
My 1004

-Daehyun's Point of View-

Hi. My name is Jung Daehyun. I filled in after Himchan hyung... well passed away. I knew he was doing it for his love. And I understood how he felt. I lost my Meelin. Like the others, we all had our angel. But it's been so long...

Maybe 10 years now. Yet I still haven't been able to move on... Yes, there were other girls but I couldn't look at them the way I had looked at Meelin.

I just didn't understand how she one day could have just packed up and leave. I wasn't even home. She didn't leave me a note or anything either.

When I came home, her stuff was gone. The pictures we had taken together, were taken out. It was if I was only imagining her. Even the other members couldn't remember who she was. But I know she was real. Or am I the one that's fake?...

I looked around Himchan's old room. Just like him, his room was filled with random antiques. I found one that really took my interest. I noticed the merry-go-round on his cabinet... But it wasn't going the right way... It was turning backwards. I stared at it confused.

I looked up at the clock and noticed the second hand was going backwards as well. I didn't understand anything. I turned to the door where a secretary stood. She spoke in Korean but it was all jiberish. I didn't understand. Then she walked back out, once again, backwards.

Why is time moving backwards? Am I imagining things?

All of a sudden, Meelin walked backwards and approached me, smiling like she did on the first day we met. I tried to hug her, but it was like I was made of air...

What's happeneing?

Then Meelin walked out again and I couldn't help shout, "Don't go."

I tried picking up the hour glass on the coffee table. My hand went right through it like as if I was a..... ghost?

Am I the one that's dead? I don't understand... I was talking to Youngjae only an hour ago.

I run outside and noticed that the world has completely changed since I last remembered... which was only a few hours ago. Everything was electronic. Flying cars, air tubes, hover crafts. The basic futuristic city.

But if time is like this... shouldn't I be reunited with my Meelin? I ran back into the office building, but it wasn't the same as I had left it moments ago. Everything was in ruined or on display, like it was part of a museum.

I picked up the hour glass with all my strength and threw it across the room, letting the broken shards fly through my body and the sand flying in the air before it landed on the floor.

I landed on my knees, crying. Not able to peice things together until the door opened and 6 people came in, shining.

I looked up and noticed one held out a hand. Looking up at the face, it was my Meelin. The others were my friends, the friends that I had kicked off my singing career with. The 5 friends that were like my brother.

They were all waiting for me. My angels.

I took her hand and I was finally able to head to a better place, just like they did once before.

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rhein_1101 #1
Chapter 6: wah I know this story has no happy endings yet I still read it. voz it's so touching. I like it, really!
Chapter 6: so sadddddd omoooooo im crying already :') great job!:)
stephani_bap #3
Chapter 5: so sweet~~~
This was fun to read!
stephani_bap #5
Chapter 2: himchan's acting is good in that mv! ^^b
stephani_bap #6
Chapter 1: update soon! this is nice ^^