

I've come up with a quick three shot!
Prompt: if i ever get the chance to meet EXO upclose and personal i think it'd go something like this....
 It'll most likely be only 3 chapters, hope you guys like it!
Story line:
You're accompanying your best friend, who's a couple years older than you, to a music show. You're just there to help out your friend, who's a Coordi  and you're both assigned to do the makeup of the backup dancers and vocalists for the entire show. 
But you're running late, you're lost, and as you're trying to find your way  you bump into EXO.
What happens next? 
Subscribe and find out!
Hope you guys like it!
It might end up being longer idk yet but scroll down to the forward for a preview!


*backstage at some music performance*
". Where do I go again?"
The corridor i was standing in backstage looked exactly like the one i passed five minutes ago. No matter which way i turned, no matter if i went up one way or down the other, everything surrounding me looked exactly the same.
"Oh crap oh crap. Unnie's gonna KILL me." I think to myself.
"Aisht. Why did you leave me behind?! Couldn't you have taken me to the dressing room first before going back to the car to get the makeup you forgot?!"I muttered angrily under my breath as i turned down yet another long white hallway. It was strangely eery. No one was backstage due to the fact that the show had started already. The artists were already getting queued up and the coordis were rushing around the sound check system making sure no technical difficulties would happen. As for me? Why am i there? I came with my best friend to help do the makeup of the backup dancers and vocalists. But being the idiot she is, she left the most important box of makeup- the one with foundation, eyeliner, bronzer, and all our brushes- in the car. And left me here to find my own way to the dressing room struggling with four other boxes of makeup.
At this point I think we're going to get fired because we're already ten minutes late. 
"Aisht. WHERE'S THE STUPID ROOM." My frustration echoed down the hallway and i gave up. Sliding down to the floor i leaned my back against it and dropped the boxes unceremoniously to the ground by my feet and curled up into a sad, little pathetic ball.
I was just focusing on my breathing until i heard a door opening along with multiple loud voices overlapping each other and the sound of footsteps coming my way.
"Hey, who's that?"said a person with a deep voice.
"She looks kinda.. lost?" 
I sighed in relief, maybe they can help me!
The footsteps came closer and stopped infront of me. I peaked at their shoes and was slightly taken back. There were 2 pairs of shoes infront of me but out of the corner of my eye i spotted more, a lot more. And they were all white converse shoes.
I looked up just and began to ask for help just as someone knelt down, resulting the both of us to talk at the same time.
"Excuse me-"
"Can you help-"
And that's when the world froze. 
Kneeling in front of me was Suho and directly behind him was Chanyeol and behind the both of them was the rest of EXO.
I forgot how to breath for a second before i realized how much my body craved oxygen and finally let out the breath i didn't realize i had held in.
"H-Hey..Are you okay?" Suho asked, his face twisted in slight concern.
I quickly snapped out of shock and nodded rapidly, my hands shaking a little as i grabbed the boxes of makeup and hastily stood up only to bow a him and EXO before bolting down the halls.
I heard a quick "WAIT!" but i didn't stop for i was beyond embarrassed and star struck, so i fled down the hall hoping i'd end up where i was needed.
But no such luck.
And that wasn't the end of my embarrassment either, as soon as i stopped to catch my breath i heard the sound of running footsteps behind me.
My eyes widened as i thought, "No way. It couldn't be them.. right?"
I turned my head to sneak a look and yelped.
Running down the same hall was EXO, and Suho was at the front holding up a black box and waving it frantically in my direction. 
"OH CRAP!"I muttered as i held up my arms to scan my belongings and sure enough i only had three boxes instead of four.
I wanted to run again. This was so embarrassing, how am i going to explain why i ran off before?! 
Before i could decide what to do i heard him yelling "WAIT!! YOU GUYS SLOW DOWN, YOU'RE GONNA MAKE ME CRASH INTO HER-"
And then i felt the impact of all twelve people crashing into me.
hey hey please tell me what you all think so far! thank you~


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Oh lol! Lololololololol!!!!
Ohemgee~ TWELVE guys crashed into me..
That would leave a few bruise here and there~ LOL~
I don't mind as long it's EXO! Lololol~!!

I really ROTFL when Suho shouted!

The dongsaengs always follow what the leaders do~ KYEOPTAAAA AAA~!!! ♡
hey guys! first chapter is up! please tell me what you think so far~
opparisgay #3
I like this idea, update soon =D
hey if you guys havent seen the story feed, my family dropped by and took me out to dinner so because of that te first chapter will be up at 8pm PST instead! sorry for the wait!
alobeiro #5
Waiting for the first update o/