Chapter 4 : The camp.

Killing Him

  It's been weeks since Chanyeol came to my school. I went to school, without any disturbition. Today, we have physical education, so I wear shorts to school with the school's jumpers. Yeah, my school is freaking rich, they made jumpers for physical education. I went to my class and put my bag on my desk. Before I went out from my class, I saw a post-it message on the corner of my desk. Huh, what a surprise, it is from Chanyeol. 

Meet me at the theme park  playground after recess.


Dumb. He thinks I don't even know who is that "CHXNYXOL". I crumpled the post-it message and threw it in the dustbin. I went downstairs to the field as I saw Jessica came to me. Her gang, I say, "The Banjak Banjak (Twinkle Twinkle)", blocks my way. "Do you think that's fun?" Jessica said. "What fun? Blocking people's way to not go to physical education? Oh, I could say yeah," I answered. She rolled her eyes and her eyes fires to me back. "Oh okay, not cool," I staggered. She grabs my hoodie and said to me, "Don't you ever take Chanyeol away from me, he is MINE,". My head back while looking at her, I mean he is yours. "Take him, I don't even want him," I answered. She pushed me with ignorance and went away. Urgh, girls. Eh, wait, I am a girl. 

  I ran to the field. Huh, as I expected, Luhan is the first. Luhan is an athlete of our school, he runs up very fast, like a tiger, or maybe a wolf. I don't know, he gots his father's gene, that's why. "Woah, you're early. As always," I said. I chuckled after hearing me said, as always. 

  The class and my physical education teacher, Mr. Kim Jong Kook or we call him as Sir Sparta, came to the field. 

"Okay class, first of we're going to warm our bodies up, and then run around the school path," he insisted. We warm our bodies up with some basic exercises and off to run. I run while sightseeing the school while I found out Luhan run as fast as the lightning. Even my hair flips with the wind of his way. Then, another wind blow came from behind. It was Chanyeol. 


"NO, FURRY HEAD !" Chanyeol replies. Wait, furry head? -_-

They ran while pushing each other. Luhan almost fly, "WOAH LUHAN DON'T SHOW YOUR "ANGER" HERE," I shout while running. The track's coming to an end and they still pushing each other. Sigh, boys. Never growing up.

  I went up to Chanyeol while he washes his face. "Yo, Chanyeol. What's up with Furry Head?" I asked him. He turns the tap off and smirks at me while drying his face with a mini towel. "Well, it is a long story, bae." he claimed and taps my head. He went away and sat at the pavilion. As soon as he went off, his enemy, which is my bestfriend, Luhan came along. "What does that dweeb doing with you?" he asked.I laughed, "Naahh, nothing. I just asked him about that "Furry Head" name,". His face is turning pale after I said that Furry Head.

  We were chatting when the Class President came running to the class. 



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stephani_bap #1
Chapter 5: new reader!
please update soon, 제발...