Home is where you find it


In which EXO and B.A.P are really aliens and V is Baekhyun and Daehyun's legitimate alien son.


Inspired by V and Baekhyun's interaction at the Golden Disk Awards


(I know I really should learn how to link on this website)

Summary: In which EXO and B.A.P are really aliens and V is Daehyun and Baekhyun's legitimate alien son.


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Chapter 1: omg finally someone that writes about their alien heritage. ><

Chapter 3: Never thought a story about Hyun family could be this sweet (and so relatable with many facts about them I read out there). Thank you for posting this! This work is surely nice! :D
Chapter 3: Daehyun idk that you could be that sweet :'))))))
Chapter 2: So they alrd knew, there's nothing to be worry anymore then ! ㅋㅋㅋ
Glad they accept him with open arms :))
Chapter 1: Aaaaaaawwwwww i really love their interaction !! Love eyeliner fam so much ♥
Chapter 2: Daebaektae is real alien.?'
Wow i can't believe it,
But this story is very funny and unique
multishipper_sheep #7
Chapter 4: Ooown this story is so beautiful >u<
Chapter 3: Your sequel brought me to this fic LOL Anyways...I luffed it xo mucheu~~^^ Gonna go read the sequel xD
Chapter 4: It's fluffy,funny and sad at the same time! ;A;
Chapter 3: I ended up reading this because you left such a nice comment on our Kooklo story and I saw you wrote stories about Daebaek and V (which I am obsessed with!!)I literally die every time there is some sort of interaction between BTS/B.A.P/EXO, looking for clues that they are a family >< And I am currently mad at Dae for ignoring his son on every damn music show, even if V is MCing and interviewing B.A.P -_-'

This story was so adorable and touching! I love the references to Daebaek's love story, how they met and got married and so on <3 It almost deserves it's own flashback prequel :P I laughed so hard at Baek not liking J-Hope XD ahah I do that with my little sister (trying to overprotect her and control her love life ><), so I related a lot with worried/jugding amma-Baekhyun.

Now off to read the sequel ^^