Chapter 2

The Royals

I think I like her. Should I tell her? But she's Mark's bestfriend... She's going to pick Mark for sure. It was meant to be like that anyways.. I should give up shouldn't I?  

Jackson thought. Althought Minjoo didn't notice, but she had a charm, she just naturally attracted other people. The way she was, the way she acted and talked just made other people wanted to care for her. Mark started talking to Minjoo, like they always have.. 

"So what are you doing this weekend? Let's go and eat at this new restaurant I found by the sea! I heard it was really good."

Minjoo nodded. Jackson felt a pang in his heart, he wanted to go too, he wanted to ask Minjoo to something like that. 

"Okay cool! I'm picking you up at 11 then? We can go to the amusement park after we eat, you love it there."

Minjoo nodded again. Mark always knows what I like best, where I want to go the most.

"Hey guys, since summer's coming to an end we should totally go camping THIS WEEKEND!" Yugyeom shouted with the happiest look on his face and I get to spend some quality time with Yoonji!

"YES WE SHOULD okay, we're all in. No bailing! We haven't had real fun for a long time.. We spent our whole summers training and learning how to defend this city." Jiwon said while eating her cream bun. 

"But Minjoo and I are going on a date this weekend!"

What? A date? Wasn't this just a normal hang out?? Minjoo was confused, she looked confused.

Ah crap. I said date. Why did I say date. I was supposed to say hang out.. YAH MARK TUAN WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? She hasn't even picked you yet. She probably won't, you guys are just bestfriends. She'll probably end up picking Jackson. Jackson is cool one, the funny one. Not you.

I knew it. I knew it. They had a thing for each other! And now they're going public.. Any chance I had earlier are now gone. Jackson dropped his head into his hand.. He didn't know what to say.. What to do but this.

"Hah! I knew it, I always knew you were going to end up together. When's the ceremony?" Jackson said with a fake smile on his face. 

But Jiwon knew, she could tell. That her older brother had feelings for Minjoo. She never asked her brother but she could tell, by the way he looked at Minjoo, by the way he treated Minjoo. It was different, it was more.. Gentle. Like she was a precious gem to him. But Jiwon couldn't talk to her brother about it, she knew he would never tell her. And it wasn't like Jiwon knew what to say anyways.. She like all the others assumed Minjoo was going to pick Mark. 


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! 

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Seventeen_Minghao #1
Chapter 35: Update pleasee
LynTheRetard #2
Chapter 35: Will you be updating soon? please update! its really interesting :)
xdebbytje #3
Chapter 35: update please!!
XxmarkxiuminxX #4
Chapter 34: YAYY she accepted!!!
Vtae84 #5
Chapter 33: Oh..u hv to update nx chap soon..i want to know if she accpet it or not..
lovelyka #6
DirtyWea #7
Chapter 31: Pls, update soon! I'm still waiting *-*
kissmelover123 #8
Chapter 31: Omg please update i wanna know what happens next !!!!!!!!!!

Kpop4ever91 #9
Chapter 31: yay he is back but how will he help he help her please do something =-(
DirtyWea #10
Wowww! Mark is back babe!
Please update soon!! <3