Suspicious Acts

Notice Me (Work In Progress)

f(x) were walking to school the next day, like any normal day. But it wasn’t normal for Krystal.


‘Am I really doing this?’ Krystal thought. ‘Am I really pushing my friend to Kai? Life is so hard!’


Suddenly, she stops and spots Jiyoung, walking toward the school entrance. ‘Now’s my chance!’ “Sorry, guys. I have to go. I’ll see you later,” and she runs off, leaving her friends perplexed at her suddenly leaving.


“Jiyoung-ah!” Jiyoung turns to the voice and is happy to see Krystal calling her name. She smiles sweetly.


“Hey, Krystal. How’s it going?” Jiyoung responds.


“I’m doing fine. Listen, can I ask you something?” Krystal asks hesitantly.


“Sure. You can ask me anything.” Jiyoung smiles warmly at her. ‘If I didn’t have a crush on Sehun, I might like Jiyoung. Wait, what?’


“Hello? Krystal? What is it you wanted to ask me?” Jiyoung asked, confused at why the younger was staring off into space.


“Oh, right! Um, what do you think of Exo?” Krystal finally asked her. Jiyoung just stares at her with confusion.


“What do you mean? Like, do I LIKE any of them?” Krystal nods her head. “Well...”


“Who is it?!” Krystal accidentally yells. Jiyoung flinches and Krystal backs off a little, quickly saying an “mainhae”.


“Wait, why do you want to know? Do you like one of them?” Jiyoung interrogates. Krystal freezes and slowly grows a blush on her cheeks. This doesn’t get unnoticed by Jiyoung. She smirks in delight. “So, I guess that’s a yes. Am I right?”


Krystal sighs in defeat and nods her head shyly. “But that’s not the reason why I’m asking you!” Krystal says quickly. Jiyoung’s smirk grew in interest. “I was just wondering who it is that you like.”


“If you must know, I don’t really like any of them. They’re cool and all, but I don’t like them in a romantic way.” Krystal internally groaned, knowing Jiyoung’s answer was not what she wanted to hear. “So, who do you like?” Krystal instantly looked up with her eyes bulging a bit. Just then, the bell for class to start rung.


“Oh, look at the time. I have to get to class. I’ll talk to you later!” Krystal ran toward the main entrance.


Jiyoung looked at the running Krystal, the smirk still visible on her face. ‘What are you hiding, Krystal?’




Krystal was walking home from school. She had already eaten at Victoria's Cafe with f(x), so she wasn't that hungry. She stared thinking about how the day went.


‘Ugh. So Jiyoung doesn’t like any of them. This is going to be harder than I thought it would be. Plus she almost found out about my crush on Sehun! I’ve GOT to be more careful next time.’   She looked at her bracelet, admiring the little crystals that spread across it, and looking at the inscription "KJS" on it. She smiled to herself.


Not looking up, someone bumped into her and she starting falling toward the ground. She closed her eyes as she waited for the impact. She felt nothing. She realized that something was holding her wrist and looked up to see what it was. Or should she say, who. Krystal was stunned by the person who was currently holding her wrist.


His face was blank, but she could see a glimpse of worry in his eyes. His brown hair fell across his forehead, almost touching his eyes. His firm grip on her wrist was not sending any pain toward her. She felt her cheeks grow warmer as she kept staring at the one person that could send her heart fluttering for days.


“Are you okay?” Sehun asked, his voice felt like music to her ears. She finally regained conscience and answered Sehun.


“I-I-I’m fine.” Sehun pulled Krystal up and was a few centimeters away from his chest. She inhaled his scent. He smelled of light laundry detergent and something she couldn’t put her finger on. Something... hidden.


“I-I should p-probably go now,” Krystal said, stuttering. Before Sehun could respond, Krystal ran as fast she could. He looked down and saw Krystal's bracelet, lying on the ground. He picked it up and stared back at the running Krystal.


“Wait!” Sehun yelled, but Krystal was too far to hear it.


Sehun looked at the disappearing figure and sighed. All he had of her was the bracelet. So many questions piled in his mind, but none of them had answers.




Krystal quickly opened the door to her and Jessica’s apartment. She closed the door and saw her sister, who before was reading a magazine, now looking at her with puzzlement.


Krystal lives with Jessica because she doesn’t know if she’s ready to live on her own. Luckily, Jessica was kind enough to share her living space with her younger sister.


“Kryssie? Are you okay?” Jessica asked concerned. Krystal was panting with a completely red face. Krystal quickly nods her head.


“Y-Yeah. I’m *huff* fine. I just need to sleep. Good night, unnie!” Krystal rushed away to her room while her sister raised her eyebrows in curiosity. ‘What is going on with my sister?’ Jessica shrugs and goes back to her magazine.


Krystal shuts her door and takes a minute to calm down her breathing. She quickly changes into her PJ’s and brushes her teeth before flopping down on her bed. She looks up at her ceiling and thinks about her and Sehun being that close. She blushes and pulls the covers over her warm face.


Out in the distance, a certain boy was having a hard time going to sleep, thinking about the girl he bumped into. He couldn’t really see her because the lighting was weird, which made him even more curious. He looked at the bracelet on the side of his bed and sighed.


‘Who are you, mystery girl?’


Hello, fellow readers and writers! Did you miss me? :D

I'm sorry it took me so long to update. I was juggling over so many ideas for this chapter and I don't if you guys will like this or not.

So Krystal accidentally left her bracelet and now Sehun has it. But he doesn't know that it was Krystal! So confusing! What lengthes will Sehun do to bring the bracelet back to it's rightful owner? Who knows? ^_-

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Love Ya! <3


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k_nana #1
Chapter 7: I'm really kind of expecting an update since this is a reeeaaaaaallly nice sestal fic. So hope u would update soon. Keep up the good work!!!
mexxco #2
Chapter 7: I also think that jiyoung likes Krystal..hahaha.. update soon
Chapter 6: Why I think Jiyoung is liking Krystal? LOL XD idk I just thinking like that all of sudden. And I was surprised when you announce your hiatus right before I read your story T^T comeback soon~ :D
Chapter 5: Kyaaaaaa!! Lemme be your new fans authornim~!! ≧﹏≦
Please update soon, promise me, kay? Kkk~
mdniljung #6
Chapter 5: Upadate soon pleaseeee
Chapter 5: omgGGGG sehun and krystal kissing *~~~~~*
update moree pleasEE author-nim!!!^^
SkyCrystal #8
Chapter 5: daebak!! I love the story soo much. upload more ^.^ plz i hope baekhyun will help sehun to get to Krystal
PipTheTerror #9
Chapter 5: The plot :O It thickens :O

Masquerades and identity queries? Sign me up.

Nice update, dude

- PiP.
helloimyna #10
Chapter 5: oh my god. this is so awesome. krystal had her first kiss with sehun! whoaaa daebak. update more!