
Notice Me (Work In Progress)

“Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ri-”



“Urrrgggg,” Krystal groaned. Another day has started and Krystal doesn’t want to get up. (Sleepyhead) After her Rilakkuma alarm clock shut off, she went back to bed. A few minutes later, her sister, Jessica, walks into Krystal's room. A pout appears as she looks at her sister sleeping.


“Pabo,” Jessica says. “It’s her first day of college and she’s not even up. I’ll just have to wake her up myself.” Jessica tiptoed over to Krystal’s bed and looked straight at her face. “SOOJUNG, WAKE UP!”


Immediately, Krystal shoots up and rapidly shakes her head, wondering where the noise came from. As soon as she saw her sister, she frowns.


“Don’t do that! You could’ve hurt my ears.”


“I’m not the one who over slept. Now come on, get dressed. You’ve got school in an hour.” And with that, Jessica walks away. ‘Oh crap! She’s right! I have to get ready!’


Krystal runs to the bathroom, turning on the water so she could shower. ‘Ahhhh... I needed this...’ After her shower was done, she ran back to her room to get dressed. She quickly puts on her favorite t-shirt and a pair of denim jeans. ‘That’s better.’


She runs down stairs to see a lunch already made for her. A sticky note was attached to the lunchbox.


Dear Kryssie,


Sorry for not seeing you go to school. I had to stop by the fashion agency early today. I hope you like my lunch! I swear nothing’s burnt. :)

Anyway, have a good first day of school! Tell me all about it later, including him. ^_^




Krystal instantly blushes at that sentence. ‘Dangit, Jessica! Why did I ever tell her about him?’  She quickly grabs her lunch and backpack and heads out.


As Krystal walks down the sidewalk, she hears a couple of people yelling her name.


“Krystal! Wait up! Hold on!” She recognizes those voices anywhere. She turns around to see her best friends Amber, Luna and Sulli, running to her. Krystal smiles. Finally they caught up to her, breathing heavily.


“Are you okay, guys? You look like you just ran a marathon,” Krystal says to them.


Amber’s the first one to speak. “We wanted *huff huff* to catch up to *huff huff* you *huff* so we could walk *huff huff* to school together.” Amber exhaustedly lies down in the sidewalk.


“Yeah,” Luna replies. “We just wanted to walk with you to school.”


“You wouldn’t walk without us, right?” Sulli asks. Krystal pretended to ponder for a few seconds.


“Yep. I think I would be fine.” Krystal smiles and continues walking. “WHAT?!” Her friends yell. Krysta turns around and laughs. “I’m kidding. Of course I wouldn’t go without you guys!” The others smile, walk up Krystal and start their way toward SM University.


After a few minutes, Luna asks, “Krystal, do you still like him?” Krystal froze in her spot and her face started getting redder. She puts her head down shyly and replies with a muttered yes. Her friends start to giggle at her reaction.


“I can’t help it. He still has my heart,” Krystal responded. “I don’t know why, but he still does.”


“It’s okay, Krys. You don’t need to be ashamed of you crush towards him. We’re cool with it. Right guys?” Amber looks at Luna and Sulli. They both nod their heads. “See?” Amber smiles at Krystal. Krystal smiles back a little.


“Thanks. But he still doesn’t know I exist.”


“Hey!” Sulli irritably says. “Don’t think things like that. Maybe this is the year he finally notices you.” Her friends all nod. Krystal just shrugs her shoulders.


‘Maybe he will.'


Hello, fellow readers and writers! I just made this little introduction to my fic to give a little background to the story. No Exo yet, but don't worry, they'll appear. :)

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Love Ya! <3


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k_nana #1
Chapter 7: I'm really kind of expecting an update since this is a reeeaaaaaallly nice sestal fic. So hope u would update soon. Keep up the good work!!!
mexxco #2
Chapter 7: I also think that jiyoung likes Krystal..hahaha.. update soon
Chapter 6: Why I think Jiyoung is liking Krystal? LOL XD idk I just thinking like that all of sudden. And I was surprised when you announce your hiatus right before I read your story T^T comeback soon~ :D
Chapter 5: Kyaaaaaa!! Lemme be your new fans authornim~!! ≧﹏≦
Please update soon, promise me, kay? Kkk~
mdniljung #6
Chapter 5: Upadate soon pleaseeee
Chapter 5: omgGGGG sehun and krystal kissing *~~~~~*
update moree pleasEE author-nim!!!^^
SkyCrystal #8
Chapter 5: daebak!! I love the story soo much. upload more ^.^ plz i hope baekhyun will help sehun to get to Krystal
PipTheTerror #9
Chapter 5: The plot :O It thickens :O

Masquerades and identity queries? Sign me up.

Nice update, dude

- PiP.
helloimyna #10
Chapter 5: oh my god. this is so awesome. krystal had her first kiss with sehun! whoaaa daebak. update more!