Chapter 7 - Hara, I like you. Be my princess

Our Love Is Complicated & Hilarious

Today Minho came to school after a long break. He search Hara. He miss Hara so damn much. Hara I miss you. I like you. Be my princess. Suddenly, Hara walk to classroom. Minho felt happy. She really miss that beautiful face. Really pretty! He said herself. It's strange he is liking a girl. He never like a girl before this. "Hi Hara. I'm sorry for being rude before this." Said Minho at Hara at the bench. It's break time. Hara didn't eat at canteen now. She only reading a book on rest time. Hara suprised Minho is sitting beside her. Dup dap dup dap. She felt strange. What feel is this? Am I in love? Please dont Hara......... Don't. Hara started to talk. "Huh? No. You're not rude. I'm the one who are being rude. I'm sorry for my attitude to you before this. Mian." Said Hara sincerely. She felt sorry to Minho. Minho is a good boy. She know that Minho had many fans in this school but, Minho didn't mention them. Minho is really gentleman to her. She thinks. "Let's be friend. Can we?" asked Minho. Hara think a few second and agreed. "Of course! We can be a great friend. I hope you'll teach me & I will teach you about studies." replied Hara with her smile in her face. "Hmm, pretty." said Minho. To himself replying Hara smile. Today is great day........!!

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Stellasun09 #1
Looks great!
Chapter 15: Congrats for your fanfic choii~~