Kabanata 32

The Slayer

"So Im assuming you havent got your powers yet? Youre still not wearing the ring" Jay said, leaning over the table palcing her elbows on top and clasping his hands together below his chin. I was eating cereal for breakfast while my sister was making the rest some breakfast. I was about to ask what's he was talking about but I remembered that heirloom ring that Uncle Yunho has, its probabaly what he was referring to.

"No, she hasnt." It was Uncle Yunho who just came in, still in his pyjama. "Why you suddenly decided to come in the middle of the night Jay, you couldve had waited. You scared Krystal."

"I didnt scare her, right future sister-in-law?" He turned to me, somehow, I like Yuri more than him and if only Jessica will choose between them I'd be to let my sister choose the wolfgirl. But then again, she's an angel. The Elders can summon her whenever they want and wherever she may be, so she doesnt really have a choice.

"No. Just next time. Be civilized and human enough to knock the door." I told him.

"Okay.. Im sorry about that. I was just trying to catch some mutt on the act."

"Drop it Jay." My sister coldly said without throwing the man a look.

Jay loosened up and rested his back on the chair. "Im just kidding hun. I know she's also youre mate, I can do nothing about that demon part of yours but do please be reminded that Im your other half in Heavens and down here on earth. Dont forget that." Jay's voice was oppressive. Making it know that he has some kind of ownership on my sister. And it just stirred annoyance in me.

"Okay.. Before anything else happens, go home early Krystal. Your training will start tomorrow and you need to be rested well since Jay here will probably break all your bones." Uncle Yunho said, closing the fridge after he got his juice box.

"What? Youre kidding right? Right?" I looked at Uncle Yunho then to Jay but they all just shook their heads.

"They're serious Krystal so no more late night hangout okay? By the way, how's the twins? I havent heard of them since your monday, it'll be their birthday this wednesday right?" Jessica placed a plate of toased bread and sunny side up eggs on the table and situated right next to me. Uncle Yunho then joined us with his juice on his hand.

"Theyve been absent for days now too. I dont know whats wrong with them. Im going to school now.

"Call me out when something happen. I'll hear you."







Odd, both the twins were again absent and I was left alone on the lunch table which we usually share. I was eating alone when a food tray was placed right infront of mine. Raising my head, my heart skipped a beat to find my beloved girlfriend smiling down at me.

"Hope you dont mind me joining you Ms.Krystal Jung." She said and before I could answer she already sat down. That stirred hisses and whispers around the cafeteria. Usually its the students who joins the georgous teacher on lunch and not the other way around. I hate it ofcourse, seeing how girls swarming my girlfriend and I cant do anything about it but glare at those girls cause as much as I want to do the same and join Amber in lunch when she's alone,I cant do it. Not, without attracting any rumor, and that the twin would be the first to think of something fishy since I never did tried to sit with a professor during lunchbreaks, so I ended up letting them be while Im in turmoil. The disadvantages of being in a secret relationship. You cant be together in public.

"The twins isnt around again I see? Are they still sick?" She asked casually but I could feel her toe brushing on my leg. I threw a glare at her before turning around to see if someone saw that.

"We're in school."

"I know." She pulled her chair closer to the table so she can stretch her legs all the way to my side.

"Someone might see."

"So?" Again, she moved her legs so its brushing mine and damn, it makes me so hot and inside. To think that her legs is covered with clothes.

She acted normal and talked normal. One cant say that she's doing something naughty to me while Im the opposite cause my face is totally giving me away.

"Stop it..."I barely voiced out. "Amberrr.." I held my mouth at the sudden moan I elicited. She smirked at me and laughed lightly. 

"Here, you need this more than I do, you seem really thirsty." She said placing her bottle of soda in my hand before pushing off from her seat and coolly walked out from the cafeteria. I looked around, trying to find anyone who couldve saw whatever interaction the teacher and I just recently had.

Damn you Amber Liu.






"Oh hi honey." Auntie Oh opened the door for me but instead of invting me in, she went out and closed the door behind her.

"Auntie, youre home early." I took notice. Usually she came home around 6 or later than that unless its emergency.

"The boys are sick so I didnt go to work today." I only nodded. "Can I see them?"

"I know youre worried about them honey, but today isnt the best time. Im sure they wouldnt even want to face you. You know how the boys are. They'd rather not have you catch their cold too."

Well that's true, the twin doenst want to share some of their illnesses whenever they have one so we always end up not seeing each other at times like this, but having no messages from them for the past days, ofcourse it made me worried.

"Can you tell them I came by and to call me when they both feel better tomorrow?"

"Ofcourse Krystal.. Ofcourse. Now off you go, its going to be dark soon."

"Thanks Auntie Oh." I kissed her cheeks and bid her goodbye and head home.







"I cant let her see me like this. She cant see me like this."

"She will, eventually."


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I dont know what else to do with this fic.....


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Chapter 61: Okay~ I definitely won't sleep on the same bed where my gf ing another girl! Was that even a normal reaction Krystal?! OMG! I'd feel miserable, beyond hurt and run away after seeing that scene right before my eyes if it was me. Gaaah!
Chapter 56: My question is: weren’t Amber and Donghae in wolf forms earlier in the story? Donghae was a white with gray Alpha. When Krystal saw the black wolf, I thought it was Amber but it turned out to be Yuri.
Chapter 45: It's like Amber's character here is only a third person's POV. This fic is more like a sestal fic and only a slight kryber. And Eww,,, I don't like exo members.
Chapter 74: When you said amber should have died ....^^ we know she ain't.
Chapter 73: I just realized that there is two sooyoung! Amber's mom and the white witch leader!
Chapter 72: Bruuhhhhh
Chapter 71: Bruh through out all of this I blame God, like Lucifer was just trying to help the demons and God like didnt give them . Hgsbhskzkskw I dont know what to say because I you can blame Lucifer for wanting to help and be an angel he was. But like damn the love triangle and story of amber, Krystal, yoona, Lucifer, Jessica, yeri, and Jay. Is just so hard but then so perfect and complicated at the same time. I love this story!
Chapter 27: Omg I find this chapter so cute!^^
owheyjae_ #9
Chapter 74: Done w/ this. Nice author! Keep writing! :)
Chapter 74: I didnt expect to Amber died, i was more expecting on Sehun sacrificing himself to safe Krystal. And in the other side Yilsic will have the chance to be together with Jays death.