Chapter 3

STARES (from the guy at table number 7)

I woke up with the constant ringing of my alarm clock. It is cold so it’s very natural for a person like me to feel lazy, especially that it’s Sunday today. No classes, no work. I wrapped my thick blanket around me tighter before sitting up and throwing my alarm clock to the wall making it stop from ringing. It’s the thirtieth time today that I’ve thrown that stupid clock to make it stop. I was surprised though; it was strong and hasn’t broken yet.

The light coming from the window blinded me so I used my hands to rub it. After rubbing my eyes, I can now see my environment clearly.

I sat there for a good of 5 minutes, without doing anything but staring blankly at a space. Until I felt my phone vibrated through the blankets. I searched for it beneath the thick blankets. After finding that stupid cellphone that has been hiding from me for a minute, I opened it and looked at the message I’ve just got.


From: Jonginnie

Goodmorning sweetie! Get up already! Remember, we have a little date today *o* <3


That message made my heart skip a beat, remembering the things that just happen yesterday. Replaying the things we did yesterday in my mind makes my lips curve into a tiny smile.




“Not that I want to know or enter your privacy, but may I ask who’s that girl?” Jongin asked in curiosity. Well, I’ve already involved him in this so I better tell him the story so that he might not get confused. He’s already part of this problem since I asked for his help and he is willing (or not) to do so.

I cleared my throat and started the story.

“She…her name is Son Hyunji. We’ve been friends…err scratch that… I’ve known her since we’re in the eighth grade. She’s my seatmate in the classroom and my partner in school projects. She then confessed to me one day that she likes me and me only. She clings to me all the time; she sends me lots of love letters and chocolates, even flowers. I appreciate her efforts but then, I never love her the way she wanted it to be. I rejected her one day, but she never stopped. She said that she will wait until I realize that I love her. But it never did.” I sighed and continued. “I already rejected her for a couple of times already. I think I can’t stop her for doing that though I’ve tried my best to do so. Not until now, that I met you, the guy who just helped me for stooping her by pretending to be my boyfriend.” I smiled at him making him giggle.


“Haha, so I’m your savior then. I’m your Superman!” he replied lifting his right hand up making a pose of a flying hero. Haha, this guy is funny.

We both laughed until our happiness died.

“Uhmm, Kyungsoo-hyung. Can I call you that?” he asked

“Oh? Yeah of course Jonginnie.” I replied.

“Jonginnie? That’s my new pet name? Wah, it’s so cute hyung!”

“You liked it Jonginnie?”

“Ne, I liked it Kyunggie-hyung!”

“I think we need to order some drinks you know. We’ve been here quite long. My treat since you’ve helped me with that .” I offered to him. He just smiled and nodded in response. “Oh, so what’s yours?”

“Uhmm, a Black Americano.” He replied. So that’s what he ordered yesterday. I was right.

“Ok, I’ll order. Wait me here okay?” then I headed to the counter ordering the drinks we wanted to drink.

He might just looked so creepy at first, but deep inside him is a very nice and kind guy. Though I don’t even know him for so long, I think we’ll be good friends. He’s pretty handsome too. His face is so angelic, his cute nose, his eyes, his lips, everything in his face is perfect…just don’t mind the skin tone. He has a well-built body, defined muscular features that could be seen through his shirt. He’s pretty tall too. Just a perfect man. Oh, so I wonder if his girlfriend would be jealous if she knew that he pretended to be my boyfriend…if he had a girlfriend. But no doubt it, he has a girlfriend. He’s a perfect guy and I bet lots of girls and boys out there are into him.

The counter girl appeared, handing me a cup of hot Black Americano and a glass of Chocolate Milk shake. I thanked her before heading to the table number 7, where Jongin sat.

I gave him his cup of coffee and he thanked me for the treat. An awkward silence came and I can’t even think of something that I would open up to him to kill the awkwardness between us. Thankfully, he was the one talked first…but I didn’t expected what he said…or asked.


“Kyunggie-hyung, since we already told Hyunji that we are together, we must be together everytime from now on. We can’t tell when or when she might appear. We’ll convince her that we are really together by acting as a real couple outside, or whenever she’s around. What do you think hyung?” he asked making me think. He has a point in there, so I just nodded my head in response.


“Wouldn’t your girlfriend be mad at me or something because of this?” I asked confused. His eyes widen in shock as I stated those words.


“What? Girlfriend?” he laughed making me look at him in a much confusing look, “I don’t have any. I’ve never had any.”

This time, I was the one shocked. He never had a girlfriend? NEVER? My eyes widen much more than the natural roundness of my eyes. “WHAT?”

“Yes, you’ve heard me. I never had a girlfriend.”

“No kidding kid. Seriously? This handsome guy with a perfect body and a kind heart never had a girlfriend??” he blushed at my statement. Oh? Did I just said his descriptions? He might fell so fluttered so he blushed.

“No, I never had a girlfriend. Yet I’ve been in love with someone.” He said looking down on the floor, in a slightly sad tone.

“Uh? So why didn’t you tell her you love her?” I asked

“It would be impossible. I swear, it would be so impossible.”

I stood up and sat beside him, placing my hand on his back rubbing it and saying comforting words towards him.

“No Jonginnie. There’s no such thing as impossible when you’re in love. You just tell her that you love her. She needs to know your true feelings. Don’t be afraid that she might reject you, because what’s important is that you’ve told her your true feelings towards her. Don’t mind it if she might not give back the love you deserve, because love is a sacrifice.” I said to him making him smile and nod at me.

“Thanks hyung.”

“No problem.”


After some time, we chatted among ourselves and knew few things about each other. We became closer to each other in just a couple of hours. And that was exciting isn’t it? Being close with a guy you just met. We left the café past six o’clock and the sun is about to set that time.


Jongin walked me home and it was kinda fluttering. He’s being a gentle man even for guys like me. Haha “You’re my boyfriend, I must walk you home.” He said jokingly.


I said goodbye to him and I was about to enter the house when he suddenly grabbed my wrist and turned me around to face him. The next thing I knew is that he…gave me his cellphone and asked for my number. Hahaha, I thought he’s going to do something more. Haha, the side of me.

I gladly gave it to him saying, “Text me now. I’ll save your number.” And he nodded in response.

I grabbed the door knob and twisted it, opening the door. I was about to enter when he suddenly grabbed my wrist, yet again. I turn to him and looked at him in a confused look. “What is it again?” I asked, smiling to him.


He laughed slightly. Wah, that sound makes my heart beat quickens. What is it I’m feeling? Those giggles were like music to my ears.


“Haha, I was just about to ask you out tomorrow…I mean, yeah, out, tomorrow. Since we’re pretending that we’re together, I think we should know more things about each other. I mean, yeah, like…like a date, I guess?” he said in a slightly obvious tensioned voice.

“Oh, Oh, but if you have something to do…I mean if you’re busy, you don’t need to accept my offer. It’s okay if you don’t like the idea either.” He continued making me giggle.

“You’re thinking that I don’t like the idea of yours? Hahaha, of course I do like the idea. We must hang out so that we’ll get to know each other more, also to make us closer to each other…you know, so that there are no awkward moments. Hahaha” I said.

“Yeah that’s right! We must do that in case Hyunji get suspicious again.” He said cheerfully like a child. Hahaha, this guy is weird, but funny. I just joyed myself too, laughing with him. It’s like we’ve been so close with each other for years.

“Oh hyung, do you want to set a rendezvous or you want me to pick you up?” he asked. I paused for a moment, thinking. Having a rendezvous is not bad; we could just meet up somewhere. But imagining him, picking me up here at a specific time is not bad either. So, uhmm…I’ll just let him choose.

“Anything would do Jomnginnie.”

“Uh? Okay, so I’m going to pick you up here 9:00 tomorrow. That’s what boyfriends do right? I’m expecting you to be ready when I come okay?” he said smiling at me.

“Uh..okay. See you tomorrow Jongin. Goodnight.” I said entering the house but when I’m about to close the door, he grabbed my wrist…again. “What is it again Jongin? You always interrupts me.” I said pouting like a child.

He giggled at the sight saying, “Yah, you look so cute.” I punched his shoulder lightly in response. “SO what is it? Just tell me already, I’m sleepy you know.”

“Aren’t you going to give me a goodnight kiss?”


O///O  that question made my face burn. For sure I look like a tomato now.


“Yah! Stop that jokes! I’m entering now! Goodnight!” I said in a bit high tone. But before I could even close the door, he gave me a peck in my cheek. “Goodnight too. Sweet dreams pretty boy.” He said before walking out.

I slammed the door shut and leaned on the wall beside it touching the part of my face where he kissed. *dug* *dug* *dug* What is this I’m feeling right now? I know I’ve kissed him earlier this day, but this time that he initiated it, it feels so………ahh I don’t know!



I smiled like an idiot while imagining the things that happened yesterday. I’m so confused right now. What is this I’m feeling?

Ahh, We have a date…oh scratch that…a hang out today. I must get ready know.

I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. Afterwhich, I stared at my reflection in the mirror, touching my cheek where he stole a kiss. I felt heat in my face and I noticed that I’ve been blushing madly.

Oh crap.

What really is this I’m feeling towards that kid?

It’s not love right?

I have just known him yesterday, so probably it’s not love…maybe a crush?

No no no, that’s not possible! That’s definitely not possible for me to have a crush on him.

I’m straight right? Yeah, I’m straight. Or not?

AHHH~ my brain is going to explode!


¬¬¬¬¬ ***** ¬¬¬¬¬

10 lovely subbies? OMG! I can’t believe it!
Omegash, thank you so much for subscribing and commenting and up voting!

Please do support me!

I Love you all!
I promise I’ll try my best for the next chapters!
Again, thank you~

Until the next update guys! Bye Bye Boo!


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KaoChan #1
The story is really cute.
And I also looked at the comments, in which, I was the only one complaining about the font.

But you really should change the font so it'll be easier to read by many.
KaoChan #2
Chapter 1: what is with the italic?

the story is good but the font, is not.
I upvoted though, if that makes you feel better.
DO_squishy_SOO94 #3
Chapter 9: Yeah!! A happy ending,good 4 them and ofc good 4 me!! Daebak story authornim!
Chapter 9: Yeah, good job! I LOVE THIS! My kais0o and Baekyeol<3.
Chapter 9: Awesome story! It was so cute ^^ ♥
coolskyblue07 #6
Chapter 9: Wow, I was happy seeing the ending that Kyungsoo confessed his feeling to Jongin in front of everyone!! Awww Kyunggie XD
please make the sequel with full of fluff LOL
neko-likes-mangas #7
Chapter 9: And for the sequel, is ty fluufy possible ? :3
neko-likes-mangas #8
Chapter 9: It was really great :)
The end is so cute and fluffy and aaaaw :3
I liked your story, and I red it from the start to the end with egal pleasure (is it english ? ) at each chapter !
NimolTen #9
Chapter 9: A beautiful ending <3
I would love to read the sequel ^^
Chapter 9: The ending was amazing!