Artificial Love (Aoi - GazettE) Chapter 3

Artificial Love (Aoi - GazettE)

Artificial Love: Chapter three

There was complete silence between us, we both stared at each other for quite awhile now, we heard the wind flowing pass us as our bottom hair brushed through back and forth, well, at least mine did. I had looked up and the skies that were painted dark grey, I’ve felt a single rain drop on my cheek, and sure enough, it was raining.

“Rain? But it was just sunny out” I said to myself, and then I looked back at the man. Rain trickled down the strands of hair of the handsome figured man.

“Well, thank you for apologizing, I’ll be going now” I turned and walked away.

“Wait! You didn’t answer my question” he yelled back as he took 2 to 3 steps towards me. I had turned back around facing his way; I looked down at my shoes and started thinking and bit my bottom lip.

‘Oh yeah’I realized I never did answered his question, but it was so sudden.  He did have all the things I want in a guy, but he was so rude and so stubborn and that turned me off. But at the same time there was a tiny spark inside me that remained unknown. I looked at him confidently, he lengthen his neck forward, waiting for my answer.

“Do you think this is joke?” I asked

“Huh? Well that is…” he started; I looked away rolling my eyes knowing it was some kind of joke he planned to get back on me after punching him.

“Ha! No way man! If I had any man to date you’d probably be the last man on earth I’d ever date! Jerk!” I stomped away leaving the property of the cafe/bar and into the public sidewalks, walking my way towards home. Until that is… When I looked back…He looked at his watch from his left wrist seeing the time; he then put his hands in his pockets smiling. I wondered why he was smiling about something;

“You will say sorry to me! For what you done!” he yelled. I stuck out my tongue and looked back towards my direction.

“Looks like I got LOTS time until the next date comes” He said to himself walking my way following me into the rain.

(Me: Song playing: Attack by Masashi Hamauzu, Aki Kuroda. Go look it up on

17 minutes has passed, I noticed the man following me everywhere I went since I turned and saw him on Jenki Avenue with an umbrella he held for himself. I went to store to store trying to lose him on my way but it was too impossible! I even ran away pretending I didn’t want to get hit by rain, but even if it seemed that I had lost him I saw him in front of me rolling his window from the taxi car and smirked. This wasn’t funny at all. I tried to pretend that he wasn’t following me and get my mind of him. I went into a small clothing store to get some new undergarment pack for myself since I got soaking wet from the rain.

I went to the women’s isle and searched some undergarments of my liking. I saw a pretty green one and a blue, but I couldn’t choose between them. Both bra and undies pack had different designs and I couldn’t help myself choosing which one is best.

“Green or blue? Green? Or blue? Aww their so cute though! Life’s so unfair!” I whined. I heard the customer door bell ring as I saw the man coming in greeting the employee and eyeing me. I looked away in time so he wouldn’t figure me out. After 5 minutes of hard decision making I was suddenly was sling shot on the head with an undergarment pack with a note on it. I looked up knowing who it was; I glared up at the man as he pretended he was reading a magazine. I took the slip of paper and read.

Miss Tomboy,

Please stop wasting your time on both undergarments and choose one! But… personally, I think you would look great in these. Don’t get me wrong, it looked your style, that’s all I thought about. I SWEAR! Also don’t think you’re going to lose me on the road. I’m impossible to lose.

From: Jerk :P

I looked back at the man who was still pretending reading the magazine and looked back at what he threw me, it came to my surprise that it was a red hatch cross undergarments. It was way cuter then the blue and green ones I had chosen, way cuter! Plus it wasn’t too girly either which made me comfortable to wear. I lit a small smile across my face, small enough so other people wouldn’t notice it. I looked up to the man and blushed away as I saw him staring at me with the pack I had in my hands he had chosen.

“” I whispered to myself, looking down at the undergarments, admiring how cute they were. “But…he does have good taste in choosing clothes.” I smiled and went to the cashier and bought the undergarments and headed out followed by the ‘Jerk’.

Even though he said he was impossible to lose I had my chances. I came across a public women’s bath house, it was perfect for me to go take a shower after the heavy rain pouring on me. I gave a smirk at him before heading inside.

[Fast Forward]

After I showered, I had already worn the new undergarments the Jerk had picked out, I checked myself out in the mirror, and I looked adorable with it. I smiled to myself, ‘I wonder if he left’ I thought. I got all dressed up and headed on out with my ‘Waitress clothes’

 I found no one waiting for me.  Out in the streets of the sidewalk I completely saw no one at all. ‘I guess he gave up on me’ I thought I started walking my way back towards Miyuki’s studio. For some reason I was kind of upset about him leaving without a word, but then again it’s my fault for staying inside too long. Not long after, I finally came to the marital art studios, there I was welcome a huge bear hug from Miyuki who was always happy to see me.

“KIMIKO!” she jump on me into a big hug, “Hey, you’re here to help? Or visiting?” she asked knuckling my head.

“A bit of both” I smiled, then hearing strong footsteps come towards me, I looked up and bowed at the man who I strongly respect.

“Konichiwa, Mr. Ogawa” I bowed to Miyuki’s Uncle. He smiled and bowed back.

“It’s been too long Kimiko, you’ve grown into a beautiful lady” he smiled Miyuki nudged him on the arms then hugging them with a grin across her face.

“How about me uncle? Did I turn out pretty too?” she asked, he smiled and nodded patting her head. “Yesh!” I she fisted down. “Okay, now that I got that covered why don’t we all teach the teens in there something eh?” she grabbed both of me and her uncle’s arm and headed towards inside the room where lots of students were on their knees bowing down.

“Ogawa sensei! We are ready to learn!”

[Fast Forward]

After 20 minutes of teaching and helping the students, I took a break and sat on a chair behind the studio. I was drenched in sweat, I took out another bottle of water and chugged all the water down my dried throat, then threw it away. I looked at Miyuki who was staring at me with an expression ‘unbelievable’ she shook her head and faced where the door was.

“Hey you keep on looking at the direction Miyuki you okay?”

“Hmm? Yeah! I am, but hey…” she tapped the side of my thighs telling me to scoot over for her to sit as well then pointing. “Do you know that man over there? He’s been watching us teach this whole time.” I looked over at the huge window seeing a familiar man from the side of his face.

“Hey but he is kind of hot looking don’t you think? Wow, he’s got it all!” she squealed.

“Miyuki… I think I know him…” I squinted my eyes to get a better focus view of him.

“You do?! Who is he?! … by any chance are you seeing someone right now? Is it him?!” she squealed once again. I slapped her arm and denied.

“No, why do you think that?” while I tied my hair into a single braid strand.

“Well because just now you said you know him! And usually you’ll tell me these things”

“I said ‘I think’I didn’t say that I actually know him, besides, he’s probably someone’s parent here” she placed her fingers on her chin and started her ‘beard’ and thought for a while.

“Nope, I don’t think so…he looks kinda young. He looks about 2 years older than us, or 3 or 4? I don’t care but all I know is that he’s damn hooootttt!!” She giggled. I rolled my eyes at her and looked back at the window. I still couldn’t see his face fully but I think I knew right away that he was the man from the café.

“So… you didn’t leave me…” I said to myself, Miyuki looked at me.

“You say something? Or am I just hearing things out of the blue?” She asked, I pushed her head slightly smiling. “Oh c’mon, I heard something from your mouth, what did you say?! It is about that dude over there?!” he nudged my arm.

“Nothing, I was just talking to myself…” I smiled and got up and helped a young student get his posture right to kick higher and straighter. A few minutes later, Mr. Ogawa clapped his hands and pointed at the walls for the students to go sit down as we set up an example.

“Kimiko, if you please” Mr. Ogawa bowed and as I did too.

Mr. Ogawa was never defeated by anyone, back in his old times he was the #1 champ in his martial art class and had won #1 place in every single tournament. It was pretty scary to approach him, since he wasn’t the talkative type and had a death glare on his face most the time. He’s not like that; he’s just an independent man.    

“One on one, Miyuki, you’ll be the judge.” Mr. Ogawa instructed. Miyuki looked at her uncle surprised and worried at the same time.

“Mr. Ogawa…” I stood there worried, sure he was a master at kung fu but he was in his late fifties, I was worried what if something happens. He’s strong but…

“Uncle, but… are you su--”

“Do as I say Miyuki, I’ll be fine, these students need to see in order to learn” We nodded and I got into ready position.

“Just don’t cry… please. And so no mercy on me as I will do the same to you Kimiko” He begged

“Uncle, she and I are tomboys, we don’t cry like little babies.” Miyuki reminded.

“That’s right, were big girls now, isn’t that right girls in this class?” Some of the girls who were students laughed and nodded. “Oh girls! Any of you who have long hair pay full attention!” I warned.

Miyuki had placed different object on the ground, a hairbrush, a rag, some old t-shirts, a trash can, a top cap for it too, two medium sized cut wood sticks, three empty bottles of water and trash bags that were filled up with something inside… it definitely wasn’t trash. Maybe it was indicating it was trash?

Then Miyuki walked over to her stereo and placed her hands on the play button.

“OKAY! You’d probably have seen these items while walking down in alley ways right?” she asked the students, some of them nodded and some shook their heads. “Well, if you do get into any trouble into alley ways these are some items that might help you during a fight situation”

 Both Boys and girls students gazed upon their full attention to us locking their eyes at us.

“I’ll play music to get you guys pumping.” Miyuki pressed the play button, as the music played all the students nodded their heads up and down following the beat.

(Song playing: When World Collide by Powerman 5000)

??? POV

“So she wasn’t lying about she knows Kung Fu huh?” I laughed at myself, now embarrassed a girl had beat up a guy’s . I was enjoying myself watching her teaching the little youngsters how to kick properly and how to get their postures right, She knew a lot… well… I duhh she’s a black belt, how obvious. Her instructor had called her friend and her up to the center of the studio. As they both walked up, he held his hands into a fist position as I saw her getting into a ready position as well.

“A fight?... this should be interesting” I smirked. Listening to the music got me into the mood.

“GO!” I heard her friend say inside, Miss Tomboy had jumped up for a kick first. The head leader had quickly dodged her kick and grabbed the other girls arms, twisting it making her kneel down the ground, he had kicked her, making her get back up, then by letting go he kick once again, kicking her off to the other side of the corner.

She went back up and ran, she made her limbs swing and move her leg into a tornado kick, the leader had grabbed her legs attempting to kick her, but just fast enough, she jumped up and lifted her other leg and kicked him on the side of his face making him move back. She had slid down just in time, knocking his legs down, making him fall on his back. She had punch the man’s face, but for the 3rd attempt he had grabbed her fist then quickly grabbed the empty water bottle and punch her right back, bending the bottle all the way to its bottom end; she fell back with one hand and got back up. The man flipped up and tried attacking her; she dodged most of his attacks but as she held down both his hands preventing to get punched she was kicked on the stomach area and pushed her back on to the wall and fell.

She got back up like it was no big deal.

‘She’s really not a girly girl…’  I thought, impressed that she can keep going. I smiled in amazement, this was pretty entertaining.

 She smiled and moved both her index and middle finger telling him to come her way. He nodded and ran her way. She waited till the right time for him to come closer, as soon as he fist up, she jumped her legs up into the air to the wall next to her and had kicked him once again.

The playlist played a different song and but the same genre, this had even made the students cheer more intense and more interesting to see. They all started moving their heads to the beat and grinned cheering for their senseis. It was intense.

(Song playing: Bombshell by Powerman 5000)

Now it was the man’s turn to slide his feet onto the wood floor, knocking her down before she could run away, as he grabbed her leg he twisted herself and kicking her other leg back and forth on his face. She tried to reach for the hair brush that was right in front of her, as she almost grabbed it the man pulled her away from it and lead her towards the trash can. But she refused for that to happen, she twisted herself again and kicked his hand hard making him let go. She moved herself towards the hair brush and grabbed it.

At the right time she smacked him across the face, both he and her grabbed each wooden stick. While still on the ground, she swung her stick in a wide arc, telegraphing one move, but halted her swing midway and leaned into a surprise . The brutish maneuver pushed through his elegant, stale defense. Her stick-point had almost pierced and skinned him, sending him reeling back. He looked surprise and tumbled onto his rump and palms.

Her moves were exquisite performances of the Telegratze style. She controlled little swings punctuated by twisting jabs. Her grip on the stick was delicate, light. Her wrist was the joint where the stick extended from her arm, her every move natural, almost casual. She talked with her hands and had something dangerous to say.

He responded with a brash form arching his stick backward, chopping at her like she was wood for the pile. She scooted back each time he aimed for her, as she blocked, he smashed her jab aside. He nicked her stick. He cracked her cupped stick she was holding.

He swung overhand, once and again, with obvious woodcutter-style attacks, as if he were chopping at wood. But she was too quick. Her weight shifting from foot to foot, she dodged this way and that, her sword-point always up, her every move ending in an exemplary pose. She ducked a chop and sliced across his underarm. She stepped outside his reach, then lunged for his stomach. She spun to one side, stalled her own move with a flex of her legs, and spun back, passing her sword over his stick. Unfortunately he had once again had fast reflexes and dodged.

He grabbed her long braided hair and pulled her back, he whinced and cried out, he had swung her around and was ready to give a punch. A grin snickered across her face.

“Watch girls!” she cried, the students of females widen their eyes in confusion, then quickly changing their expression into amazement. As had dodge his attack and swung around hard towards him, her long strand of strong single braid had swept and slapped across the face hitting his eyes. He wobbled around rubbing his eyes as if she sprayed something in his eyes.

Her leg swept out in a wide, graceful art, connecting with his ankles, throwing him off balance. Without even realizing what exactly was happening, the man found himself flat on his back, in deep breaths of air that seemed devoid of oxygen. He found a stick touching his throat then looking up at her who was standing before him. She had defeated the man, the song of the stereo had faded away perfectly concluding the event that just happened.

The studio was dead silent; the students were blood shocked not believing what had happened. Heck even I was shocked but partly amazed.

‘Awkward atmosphere…’  I thought for a moment.

 She had held out her hand as he reached for it and got up. She had bowed, she seemed shocked herself, but at the same time her face was painted in guilt and horror. The man shot a glare, her stick drop to the floor making echo noise across the silent room, her eyes build up water, and she began to tremble.

“I’m sorry” was the last thing that echoed the room. She grabbed her stuff and ran out the room passing me.

“KIMIKO!” her friend yelled. I finally found out her name… Kimiko… I ran for her out in the opening.

Kimiko’s POV

Oh my gosh! I just defeated Mr. Ogawa! MR. OGAWA! It’s my first time ever beating him! I didn’t know whether that was a good thing but I totally embarrassed him in front of his students! He even gave a death glare at me! I cried. I ran through the streets not believing what I did, I’m such a terrible person! I rushed out onto the public balcony bridge that was not too far from the studio and stopped to a swift halt and lightly ran into the railing of the balcony, I leaned over and watched the ground far below where the waters flowed through the other end.

“What was that back there?” I heard someone next to me, I yelped out in a panicked state, there a smiling face appeared beside me, and he bent down and leaned closer to the balcony then eyeing me.

“You? …oh man” I rolled my eyes then looking back down at the water

“Awww that’s not nice” he smirked then leaning on the bars. At that moment it was awkward silence, I breathe out a sigh and pouted my lips ignoring him hand gesturing to get my attention. After a while he had stopped and put his hands down in defeat.

“Sooo… want to talk it out?” he looked at the horizon line of the water flow.

“What’s there to talk about? I just beat my friend’s uncle for the first time” I sighed

“Isn’t that good?” he tilted his head smiling.

‘Look at him…just look at him, was he an idiot for smiling like that?’I thought, “No moron, it’s not! It’s Mr. Ogawa were talking about here!”

“Yeah so?” he darted an eye brow and raising one eyebrow.

“SO?! He’s like the master of Kung Fu, no one ever won over his fights before, not even my friend!”

“Ah… but that’s a good thing, shouldn’t you be proud of yourself?” he asked, I didn’t understand why he didn’t get my point, I just gave another sigh and putting one hand to my head, leaning on it.

We didn’t talk much, in fact, I don’t remember anything we talked about, and I only remember what it resulted in. There was an awkward moment. From that moment on I realized how close he was towards me. He was literally touching the side of my shoulders. I gave a glance at him, I found him already staring at me that seemed like he’s been doing that for awhile, I quickly turned by bushing face. At first he looked shocked, but a second later he burst out laughing. I gave him a confused look and he smiled back.

“You’re really something, you know that?” he glanced away, I wasn’t sure if that was supposed to be some kind of a compliment but instead I took it as an offense and I gave glare along with a pout.

“Hmpth, same goes for you” Again, there was another awkward silence until he ‘ahem’ me and took out his hand with open palms. I gave him a confused look as he chuckled and grabbed my hands shaking it gently.

“My name is Yuu Shiroyama, but call me Aoi” he grinned hoping to get my name, I refused to say my name and shook off my hands from his, I started walking away back towards buildings that were up ahead next to the bridge.

“That’s nice to know… Aoi…nice to meet you too” I replied. He fast walked towards me, then turning his back walking backwards onto the side and still had a smile on his face.

“And it’s very nice to meet you too Miss Kimiko” he smiled. I turned my head and was pretty shocked that he knew my name. “How do you--”

“You’re friend yelled your name when you ran out the door” he answered.

“Oh is that so…” he nodded his head to my question, he then grabbed my wrist and walked me towards a noodle restaurant, before I knew it we were sitting down in a two seater table and had ordered a large bowl of spicy noodle stew in front of our eyes with side dishes. I my bottom lips to the top; my mouth was watery from looking at the hot delicious dish in front of me. It looked soo good! I didn’t realized Aoi was staring at me and then chuckled at me.

“C’mon go ahead and eat” he offered, I changed my expression and looked at him in disgusted and refused, crossing both my arms then glancing away.

“I’m fine, if you’re doing this to get something from me then no I won’t.” He only smiled and tapped his chopsticks on the huge bowl.

“I can’t eat this all by myself… plus you’re hungry aren’t you?” he asked. I shook my head in refusal.

“No, I’m perfectly fine. I’m not hung--” I was interrupted with my stomach growling so loud, I covered my stomach in embarrassment and curved my lips mad at my own stomach to give my hunger all out. Aoi smiled and slightly shook his head then chuckling.

“I think you’re stomach disagrees with you. Now stop denying and go ahead and eat” he tapped the bowl once more then digging in some noodles onto his own separate bowl. I pouted my lips and surrendered digging in noodles on to my own bowl.

“Fine, but only because you can’t eat it all and so I’m helping” I pouted and ate all I can. To tell you I ate most the stew within 8 minutes leaving Aoi drop his jaw opened shocked, since he only had ate at little at a time. I finished the stew by then; I leaned by on the seat cushion and sighed in delight.

“Wooo! That was sure some spicy stew!” I smiled rubbing my full stomach. I looked over at Aoi who was still had a stunned face; I tilted my head and smiled. “What you looking at?!”

 “You really are something…eating machine” He shook his head and smiled in amazement, then he placed down his chopsticks on his empty bowl and tangled both his fingers together and leaned forward on the table, gazing on me. I stared back and had a straight face.

“So tell me, what kind of person are you…and what’s your life like Miss Kimiko?” he looked interested expecting me to answer him. I rolled my eyes and laughed.


“Hmm just want to know”

“Okay, well to start off, I’m a low town 24 year old tomboy who lives with her mother and needs find a new job soon or else our house will be closed and sold to another property. And is a black belt in kung fu and stands up for herself no matter what. There! You satisfied?” I answered. He nodded his head and a smiled crossed his face.

“Interesting…You mentioned your mother, what about you father?” he asked. I lowered my eye lids and glanced over to the floor at my shoes.

“He doesn’t exist in this world anymore, he died by a rare disease in his lungs” I answered. He slightly dropped his jaw and took a small gulp, then bowing in apology. I smiled and nodded that it was okay, he looked around and quickly changed the subject.

“Ahem, so, um, you’re looking for a job huh?” he questioned. I only nodded my head and looked up at him.

“Yeah, I’m actually applying a milk delivery job; I can’t stand jobs without traveling the city, and I’m also a …doll eye sewer…so…” I replied in embarrassment, considering all those jobs were for low classes. Aoi leaned in forward, still with his hands tangled together.

“Would you like another job by any chance? A high paying job...a job from me?” he asked in a somewhat serious tone.

“That depends what kind of job it is” I said taking my cup of water and sipping cold aqua down my dry mouth. He looked away thinking for a moment then looking back at me.

“It’s a job that requires fake identity” he whispered. I looked at him confused; he then leaned closer towards my face. “The job is called ‘Girlfriend for Hire’” right when he worded ‘girlfriend’ I choked on my water and spitted it out in front of his face and coughing to regain my breathing, then realized what I’ve done and gasped. He gasped after and slowly opened his eyes with water all over his face; we both locked our eyes before us to each other.

“Girlfriend?” I asked in a surprised expression. It remained an awkward silence for quite a while.

Again, was I hearing things from this guy or is he serious about this ‘Girlfriend job’?

To be Continued.

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There finally made an update after a year!


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themissD #1
well this is my 1st Fanfic that I'll be reading ever (suggested by a friend)I hope I can get through it without LOL'n to much!!! But now, after reading this page I'm reminded of "Coffee Prince" (K-Drama) hopefully it won't follow that plot line to much >^.^<
yunvi_blingkey #2
Chapter 17: This was very unexpected... XD I mean, the updating. I thought you had ditched it, Im so happy you didnt!! I love this story, I'm so glad you are back.
Hope you wont take that long for next chapter, thanks!!
hunoru #3
Chapter 17: YEAHHHH!!!!!!!!!
This chapter was so good!!!!
It was so long, I'm glad you updated.
cover_girl #4
ohhhhhhhhhhh Pleaseeeeeeee update it again. i really love this story. I wonder who will Kimi choose: Aoi or Hiroto. Ofc I love Aoi but I think I hate him in this story ( so rude of me ). Amd even I dun know much about Hiroto, I'm gonna love him for now. So please, update this again
hunoru #5
Please update soon!!
I really like this story.
Please, please, please!!!!!!!!!!
Angellovesgazette #6
Chapter 16: Please update!!!!! I love this story, I've been waiting~ xD

Hopefully Aoi is okay, ; - ;

Update soon please~!!!!!
Chapter 16: I'm still waiting for the next chapter T___T really hope that you can update, i really love this story! so please don't give up on the story, we are waiting!
yunvi_blingkey #8
Chapter 16: OMG!! I TOTALLY LOVE YOUR STORY! *w* please continue :D you can't leave me like this >-< <3 lol
I really hope you don't give up on the story, it's really good :'3
Gazelove #9
YAY!! Amazing update!!!! Now I'm dying for the next chapter... XD