon us on such an important occasion?” one asks.

                Ignicia frowns before she shows the events from the ball to them. “I see that you guys haven’t done so much. Look! The council, magicians and warriors are already moving and this is how far they’ve gone.”

                They look down in shame. “We’re sorry your majesty. We’ll pay any of the consequences you give us.”

                Ignicia frowns. “And you shall be punished. But not now, since time is so precious. We must make a plan. What shall we do?” she asks.

                No one answers and Ignicia just puts her hands up in frustration. “You guys have to have some idea. You grew up with them almost.”

                One finally speaks up. “You know miss, I think you should just leave it.”

                Ignicia raises an eyebrow at the said person. “Leave it? Why whatever do you mean?”

                The person just smirks. “This curse you placed, didn’t you say, that along with true love, that they must re-enact their story?”

                Ignicia feels goose bumps as she hears something getting edgy. “Go on, explain to me, soothe my ears. What do you mean?”

                “What I mean, your majesty, is we wait until the peak of their story. That peak, you see, is when you, always have an entrance, when you start to fight them or take their lives away. We wait until that time comes, and because they won’t know how to do anything, they will all be nothing but smithereens.”

                Ignicia feels shocks down her back as the plan seems to form. “Why, what a marvelous idea. Why, these royals, they won’t know what hit them! Huh, even the council won’t figure it out. This is absolutely, I don’t know, evil. Muahahahaha.” She cackles.

                Ignicia turns to her pets. “Thank you my dearies, you may leave, and continue your activities. Only until I summon you again, don’t make any move. Understand?”

                “We understand, your majesty.” They all say.

                “Good, now, goodbye.” She said, waving them and they all disappear in a flash.

                Ignicia heads to her wardrobe. She picks a dark, wine-red colored dress with a swooping neckline and a floor length skirt. The dress hugs her curves and her left leg is revealed due to a small slit from the waist down. “HAHA, the time will come when I wear you again. Watch out my dear prince and princesses, enjoy this moment to the fullest. Muahahahahaha.” 





HI!!! I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry that I didn't update in like a month. My birthday was actually at the beginning of this month, so I turned 15!!! yay!! But since finals are coming up, I might not update as much. I am so sorry for this delayed chapter. Don't worry, the next chapter will be the start of their romance. Do you guys know who Ignicia is??? haha. 

Anyways, I hope you will stay strong with me throughout this fic and support me whenenver!! I will pray for your testing and last day of school stuff!!! 


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Black & White: Opposites Attract


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waaah that's cool really hope you
update soon fighting !