Chapter 21

The Royals

As they moved on they found Jiwon and JB. Jiwon was teleporting herself back and forth killing the demons, while Jb used the branches the fell on the floor and stabbed the demons being a telekinesis. They held off pretty well themselves, with the help of Jackson getting the demons to kill each other JB and Jiwon managed to break free and joined the group. 

"Let's find the others, we need a new plan." JB said.

Everyone nodded, "That's what we were thinking too!" Mark replied. 

As they walked further into the woods they found Yoonji and Yugyeom, since Yoonji had no powers to help her battles she took up archery when she was younger so she could defend herself from afar, Yugyeom having vampire like teeth were moving around biting into the demons, causing them to fall straight to the ground. Yoonji from afar was guarding Yugyeom by shooting arrows that pierced through the hearts of the demons and werewolves. Being able to stop the demons for a while, they ran off to the next group to Soyun and and Jr. it was a mess at where they were with animals prancing around attacking the werewolves as Soyun was able to order them into killing the werewolves and Jr. screaming high pitched noises which stopped all the activities of the demons and werewolves as they could not stand the pain. 

Everyone finally reached to Ahra and Youngjae, as they moved closer they saw a wall made out of water, and ropes of water were tying the demons around. Ahra was the one that went around killing all the dark creatures. Ahra spotted the group of people, and nudged Youngjae. Youngjae saw the group and motioned them over to him as he had to continue keeping the demons behind his water wall. 

"How are you guys here, what about all the other creatures?" Youngjae questioned.

"We managed to hold them back for a while, and we decided we need to regroup and make a new plan anyways.." JB responded. 

It was true, they were in desperate need of a new plan since their old one didn't seem to be doing much good. Youngjae himself knew it too, we definitely need a new plan. And what's weird is that our parents still isn't here. Did something happen to them? Nevermind. I have no time to worry about them when I'm worrying about us.

"Okay guys, let's think of a new plan. In the mean time Ahra please keep a look out for any creatures that will come near, and Minjoo you listen for them too." Youngjae ordered.

Minjoo and Ahra nodded, there wasn't much they could do with their powers. It worked better when Minjoo actually understood what the other person was thinking, but with the creatures speaking another language it was difficult to understand, though she was taught some words when she was younger by her uncle it wasn't like she remembered them. Ahra herself had trouble looking around them since it was night and the dark creatures did a very good job in hiding in the shadows. Mark took Minjoo's hand as he saw the stressful expression on her face. 

"It's alright, just try your best." Mark whispered to Minjoo while giving her hand a squeeze.

Mark, he always makes me feel better. I could never live without him. Minjoo gave Mark a smile, she felt a tingle run through her body once again but she didn't know what it was. Minjoo began to observe Mark's face as he smiled back, how did I never notice this? But Mark has a really cute mouth.. And when he smiles, it's the cutest thing ever. His eyes. There's something about his eyes. It's beautif-..

"Okay, with our abilities there must be a way we could hold them back.." Youngjae said.

"I can order most of them to kill their own kinds. But this power doesn't last for too long." Jackson said in reply. 

"I can go around killing creatures that have been neglected with Jiwon, and Minjoo could use her light thing again....?" Mark suggested.

"Yeah, that sounds good.. But what light thing are you talking about?" Youngjae asked.

"Minjoo, tell him.. The light thing.."

"Uh.. Well. The thing is.. I have no idea what it is too. I guess in desperate times my hands just rises up itself and light comes out of it..?" Minjoo gave everyone a sheepish smile. I don't know how to explain it too.

"Wait what? You have a second power?" Youngjae asked.

"I guess.. I mean I don't know.. It might just be fluke. I've only had it like twice. And plus I can't control it either." Then something hit her, it reminded her of her uncle. I hope oppa doesn't get jealous over the fact I have two powers. What if. What if he decides to go to the dark side too?

"Ah that's good, try and control it. Whatever it is an extra power would be helpful." I don't know. But oppa doesn't sound that happy about it...

Update, I'm going to try update more! 

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Seventeen_Minghao #1
Chapter 35: Update pleasee
LynTheRetard #2
Chapter 35: Will you be updating soon? please update! its really interesting :)
xdebbytje #3
Chapter 35: update please!!
XxmarkxiuminxX #4
Chapter 34: YAYY she accepted!!!
Vtae84 #5
Chapter 33: Oh..u hv to update nx chap soon..i want to know if she accpet it or not..
lovelyka #6
DirtyWea #7
Chapter 31: Pls, update soon! I'm still waiting *-*
kissmelover123 #8
Chapter 31: Omg please update i wanna know what happens next !!!!!!!!!!

Kpop4ever91 #9
Chapter 31: yay he is back but how will he help he help her please do something =-(
DirtyWea #10
Wowww! Mark is back babe!
Please update soon!! <3