
The Love I Wanted

“She blushed and so did he. She greeted him in a faltering voice, and he spoke to her without knowing what he was saying.” 
― Voltaire, Candide



Sunyoung's POV

Compared to the dark and rainy sky last night, the weather seemed to have brightened up a few notches higher, which is good, actually, because I didn't have my umbrella. The umbrella I gave to Baekhyun. Hopefully he kept it safe. But I think I trust him he would.

The walk to my room was quiet. Hana was absent. So for the whole day, I'll be journeying all through out this jungle-of-a-campus by myself. I actually don't worry being by myself.  All I do worry though is how Hana is missing a lot of classes lately. And numerous absences can lead to a straight failing mark.

I greeted friends here and there, said my hellos to a few people, and my hi to some others. And after that, I entered my room.

I was a few minutes early that day. So I was in no hurry. The airconditioning inside the room though is what I aimed for. So I went inside the room.

Students were already starting to pour in. No site of Hana. Didn't expect her too, anyway.

So I still got shocked when someone called my name.


It was a sweet and soft sing song voice. I still find his voice very appealing and attractive every time I hear it. But I have no idea why it was in a sing song voice. If I didn't know who that voice belonged to, I probably would have thought I wasn't the one being called.

Baekhyun sat beside me and gave me a very bright smile. Quite distracting, though. Because his big smile is brighter than usual. And it made my heart go ba-bump even faster than usual.

But I still have to maintain cool.

"Oh hey, Baekhyun."

I watched as he ped his bag and took out my umbrella. He handed me my umbrella and giggled. "Thank you."

His laugh is even infectious. I giggled with him. "Why? What's funny?"

He continued his laughter first before replying. "Professor's not present."

"Not again?"

He laughed. "Yeah."

"Why are you laughing?"

He laughed. "This is my only class."

"Me, too."

And we both started laughing at that. 

Do Kyungsoo sat in front of us. "I can't believe he's not here again. I waste my time being a student if the professor won't even attend to his students. It's not amusing."

Baekhyun chuckled and patted Kyungsoo's shoulders. "Don't worry. He'll probably give some extra points to students who come here, like us."

Kyungsoo's wide eyes blinked. "You think so?"

Baekhyun nodded. "Yeah." And then he turned to me. "Right, Sunyoung?"

I'm taken by surprise by the way he suddenly treats me now. As if we immediately became closer just because of yesterday. It feels good and scary at the same time. 


Baekhyun's POV

She nodded at Kyungsoo and I. I wonder if she does know that there really are plus points or she just nodded to appease Kyungsoo's mind?

"I see..." Kyungsoo said. "So can we go now? This is my only class, too."

He was about to stand up, but I pulled him back. "Ey. Wait! Let's just wait for a while!"

"What? I wanna go!"

I didn't want to go because Sunyoung's not going yet. But all hope came crashing.

"I better go, actually," Sunyoung said and smiled. She immediately picked up her bag, and waved at us. "So, see you guys tomorrow?"

I was crestfallen. I actually wanted to spend time with her more like this. But Kyungsoo already nodded and waved at her goodbye. Sunyoung walked towards the door, and I watch her disappear from it.

"What's that look, Baekhyun?"

I turned to Kyungsoo. "What?"

He raised an eyebrow with a playful smile at the corner of his lips. "I know that look." He wagged a finger. "Tsk, tsk, tsk."

I just ignored Kyungsoo and sighed. "Whatever. I don't know what you're talking about."

"Why don't you just ask her to go out?"

I almost slipped off of  my sit. "What?!! That's not what you think!"

"Seriously, Baekhyun." He stood up. "You're an open book. Just try, though. It's not a date. You're just gonna eat outside." Then he left me alone.

I thought about it, and thought, why not?





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ilabya49 #1
lunarflowerx #2
Chapter 4: I hope to see an update from you soon! ^^
Chapter 6: ur story is flawless just like you,the writings,the scenes are so imaginable,not too cliche' just perfect
Chapter 6: i'll wait for your next update! great story! ^^
lunarflowerx #5
Chapter 4: I adore your story!
I made an account just to let you know!

It's just so sweet but I'm dying because...ahhhh the feels!

Keep up the great work, I can't wait to read more. :)
Chapter 4: awwww, how sweetttttt author-nim >.< please update soon, this is kind of story I'm looking forrr!!!
Chapter 4: Oh gosh... that was just sweet. I bet if Baekhyun would smile or laugh the whole class would be drawn to him as well. ^^
Diamondkai88 #8
Chapter 3: Like it..its simple and so straight forward..very refreshing to my brain..hihi..keep up!