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Next Chapter(011814)
January 19, 2014
This is our first day being a couple. Today is the feast of the saint. Me and my grandma already finished cooking at around 10 o'clock. Othet visitors started coming already. Kai texted me this morning but he didn't mention him coming today. I wonder if he will come. He should come. He promised me and the other things is its our first day being as one today. So we should really see each other. I want to be with him already.
It's lunch time already and they're still not here even Minhee. I wonder what happen to them. What if their parents didn't allow them and they will not come. I'll sure be disappointed on them if that happens. They know they're the only reason why we prepared for this day. They shouldn't make me wait like this. They're not even texting me if they're getting ready or they're on their way. No text at all.
After a long time waiting for them outside and still no ones coming. I realized Im hungry already. I ate with my sister and her friends. While my grandma is still busy cooking extra dishes to add on the table. I want to eat as much as I can but couldn't. I don't have appetite.
At around 1pm, Minhee came. I was so happy when I saw her. She even invited her parents to come. But they just drop her off and I offer them to have a meal first before they leave and they did. Before Minhee's parents can go. Kai, Suho and Mean came. As usual Kai and I were still shy at each other. Unlike other couples we just smile at each other and that's it. Im pretty sure It'll take us a long time to get comfortable with each other.
When Minhee's parents left. They all ate. Minhee ate like there's no tomorrow. She is so hungry that she keep on coming back to the table. Yeah that's my bestfriend. lol.
After eating we all went outside and set another table there because they want to drink. I already ask Grandma for permission and she allowed us. I mean them. I don't drink nor smoke. Im a good girl. Unlike Minhee who smokes and drinks without her parents knowing it. I won't do that. I won't lie to my parents. Kai knows that I don't drink so he never forced me. Same as Suho. Well actually they all know that I don't do those stuff but sometimes they just can't help themselves from telling me to just try it and I of course will reject them.
I want to sit next to Kai so bad. But I just can't my heart says yes but my nerves won't allow me to do so. I wonder if he feels the same way right now. I was sitting next to Suho while he sat next to Minhee. Honestly, we don't look like were going out. I rented a videoke so we can sing and enjoy today. Minhee keeps on selecting songs and she's really into this. Kai has a good voice and can really sing indeed. Im so inlove with his hot and deep voice. The more he sings, the more I fall inlove with him. While Kai is singing Minhee is taking a video so I can watch it later when they leave. She knows what I want, she knows that I will treasure every picture, every video, every record and everything that is connected to Kai.
At night, Minhee went home early than everyone else. Her parents picked her up already. So there's only the four of us now. Kai, Suho, Mean and I. It's nearly 9 o'clock, they just finishing the last bottle and ready to go home before their parents scold them off. Kai was texting his brother to pick them up because there's no ride going to town at this hour. I told them they can sleep here if they want. And I would love that. I mean Kai would sleep here in the same roof as mine. Is just amazing but I think Kai doesn't want to. I know he doesn't want to sleep at others houses, he once told me that it's not his thing. I told grandma to tell one of our neighbours to pick them up so they can go home and catch the last bus stop in town.
I had fun tonight and I hope he did too. Even though we talk that much I'll still treasure every moment with him. That's the only best thing I can do for this situation. I texted Kai to text me if they're already on the bus and surprisingly they went home too fast. Normally, it takes us an hour to get to town but I think there's no traffic tonight so they only travelled for almost half an hour.
Baby I just got home. Thank you for this day. I love you! :**
(received 10:32pm)
January 20, 2014
Monday. Im kinda nervous and excited at the same time because this is the first day of going to school that Im not single anymore. Finally. I have someone to text me a GoodMorning text, to tell me not to skip meals and to say take care when Im off to school or wherever Im going. Last but not the least I have someone to tell me those three words I've been wanting to hear for ages. I wonder what will his friends reaction when they found out about us. Im scared to know that they don't like me for him, that they would bully me and say things behind my back. I don't want that to happen. I hope there's no one against our relationship. Because if there is I wouldn't know what to do but Im willing to face it and fight for our love as long as I know that Im not fighting alone. That were both going to protect this relationship no matter what.
Why the hell am I over thinking everything. Why am I so negative at everything. I should be positive and think that Kai won't let bad things happen to me or to us. I should trust him this time. Im just so thankful because God gave me someone who can actually change me from being so innocent about love into mature one who thinks about their relationship to be better in everyway I could think of. Someone who loves me as much as I love him. Someone who accept the real me. Someone who cares for me and cares for people I love. Someome who is not perfect but will do everything to make us perfect. He is different from the other guys in different ways. He is my dream boy. My tall, dark and handsome boyfriend. Yes mine. Officially mine. My one and only.
We call each other Babe now. I started it when were texting. We usually call each other Baby but I feel like replying him with a Babe and surprisingly he always reply now with a Babe on it.
At our last subject today. (InfoTech) I want to have moments with him so bad. So I keep on walking by pass him hoping he will talk to me. Were on the computer lab so it's divided into two side. The other side is facing the other computers. If you know what I mean. I was planning something but can't actually think of any. I told Suho I'll do something sweet to Kai. I stood up my chair and planning to go to the other side of the room to ask what to do in this activity to my other classmate which is so obvious since the teacher explained it a few times already. But oh well this is the only way.
"Watch me oppa." I said cheekily to Suho.
I started walking slowly and trying to think of something but still can't until Im two steps closet to Kai. I pinched the side of his tummy while putting my tongue out at him that make him "ouch" and laugh at the same time because it doesn't really hurt he was just shocked of my sudden action. With that 3seconds move I just made it makes me really nervous already. I looked at Suho to see his reaction of what I just did and I chuckled a little to find out he is cracking up laughing back there to my silly moves.
After asking my classmate about the activity that I think he explained really well but I just didn't understand because I wasn't paying attention. I was walking slowly back to my seat when Kai blocked the way and hold my hands.
"Where's my hug?" He said cutely then let go of my hand and let me pass through. I just smiled at him not to look so excited about on what he just did.
I sat on my chair facing Suho with a huge smile on my face. He gave me a wink and then laughs. Knowing that he saw that 6seconds move Kai just made. For that moment I felt his cold, sweaty and soft hands I forgot everything for a while. I can only see him looking at me. That moment my heart beats like a drum. My cheeks and ears were like bleeding as it turns into red from so much blushing. I kept on biting my lip after that 6seconds moment. I will surely treasure the first time we touched each others hands even if its just in a flash.
Annyeong! So what do you guys think if this chapter? kekkekke. :** Lots of loooove.
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ChrisBaek0118 #1
please update soon! i love your stories..
Ice_Deer_722Jjang #2
why this already complete??