Artificial Love (Aoi - GazettE) Chapter 8

Artificial Love (Aoi - GazettE)

Artificial Love: Chapter 8

“Ummm…is this necessary?” you blinked your eyes at Kai and Uruha whom held a measuring tape in their hands and wrapped them on your body for measurements. You were only wearing a white undershirt (like a tank top) revealing your skinny curves and skin and shorts that Aoi had let you borrowed, for this particular activity that is…

“Of course!” Kai cheered. “We need to see if we got the right size or not.”

“Well then, shouldn’t you just ask me what my size is?”

“Yeah, but we like the exact measurements.” Uruha replied as he went around unloosing the tape from your waist. “Now…uhh” he mumbled as he came close to your face, slightly making you blush.


“There we go!” he said, moving back away and then pulling the string, then realization was hit, as your eyes traveled on the tape. The string came wrapping around your upper chest; his fingers slowly made its way towards your left side as you jump and yelp, pulling the strings away from him.

“Uruha! You ert!” you half screamed, half startling him.

“Nani?! I was just measuring your chest!” 

“I can measure my own chest thank you very much!” you pouted your lips at him. At first he lingered away from you, giving a slight expression of ‘unexpected…’ suddenly changing into a creeper…coming close, he came in and stretched his arms wide and pulled you into a bear hug.

“Dawww how Kawaii!~” he smiled, patting your head. “Now that you pop that up… what’s your size?” he smirked at you with devilish eyes. “That’s none of your business!” you pinched his cheeks, causing him to let go of you, his hands lifted up to his cheeks and mended the pain.

“That hurt Kimiko-chan” he whined in a childish tone, you turned around facing the door, “that’s what you get for being such a !” you smirked. Kai had pulled out a white box and held it to you as you received it from him.

“What’s this?”

“Well, what do you think it is? Its your outfit! It seems like we got the right measurements.” Kai explained. Uruha came behind and led you to the bathroom, then shoving you into the room and closing the door. “Change into that!” he concluded.

[Fast Forward]

 You walked downstairs to find both Ruki and Reita making cake. The sight was most unbearable for your eyes. Reita’s hands where holding the icing squeezer (idk what’s it called lol) while Ruki placed cherries on top around the round cake.

“Ai…I think we should’ve put strawberry on top instead of cherries don’t you think?” Reita asked while concentrating putting icing onto the cake. Ruki shook his head vigorously. “nahh, besides I don’t like strawberries”

“Let me remind you that this cake isn’t for you Ruki, it’s for Kimiko-chan” Reita said smiling. “w-e-l-c-o-m-e” he spelled out. “Shh she’ll hear us” Ruki hushed, lifting one finger towards his lips.

“Nah, she’s upstairs with Kai and Uruha for her dress” Reita replied back, Aoi walked in from the other side of the room and came behind quietly on them two at their little working space, he examined Reita’s lettering on the cake he continued to write.

“What the ?!”

 Aoi stated as he startled both of them, making Reita squeeze out some of the sticky red icing scribbling onto the other side of the cake while Ruki had accidently pushed the cherry with too much pressure making a dent mark onto the cake itself.  

“!” Both Ruki and Reita yelled coming close to the cake to examine it. “aw soo close” Reita sighed.

“Opps sorry” Aoi coldly shrugged at them, “Hey you know what time it is?” he asked, Reita glared at

the man and gave the middle finger.

"Time for you, mother er, to get a watch." Reita mumbled. Aoi dashed back the sausage finger at him.

"six-twenty." Ruki glanced up from his cellphone.

“Oh. My. GAWD!” you smiled scaring all of them at once as you came into the room.

“AI, Kimiko, don’ t do that we’ve already got eno--” Ruki said. “Yeah, sorry that the cake got rui--” Reita added. All Three of them had stared at you, mouth agape. You wore your brown hair in romantic curls down to your chest and wore a y sleeveless white and black cocktail mini dress along with silver laced heels. Staring awkwardly, you looked down to your feet, then back up with a crooked smile.

“Do I look weird?” you asked adjusting your dress, seeing as it is, all three blushed bright red.

“No, you actually look great!” Ruki commented. “You should wear those types of clothes more often” Reita added. Ruki had turned to Aoi who looked down at his feet with a drink in his hand and he nudged him on his arm.

“Well Aoi, what do you think? Doesn’t she look great?”  he asked, Aoi’s eyes slowly glanced at you.

“Yeah I guess, you look beautiful.” He said blushing then looked away into space.

“Thanks.” You said, feeling a bit moved at his comment.

“Well, I guess the cake will have to wait,” Reita rested his hands onto his hips.

“Yep! Cause were going to the club now!” Ruki cheered.

“Oh don’t forget your masks guys!” Uruha came running into the kitchen with different colored mask in his hands.

“What are those for?” you asked.

“Oh these? These are for us; the club is having a mystery theme for the guys to wear while the girls…well… they get to have more fun finding out their handsome prince charming are.” Ruki explained half teasing the last sentence.

[Fast Forward]

Once Aoi parked his car perfectly around the corner, all of us got out and stood waiting for the line to move up. “Yay! Party time people!” Uruha half screamed bringing people’s attention towards us. You  realized that some faces from the crowds were really familiar actors, actresses, famous singers and bands. You suddenly felt uncomfortable about this.

“Hey, isn’t that Kanon from An café?” you asked Reita who was right beside you and looked off where you pointed.

“Yeah, why? Fan much?” he asked.

“Uh yeah actually… I am” you said with a smile.

“They’re a fairly okay band I might say, not really my taste but their okay” he smiled.

“So then, why are all these famous people here?” you asked.  Aoi came up from behind and laughed at your question

“Because this club isn’t just an ordinary club… it’s for us famous people to hang out and have a good time.” he answered. “C’mon Uruha found a short cut”

When we got out of the crowded line we found ourselves behind a back court yard behind the building. A door came to open itself out with an arm with Japanese characters on his muscles, and a man came popping his head secretly and smiled as his lip piercing blinged.  

“Hurry up! C’mon” a familiar voice said, it was somewhat deep and jumpy at the same time, could it be?

“Thanks man, nice of you to do this” Aoi thanked.

“Nay, no problamo you’re my friends, you’d do the same.” The man smiled. “oh my, my, whose this lil cutie you guys brought?” he asked.

“Miyavi this is kimiko, kimiko this is Miyavi” Reita introduced you to him. You were astonished; Miyavi was your most favorite singer ever! This had left you mouth agape, only starring at his perfection.

“Ano… helloooo??” Miyavi waved his hand in front of your face.

“Kimiko? You alright?” Reita half laughing, shaking you gently.

“Hai?” you answered, your agape turned into a huge large grin. “Miyavi sir…”

“Yes darling?” he said cheerfully.

“Can I have your autograph?! And take a picture with me?” you bowed taking your cd of his album with a pen.

“OFCOURSE YOU CAN SWEETIE!” Miyavi said happily taking your cd and signing it. he seemed happy at the attention he was getting from you as his fan. He handed your cd back and right after took a picture from your phone.

“Arigato!~ I’ll truly treasure this and this day!” you bowed.

“That’s my girl!” he patted you on the head. “Now let’s go and dance shall we?!”

Once you and Reita got inside you both got to a large table and sat down.

“Ahaha, wow, I didn’t know you were a big fan of Miyavi” Reita laughed.

“Why of course! His guitar skill is awesome!” you smiled. Kai, Uruha, and Aoi had found us and sat down with us, breathing heavily after dancing.

“Wow, I’ve only been out there for ten minutes and I’m beat” he laughed. “Well, I’m going to get us some drinks, want any?” Both Reita and you shook your heads;

“I want sake” Uruha said loudly.

“just beer will be fine” Aoi added.

“okay if ya say so” he smiled and left.

“Reita aren’t you gonna dance?” you asked. He shook his head; “Nah, I don’t dance, sorry” he answered, he looked at you as you examined people dancing on the dance floor, bobbing your head to the beat, “But aren’t you?”

“Oh no, I’m not much of a dancer either” you blushed. Over hearing your guys conversation, Uruha smiled and drank a little bit of his drink before scooting next to you.

“Kimiko c’mon lets dance!~” he smiled forcing you to get up from your chair. You shook your head vigorously, “Sorry Uruha but I don’t dance.”

“Nonsense! Everybody can dance! Reita over there is just being coward” he smiled. “Oh Miyavi! You’re just in time! make Kimiko dance!” he begged. Miyavi eyed you down and had the hugest grin plastered onto his face.

“Hey lil princess! Let’s dance and have fun okay?! For me?” he said, you couldn’t resist.

“Oh well… okay then I guess.”

“Atta Girl!” he smiled. He helped Uruha drag you down to the dance floor.

{The song started to change to Animal by Neon Trees}

Aoi’s POV

Ruki and I came back down to the table after dancing with some friends and slouched ourselves onto a chair, totally wasted.

“Yo, Lemme have a sip.” I said to Kai as he passed the cold glass to me and I gargled it down my throat.

“Dang, and she said she couldn’t dance…” Reita said out of the blue. I stared at Reita then over my shoulders to where his eyes stared at the view. Uruha, Miyavi and Kimiko were dancing at the dance floor with blistering shining neon lights flashing to the crowds.

Once Uruha and Kimiko made contact, Uruha took her hands and pressed their bodies together and from there she began to dance with a smile on her face.

Here we go again
I kinda wanna be more than friends
So take it easy on me
I'm afraid you're never satisfied.

Here we go again
She started to sway her hips and move her arms side to side, she obviously knew all the lyrics to this song, lip singed to the song and danced.

We're sick like animals
We play pretend
You're just a cannibal
And I'm afraid I won’t get out alive
No I won't sleep tonight

Her seductive swing of her hips made her spin around with Uruha’s hands intertwined with hers prevent her from spinning away.  He pulled he back and let their hands intertwined together and started shaking their shoulders and hips to the beat.
Oh, oh
I want some more
Oh, oh
What are you waitin' for?
Take a bite of my heart tonight
Oh oh
I want some more
Oh oh
What are you waitin' for?
What are you waitin' for?
Say goodbye to my heart tonight

“Aren’t you feeling kind of jealous Aoi?” Kai teased, “Uruha is diggin all the fun” he laughed. 

“Shut up… I’m not interested anyways…” I replied and stared at the dance floor some more.

Here we are again
I feel the chemicals kickin' in
It's gettin' heavier
I wanna run and hide
I wanna run and hide

Uruha smiled and held out a finger to her what looked like he needed a moment to come back for a quick drink, she nodded and waited for him to come back.

“WOOOO! DAMN, that was hot!” Uruha smiled, leaning over to his drink and took a sip.

“Seems hot.” Reita added with a laugh, “Then why don’t you dance with her?” Ruki asked patting him on the back but he shook his head.

“hey, Aoi c’mon go dance with her! It’s her welcoming party after all” Kai said. I rolled my eyes and drank some soda then back at Kimiko who just stood there innocently not knowing what to do… Until that is…

Kimiko’s POV

Once you saw Uruha walk back to the table you just stood there in the crowd not knowing what to do but wait. To make yourself feel better, you examined the people surround you and started bobbing your head to the beat and smiled at people who were enjoying their time, especially Miyavi who’d obviously lighten things up but doing something ridiculously funny. As you were enjoying things, a sudden hand gently grabbed yours and forced you to spin around to that person.

“Hey! Didn’t expect to see you here.” a male voice came ringing in your ears. At first you hesitated to say or do anything but you just decided to dance along with him.
I do it every time
You're killin' me now
And I won't be denied by you
The animal inside of you

“Wow, I didn’t know you could dance like this. You’re amazing!”

“uh thanks!” you said smiling awkwardly. He offered his hands to you and smiled.

“It’s okay, I won’t bite.” He laughed.

 Third person POV

When the beat grew faster, the man held her hands and danced passionately with her as she spun away from him, still with clasping hands intertwined, he spinned her back towards him and their foreheads were gently pressed together.
Oh, oh
I want some more
Oh, oh
What are you waitin' for?
Take a bite of my heart tonight.
Oh oh
I want some more
Oh oh
What are you waitin' for?
What are you waitin' for?
Say goodbye to my heart tonight

His hands felt so familiar to her, but who? She swayed her hips from side to side almost as if she were grinding against the man and let him trace the body lines of her hips. She pressed her own body to the man and rolled up seductively. He lowered his head near the nape of her neck and breathed heavily, tickling her skin and his hands started to wrap around her waist.

Kimiko’s POV

“HEY!” Someone yelled from behind, you turned around to see the man was yanked and pushed away from you from Aoi.

“Get back, go lay your hands on some other girl!” Aoi yelled. The mysterious man raised his hands slightly and took a small bow.

“Well I’m sorry sir, she didn’t seem to have a ‘collar’ with your name on it” he commented, Aoi’s fist tensed up, “HEY!”

“Aoi, no please don’t…” you held him back, then staring back at the man.

“Thanks for this lovely dance, I’ll see you soon. Very soon.” He smiled.

To be continued.

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There finally made an update after a year!


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themissD #1
well this is my 1st Fanfic that I'll be reading ever (suggested by a friend)I hope I can get through it without LOL'n to much!!! But now, after reading this page I'm reminded of "Coffee Prince" (K-Drama) hopefully it won't follow that plot line to much >^.^<
yunvi_blingkey #2
Chapter 17: This was very unexpected... XD I mean, the updating. I thought you had ditched it, Im so happy you didnt!! I love this story, I'm so glad you are back.
Hope you wont take that long for next chapter, thanks!!
hunoru #3
Chapter 17: YEAHHHH!!!!!!!!!
This chapter was so good!!!!
It was so long, I'm glad you updated.
cover_girl #4
ohhhhhhhhhhh Pleaseeeeeeee update it again. i really love this story. I wonder who will Kimi choose: Aoi or Hiroto. Ofc I love Aoi but I think I hate him in this story ( so rude of me ). Amd even I dun know much about Hiroto, I'm gonna love him for now. So please, update this again
hunoru #5
Please update soon!!
I really like this story.
Please, please, please!!!!!!!!!!
Angellovesgazette #6
Chapter 16: Please update!!!!! I love this story, I've been waiting~ xD

Hopefully Aoi is okay, ; - ;

Update soon please~!!!!!
Chapter 16: I'm still waiting for the next chapter T___T really hope that you can update, i really love this story! so please don't give up on the story, we are waiting!
yunvi_blingkey #8
Chapter 16: OMG!! I TOTALLY LOVE YOUR STORY! *w* please continue :D you can't leave me like this >-< <3 lol
I really hope you don't give up on the story, it's really good :'3
Gazelove #9
YAY!! Amazing update!!!! Now I'm dying for the next chapter... XD