Best Friends For Ever Right?

Do You Want A Cup Of Coffee?


Eunyoung was allowed to stay at the staff room since she was still pale and they didn't want her getting hurt anymore. At first Eunyoung did not agree until N promised her that by the time the shift was over, he would be the first to head home. This made Eunyoung agree. As everyone left Eunyoung checked her phone and was shocked to see that she had 7 messages from Ellin already. 


From: Ellin

To: Eunyoung

Hey! I just finished my model shoot it was soo amazing!



From: Ellin

To: Eunyoung

You wanna go to something I am tired and I want to hear all about your new job!



From: Ellin

To: Eunyoung

I'm super excited to be able to talk to you now that I got free time so where you wanna me?



From: Ellin

To: Eunyoung

Eunyoung-shi!!! Where are you????



From: Ellin

To: Eunyoung

Please pick up! If your mad at me :(......



From: Ellin

To: Eunyoung

Fine Don't talk to me then!!

Haha Ellin you are like the cutest thing Eunyoung said with a giggle as she immedietly typed a message back asking to hang out.




Hey sorry I haven't been answering things have been going on but I'll be happy to hang out where do you want to go?

5 Minutes Later....


From: Ellin

To: Eunyoung

Eunyoung! I thought you were mad at me but sure let's go to a cafe place I just heard is great for girls cause of the boys it's called Jellyfish Cafe!

Eunyoung could not help but feel worried. What happen if N oppa sees Ellin and then will he like her instead so Eunyoung came up with a plan.



From: Eunyoung

To: Ellin

Hey I heard that place has really bad food and coffee how about we go to a restaraunt instead? :)



From: Ellin

To: Eunyoung

Ok K-pop then



From: Eunyoung

To: Ellin

Ok then!



Eunyoung quickly packed up her stuff and left a note telling N that she was going back home.

* * *

As Eunyoung opened the keys...she started crying. The pictures of her and her mother was still hanging from the wall. They looked so happy that Eunyoung wishes that it could be like that again. As she quickly ran up to wipe her tears away she kept on repeating that everything will be but she will soon know that she was so wrong......

End Of Chapter 4



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Chapter 18: N is jerk (I'm saying that with a poker face , okay)
Seriously?! I can't see why Eunyoung still love him , he broke her heart countless times
He never think before act , everything he do will only make Eunyoung's heart break AGAIN
I think even Seyong is better than him , atleast Seyong didn't break her heart countless times >.<

YippieM #2
Chapter 18: heart broke for Eunyoung. I wanna see Seyong to be with her hehehe my imagination.
touchchandara #3
Chapter 8: I really want eunyoung pair with ken
wanda22 #4
Chapter 17: yeheet.. thanks for updating.. i'll wait for the next chapter.. ^^
wanda22 #5
Chapter 15: thanks for updating.. ^^
wanda22 #6
please update it soon, i really like ur story.. fighting ^^
Oh Yea I wanted to ask does my poster show I can't tell since i have y internet just asking...... O-O
touchchandara #8
Chapter 3: good please hurry to update it I can't wait to read it