myungyeol_: Kiss (Myungsoo)

Infinite One Shots Galore!


Myungsoo was laying down on the floor of the practice room gaining his breath back. He looked over where the music was being controlled by ChoHee. While Infinite were taking their rest break, ChoHee was playing Crying from Infinite's Over The Top album. It was her favorite song for a reason Myungsoo didn't like at all. Her boyfriend Hoya rapped on the song along with Dongwoo. It was just them and Baby Soul.


As Myungsoo watched ChoHee snuggle with Hoya, he was hiding the fact he was furious. Filled with jealously, wishing it was him in Hoya's place. The worst part of all – to Myungsoo – was that they actually made a cute couple. Though they looked cute, it boggled Myungsoo's mind how Hoya took the place he was slowly making his way up to.


“You should sing to me,” ChoHee said to Hoya pulling out her cute act to make sure he said yes.


“I will later. Right now we have to practice,” Hoya said.


Everyone groaned in protest and Sungjong covered his ears.


“Lalala~ I didn't hear the word practice,” he said.


Even with Sungjong's attempt to pretend he didn't hear the word practice, they went back to dancing and ChoHee watched out for anyone making a mistake. She noticed that Myungsoo was a beat off and stopped the music without warning.


“We were doing good,” Sungjong whined.


“All of you were good but Myungsoo wasn't on beat. You're going to have to start over.”


“Okay, let's take it from the top,” Sunggyu said.


The got back in their positions and ChoHee restarted the song. She kept her eyes on Myungsoo and saw the determination in his eyes. He sang his part then it moved on to Woohyun who at the end, lifted up his shirt. Hoya stopped dancing and told ChoHee to cut the music.


“Now what?” Sungyeol asked.


“Myungsoo was doing good, why did you have me stop it?” ChoHee asked.


“Woohyun can't be randomly lifting his shirt and just showing off his abs,” Hoya said.


“Why can't he? It's practice,” ChoHee said.


“Hoya is saying he can't because you're here,” Myungsoo explained.


ChoHee nodded as she got up and gave Hoya a hug.


“Silly. His abs don't affect me.”


“I still don't want him doing it.”


ChoHee went back to her seat and had everyone get in position.


“Be Mine, from the top. Let's be the in synch robots that people say you are and Woohyun, the other members would appreciate if you kept your shirt down.”


Myungsoo could have sworn he heard Woohyun mumble about how his “abs could not be tamed” before the music started. It threw him off and once again the music was stopped.


“Just once! I want to get through the song!” Sungyeol said, annoyed.


“We will,” ChoHee assured him.


She sent everyone off to get lunch but had Myungsoo stay back.


“I can do this,” Myungsoo told her.


“I know you can. You've done it on the music shows. Your just tired from going back and fourth from Japan to here.”


Myungsoo was glad to here she at least didn't think he wasn't good. She started the music up and had Myungsoo dance for her. Some might think that with the eyes of the person he loved watching him, he would mess up. It was that however that caused Myungsoo to do so well. Hoya wasn't in the room which meant Myungsoo wouldn't be compared to him. He performed with all his heart, in an attempt to win ChoHee's heart.


“That's what I like to see,” ChoHee said as Myungsoo finished.


She raised her hand so Myungsoo could high-five it however Myungsoo pulled her into a hug. As of now, he didn't care that she looked happy with Hoya. Myungsoo got a sudden wave of selfishness and was now going to get his answers.


“Why are you dating Hoya? Why does he have your heart?”


“What kind of question is that?” ChoHee asked.


“The kind a jealous man asks.”


ChoHee tried to push away from Myungsoo's grasp but couldn't. She was already in his grasp and he wasn't going to let her go.


“Myungsoo, please.”


“I'm not going to do anything. Just, tell me.”


“Well, Hoya is a triple threat. He can dance, sing, and rap. Plus he is kind and...”


“I'm just a pretty face,” Myungsoo finished for her as he let her go.


He sat down in front of the mirror and ChoHee bit her lip, unsure of what to do. She decided it was safe to sit next to him and tried to give him some encouraging words.


“Your more then a face. You have a wonderful voice and you can dance too. Hoya is just better when it comes to dancing and singing. It's my opinion though! I'm sure that there are fans out there that love your voice and maybe some like it more then Woohyun's.”


“That's another thing. Since Woohyun's been showing his abs on TV I feel as if he's becoming more known for his looks. I just feel like a failure.”


“Myungsoo, you are no where near a failure. Woohyun may have shown his abs a few times but that doesn't mean he'd take your spot as visual. Your the visual for a reason.”


Hearing the last sentence made Myungsoo smile. It didn't occur to ChoHee how her words sounded. After another few minutes of trying to give Myungsoo a pep talk, he came up with an idea.


“So you say that I dance well but I'm not the best, right? How about we make a bet and if I make more then one mistake then I grant you a wish. If I don't mess up, then you grant me one.”


ChoHee was nervous to except seeing as she was now aware of Myungsoo's feelings. Before she could answer him, the others came back with food. ChoHee reached her arms out had Hoya come over and help her up. Myungsoo noticed she acted like nothing had ever happened. She sat next to Hoya while everyone ate and she laid her head on Hoya's shoulder. It made Myungsoo boil inside.


“Are we going to do it or not?” he suddenly asked in a loud voice to be heard over everyone.


The members stopped taking and looked over at Myungsoo. ChoHee knew what he was talking about.


“I don't think we should.”


“Don't think you should what?” Hoya asked.


Myungsoo explained the bet he had made and everyone seemed to have mixed feelings.


“It will ensure we get through the song, I say do it,” Sungyeol said.


Sungjong was right there with Sungyeol and so was Sunggyu. Hoya was worried about what the wish would be in Myungsoo won so he was against it and had Dongwoo and Woohyun backing him up. ChoHee wound up agreeing and for the rest of practice everyone seemed to keep a close eye on Myungsoo and looked for possible mistakes. He didn't make a single one and won the wish. Myungsoo asked for a moment alone and after much protest from Hoya, it was him and ChoHee.


“Kiss me,” he said to her.


ChoHee just stood there and ignored his wish. Myungsoo sighed and knew he wouldn't get it by asking. He walked up to ChoHee and grabbed her wrist. He leaned in and stopped a few centimeters away.


“You really want to kiss me?” ChoHee asked, staring at Myungsoo's lips.


“Yes,” Myungsoo said before finally kissing the girl he loved. 


I hope you like it! ^^

Note for my subscribers: it's only been one week of school and I'm already exhausted >.< I'm trying to put school first for once and not my writing. I will still be making one shots and I will still take requests. However, they might take a while. I know for a fact this school year will be a crazy one for me so I'd thought I'd let everyone know! But just because it will be crazy don't be afraid to request! I'll need to write some wonderful Infinite one-shots and get my mind off school for a while.

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NADAvheart #1
Chapter 6: Oh my god i just love your stories can you please make me one
Am nada and my bias is sunggyu
Characters: Lee Enna (OC) & Kim Myungsoo\L (INFINITE)
Song: Before The Dawn By INFINITE
Genre: Angst, Dark, Horror, Romance.
Plot: Enna was kidnapped by the hand of a vampire Kim Myungsoo, Myungsoo make her his slave, torture and drunk her blood, she want to escape but how? and worst, she fall in love with him?

i really look forward to my request, thank you in advance Author-nim :)
hi! could i have a sunggyu one shot? thank you!
siaangge #4
Chapter 5: i love all your stories :) pls make me one. Me (Gel) and my partner Kim Sunggyu :P i want that me and sunggyu be married. :D HAHAHAHAH! i can't think of a good story for us. Maybe a Lovestory will do. Pls make our's an incredible story. HAHAH Such a demanding :) Thanks in advance :)
Chapter 37: omo~! there's a chapter for me xD
thank you so much~~~
Chapter 2: Sweet namstar <333
Chapter 16: “I love her so much! I love her so much I don't know where to begin!”

“Then tell her. It doesn't do anything to tell me all of this.”

Lol! Typical Hoya!!!
Chapter 11: The mind playing game with L is so cute!!!!
Chapter 2: Awwwww! Love this! Woohyun's so great!