Chapter 23

The Royals

I.. I can't. I don't know what to do. What should I do? 

"Just join them." Mark said. 

"Bu-.." Minjoo replied, she looked up to Mark's face and looked into his eyes. Just trust me Mark thought, and there it was just trust me, she understood him.

"I'll.. I'll join you." Minjoo said out loud, but softly. She looked around seeing the disappointed look from her friends, although they knew she didn't have a choice. It was her family, they were sure they would've done the same. 

"Minjoo.. Don't." Youngjae tugged her sleeve.

"Oppa, it's our parents. What do you want me to do?" Minjoo replied.. And she walked towards her uncle. 

"Good choice. Good choice." Her uncle said, with a big laugh. "In the end, I'll be the leader, everyone will follow me." 

She gritted her teeth and spoke "Let them go." 

"Nono, you got it wrong my dear. I said I'd let them live, not let them go. As long as you do as I wish they will be safe. Now my dear.. About your friends, you have two options, one is to convince them to come to our side. Another is to fight them and kill them." 

"What? You want me to fight and kill my own friends?" Minjoo questioned her uncle in disbelief. I can't do that.. Mark.. Youngjae.. My friends, my brother. She looked at Mark, but once again he gave her the same look, just trust me.

She didn't know what Mark had in his mind, but whatever it was she trusted him. She always trusted him. I don't know how I can help, but right now I need to keep Minjoo safe, and the safest place she could be is next to her uncle because he needs her, Mark thought. 

"Well if you don't like the sound of that, you need to convince them."

"I... I can't. I already betrayed them, I can't ask for any more from them." Minjoo looked at her friends, and down to the ground. 

"Then you have left yourself with no choice, but to fight and kill them." 

"I can't do that. Don't you understand? I've betrayed them. I should be the one that's gets killed I can't fight them."

"Fine. If you don't do what I ask, your parents will die." 

"Uncle. I've already done what you wanted, I've joined you. Leave my parents alone. Leave my friends alone." Minjoo said with a stern voice.

"I'm sorry Minjoo, but I can't. If they won't come to my side they will have to die. That's the only way.." Her uncle replied her, mockingly.

What do I do now? I've already done everything I could. Mark tells me to trust him, but he's not doing anything, and now I'm forced to kill him and all our friends. 

"Wait." Mark called out. 

"Minjoo, let us decide for ourselves, whether we want to join you or not." Mark spoke again. He gave her the same look, just trust me. 

How can I trust him when everyone's life is on my hands? How can I trust him when he's not telling me anything. Minjoo clutched her weapon. Mark turned to his friends and spoke. 

"It is your choice now, whether to join the evil or stay and fight Minjoo. I know it's a hard decision, but I stand by my ground. I will protect the Royals till the end, even if I have to fight Minjoo." Mark announced. 

This has been long overdue, but school is really stressing me out lately. I know this update isn't amazing but I wanted to continue the story.. 

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Seventeen_Minghao #1
Chapter 35: Update pleasee
LynTheRetard #2
Chapter 35: Will you be updating soon? please update! its really interesting :)
xdebbytje #3
Chapter 35: update please!!
XxmarkxiuminxX #4
Chapter 34: YAYY she accepted!!!
Vtae84 #5
Chapter 33: Oh..u hv to update nx chap soon..i want to know if she accpet it or not..
lovelyka #6
DirtyWea #7
Chapter 31: Pls, update soon! I'm still waiting *-*
kissmelover123 #8
Chapter 31: Omg please update i wanna know what happens next !!!!!!!!!!

Kpop4ever91 #9
Chapter 31: yay he is back but how will he help he help her please do something =-(
DirtyWea #10
Wowww! Mark is back babe!
Please update soon!! <3