Kabanata 43

The Slayer

"Ms. Krystal Jung, can you stay after class? I need to discuss something to you." Amber said after our class ended, I definitely heard Sehun let out a low growl beside me and Luhan sushed him.

"Yes. Miss Liu." I said as gather all my things and prepare for my next class. I waited till everyone left the room before I dragged my feet towards Amber who was still sitting on the Teacher's table with her book carefully placed between her armpit.

"What's wrong with Mr. Oh Sehun, he seems like he wants to rip off my neck since I came in the room."

"You know exactly why Am.."

"Let me guess, he's in love with you and he's not okay with our relationship?" I nodded. "How did he know again?"

"He heard us when you introduced me to your ex- buddy." Amber chuckled at that.

"Youre cute when youre jealous." Amber had commented. "Anyway, I just want to tell you my flight has been set. Im living for the next day so Im hoping I could spend the whole day tomorrow with you? You dont have anymore exams tomorrow, do you?" I shook my head but hesitated to answer.

"Or do you have other plans for tomorrow? I mean, Im cool with anything, really. We can grab some dinner for tomorrow night then watch some movie after if you'll be busy for the day, I can wait till later." Amber said, she mustve read the hesistation in my face.

"Its just I have trai- I mean I have some project to finish for tomorrow and I have curfew now since this happened." I told her and showed her my bruise on my face which I hid with a concealer. "Ive been attacked by.. by a bunch of crazy drunkards last night so my Uncle had set a curfew for me, he's taking me to school now and even picking me up after class.. so.."

"Wait, what? You were attacked? Why didnt you tell me last night?" Amber exclaimed as she raised her hand to carress my cheeks but I pulled away as soon as I saw Sehun's back by the door.

"I just dont want you to worry."

"I'd worry more everytime I'd see bruises in your face Krystal. Seriously, why does it seem like everyone's attacking you lately?"

"I need to go to my next class Amber.." I told her, feeling uncomfortable more when I saw Sehun glared at me than the question itself. Okay thats actually the first time he did that to me, and it doesnt feel right at all.

"Ohh okay. Ahmm then let me know if something else came up, okay? I dont want to be the last to know Krystal."

I just nodded and first. Sehun and Luhan was just right outside the door. Luhan smiled at me and flung his arms over my shoulder while Sehun walked ahead of us.







"Sehun, will you please cut it out?" My voice hitch an octave, feeling really annoyed as my friend being all grumpy around me the whole day and worst is, whenever my phone rings and its Amber's he'll groan and wont talk to me anymore. 

"Cut what out?" Sehun matched my voice and Luhan had gotten between us, "Guys please, lets not fight."

"Tell that to your brother." Sehun refused to talk to me. "Ive already told him sorry for a hundred times already, its not like I chose to love Amber..It just happened. Its not something I can control."

"But she's our teacher. Do you even care of what other's would say if they found out? Or has love blinded you?" I caught on Sehun's sarcasm and scofed at him. "Correction she's just our substitute teacher, she'll be out of the school after this sem. Youre just jealous."

"And so what if I am?" He blurted out, I could see pain mixed with rage and anger in his eyes.

"Sehun, please calm down, I cant let you morph here, were still in public." Luhan said as he patted his brother's head.

"Luhan Im going, since Uncle Yunho's almost here." Sehun draped his backpack on his shoulders before turning around and ran off as fast as he can.

"I dont know what Im saying sorry for. He's just my friend."

"Krys.. Sehun had been in love with you for years. You two have always been so sweet to each other. I, myself, personally thinks that if youre going to be in a relationship it would be with him. So you really cant blame him for acting this way. He's hurt." Luhan tried to reason out.

"So I'll just let him be like this with me? God Luhan. You know how I hate whenever Sehun is angry with me. I just cant stand it."

"He'll come around."









"God, her blood is so enticing.. Those milky skin.. god I want to bite it and it.. And .. I want to drink her blood. I need her blood.."

"Seriously. Youre really getting out of hand. Now feed."



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I dont know what else to do with this fic.....


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Chapter 61: Okay~ I definitely won't sleep on the same bed where my gf ing another girl! Was that even a normal reaction Krystal?! OMG! I'd feel miserable, beyond hurt and run away after seeing that scene right before my eyes if it was me. Gaaah!
Chapter 56: My question is: weren’t Amber and Donghae in wolf forms earlier in the story? Donghae was a white with gray Alpha. When Krystal saw the black wolf, I thought it was Amber but it turned out to be Yuri.
Chapter 45: It's like Amber's character here is only a third person's POV. This fic is more like a sestal fic and only a slight kryber. And Eww,,, I don't like exo members.
Chapter 74: When you said amber should have died ....^^ we know she ain't.
Chapter 73: I just realized that there is two sooyoung! Amber's mom and the white witch leader!
Chapter 72: Bruuhhhhh
Chapter 71: Bruh through out all of this I blame God, like Lucifer was just trying to help the demons and God like didnt give them . Hgsbhskzkskw I dont know what to say because I you can blame Lucifer for wanting to help and be an angel he was. But like damn the love triangle and story of amber, Krystal, yoona, Lucifer, Jessica, yeri, and Jay. Is just so hard but then so perfect and complicated at the same time. I love this story!
Chapter 27: Omg I find this chapter so cute!^^
owheyjae_ #9
Chapter 74: Done w/ this. Nice author! Keep writing! :)
Chapter 74: I didnt expect to Amber died, i was more expecting on Sehun sacrificing himself to safe Krystal. And in the other side Yilsic will have the chance to be together with Jays death.