Chapter 3 : I won't kill you.

Killing Him

It is Friday night.

  I was on my desk, online, of course. Luhan is sick, so he stayed at his house, which is next door. I opened my window, letting the night wind enter my room. I tie my hair into one ponyhair. I grabbed my headphone and tune in to UKISS - Light it up. While looking at the gibbous moon, I thought, I must heal quickly, because when the moon turns full, I have to prepare to slay some werewolves. It may sounds violent, but it is fun cause everytime you stab one, it turns into dust, but I never experienced before. That was my seniors' experience. 

  While I was staring at the moon. I noticed something running, like a ninja. I quickly grab my small dagger and headed to the window. There are more shadows running infront of me. 

"Hi," Chanyeol bumps in.

I lost my balance and fall back on my . "Chanyeol !" I shout. Chanyeol placed his finger onto my mouth, "Shh, your parents might hear you, or better luck, Luhan will," he whispers. He held my hand and give me a lift. "What are you doing here?" I asked him. He flew and sat on my bedroom's floor. "You are not hunting any people tonight?" I asked him. He looked at me. "Naahhh, I don't drink people's blood. It is disgusting because I have my own blood too," he claimed. "I only drink the blood on an animal," he continued. Wait, isn't that just the same? Nahh,, I don't care. I sat on my chair, "You know, you are new, and why are you here again?" I asked. Chanyeol lets out a sigh. "You see, in Jeju, there were so many animal to drink of, so my dad thought I have become an Animal Blood Enthusiast, so he sent me to Seoul, were there were only few animals here," he claimed. I burst out laughing, I mean Animal Blood Enthusiast?! That's like way to lame. Chanyeol lets out another sigh, this time he is really sad. "Okay, okay. I am sorry," I said to him. 

  He flew and sat on my window. "Hey, Min," he said. I looked at him as he calls my name. "What." I replied. Okay, that's too derpy. Hah, nevermind. "Do you like someone else?" he asked. My pen dropped, my face turns red and my eyes turning hot. "Wh-what do you by some-someone else?" I asked. My mind turns blank and I don't even want to think of anything else. Who do I like? "Nah, I am just asking," he said. "Phew," I said. I think I am too conscious. 

  "Oh yea, what's with you and Luhan?" I asked him. Chanyeol eyes turning bright, not that bright, I mean bright maroon. He leans back on my window pane, "Nah, he is a dweeb. Well, that's for me." he answered, but not in detail. "Why are you not killing me?" Chanyeol asked. I placed my dagger on top of my wardrobe, not letting mom knows when she secretly cleans my room. I sat, looking into his eyes. He is so, good looking by this way. Argh ! I cannot think like that. It is the pollicy for me and my friends not liking anyone. Sigh. Do I like Chanyeol?

  "Killing you is a lame job. I need adventure, not lame job. Otherwise, you are my new friend. I can't kill my friend," I explained. He smirk as he flew into my room and takes a chair and sits right next to me. "Do you want adventure by killing me?" he asked. I looked at him in disbelief, not believing what he said, but I easily said no. "No, tonight I am lazy enough to kill anything. Besides, Mrs. Shin Hye brought so many works, so I have to finish it up tonight," I said, eventhough there was only a notebook on my desk. He smiled. He pats my cheek. He has cold frozen hands. "Kill me now," said Chanyeol. "I can't," I whispered. He placed his head onto my shoulders. I cannot think straight. 

  "You are the first monster-hunter that you don't want to kill me," said Chanyeol. "Every monster-hunter I met, wanted to kill me, and yet, you are the youngest monster-hunter I know," he continued. 

  "Thank you for not killing me, Min," he said. He close his face to my cheek and kissed me on my cheek.


I froze.

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stephani_bap #1
Chapter 5: new reader!
please update soon, 제발...