Halloween Party

Notice Me (Work In Progress)

“C’mon, Kryssie. You look great in this costume.” Jessica said to Krystal. Krystal was getting ready for a halloween party happening at Nicole and Hara’s, two popular seniors, place. Jessica’s getting Krystal ready for the party, but Krystal’s starting to doubt her sister.


“Really, Jessie?” Krystal asked.


“Of course, baby sister. Sehun won’t know what hit him once he sees you.” Krystal blushed as she looked at herself in the mirror. She was dressed as an angel with little wings on the back and a halo on top of her head. Her angel dress was at knee length and flared a little.


“So, are you going to be with llama, moon, and giant?” Krystal giggles at her sister’s nicknames for her friends.


“Yeah. What’re you going to be doing while I’m gone, Jessie?”


“I’m going to hang with the girls.”


“You mean your group, So Nyeo Shi Dae?”


“Of course. Who else could I mean?” Jessica said like it was the most obvious thing. “There! Your makeup is done. Omo! You look so pretty!” Krystal blushes. She hears a honk coming from outside and she smiles.


“That’s them. Got to go, Jessie.”


“Wait! Give your sister a hug before you go.” Krystal rolls her eyes playfully as she walks up and gives her sister a hug. Right before she lets go, Jessica whispers “Don’t do anything too crazy, alright?” in her ear.


“Have fun!” Jessica says in her normal voice. Before Krystal can react, the honk appears again. Krystal lets go of the hug and looks at her sister, who’s giving her a mischievous smile. Krystal ignores it and walks out the door.


Krystal looks at the car on the driveway and smiles when she sees her friends waving at her. She walks toward the car, opens the door, and slides right in.


“Hey, guys. Cool costumes,” She says as she looks at her friends. Sulli is wearing a pink bunny rabbit onesie with black whiskers and nose drawn on her face, Luna is in a short, sparkly green dress with small wings and her hair in a bun, and Amber is wearing a torn up suit with makeup all over her face.


“Your costume is so cute, Krystal,” Sulli said.


“Yours is even cuter,” Krystal says as she pokes Sulli’s nose. “What I don’t understand is what you two,” she points to Luna and Amber, “are supposed to be.”


“Isn’t it obvious? I’m Tinkerbell!” Luna cutely says.


“And I’m a zombie. See?” Amber says as she pulls out a fake arm. Krystal squeals in fear as she cowers herself.


“I did NOT need to see that! Just drive already!” Krystal couldn’t see Amber was laughing at her as she started the car.


“This is going to be a fun night...”




f(x) get to the house and it’s bursting with energy, with people everywhere, hanging out in their halloween costumes. Amber stops the car and the four girls get out. As they’re walking toward the front door, Krystal starts to feel excited and nervous at the same time. Amber knocks on the door and a man in a full black suit answers the door.


“Annyeonghaeseo! Welcome to the party, guys.” The man’s voice sounded familiar, but the four girls couldn’t decipher who it was.


“First we’d like to know who you are,” Amber said. The guy took of his mask to reveal that it was Suho.


“Sorry for the secrecy, but I’m supposed to be a ninja so I have to be stealthy. Wait, what are we doing standing out here? Come on in!”


The girls enter the house and all they see is lights flashing and costumes everywhere. Krystal hoped that she wouldn’t get lost, because it was definitely possible.


The entire house was covered with people in silly or serious costumes, some people Krystal recognized and some she didn’t. Music from popular bands like Super Junior and Secret were blasting through speakers. Krystal’s smile grew.


“Hey, guys. You want to-” Krystal turned to say something to her friends when she realized that they were gone. With big eyes, Krystal looks around to see if her friends went far, which they did. She feels a tap on her shoulder and squeaks in fear.


“Hey, Krys. What’s up?” Krystal feels a sense of relief.


“Oh. It’s just you, Jiyoung. I kind of got scared for a sec. Nice nurse costume, by the way.” Krystal looked at Jiyoung’s costume and was stunned. ‘No wonder Kai likes her.’


“Chinja? Thanks.” Jiyoung blushed, but Krystal didn’t seem to notice it. “You look adorable as an angel,” Jiyoung replied. Krystal smiled at her comment.


“Hey, can we go to a place where it’s not so crowded?” Jiyoung asked. Krystal nodded her head in agreement. Jiyoung took Krystal’s hand and led her to somewhere where it wasn’t loud. “Is this better?” Krystal nodded. There was a bit of an awkward silence.


“So, Krystal. Can I ask you something?” Jiyoung hesitantly asked. Krystal looked at Jiyoung and motioned her to continue.


“Would-” Suddenly, two figures appeared, laughing. It was Sulli and Kai.


“Oh, hey Krystal! Annyeong, Jiyoung!” Sulli said cheerfully. Kai looked at Jiyoung and smirked slightly.


“Hey, girls. Can you guess what I am?” He was dressed in a black suit with a weapons holder and long cape. He spins around to show his cape. Jiyoung looks at him, unimpressed.


“I don’t know. You tell me,” Jiyoung says in a monotone voice. Krystal’s confused with Jiyoung’s mood change.


“I’m supposed to be a vampire hunter. Duh.” Something changed in Jiyoung’s expression and Krystal was a bit intimidated by it.


“Uh, hey, Krystal,” Sulli said, trying to lift the mood. “I heard that there’s a Spin the Bottle game starting soon. Wanna come?” Jiyoung was only glaring at Kai while the latter just kept smirking at her.


“I don’t know. I’m not sure if I want to-”


“It’s okay, Krystal. I’ll stay with Jiyoung,” Kai said in mischievous way. Krystal looked at Jiyoung, seeing if it was okay with her. Jiyoung looked her in the eye and nodded her head. When Sulli and Krystal left the area, Krystal looked back and saw Jiyoung’s eyes burning with irritation. Krystal quickly walked away.


JungLi reached the Spin the Bottle room and saw everyone in a circle with an empty bottle in the center. Two girls were near the door, probably keeping track of who goes in and out. Everyone looked at them, wondering if they were joining them or not.


“Oh, annyeong! Come join us, fellow halloweeners,” one of the girls’ said. Sulli and Krystal sat down next to each other in the circle.


“I’m Hara!” “I’m Nicole.” “And we’re the hosts of this game of Spin the Bottle/7 minutes in Heaven.” Krystal’s eyes bulged and she glared at Sulli for not telling her the 7 minutes part. Sulli kept quiet.


“Just to let you two know,” the girl named Hara started saying. “There two people in there and they’re almost done. Right, Yong Joo?” The other girl, Nicole, lightly punched her friend in the arm.


“Indeed, Koala.” Hara slightly glared at Nicole while Nicole smiled. “In fact, it’s been 7 minutes.” Nicole knocks on the closet door. “Yah. It’s been 7 minutes. You can come out now.” The door opens and reveals two guys coming out, one looking like he had the best time ever and the other looked utterly confused. “You two can go now if you want.” The happy guy stayed while the confused one walks away.


“Who are those two?” Krystal whispered to herself.


“The happy guy’s name is Key and the confused guy is Daehyun. Never knew they would kiss.” Krystal looked to the guy in the Link costume on her right. It turned out to be Baekhyun. Baekhyun smiled at her. Krystal got psyched out for a few seconds before she heard the sound of a bottle spinning.


She looked at the bottle as it was spinning, wondering if it was going to point to her.  When it stopped, it pointed right at Sulli. Sulli has a look of surprise on her face. A hand outstretches to her and she looks at who it is. The tall man in a Dark Mousy costume winked at her as she grabbed his hand and walked into the closet, the door shutting behind them. The people in the circle started having their own conversations.


“Who was that guy?” Krystal asked Baekhyun. Baekhyun answered her with another question.


“You don’t get out that often, do you?” Krystal playfully pushes Baekhyun’s shoulder in embarrassment.


“Sorry. I don’t know much.”


“No, it’s okay. That guy’s name is Hongbin. He’s one of the sweetest guys you would ever meet and he’s a pure gentlemen. He hangs out with a couple of guys named Ravi and Ken, who are pretty cool.” Krystal stares at him questionably.


“And how do you know all of this?” Baekhyun giggles at her.


“When you’re as popular as me, you get to hear a lot of things.” Krystal chuckled at his answer.


A few more minutes passed by and Nicole knocked on the door, telling Sulli and Hongbin to come out. Once the door was opened, Hongbin and Sulli came out holding hands and walking away. Krystal looked at Sulli and gave the latter a “Hwaiting!” motion, and Sulli did the same.


“Okay, you. Magician guy. It’s your turn to spin,” Hara said. A guy in a magician suit, black mask covering half of his face, and top hat started to spin the bottle. Krystal started to feel uneasy again. Once the bottle stopped, Krystal stiffened a little. It was pointed at her.


“Okay, so magician and angel shall go into the closet,” Nicole said and ushered the two into the closet, where she closes the door. At first, the two are in an awkward silence, until Krystal starts to speak.


“So, I know this is a bit awkward for you. Two strangers standing in a dark closet is not the most ideal place to kiss. I know that I feel awkward about this. Should’ve never let Sulli drag me here. Anyway, I’m sorry if I don’t do well. I’ve never-” A finger gets pressed on her lips as a small “Shhh...” comes out of the male’s mouth.


“No words...” The guy whispers. Krystal’s face turns red and starts to feel warm. The guy’s right hand lightly holds Krystal left cheek and brushes it a little, getting a feel of where her face is. Krystal’s left hand grabs the hand on her face and leans her face into it. She feels him get closer so she starts to lean in too, until their lips softly touch.


The guy starts to move his lips on her’s and she has no choice but to follow his lead. His other hand grabs her other cheek and holds her. Krystal’s hands wrap around the guy’s neck as the kiss deepens. At that moment, Krystal can’t think. She’s too focused on the guy’s lips moving perfectly with her own.


After a few minutes, their lips part and their foreheads lean on each other’s. They’re breathing heavily onto each other. They open their eyes. Even though they can’t truly see each other, they can feel the connection.


“Can I show you a magic trick?” The guy whispered, still out of breath from the kiss they just shared.


“How can you do that? It’s dark in here,” Krystal replied. In a blink of an eye, the guy had whipped out a mini flashlight and had it shining his closed hand.


“Is this yours?” he asked. He unraveled his fist to reveal Krystal’s bracelet. Krystal covered in awe and quickly grabbed the bracelet.


“Oh my god! Thank you so much!” She leapt into the mystery guy’s arms and hugged him. “How did you find it?” Before he could answer, they heard a knock.


“Guys! Seven minutes are up! You can come out now!” The guy opened the door and walked away while Krystal followed suit. She looked back at Baekhyun and there was this strange smile on his face, almost like he knew something and she didn’t. She ignored it and continued walking.


Once she got through the crowd of people, she went outside. She sat on the front step and thought about the events that just happened.


‘Oh my god! Did that just happen? I can’t believe I had my first kiss with a stranger, in a game of 7 minutes in heaven no less! At least he was good at it. His lips were so soft, like a light pillow. He was holding my cheeks so firmly, yet it didn’t hurt. If only my first kiss was with Sehun. That would’ve made it perfect.’ She looked down at her bracelet. ‘How on earth did he find my bracelet? I lost it like a couple of weeks ago. Maybe I’ll never know.’  Suddenly the door opened and it was Jiyoung.


“Hey. What’re you doing out here?” Jiyoung sat next to Krystal on the steps.


“Just trying to clear my head. What about you?”


“I needed to get away from Kai. He was really getting on my nerves.”


“How’d you get away from him?” Krystal asked. Jiyoung bit her lip in embarrassment.


“I kind of kicked him in his... precious spot.” Krystal’s eyes bulged at her comment. “Anyway, did something happen at the spin the bottle game?”


“Well, it was actually a spin the bottle and 7 minutes in heaven game. So, someone would spin the bottle and the two would go into a closet-”


“I know how that works. Did someone spin you?” Krystal nodded her head. Jiyoung’s head dropped a little. “Was it good?” Krystal looked at her confused.


“I guess. I mean, I couldn’t tell who it was.” Jiyoung raised her eyebrows.


“Chinja? That’s got to man.”


“Especially when it was my first kiss.” Now Jiyoung’s eyes bulged in surprise.


“Woah! I’m so sorry, Krys.” Jiyoung put her arm across Krystal’s shoulder.


“It’s okay. At least I got my bracelet back.” Krystal leaned her head on Jiyoung’s shoulder, which lead to Jiyoung resting her head on Krystal’s. After a while, Krystal fell asleep and Jiyoung smiled at the sight. She glided her finger across her cheek.


“Such an adorable angel...” Jiyoung leaned and lightly pecked Krystal’s head. She grabbed her and picked her up bridal style, careful not to wake her up, and went back inside. Once she found Amber, Jiyoung gave her back to Amber and sauntered off. A confused Amber looked at the sleeping Krystal and shrugged, walking back to her car, put her safely in and went looking for Luna and Sulli.


The three girls plus the sleeping Krystal drove to the Jung sister’s apartment, where they dropped her off. Luckily, Jessica was home to take care of her sister so her sister could have a nice rest.




“I can’t believe you kissed Krystal, man! Nice move. Does she know that it was you?”


“No. She doesn’t. She couldn’t see me through my mask.”


“Aw, chinja? That’s a total loss. Was it her first?”


“I don’t know, hyung. I don’t know anything about her other than the bracelet I gave back to her.”


“Oh. Well, I hope she finds out at some point. Goodnight, Sehun.”


“Goodnight, Baekhyun hyung.” Sehun ends the call and sighs.


‘I finally found you. What happens now?’


Hello, fanfic readers and writers! Mainhae! I've been a bad author at updating, but I'm back and better than ever. Did you like this chapter? This idea was on my mind forever, but I didn't have time to do anything with it. Anyway, I REALLY hope you enjoyed this jam-packed chapter! Expect more, my lovely fans!

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Love Ya! <3


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k_nana #1
Chapter 7: I'm really kind of expecting an update since this is a reeeaaaaaallly nice sestal fic. So hope u would update soon. Keep up the good work!!!
mexxco #2
Chapter 7: I also think that jiyoung likes Krystal..hahaha.. update soon
Chapter 6: Why I think Jiyoung is liking Krystal? LOL XD idk I just thinking like that all of sudden. And I was surprised when you announce your hiatus right before I read your story T^T comeback soon~ :D
Chapter 5: Kyaaaaaa!! Lemme be your new fans authornim~!! ≧﹏≦
Please update soon, promise me, kay? Kkk~
mdniljung #6
Chapter 5: Upadate soon pleaseeee
Chapter 5: omgGGGG sehun and krystal kissing *~~~~~*
update moree pleasEE author-nim!!!^^
SkyCrystal #8
Chapter 5: daebak!! I love the story soo much. upload more ^.^ plz i hope baekhyun will help sehun to get to Krystal
PipTheTerror #9
Chapter 5: The plot :O It thickens :O

Masquerades and identity queries? Sign me up.

Nice update, dude

- PiP.
helloimyna #10
Chapter 5: oh my god. this is so awesome. krystal had her first kiss with sehun! whoaaa daebak. update more!