Chapter 4

STARES (from the guy at table number 7)

I went to the kitchen and grabbed some loaves of bread, inserting it inside the toaster. I also grabbed the box of fresh milk inside the fridge. Yeah, I like fresh milks rather than coffee. It’s much healthier you know.

After eating my usual breakfast, I checked my clock and it said that it’s already 8:00 in the morning. WHAT? 8:00?

I have only an hour left before Jongin will arrive! My Gosh, I must hurry! I MUST HURRY!


I ran to my bathroom and brushed my teeth. I also had a bathed in there. Then ran there, ran here, ran everywhere…. I’m a weirdo right? Yes I am, especially when I’m in my panic mode. OMO! What should I wear?

I opened my closet and searched for the nicest things to wear. My Gosh, how could I even pick the nicest when my shirts and pants here are all nice? I chose seven shirts and six pants to pick from, but it’s definitely hard. Harder than you think.

In the end, I chose a white V-neck shirt with some weird printings in it, topped with a long-sleeved black polo; sleeves folded up to three-fourths of my arm just below my elbow, a black skinny jean, and a pair high-cut converse shoes. I also added some accessories.


“Ding Dong” “Ding Dong”


Oh my gosh, he’s here! I ran to the door and gladly opened it saying hello to Jongin.

Wait…Why do I even feel so excited knowing that Jongin will come by and pick me for our date? Wait…It’s not a date! No no no It’s definitely not a date. It’s just a friendly date I guess. Arssh! Just call it a hang out!

 But instead of saying hi or hello back, he laughed at me. He laughed like I have something on me that I don’t know. Is he insulting my fashion? Hey!

“Yo Jongin! Why are you laughing at me?” I glared and pouted at him, crossing my arms. He then laughed more. “Hahaha- Don-Don’t make me lau-laugh so hard K-Kyungie!” he panted still laughing like there’s no tomorrow, chasing his breath.

“Hey! Are you insulting me?” now, I put my arms on my waist and glared at him more. If the phrase “sharp stares” is literally said, he must me dead now…or at least bleeding so much right now.


As soon as his happiness faded, he walked to me and slightly run his hands towards my hair, ruffling it! “Hey stop doing that!” I shouted. “My hair would be a-“

And it hit me! So that’s why he’s laughing at me so hard…because my hair is a MESS! Oh gosh this is embarrassing! I kept myself busy earlier choosing what to wear and I don’t even take care of my hair? Oh my, I actually forgot about it! I didn’t even combed it! Embarrasing!

I blushed madly then ran upstairs to my room, slamming it.

I sat on my bed and covered my face using my both hands trying to erase what just happened earlier in my mind. *sighs* I stood up and went in front of the mirror, staring at my reflection before grabbing the comb and started combing my hair. I also put some hair wax in it making it kinda sticky and stylish.

I headed out of my room and went to Jongin. He stared at me for a moment…then suddenly bursts into fits of laughter. What?

“Seriously Kyunggie? Hahahaha!” he laughed harder making me groan in frustration. This kid is annoying at times!

“What? I have already styled my hair. What’s funny?”  >_<”

“Style? You call that style? Hahahaha!”

What’s wrong with the style of my hair? I think it looks pretty good on me.

“Shut up Mr. –“  but before I could continue my protest, I felt his hand grabbed my wrist, pulling me towards my room. Did he even asked for my permission for him to get inside my room? *rolls eyes* I should have felt so angry towards him now, but I can’t. I don’t know why though. It’s just, I felt something towards this guy that is kinda special. It’s pretty weird though, I haven’t felt this thing ever before; the thing that you enjoy someone’s company even they’re so annoying.

I paused myself for a moment making him stop. He looked at me in a curious look and I just escaped my wrist from being gripped then crossing my arms to my chest. I raised an eyebrow before saying, “Uhmm not to be rude but will you get out of my room? As far as I remember, you didn’t even asked permission for you to come inside my private place.”

He looked stunned at what I say. “Oh I’m sorry.” He looked down on the floor, maybe embarrassed. He then slowly walked pass me and heading outside my room. But I stopped him by grabbing his wrist just like he does with mine turning him around to face me. “I’m just joking Jongin! Hahaha.” I said. But actually, I’m not really joking. I just felt a pang inside my heart when I saw him turn his cheerful face into something sad…and I’m sure that’s because of what I’ve said.

He then smiled wide at me making my heart skip a beat. Gosh! His smile is so cute!

Wait! Did I just call him cute?

Is a guy supposed to praise another guy’s beauty in such way? Or is it that I have something about this guy? Oh my gosh, here I am again!

‘Kyungsoo…stay focused on your track! No, you don’t like Jongin! YOU DON’T LIKE JONGIN! It’s just because you haven’t even liked someone before! Just it! You like girls okay! Girls and their s! Not guys!’   I said to myself in my mind.



“So Kyunggie hyung, let me style your hair.” He said then winked at me…and I’m sure a felt some heat on my face. Oh my goodness, I’m blushing…am I not?



I handed him my comb and hair wax. He poured some of it in his hands then rubbed it together before coating my hair with it.  He then used my comb to style it the way he wanted it to be. I hope it would come up great.


After his session of styling my hair, he grabbed my shoulders then turned me around making me face the mirror…and uh, who’s that handsome guy? Oh My Gosh! It’s me! I can’t believe it! After what he did, I ended up looking definitely great! I can’t even imagine that I could be as handsome and manly-looking as this before!

Some of my hair stood up especially the ones that are in the middle, some of them are just neatly laid, and some strands of hair flips in my forehead…just like Wow.


I smiled at my reflection and I saw him smile too. I turned around and looked at him with a wide smile, teeth shown up…a smile like Chanyeol always did. Not that I like that smile, it’s just I’m happy so I can’t control my lips to curl up and show a definitely idiotic smile.

Jongin put his hand on my cheeks, cupping it. “You like it? You look so cute in this hair.” He said.

I nodded in response saying “Yes, I definitely like it!”

Little did I know, I was blushing madly…


^^^^^ ***** ^^^^^

We headed out my house and I was shocked that we are about to ride a motorcycle which Jongin owned. It’s stylish and pretty but I’m not used in riding these kid of stuffs.

Jongin probably saw my reaction when I saw the vehicle so he asked, “Is anything wrong? Are you afraid of riding it?”

I turned my gaze to him and I just can’t construct a sentence or even say a word, just a simple “Uh.”

“You know, we could just commute and ride a bus if you don’t like riding my motorcycle. I have enough money in here.” He said

“Oh no no, please no. There’s no problem with it. I’m brave enough to ride this.” I smiled at him making him giggle. “You sure?”

I nodded in respose. Actually, I’m totally afraid of riding this stuff but because I don’t want him to feel bad with his offer, so I just said yes.

He sat on the motorcycle. I sat afterwards in his back, placing my arms around his waist not so tight, just a simple grip. He then started the engine.

The ride was alright but I just felt so scared and terrified.  It’s like I’m feeling that we’re going to crash on a truck or something…especially when he started to drive fast and turn the vehicle to the left making a squeaking sound.

The ride was so fast and I can’t hold it anymore! I’m so scared that I didn’t even realized that I tightened my grip around him, my face dug on his neck, and my eyes closed so tight. I inhaled his scent and oh, I like the smell. He smells manly but not the type of scent that is so strong that makes someone’s nose hurt.

I deepen my head on the crook of his neck, smelling more of him. I heard him giggle and said “Hey Kyunggie hyung! It tickles!” and I widened my eyes (much larger than you ever think) in realization that I just did that. What’s on with me? O____O

My face went hot red…I knew it. Did I just dug my head on his neck, smelling his scent like I’m obsessed with him…and another thing! I didn’t just smelled his scent but also, ALSO KISSED HIS NECK! Not one, not two, but MANY!

What’s happening with me? Am I with myself right now? Am I conscious with what I just did? Gosh this is ing embarrassing! I’m a ! I’M A !

He might now think that I like him! He might now think that I’m disgusting!


My heart rate went fast because of nervousness. I never felt so nervous like this before (exclude the thing when I burnt the kitchen of the canteen when I was in the third grade). What will be his reaction after what I’ve done to him?


The ride was fast and not long after, we arrived at our destination; amusement park? Really?


I quickly went down the motorcycle after he had parked the said vehicle on the parking lot (and no other people are around so it’s kinda awkward).

I looked down on the ground and an obvious tint of color pink was on my cheeks, still because of that smelling-kissing thingy. And as soon as Jongin observed my behavior, he quickly asked, “Are you sad hyung? Why?”

I looked at him in response saying “I’m sorry.” And I bit my lip…still flushed cheeks.

“For what hyung?” he raised an eyebrow and looked at me in a confused look. Really? He don’t know?

“For, you know. Digging my head on the crook of your neck, and kinda kissing it…but please don’t get me wrong! I just loved the scent of your perfume and…and…and I kinda lost myself that I didn’t realized I’ve been kissing your neck.” And my pink face turned beet red.

He chuckled…and oh, I love that smile and it’s very heart-warming hearing those chuckles. “No need to say sorry hyung. Actually, I liked it.” He winked.


My heart-shaped lips turned into an O shape…especially when he said, “And I would definitely like if you do that again.”


I don’t want to be rude though, and also, I wanted to smell that scent again…so I just nodded in response. He then lifted his chin up, giving acces to his neck. And I awkwardly tiptoed, wraping my arms around his neck before digging my head on his neck, kissing it softly, and smeeling the scent. Oh my gosh, this scent makes me insane. I think I’m addicted to that scent.

I just continued that thing, until I heard him moan. I quickly stopped with what I’m doing then slightly pushed him away. I made him moan, because of those constant kissing. And I think I lost in my consciousness again that time because as I can see in his neck,….IT’S FULL OF HICKEYS!

I widened my eyes yet again in surprise! “Oh My Gosh! I’m sorry! I made you moan and…and made lots of hickeys!” I covered my flushed face in my palms.

I felt someone grip my wrist, slowly pulling it off my face. I looked at the tall guy in the eyes and he looked at me back. “As I said earlier, don’t apologize for it. I asked you to do it…and I kinda enjoy that thing. Thanks hyung.” Then he flashed a warm and a can-explode-ovaries-and-balls smile.

How many times did I just blushed this day? Four? Five? More? And o gosh, this is because of Jongin isn’t it? Am I feeling the thing they called love? No it’s not right?

“But one thing I want to correct hyung.” He said

“I’m not a fan of perfumes. I don’t usually wear perfumes, just like today. So what you are enjoying was my natural scent.”





3rd Person’s POV:  Little did Kyungsoo knew, that he had already falling in love…for the first time.


¬¬¬¬¬ ***** ¬¬¬¬¬


I’m so so so so sorry for the verryyyy late update! We just finished our Quarter examinations, and so our Camp. So I’ve been very busy lately so I’m so so so sorry! I promise I would try my best to update soon (I want to double update)…

Hope you would still enjoy the fic. And hope you won’t unsubscribe it… I really need you guys! I promise i will update tomorrow... I'll make a double update if possible.

<3 <3 <3 Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Sorry for the grammatial errors...I didn't reviewed it noe reread it... Mianhae~
please od tell mr if there's any..

Ohh~ Kyungsoo's a little flirty in here isn't he?? Hahaha..hope you enjoyed...

See you next update! Please do comment and subscribe. Any comments is appreciated. Thank you guys!

Bye Bye Boo~

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KaoChan #1
The story is really cute.
And I also looked at the comments, in which, I was the only one complaining about the font.

But you really should change the font so it'll be easier to read by many.
KaoChan #2
Chapter 1: what is with the italic?

the story is good but the font, is not.
I upvoted though, if that makes you feel better.
DO_squishy_SOO94 #3
Chapter 9: Yeah!! A happy ending,good 4 them and ofc good 4 me!! Daebak story authornim!
Chapter 9: Yeah, good job! I LOVE THIS! My kais0o and Baekyeol<3.
Chapter 9: Awesome story! It was so cute ^^ ♥
coolskyblue07 #6
Chapter 9: Wow, I was happy seeing the ending that Kyungsoo confessed his feeling to Jongin in front of everyone!! Awww Kyunggie XD
please make the sequel with full of fluff LOL
neko-likes-mangas #7
Chapter 9: And for the sequel, is ty fluufy possible ? :3
neko-likes-mangas #8
Chapter 9: It was really great :)
The end is so cute and fluffy and aaaaw :3
I liked your story, and I red it from the start to the end with egal pleasure (is it english ? ) at each chapter !
NimolTen #9
Chapter 9: A beautiful ending <3
I would love to read the sequel ^^
Chapter 9: The ending was amazing!