
My 1004

-Jongup's Point of View-

I was alone in the dance studio. In all honesty, I had lost my 'Moon Angel' nickname in just one single night. Babyz know that I always tend to smile and laugh at the silliest things. Plus with my 4D personality, it was easy to make others laugh. But that wasn't possible when the girl I loved betrayed me. She left me because I had failed to protect her. Why? Because she was dragged into a gang fight. Outside of B.A.P I was part of the Demonic Angels. We ruled southern Seoul. But I wasn't around much because of promotions and through the paparazzi, they found Yoomi. So I had quit, just to avoid any more dangers, especially toward the guys who treated me like family.

I remembering paying a special scultor to carve into a stone wall. We measured her size and figure just to make it look like she was an angel. It was in our home base. But I had quit after seeing her die. I didn't want to see the mural that would remind me of her. I thought my gang life was over but it wasn't.

I still had many rivals out in the world and they still wanted revenge. I tried focusing on B.A.P the most but it wasn't much help when I was found alone, trying to get home. Demonic Angel's worst enemy was the Powerful Wolves. In my opinion, they weren't that powerful. They were pathetic. They were the ones that used the stupid strategy of getting Yoomi involved.

Anyway, I was walking home and I got a message that said a friend of mine was in trouble, at our old base. I couldn't turn my back on my friends, that just wasn't right. Ijust assumed we were invaded so I groaned and ran home to the others, throwing all my stuff in my room before changing into my old Demonic Angel clothes. I remember walking out into the living room and everyone was gawking at me.

"Where did the innocent Jonguppie go?" The hyungs all said except for Junhong. He thought I looked cooled. I smiled at him. I gave the hyungs the address just incase anything happens.

"If I don't come back in half an hour, call the police." I said and walked out without answering any questions. I made my way down to the old base. Outside, I dusted my jacket and stepped inside. But the moment I did, a cage fell on top of me, trapping me inside the cold iron bars. I stood back, unamused with my arms crossed. The leader, Joo Jaehyun stepped out, clapping his hands as if he won something.

"Look at the pathetic boy in the cage." He cooed and s laughed.

"What do you want?" I scoffed.

"I want my revenge, for all the times that you beaten my team."

"Is it my fault you were weak?"

"Ha, still as spicy as ever. Your fans really don't know who you are. Behind that smiling face, is a true demon." He paused. "Now that I think about it, Demonic Angel really did fit your gang."

"Duh. Why did you think we chose it?"

"Shut it. Anyway, if you listened to us, maybe Yoomi would still be alive." He started. I was still unfazed. I heard this speech too many times to be affect again. "It was because of you that she died an unfortunate death. You are the reason that your precious Yoomi's family is mourning over their daughter. It's all your fault Moon Jongup."

"Are you done? I have places to be." I said. But from the side, one of his followers dragged something in front of me. It was her. Her. Yoomi. My Yoomi. Her lifeless body.

My blood instantly boiled and raged filled my body.

"I see you're finally reacting." He laughs. "Pathetic. Still affected by a dead girl. Pathetic little boy you are."

The moment he finished his sentence, I kicked the iron bars, making a huge dent. I kicked it again and the followers stepped back. I punched the bars one final time, and it broke. I instantly jumped out of the stupid cage and noticed the boys were slowly and cautiously stepping closer to me. I smirked and they started to jump me.

I was always stronger than they were. In 10 minutes, all of them were laying on the floor, groaning or out cold. It was just me and Jaehyun left.

"Are you ready, you stinking little puppy?" I spat. I could tell he was scared and he tried his best not to show it either. But he drops Yoomi's body and tried to make a run for it. I was quicker. I ran after him, kicking his back and he ended up falling to his knees. I flipped him over and let my anger out on him, punching him from side to side. "You can mess with me all you want. Punch me, kick me, spit on me. But you do not ever disrespect someone's grave!" I shouted punching him on each syllable I said. He was out cold now, with blood trickling down his face.

"Understand!" I shouted one last time with a final punch. I looked up and noticed the old mural. It was our gang logo. The same angel wings I made for Yoomi. I stood in front of it, tracing the engravings, smiling. But when I turned my head, and saw the damage I done, and her dead body, my blood boiled again. I angrily punched the wall, making a crack above the wings. Another pound one after another, and a hole in the wall started to appeared. My hands started to hurt but I just couldn't control my anger. I heard the cement tumble and I looked up. The sun was rising and it shine through like it was a gateway to heaven. For a moment, I thought I saw my Yoomi again. Behind, I heard shuffling and a metal dragging sound.

I reached out to the sun, as if I was trying to reach for her hand. But then I got hit in the head. Everything was fuzzy. I turned around, grabbing the metal bat from the moving member and swung it at his legs with all my strength. He landed on the floor, crying in pain. I was sure I broke them, his legs I mean. I drop the bat and the last thing I remember was hearing sirens and collasping next to Yoomi.


I woke up in the hospital bed, smiling at the ceiling. There was a little white angel hanging from one of the panels. The members started to come in.

"Hi guys." I smiled trying to sit up.

"Look! Moon Angel is back!" Zelo cried and I couldn't help but to smile again.

"Don't hurt yourself. Just lay down and rest." Yongguk ordered. I nodded and laid back in bed.

"I'll go get the doctor." Himchan called.

"I'll go get you food!" Daehyun cooed.

"Are you sure it isn't for you?" Youngjae called after him, both leaving. Zelo just followed Yongguk out the door with Himchan. I look up at the ceiling at the flying angel.

"I'm sorry Yoomi-ah. But thank you for everything you did." I smiled as a flower flew by the window from the early spring breeze.

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rhein_1101 #1
Chapter 6: wah I know this story has no happy endings yet I still read it. voz it's so touching. I like it, really!
Chapter 6: so sadddddd omoooooo im crying already :') great job!:)
stephani_bap #3
Chapter 5: so sweet~~~
This was fun to read!
stephani_bap #5
Chapter 2: himchan's acting is good in that mv! ^^b
stephani_bap #6
Chapter 1: update soon! this is nice ^^