Artificial Love (Aoi - GazettE) Chapter 14

Artificial Love (Aoi - GazettE)

Artificial Love: Chapter 14

Kimiko POV

"Hey, Kimiko-san... Kimiko-san?" I heard someone call from afar awaking me from me sleep, I heard their footsteps coming up the stairs coming closer to my door. "Hey are you awake?" there were loud knockings onto my door,along with a familar ringing melody playing behind the door. I grunted at the person calling my name, pulling my extra pillow up to my ears to block out the noises out. 

"Kimiko-san..." I heard again. I removed my pillow from my ears and faced to see a blurry vision of Snatcher standing in front of me with an annoyed expression. My eyes lingered down to his hand which he seemed to hold onto what looked like my phone blinking muliple colors as it rang and rang. "What? what do you w-- HEY! Who said that you can come into my room? And what are you doing with my phone?!" I said rather loudly, getting up slowly. He rolled his eyes and threw my phone onto my bed next to me.

"I didn't have a choice I had to come in,  anyways that's the reason why I'm here, to tell you to pick up your phone or turn it off!" he said in a hoarse tone as he pointed on my phone. "Aimi's complaining about how annoyingly loud it is, its hurting her ears and mine!" he angrily shot at me. 

"Okay okay, I'm sorry, geez." I apologized grabbing my phone to see the caller ID. My expression grew unamused and hit the ignore button without second thought and threw the phone on the opposite side of the bed. 

"You ain't gonna to pick it up? who was it?" Snatcher asked. 

"No one you need to know." I answered falling back to sleep and closed my eyes. Hearing a few footsteps, my eyes opened again to see Snatcher looking around my room anxiously. He looked through the bookshelves, desk, and the closets. 

"You're very messy for a woman your age." he commented with a goofy smile creased onto his lips. My brows scruntched at him, "The messy you claim my room to be is my way of being organized, to so don't hate." my tongue stuck out to him. He shook his head and chuckled, once he came across my drawer his eyes took interest of of a photograph sitting on top of it. His chuckling soon faded away as he drew closer to the picture frame, a young little girl with a man smiling happily.

"This your father?" he asked. 

"mmhmm, sure is." I answered him, getting up from my bed and went next to him grabbing the photograph into my hands giving it to him to look at. 
"He was a nice guy, and such a handsome man. He was always someone to look up to when you felt down." I explained. He took one long stare at the photograpgh.

"You both look very happy" he smiled for a second, it faded turning into a small frown. A deep sigh escaped his mouth, "My dad too... was the same." he whispered quietly. he cleared his throat and looked else where changing the subject. 

"So, that's a big teddy bear you've got" he said pointing at the bear that I recieved yesterday from the fair. "Yep, I got it yesterday from the fair" I explained.

"Oh yeah, you came late at night yesterday. How was it? Had fun with Hiroto?" he had asked. "Yeah! it was re-- hey, how did you know I was wi--."

"Miyuki." he interrupted. "Anyways, a friend of mine will be coming, and then we, including Aimi are going to hang out together okay?"  he infromed going towards the door.

"Wait! What friend? you made a new fri--"

"Just an old family friend of mine" he interrpted with an assured expression and left with a smile out the door. "Family friend huh?" I went over back to my bed to see my phone blinking blue I had recieved a text. As soon as I flipped it open, My eyes rolled in annoyance. Aoi had texted me several times with 14 missed calls, how desperate can this man be. I huge sigh escaped from me as I headed out my room and went on down stairs, there was a sudden ring on the door.

"He's here! Hey Kimiko, could you get that for me please? I need to get my stuff" Snatcher called out. 

"Okay" I called back. I looked through the blinds of the window but it was hard to see the person whose back was facing infront of the door. my hand reached for the door knob, twisting it open opening the door way. 

"Hello you mu-st b---!!" I quickly shut the door behind me with a terrified expression painted all over my face. It was Shin.

(IF you don't remember him, he's the guy from the 1st chapter).

'Did he see me?! Oh crap, I hope not!' I thought to myself in panic as my back leaned onto the door, another ring was made.

"Kimiko I thought I told you to-- Kimiko? What's wrong?Are you alright?" Snatcher came out of the living room and came to me with confusion. My arms grabbed a hold of both his shoulders. "SHIN... IS HE THE SO CALLED 'FRIEND' YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT?!" I shot at him with a frightened  expression. He widened his eyes, "How do you-- you know Shin?" he had asked me in a suprised tone. Another ring was ringing around the house once more. Whe Snatcher made his attempt to get the door, my arms took hold of him again tightly.

"Don't tell him that I'm here, Don't mention my name you got that?"

"Why? Do you and Shi--"

"JUST DO IT OKAY!" I shot back at him running up the stairs and kneeled down to my knees behind the staircase bars. 

Snatcher POV

"What's wrong with you?" I asked her but she only glared and made a slit throat gesture. I reached for the door to see Shin in front of me with a bright smile. "Hey Shin long time no see!" I bowed to him. 

"Yo Yamazaki, ready to go or what?" he said ruffling my hair then gently nugding my head backwards, "Hey, I think I was greeted by your host just a few minutes ago, but she seemed to shut the door before I got the chance to say hello." he rose a single brow. 

"Oh yeah, um, she's kinda shy when it comes to meeting new people" I lied pretending to looked around then spotting Kimiko still up the stairs as she head shook and put her index finger to her lips. I looked away form her and faced my body towards the living room. "Come on Aimi! Shin's here say hello!" I called for her. She came out with her new pink backpack and wore a pretty floral spring dress. Once her eyes caught the sight of Shin, she withdrew her arms wide opened and ran for a hug towards him.

"Whoa! Hey there little princess! Glad to see me that much?"  Shin asked hugging her tightly yet gentle enough not her squeeze her to death. "Yeah I missed you too princess." he picked her up gently into his arms as her arms wrapped around his neck. "Hey come on, Let's go." he exclaimed while playing with Aimi.

"Right" I nodded my head. But when I grabbed my backpack I spotted a nice polished black car beginning to park slowly out in the front. I squinted my eyes to see a man nicely dressed in black and wore a pair of nice sunglasses that suited him very well and came towards the gates.

As he came closer opening the gate, he removed his sun glasses showing his full facial appearance clearly. My eyes widened open in horror as my breathing made a noticable gasp. Shin looked over his shoulders as he noticed the sound of the opening gate.

"Hey, you got a vist---" I pulled Shin closer into the door way. "Shin take Aimi first! Come back for me later!" I said gently pushing him away from the door.

"Wha-- wait , Yamazaki what's wro--"

"I'll explain later! Just please go!" I closed the door quickly and leaned onto the door. Kimiko came down stairs confused, "What the heck? Why aren't you going? What was that all about suddenly?" she asked. I looked over to her with the same terrified expression of mine, "Your phone... who was the person that called you?" I had asked. slightly opened, "Oh... well it was the guy you stole money from, you know Aoi?" she answered.

"He said that he was going to come if I wasn't going to answer his phone calls, but I highly doubt that he's going to come. He'd be crazy to do that." she walked away going towards the kitchen.

"Oh I think he's already crazy." I said.

Kimiko POV

"Oh I think he's already crazy." I heard him say just as I was about to enter the Kitchen. 

"What?" I turned myself around towards Snatcher. He took a deep sigh and nodded his head, "He's here" he explained.

"What?!" I said going towards the window to see him coming towards the door next to the confused Shin with Aimi in his arms. They both greeted to eachother as Aoi ranged the door bell."!" I cursed.

"What are we going to do?!" Snatcher asked worriedly. "WHAT ARE 'WE' GOING TO DO? YOU MEAN WHAT AM I GOING TO DO!" I said horrified. "I can't let Shin know that I live here!"

"And I can't let that Aoi guy know I'm here with you!" Snatcher shot back at me. Another ring was made. "Why did you invite Shin here?!" I whined. "Well I'm sorry I didn't know you knew him!" he beamed back.

"Oh I know that bastard pretty well. Nothing but a sore loser, a douche bag, a freaking prick, and a brainless . I hate him." I explained to him. "Its only been a year and the chance I finally get away from seeing him he end's up on my door step this very moment." Snatcher's fingers curled into a fist.

"He's not! Don't say stuff like that about him." he said in an angry tone. "I don't know what happened between you and him that makes you hate him so much, but  all the things you've said are all lies. Shin is a great guy, he's cool and he's commiserate to others." he said all protective. I examined his antagonized expression with my arms crossed below my chest.

"Why are you getting so upset about this?"

"Why wouldn't I? He's my God Brother." he answered.

3rd Person POV

Both Aoi and Shin stood there quietly as both of them had the same confused expressions. Aoi wondered who was the man and little girl next to him as Shin and Aimi thought the same. Shin had dropped down Aimi gently on the ground, "Hey go and see what's up okay? I'll wait here." he smiled and patted her onto the head as she did as she was told to and went inside the house. 

Aoi rose a small brow, "So um, if you don't mind me asking, are you friends with the people who live here?" he had asked. Shin gave his attention to Aoi and smiled while shaking his head. "Yeah, atleast two of them, their a family friend of mine" he answered. Aoi nodded his head, Shin looked over to him and cleared his thoat awkwardly, "So how about you? Friends with them?" 

"You could say that." he answered. Aimi had came back out with a half black ripped backpack and a slip of paper in her hand and gave it to Shin to read.  

Aoi's eyes had lingered onto the black backpack tilting his head examining it carefully. "Huh...that's funny" he commented. Shin turned his head towards him in question. "What is?"

"That back pack... I seen it some where from before but I can't remember where though... oh well" he shrugged."Shin chuckled and opened the note to read what the scriptures says onto the paper. After a minute later, he folded the paper and put it into his pocket. "Okay well I guess its just you and me for now huh?" he looked over to Aimi as she nodded in agreement.

"What's wrong?" Aoi had asked.

"The owner, she's really sick apparently and so I guess my friend wants to watch her for a while" Shin answered. "Which Owner?" Aoi asked.

"Uh I think the youngest one, the daughter I guess." Shin had answered. Aoi's lips snickered a smile of amusement, "Sick huh? There's no way. That girl is too stubborn to get sick." he smirked. Shin looked over to him confused. 

"You seemed to know a lot about her, well that is, hearing the way you say that about her" he chuckled.

"Of course I do, she does a very good job pissing her own boss off on a daily basis... I'm here to punish her." Aoi answered. Shin's eyes slightly widened, "Your her boss?" 

"Yep, and she's my slave...Let me handle this. I'm sure your eagered to meet your friend's care taker, but I need your assistance" he snickered with a devilish smile. 

Kimiko POV

The door rang again, "Hey Yamazaki! I want to meet the owner of this house." I heard Shin say behind the door. Snatcher looked at me with an insecured expression. He opened the door slightly with himself still behind the door.

"I told you in the note that she's sick... And she probably doesn't want to come out" he answered back to him. 

"I know, She doesn't have to either..." Only Shin's right arm entered through the door and moved his opened hand into a greeting gesture.

"I just want to greet myself to her atleast once...Miss, if your in there, I'm shin its nice to meet you. I promise I'll leave once I've recieve a greeting from you" he said behind the door.  Snatcher turned his head towards me pointing at Shin's hand.

I was hesitant at the opened hand, but the only thing that I wanted was for both of them to leave straight away. I reached my hand out towards the welcoming hand grabbing it gently and shaking it. 

When Snatcher walked over to the other side to look through the window his eyes suddenly broadened leaving a gasp escaping from his mouth, "LET GO OF THE HAND--" 

Just as Snatcher was about to warn me, the hand that held onto mine was no longer gentle and had turned into a tight grip. It was impossible for me to escape my hand from the grasp, the hand had pulled me forward as the door quickly widely opened revealing myself outside the front. A pair of arms laced around my waist as the other held onto the same hand that pulled me into the strong toned body. I looked up to see two dark brown orbs that were looking down upon mine. 

"Hello there Kimiko" Aoi beamed a smile at me. "Aoi..."  I breathed out his name.

Once Shin's eyes and mine had fallen onto eachothers his hand rose up and pointed at me incredulity. "Kimiko?!" he questioned in a jarring voice putting down Aimi on the ground. I rolled my eyes and pushed him away from his grasp and wrapped my arms around my chest.

"Hello Shin" I greeted him with a dull tone. Aoi exchanged expressions with Shin, him now being the confused one his eyes adverted his eyes towards me and then at Shin.

"You both know eachother?" he asked.

"Unfortunately yes we do" I answered him back followed by a deep sigh. Shin made a dubiety smile and made a distressed chuckle.  "Your Yamazaki's care taker? wow..." he said looking around the area.

"What? You have a problem with that?" I beamed back. He continued to look around the area and nodded his head. "Dude, you live in the most ty place ever, of course I have a problem with it. I didn't know a person like you lived in this area." he answered back.

"Well its not like you got a better place than this" I shot back. He gave me a giant smirk and came close to me face, "Hmpth, you might want to think twice about that Miss Horiuchi, I got myself a very nice apartment on 45th street just recently and its much more cleaner and less rundown" he said.

"At least mines a house and not a small apartment" I stuck out my tongue. He rolled his eyes pretending he like he didn't care he just got pwned and backed away. "Anyways, I gotta take the Yamazaki's out, hey Yama---" Just as Shin was about to open the door, I reached the door knob shutting it tight. 

"Um, he needs to do his homework." I quickly said to him, slowly he rose a single brow at me. "He said that he was done though."

"He was lying... I mean, he does that all the time, he's just---" 

"He's not the type of person who procrastinates on his work, I would know." he affirmed removing my hand away from the door knob almost forcibly.

"Hey! You can't--" I tried stopping him from coming any further but he had already made his way into the entrance swinging the door hard enough for Snatcher to fall backwards as he caught him hiding behind the door. 

"What the? Yamazaki, what the he--"

"Shin I could explain!" Snatcher interrupted him. When Aoi had spotted Snatcher with his eyes, his brows scrunched and his eyes widened, "I remember you! You're the twerp who stole my money!" he claimed and looked over at me. "You liar! So you were working with him!" he snapped at me. 

"No! No I'm not! Aoi, I can explain, please! Aoi you got it all wrong" I shook my hands and then took hold of him from getting any closer to Snatcher. Shin had a confused expression that covered his face, he looked over to Aoi and then back at Snatcher with a serious expression. 

"Stole? Yamazaki you stole from his man?! What on earth---Kimiko! Did you make him do--" Shin had almost beamed at me.

"No no no Shin! You don't understand! That's not it! That's not it at all!" Snatcher admitted to him pulling him back from almost throwing a huge fit at me. It all turned into a huge fuss until we were all hit by small bits of wrapped candy from behind. Our eyes had turned over to Aimi who had a bag of candy in her hand, her face was humorless and pale almost as if she were to cry soon. She wanted us to stop with all the yelling. 

[Fast Forward]

After 20 minutes or so had passed, we all had finished explained our own each individual stories on how we had all met and how we got ourselves into this situation in the living room. Shin rubbed his temples and took a deep sigh, "Oh my godness... this is all too much." he said looking over towards Snatcher who was fiddling with his fingers nervously. 

"You idiot" Shin nudged him onto the head.  "See what you gotten yourself into?"

"Hai, I'm sorry to you all, especially you Kimiko. I should have known better." he apologized. 

"Nahh its alright.I wouldn't want you working with Aoi, he's a big pain in the " I assured him then sticking my tongue at Aoi. He stretched his arms in front of my face and flicked me onto the forehead hard leaving a small red mark. "Ow! That hurt!" I said hitting him on the arm. Shin made a noticable chuckle and gave a thumbs up to Aoi.

"Good job! She deserves that." he said. "FOR WHAT?! You're the one who deserves a punch in the face for cheating on delivery racing!" I shot back at him with a glare. Snatcher's laid his eyes onto Shin, "Shin, you cheated?" he asked.

Shin's laugh had died away in seconds "ME? Nooo! Why would I want to do that?" he lied. "Do you think of your own god brother as a cheater?" he . I rolled my eyes at his comment, "Speaking of which, how come this is the first time I'm hearing you having a god brother Snatcher?" I asked him.

"Its Yamazaki not Snatcher" Shin corrected by his last name.

"Well I like Snatcher better than using his last name got it?" I beamed back at Shin, "Anyways... I thought you said you had no one else" I looked back at Snatcher. 

"Its cause we lost contact before my parents died. Shin and his family had moved and apparently changed everything without me knowing. So I couldn't connect with him all these years." He answered. "But then finally when I was coming home from School last week I was reunited with him at the auto shop down at 56th street." He smiled at Shin after finishing the story. 

"Yep, couldn't believe you were already 17 and this big after what? 2 to 3 years" Shin nudged his head gently.

"Did you know anything about his parents death Shin?" I asked.

"Yeah but like 2 weeks later after the investigation was closed, when we found out, we tried to get in touch with Yamazaki but the orphanage care claimed that they ran away without a word." he answered. 

"It was because Aimi and I were being bullied and beaten by other kids and teens there. We couldn't handle it, so we ran away." Snatcher added. Shin had got up from his seat and cleared his throat as he looked at the time on his watch,  "Anyways, hate to end this conversation but I think we ought to get going, my whole family is dying to see both Aimi and you, I think its been long enough for them to wait for us yeah?" he said to Snatcher.

He nodded his head in agreement, "Okay, well, I'll go get the rest of my stuff, just meet me out the front door okay?" he said taking Aimi with him and going into the other room.

"Yep, hurry up though can't keep them waiting any longer!" As Shin got up to go towards the front door I tapped onto this shoulders to get his attention, "Shin, they'll be okay right?" I asked him with caution.

"Ofcourse they'll be okay. They're going to be with their god brother the whole time, what can go wrong?" he smirked. 

"I wouldn't be so sure about that, everything bad happens when people are with you." I said, Aimi once again came out with her pink backpack and her bag of candy in her hand with an angelic smile,.

"Hey little princess, too much candy isn't good for you" Shin attempted to take away the bag of candy from her hand but she pulled away and snickered at him. "Do you want the bad tooth thief to take all your teeth away when you sleep? Do you not want to eat candy  ever again?" he warned her. She shook her head and gave the bag to him.

"That's a good girl" He kissed her on the cheek and ruffled her brown hair softly. When his eyes caught mine staring at him he sneered his brows making a small glare. "What are you looking at missy?"

 "Its strange, I don't see this side of you often, it be nice if you acted that way more." I answered crossing my arms on my chest. He came close to me   with his left inde finger swaying side to side.

"Too bad, I only show this side of me when I'm with those who are close to me. In your case, you're a rival." he smirked. "What? You jealous?"

"No, I  am most certainly not jealous you piece of ---"

"Oh you want to start a fight now eh? Is that what you want?" he came closer face to face.

"Not to be rude or anything but I think its best if you didn't stand that close to her" Aoi came from behind placing his hand around my waist and pulled me close to him. "It would be terrible to lose my slave at a time like this" he said. Shin took a step back and stared at him for a few moments and creased a smile bowing his head.

"Sure thing, just keep torturing her for me will ya?" he said as Aoi nodded his head in agreement. I stared in disbelief at them, "You guys already became good acquaintances?" I asked. "You could say that" they both smiled. Once Snatcher had came out with the rest of his stuff all of us made our way outside to say our goodbyes. 

"Shin wait, can you came aside with me for a minute." I called him

"What do you want missy?" he asked, "Um, well, I was just wondering... I know this is a silly question but, you do know Snatcher's real name right?" I asked. He only laughed at me and nudged me onto the head. "Ofcourse I know his name! Why wouldn't I know it?" he said, but his laugh quickly died out, "Why? You don't know his name yet? Have you not ask him yet? wow... that's sad right there." 

"Ofcourse I asked him, but he doesn't want to tell me. I was wondering if yo--"

"If I could tell you what it is and what happened to his parents?" he finished my question. "No way in hell I'm I telling you. You have to ask him yourself, but don't force him into talking about it. Just give him time, to be honest, I don't even know the full story about his parents, and he's still uncomfortable talking about it with me even." he said.

"Shin! Let's go we're ready!" Snatcher shouted out to us. 

"Well its time for me to go, I'll bring them back tonight at eight if that's not too late." he explained as he walked over to his motorcycle. 

"Yeah no problem" I nooded my head. "But... how are you guys going to fit??" I asked. 

"Aimi's going to sit infront of me and Yamazaki on the back. There both slim people, I'm sure they'll fit." Shin explained, as he started his engine.

"See ya Kimiko, we'll be back" Snachter waved good bye as Shin drove away. "Bye!" I waved back, when I turned around Aoi stood in front of me really close.

"What do you want jerk? Go home!" I said going around him and walked towards the front door. His foot steps ranged into my ears behind me as he followed like a lost duckling.

"What did I tell you? Go home, Its my day off today and I don't want to do anything today so just go." I shut the door behind me. Just as I was about to take a deep relieving sigh the door bell echoed into the room.

I stood there behind the door for a few moments to pass by, another ring was made followed by an endless ringing chimes. I rolled my eyes and ignored the bell, "A nice shower should block out the door bell" I smiled going to the downstairs bathroom.

Without realizing, the front door had slipped opened by its own.

[Fast Forward]

"Shoot. Forgot to get new clothes up stairs... Oh well, might as well wrap myself  in a towel and go get it" I said getting out of the shower and going out the door into the hallway towards the living room while singing a random melody.

When I reached into the living room, I stopped myself from singing any further when I was greeted by Aoi who was sitting on the couch with a magazine in his hand. Once his head lifted up to see me, he opened his eyes widely and blushed, "Kimiko..."

"AHH!! YOU !" I screamed thowing the small wash cloth I had in my hand to Aoi's face."Wha---what the hell are you doing in here?! How did you come in?!" I shouted grabbing an umbrella from the closet next to me as self defense. He quickly looked away and pointed at the front door.

"The door, it creeked open, I thought it was your saying to come in." He explained. "Anyways please put some clothes on" 

"Oh right! Anyways...!" I looked down to my body then back to him. "If you dare look or follow me I'll kill you with this umbrella!" I pointed at him with it and ran upstairs quickly into my room and shutting it tightly, checking it twice to make sure

."That guy has some guts to come in this house." I sighed in embarassment. When I got myself dressed I went back down stairs and found Aoi the same place where he sat along with the magazine in his hand.

"Oh great your done. Oh and here... I believe you might want these back" he said puling out a small wash cloth and a red strap designed bra. 

"Hey!" I ran forward taking my bra and towel by force and shot a glare at him. "If you need something spit it out now" I said putting the towel and bra into the laundry room. He started scratching behind his neck and cleared his throat, 

"I need you to come with me tonight at my awards ceremony, my mother can't make up her mind about seeing you or not so I'm making her decision for her." he said crossing his arms on his chest.

"That's unfortunate. Doesn't she hate me already? and wouldn't you be happier not seeing me there?" I rolled my eyes as we came into the kitchen. I started to pick up the first dish that was in the sink and started washing, "Tell your mother that I'm sorry that I couldn't come today, I'm too busy washing dishes, doing the laundry and cleaning up my house" I said. 

After a moment or two, he suddenly started to fold up his sleeves up to his elbow and reached his hands into the soapy water picking up a single dish taking the sponge from my hand and started to wash.

"What are doing? A guset in the house shouldn't --"

"Exactly, so I'm making myself help you so that I can force you to come, and the only way to do that is to annoy you with the littlest things like this." he said continuing to wash the dishes. "Besides, I still feel pretty bad about the kiss... so think of this as a 'little' sorry note from me" he added. I stood there quietly without moving an inch of my body and stared at him for a while. 

"You really want me to go don't ya?" 

"No, but I know a couple of guys that will be happy to see you. They've been wanting to see you for a while." He said in a annoyed tone implying he was talking about his bandmates. A smile creased on my lips,  "Aw, have they been really? So sweet of them to think that way." I chuckled.

"But that doesn't mean that I'll be going just because you said that" I quickly said before Aoi had said anything.

He smirked at my comment, "Oh dont worry, I'll make sure you'll change your mind soon" he snickered.

We washed the dishes together, him annoyingly teasing me in the process. It turned into a huge mess of a water fight started by Aoi who placed dirty soapy bubbles onto my face. After we were done, we decided to do the laundry next, but it got out of hands when he spotted so many feminine undergarments and started making fun of me what kind of bras and underwear I wore, so I commanded him to sweep and mop the floors. It was about the middle of the day when we heard the door bell ring.

"Hmm I wonder who could that be at this time." I said getting up from the floor with my hair once again all messed up but I didn't care about that at the moment. I walked passed Aoi near the living room and to the front door. I turned the knob and opened it.

"MA?!" I half shouted out. She was holding lots of grocery bags in her hands, "Sweetie, can you help me take these inside please?" she begged while struggling to keep all the bags in place. "Mom just put these down for now, I'll come back and get them and I need you to stay out here for a minute okay?" I grabbed only 4 bags from her hand and sat them down, I ran back inside shuting the door close. 

"Hey! Come with me! We got trouble"

"Whoa, what's wrong Ki--"

"Aoi! My mom's here! You need to hide! I can't let her know that you're here!" I grabbed his arm pulling him away from his cleaning and making him drop the mop. We ran up the stairs and into my room at the end of the hall, I pushed him into my room and placed my index finger onto my lips,"Okay Aoi, I need you to be quiet and let me handle this okay?" 

"Got it..." he nodded his head as I closed the door and went back down stairs to help my mother with the bags.

"Sorry ma, I had to take care of something first." I apologized.

"Its alright sweetie, now that you're here everything is good." she smiled and went inside the house while I took the rest of the bags into the kitchen. "So mom, your home early today, what's the deal?" I asked curiously coming back out into the living room.

"The restaurant is going through reconstruction for 3 weeks, so everybody is only working part time for now." she answered. Her brows started to raise up, "Oh by the way is someone here?" she asked.

"No, why do you think that?"

"Well there's a nice black polished car parked infront of our house, and those shoes... I don't remember anyone in the house wearing those." She pointed.

"Oohh those, um, yeah, the car might be someone else's but those shoes are Snatcher's God brothers. I just met him earlier in the morning."

"God brother? He has a god brother?" she asked surprisingly.

"Yeah, I said the same thing. They lost contact since before Snatcher's parents had died, and a week ago they claimed to be reunited when Snatcher was coming home from school."

"Oohhh! That's good news! Family members reunited! Awww but I would hate to see them leave us, we were becoming a huge family of our own." she sadly said. A moment later she took a very long look around the house, "I see you've been doing a lot of house cleaning" she examined. 

"Oh yeah, I was bored so I decided to clean." I explained secretly looking up the ceiling thinking of Aoi was doing okay up there. There was a sudden loud thump from the ceiling as if something fell, my mother looked up to the ceiling with caution.

"What was that?" she asked,

"I-I don't know, m-maybe it was just some kids playing baseball and accidently hitting the ball on our roof, yeahhh you know those baseball kids...heh, heh..." I attempted to distract her.

"Hmm, that didn't seem like a baseball to me, it was more like something fell from the upstairs room. Better go check if it was from mine." She went up stairs as I followed behind her. But before she came into her room, she went into mine as my messy clothes were scattered on one side of the room caught her attention.

"Oh my gosh! Kimiko! Do you laundry properly! Put the clean ones in your closet and drawer and the ones that need to be washed in the basket." she scold me

"Hai! Hai! I'm sorry, I'll do it properly next time" I said. She went towards my closet and opened it seeing a bunch of clothes hanging around, my eyes widened when I spotted a shiny object glowing on the far left side as it slightly moved trying to go deeper into the clothes. I could tell it was Aoi's watch and him trying to blend in within the clothes. 

"MA... I'm kinda hungry, could you fix me something to eat please?" I distracted her from touching the clothes. She nodded her head, "Alright, but in exchange please clean up this mess." she said walking out the door and went down stairs and into the kitchen. 

"Aoi, you okay there?" I came over to the pile of clothes and pulled many strands of clothes away until I could spot some type of a body figure. His hand had beamed straight out of the pile of clothes and pushed away the rest of the off him revealing almost every inch of his body. He looked like he had been pushed or tripped into my closet seeing that he pretty much laid on the ground.

He picked himself up off the ground and started to dust himself off, his eyes trailed up from himself to mine slowly looking over my body. "Clean up your room Kimiko, I tripped over your stuff on the floor and landed hard into your closet and made the rest of your clothes in the closet land on me." he complained.

"I agree, I need to clean up a bit..." I laughed quietly. "But now what we need to pay attention is getting you out of here." I said worriedly, when I looked up at him he smiled, which made me go uneasy. 

"Get me out of here without a 'yes' that you're going with me tonight at the ceremony? Nah, I don't think so." he said with a devilish smile. "I'm not going anywhere until I get the answer I want to hear." he added.

"I told you, I need to do my chores and today's my day off, I want to spend it --"

"Spend it with me, I'm sure you'll have fun." he interrupted as he walked closer towards me, making me go backwards and landing myself onto my bed.

"Aoi, please stop what ever your doing..." I almost begged, he came closer, now that he was hovering his body over me on the bed. "Stop what?" he asked.

"This... St--" his hand cupped one side of my face and came too close to my face where our noses were literally touching. "I'll make your mother come up here" he threatened in a daring voice.

"You wouldn't." I widened my eyes.

"I would" he smirked. "How would she react? Seeing us together like this?" 

"Are you insane?! She'd freak!" I replied back. Frustration was building up at every attempt to escape from his grasp, I whined quietly at him trying to push him off of me, but my arms ended up at the sides of my head with his hands clentching onto them tight. 

"Hmm, so your mom doesn't have a single clue about me and that your in this fake relationship with me." he said.

"Are you kidding me? If she did, I would have laid in my grave dead by now" I affirmed.

"Yeah? Let see about that." he smiled. Loudly, he sang gibberish and said random sayings across the room, attempting to get my mother's attention from down stairs.

"SHHH!" I hushed him and pushed him off at the right time when he unconditionally caught his guard off me. My hand tried to cover his mouth to keep him quiet but failed miserably as he kept dodging from my attacking hands.

"Stop! Are you trying to set my death on an earlier date?! Stop! I'm not going what so ever I--" I stopped myself when I heard my mother calling my name about Aoi's voice that seemed unfamiliar to her from downstairs.

"Honey? Are you alright? what's all that noise?" I heard her say.

"Nothing mom! Don't worry, everything is fine!" I yelled back then turned back to Aoi. "I said no, N.O. NO!" I sqeeked at him.

"Not taking a no for an answer" He shook his head, I stood still with serious features written all over my face but it seemed that he didn't buy it. 

"Oh well, might as well call out to her more." He said out loud, he took a deep breath as he was about to yell across the room again. 

"Stop!" I screamed. I found myself doing something I wouldn't expect to do, but it was for the betterment of keeping him quiet. I leaned in forward, held up my tippy toes upward, and reached my hands to his face cupping it gently, and I shut my eyes as I closed the space between us.

"Kimiko! Is everything alright?" I heard my mother say as he made her way up stairs and came at my door. I opened the door before she had the chance to talk, and gave her a bright, satisfied smile. 

"Yeah everything is fine, it was just my radio... It was um, having one of its moments of malfunctioning" I lied followed by a chuckle. She stared at me strangely with one of her brows curling,

"Hmm we'll need to get you a new radio then, doesn't sound too good from down stairs... anyways I'm gonna get ready to go out to a friends place to help them with food servicing for the church they vounteer at." she said waving goodbye and headed down stairs.

"Okay! Take your sweet time mom! Oh and I'm going to visit Miyuki right now!" I lied and waved back and closed my door behind me. I looked over to the side seeing Aoi's abeyant, comatose body that laid there motionless on the floor.

"You didn't see that coming now did ya tough guy? I knocked you out with one head ! Oh yeah!" I smirked evily at his inactive body. "Now I have to get you out of here." I declared dragging his body out of my room. I looked out down stairs to see if my mother was in sight, I turned my head to the left.

"Okay, clear." I said going back up stairs to get Aoi's heavy body and drag him downstairs and to the front door. Once I reached to his car, I pulled his keys out of his pockets and opened the door pushing him onto the pasenger seat. I went to the other side to the drivers seat starting the engine and drove off somewhere to leave him alone with his car in an unfamilar area while I get to come back home and relax.

[Fast Foward]

Aoi POV 

My eyes started to hazily open up to a blurry light. I heard sounds but i couldn't understand what came out of it, blurred scenery of faces and streets all over the place going one direction and another. The darkness came again as I began to blink more than once, my consciousness fading in and out, I made groaning noise with every exhalation from a pain coming from my forehead. Gradually, the sight became clearer and clearer by the second.

I was finally awake now, but to my suprise I was unaware and didn't realize that I was in my own car until there was a knocking on my window. A man came up with a golden badge on his baby blue uniform who wore a gun laced up on the side of his hip and a white hat that had a symbolic mark of a Police department. I looked at the police officer with a confused expression written all over my face, he implied me to roll down my window and I did so.

"Sir you are aware that you've parked here for more than 15 minutes yes?"

"What?" I breathed with a puzzled tone, he rolled his eyes and pointed at the sign that had a '15 minute parking' scriptures labeled on it. My brows scruntched, "How did I even get here? Where am I?" I asked out loud. 

"Why, you're in Mie Prefecture where else? and what do you mean 'How did you get here' ? Sir have you been drinking today?" he said in a stern voice. I shook my head, "I'm sorry, must have fallen asleep from a long day, it won't happen again sir" I lied and apologized, he nodded his head and told me to get off the parking area and let me off for the day. As drove I kept wondering and tried to remember why and how I ended up here.

I ended up parking to another place to think for a while, I took a deep sigh and closed my eyes and reopened them as I laid my head back onto the resting pad of my seat. My eyes wandered off to the right and suddenly I spotted a small note that laid next to the automatic transmission. I took the note and unfolded it at a normal pace and read the scriptures that was written on it.

Think you can get out of this one? I bet you don't even know where you are or this place! Muhahaha! Good luck on finding your way back home loser! 

-Superior Kimiko

 My fingers curled up, crumpling up the paper as I fully remembered what happened. "That's right, that 'kiss' was actually a head . She dragged my body to my car and she ended up parking here in Mie" I gave myself a smug look. I re-read the phrase: 'I bet you don't even know where you are or this place!' Then I remembered the police informing me where I was, Mie Prefecture.

"That idiot, doesn't she know that this place is my birthplace" I chuckled. I started up my engine once again and drove off quickly making my way back to the other side of the area with another smirk creasing on my lips. "I'll have my revenge."

[Fast Forward]

Kimiko POV 

Its been 2 hours since I had came home from dropping off Aoi at Mie and boy was I happy. I imagined funny thoughts of his reaction, and how he will struggle on getting back here. It was all too good. But to put that aside, I was in my room watching Alice Nine's interview that was being taking place with the show 'Hey Hey Hey'.

It made me laugh as one of the interviewers brutally teasing all of them of how they all met, but the only member that I only gave my attention to was Hiroto. For the most part he was quiet, but I didn't mind that at all, he was already taking my breath away with all his perfection. His smile and his laugh, it was all so enjoyable to watch and hard to look away. 

"Hiroto... Hiroto... Hiroto..." I said his name hopelessly over and over again when the commercials started again. I fell gracefully onto my bed and dreamed away. I couldn't help but blush everytime I thought about him, I took the teddy bear that he won for me off the chair and hugged it tightly in my arms.

"Hiroto, you're a great guy" I complimented. Suddenly just as I was about to dream away deep into my mind, the sound of the door bell had interrupted my daydream. I grunted in annoyance and got up from my bed, then went down stairs to get the door.

"It better not be who I think it is." I said to myself and opened the door. By the time I could see who it was, I was welcomed by a hard, afflictive, smack on the head with some hard metal object. My body fell to the ground helplessly, I heard my own breath breathing embellishly deep, like you hear in movies when someone's running in slow motion. I blinked once or twice, with a blurry vision, I could see what looked like two legs,

"Mission accomplished." I heard a voice say, the next thing I knew my eyes out and I was unconscious.

[Fast Foward]

A few hours later, or so it seemed,  I woke up in what seemed like I was inside of a moving car. I blinked a couple of times to adjust my sight and made grunt sounds while stretching my body.

"You're awake now, good timing, its about 6:00 pm just so you know." I heard a voice on my left. My head weakly turned over and my eyes widened at the sight of Aoi next to me.

"What-- what the heck?! How the Hell? What am I doing here with you? You're supposed to be in Mie and be lost there forever!" I said in bewilderment. He chuckled at my reaction and turned to the right into another street, "You idiot, I know that place very well, its my birthplace." he said.

"Really?! Oh... wow..." I left my mouth agaped.

"Yeah feel like now?" he laughed.

"Shut up, I didn't know you were from that area." I beamed back at him. For a moment, he withdrew a random glance at me, then went back paying attention to the road, "Make sure you don't ruin that dress... it was expensive." he warned.

"What?" I looked down at my body finding myself wearing a red strapless cocktail dress, a pair of lucious red heels, and some jewelry on me."WHAT?!" I freaked out, I then pulled down the ceiling mirror to see what had been down with my hair. My hair was looped up into a nice bun with a diamond yellow flower wrapped around it with the extra hair strands curled very loose. 

"How- How did I get into these?!... YOU!" I started to cover my body and glared at Aoi. He rolled his eyes and nudged me onto the head.

"Stop thinking about erted things, I had a lady dress you up don't worry. Geez, having your hair and make up done was harder then knocking you out." he explained. My mouth was left with a wider agaped expression, "That was you wasn't it?!" I punched him on the arm hard almost making him swerve harshly on the steering wheel.

"! Do you want to die?!" He yelled with an angry tone.

"If it means killing you too then yes" I replied back indifferently. He looked back at me a couple of times with those angry scruntched brows of his, he suddenly swerve the car hard, making me hit my head onto the door window hard.

"OW!" I yelled rubbing off the pain on my head. "You're not supposed to hit girls!"

"That was for payback... again." he replied with the same indifferent tone you had before. "I told you nicely that you needed to go with me tonight, but I guess you wanted it the hard way." he stated with annoyed eyes adverting away from me and going on to the next traffic light. 

"Remember, just play it cool when you see my mother."

"Roger that." I replied.

"Oh, and we're going to have to break some your rules. She's not convinced yet that your my girlfriend." he warned me, my head turned to him with a serious expression written all over my face. "What? Oh-- NO no no no no! We're not going through another episode of kissing dramatically again! NO! No way in hell Aoi"

"Kimiko I didn't say we were going through that again, I just meant like a small kiss on the cheek or the head. We just need to make it look like we are really love eachother."

"Does hugging count?"


"Blehh..." I grossed out. "Better double the pay" I shot at him. Once we've finally arrived to the annual award ceremony, both Aoi and I took eachothers hand and put up our acting skills as false lovers once again as we entered the building and saw his whole family there. Aoi's sister, Ayumi ran up to me as soon as she spotted me from afar and gave me a gentle hug.

"Oh my gosh! You're here Kimiko! I'm so happy we get to hang out again!" she said happily. I nodded my head and said the same thing to her. After Aoi had finished his greeting with his brother and sister, he pulled me closer to him with a smile and placed a small kiss on my head. "Mother, Father you remember my girlfriend, Kimiko" he presented me to them, I bowed down and said my hellos to both. 

"Oh ofcourse I remember Kimiko! How are you doing this evening?" his father had asked, I replied with a genuine smile of mine and replied back that I was doing fine. I looked over to his mother and greeted her with the same amount of appreciation I had given to her husband. As expected, she gave a stern look and looked away pompously.

"Come now, the ceremony awards are about to start." she said. I looked at Aoi who seemed like he was going off somewhere from the rest of the group, I clentched onto him unsure what to do without him.

He leaned over to me and whispered, "Don't worry, all you have to do is sit by Ayumi. I'm sure she'll give you a hand when it comes to dealing with mother's threat questions" he smiled and turned back to his family.

"Okay guys, I'll depart from here, got to go sit with my band mates, I'll see you afterwards" He waved goodbye at his family, when his mother stared at him, he knew it was the perfect time to start getting her attention, he came close to me and pecked a kiss on my cheeks as I did the same.

"Good Luck I love you" I said to him before he left, he winked at me.

"Thanks, I love you too babe." he smiled and waved off. Deep inside, we both knew we wanted to gag and grow sick to our stomach by saying those words. I just wanted to gag out the sick meaning of what I had just said to him, it was just so gross.

Once his body was no longer visible in the crowds, I shifted my body to go where Ayumi waved her hand to me to come over to enter the large room where the ceremony was being held. I didn't realize it before, but I found myself surrounded my many famous musicians and bands here at the ceremony. But then again, it shouldn't be no surprise, it was an award ceremony for music industries to come together and celebrate for top best artist/bands this year.  

"Aw! Its so cute to see Aoi kissing you on the cheek like that!" She exclaimed wrapping her arms around mine together as if we were best friends. "Oh my goodness, I'm so happy for the both of you, can't wait to become sister in laws." she started off, "I mean that is... You both are going to get married right?" she asked.

"Um, well, sure we love eachother very much but--"

"But what? You guys are perfect for eachother! I can already tell that you both are going be together forever! What can go wrong?" she interrupted me.

"That's nice of you to say but, don't you think that's a bit too early to talk about these kind of things?" I said almost wanting to throw up just thinking about the thought of marriage, especially if it were with Aoi. 

"Hmm well yeah I guess, but I want to become sister in laws quickly so you and I can hang out together as best friends and sisters! My other sister in law is so boring and old fashioned, life's so boring that way." she pouted. "But you got some spark and enjoyment in ya! You're so fun to hang out with too! ... well even though we've only met twice but we're getting along so well!" she smiled.

"Yeah, and thank you for the nice comment." I smiled back as we were preparing to sit at our seats.  "Wait... if this is the music ceremony, then that means... he's here too." I looked around the area to see if I could maybe spot Hiroto from the crowd, but everywhere I looked he couldn't be found. The ceremony had already started with the lights dimming into darkness at a stready pace. Claps had filled the room when a man in a black suit had came out in the spotlight with some note cards in his hand as he walked up to the microphone.  

Misaki POV

(FYI: I have changed the appearance of Misaki, go to chapter 12 to see her new look.)

I sat myself to my seat gracefully as the ceremony started and begin to clap with the crowds putting on a smile when a middle aged man had came up to the podium. My eyes began to wonder around for something to capture my attention while the man spoke with the introduction of the ceremony. I kept fiddling with my fingers and felt anxious with no reason, it felt like I was waiting for someone, or more like trying to look for someone within the crowd.

When my eyes kept searching and searching, it finally captured my full attention to a tall manly figure, Hiroto. He walked in from the entrance with his comrades and sat 7 seats further than mine from behind. When the man who was giving his speech was done, he gave claps and smiled to this bandmates and informed that the actual awards announcement was about to start. When the lights had slightly came on again, he looked around his surroundings and widened his eyes at the massive amount of people here in the building. 

I saw his lips saying 'Oh my god, there's a lot people' followed by a chuckle to his friends, they all nodded agreeeing with him and clapped once more when an announcer had came up to the podium and began their speech. His eyes wandered off again, only this time he searched out behind him, it seems as though something suddenly had caught his eye after a few minutes had passed by. I looked over where he was staring at, it seems as though it was a person with a red dress walking down from the upper seats. Before I could manage to make it out of who they were, the lights dimmed away into darkness. 

A minute later when there was a little speck of lights from the stage, I couldn't see the person anymore, they disappeared from my sight. I could see Hiroto informing his friends that he needed to go somewhere, they all nodded and he made his way through the seats and to the stairs passing the rows of seats and to the exit. 

Kimiko POV

After I had passed through the exit, I walked towards the rest room because I found myself almost falling asleep through the presentation of the awards. I needed to wake myself up by slashing cold water to my neck, my neck flintched and awoke me fully. I took a deep sigh looking at myself in the mirror. 

"I wonder if Hiroto saw me like this... would he like it? Would he think I'm pretty? Or would he not recognize me" I asked myself, "Because I certainly can't tell if this is me" I laughed, but it faded away when I looked at myself again in the mirror and backed away to see the full extent of my body. "But I guess... I guess I'm not used to seeing myself like this" I said, feeling somewhat like I was living in a princess world. Suddenly I shook my head and ran out of the rest room and walked over to the drinking fountains and sipped some water.

"What have you gotten yourself into?" I sighed. foot steps came ringing into my ears my behind until they stopped about 5 feet away. 

"What have you got yourself into?" a voice behind me asked. I turned around to see Hiroto smiling at me, my eyes widened, "Hiroto?"

"I thought it was you" he grinned, "How come you didn't t tell me that you were coming here? wait a minute..." he squinted his eyes and crossed his arms resting his chin between his index finger and thumb. "You don't happen to be some kind of popular singer are you? Is this a secret  pay back to me since I didn't tell you that I was a famous guitarist in a band before?" he said with a goofy smile.   

"OH no, no, no! I'm not a singer, no way, I was just invited by someone here and well... you get the gist of it right?" I answered. He chuckled at me and nodded. "If I would have known that you knew about this ceremony, I would have gladly have asked to you come with me" he said sweetly. 

"Aw your're very sweet. I would have gladly came with you" I said back. We started walking towards the entrance of the main hall but somehow ended up at a small garden area that was covered in glimmery white lights and surrounded by various flowers from walls. 

[Song playing: Pure Delight by Roy Todd]

"You look very beautiful today" he said out randomly. I blushed at his comment and looked away giving a goofy smile to myself.

"Thanks, you look very handsome in that suit your wearing." I complimented. When we came closer deeper into the garden, there was classical music playing from the speakers as we came across a white gazebo with flower vines laced around the poles and lights that where tangled beautifully on the roof top. 

"Hey Kimi-chan, would you like to dance?" he had asked when we entered in the gazebo.

"Eh? ano, I really at dancing, and I don't want to make a fool out of myself in front of you" I confessed. He withdrew a soft smile and pulled me closer to him. "Not uh, I bet I'm way worse than you are. I at it too." He chuckled.

"Ano, but seriously Hiroto I at dancing and I will always at it no matter how hard I try to improve at it" I chuckled.  

"Liar, I saw you dancing before, and it was amazing." he said. I smiled in disbelief and laughed. "Yeah right! When have you seen me dancing before?" 

"At the club." He answered. My laughing stopped immediately, my mouth dropped slightly and my eyes blinked once and started to widen. "Wait, how did you---"

"I was forced to go with my band mates that day, Shou pointed you out when he realized that Uruha came out finally dancing with the crowds and he was with you." he started. "And so as you know, you saw me with a mask on my face. I put it on because I thought that I might have mistaken that person as you, and I didn't want myself looking like a fool by doing that. But then when I started dancing with you, I realized it was really you... same voice, same floral scent, and the same smile" he answered.

"Oh..." I breathed. "Wait, how come you didn't say anything that it was you?"

"I was about to when the song ended, but that Aoi guy suddenly pushed me away... You know, the guy we saw at the fair? I figured that you saved a danced for him, so I backed away and left."he answered. A smile creased on my lips, "So it was you! I knew there was something familar back there." I said, "I just couldn't figure it out."

"Well now you know" he laughed, "Curiousity, Do you know the GazettE?" he asked. "I mean, you seem to know them pretty well judging back at the club"

"Well yeah kinda... I just know that their a famous Jrock band that works at the same record label as you do. All of them are pretty cool, its just Aoi however, he's just an ." I chuckled as so did Hiroto.

"Why is that?" he asked. "Hmm, well, he's mean, he's arrogant, and really annoying sometimes. He's always picking on me out of his own pleasure" I answered. 

"Ah, I see... well..." Once again he placed his hand onto my waist and held out my hand and pulled me close and started to slow dance gracefully and steadily. " I would never make you feel hurt for fun" he started. "If you ever feel down when he does that, you can always come to me and we'll work this out." He said with a grin. 

"Hai!." I grinned back at him and continued to dance with him happily for a while. 

[Fast Foward]

When I realized I had lost track of time, Hiroto and I had ran back to the main auditorium room, but once we were almosting making our way towards the door, we were met by someone dressed in a white dress and whose brown hair flowed down with loose curls at the ends. She looked up at us with a bland expression. 

"Hiroto" she spoke his name 

"Misaki..." Hiroto breathed. She slightly opened to speak but shut it once she saw me at her sight which came to her dismay. Hiroto's eyes adverted away to his disappointment of seeing her as well. He tilted his quickly as sort of a 'come on' geture, informing my to come along with him. 

"Excuse us" Hiroto continued to walk right pased her as I followed like a little duckling.

"Hiroto!" we heard her calling his name, she swiftly turned around with angered eyes staring at him. "I need to talk to you!" she yelled across the room. Hiroto stopped walking, "What is there to talk about?" he said turning around with an annoyed expression. I stood behind him quietly, I didn't know what was going on, My eyes lifted up to see Misaki's antagonized expression.  

"What is there to talk about? Everything! I need to explain but... not with her here." she said looking at me for only a second. His eyes slightly widened but scrutched back into a glare. He turned slightly backwards only to grab my hand and held it gently into his. 

"If you need to talk to me, then say it to both of us." he said.

"Why do I need to do that? I only need to--" 

"Because..." he started out.,  "She's my girlfriend." he said. I stared up at him and turned to Misaki. slightly dropped being overwhelmed by his words, she looked at me for a good whole minute, then tilted her head as if she was trying to make it out who I was. 

"Aren't you... Miss Kimiko?" she asked. Hiroto was now the confused one, he looked down at me with an expression that couldn't be decoded, I stood there silent for a minute and then took a deep breath before answering.

"No. I'm not, you must be mistaking me for someone else." I lied speaking with a voice of timidness and softness just like hers to hide my voice and identity. At  first, she went into a daze while staring at me for another whole minute and then she withdrew a soft smile while nodding her head. 

"Oh ofcourse, she said that she was only his friend. not a girlfriend. And she definitely doesn't have that type of voice like yours. I'm sorry." she politely apologized.  

It was and awkward silent for a moment, Misaki's eyes stared at Hiroto once more and attempted to speak but Hiroto was fast enough to speak first and looked at her with a bland expression.

"If were done talking, we'll be heading our way." He concluded and led me into the room quietly where an honnorable singer was going up to the podium to recieve their award. "I'm sorry Kimiko, for getting you into this." he apologized to me and we let goed hands, parting our ways silently.

[Fast Forward]

After I had to make up my excuses for taking so long coming back from the bathroom and sit throughout the awards, the ceremony was now finally done and I was waiting with his family for Aoi to finish with his band interview about how they won their awards and what not. He came over with a wide smile on his face bringing the trophy in his hand with his band mates following behind him. 

"Look! We did it guys!" Aoi came forward and presented it to us.

"Good job little bro" His brother congradulated him patting him on the back while his sister gave him a big hug afterwards. His parents smiled and nodded once to show their appreciation and proudness. When his band mates saw me, they quickly went over to me with big smiles on their faces and opened up their arms for an on coming hug. 

"Kimiko! You're here!" Uruha said happily. 

"Yeah ofcourse! Why would I wanna miss something like this? That's insane!" I laughed,

"Said the one who didn't want to come in the first place." Aoi had came on over and nudged me onto the head. I shot a glare at him and nudged him back with the same force. "It was too sudden! What did you expect me to do?"

"Hey hey hey, You're here, that's all that matters right? Lets just have a good time now alright?" Reita commented putting his arms around both Aoi and I on the necks.

"Aoi, congrats on your award!" a voice called out to him from behind. Once I took a slight glance from behind, I quickly looked back around hiding my face. Misaki was standing behind of Aoi who looked back and wore a bright big smile at the sight of her. He turned around to see her, letting go of Reita's grasp and put on a smile. 

"Misaki! Hey! How've you been? Glad to see you here!" he greeted her. She smiled up to him and everybody else that gathered around her, I only stood there away from everybody else and was freaking out. Misaki had looked over from the side seeing my back facing from everybody else, "Um your friend Aoi?" she pointed at me. 

"Aoi I'm going home I don't feel so well. Tell everyone I'm sorry." I told him and walked away at a fast pace.

"Yeah okay I got y-- Wait what?" He turned around but I was already onto the other side passing every person that was blocking my way. "Hey!" he called to me. 

"Aoi? What's wrong?" he looked down at Misaki whose face was covered in concern. "Is she not feeling well?" she asked.

"Hm, I don't know, I"ll go check it out stay here alright?" he said and she nodded her head. He walked off going towards the direction I heading to.

When I reached towards the exit I was suddenly bumped into someone harshly making myself almost falling onto the ground. But a pair arms hand caught me and held me securely into their arms.

"Hey you alright? I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I wa-- Kimiko?" the voice called my name. I looked up to see who it was and it was Hiroto with a worried face, "Oh Hiroto hi!" I greeted him as he helped me stand straight back up.

"Sorry are you okay? Hope I didn't bump into your too hard" he said awkwardly while he scratched the back of his neck.

"Oh no, your fine, I just was in a rush and wasn't paying attention" I assured him. 

"Kimiko!" Aoi's voice came ringing into our ears, we turned to see Aoi revealing himself out of the crowded area with his breath breathing in and out. When he caught the sight of both of us together, he came forward and and greeted Hiroto with a simple bow. 

"Hello Hiroto nice to see you"

"Hello there Aoi-san. I see that you and Kimiko know eachother yes?" he greeted back and asked. Aoi smirked and grabbed my hand and pulled me close next to him. 

"Why yes, we are pretty close aren't we Kimiko?" He looked at me with a smile, our hands let goed and his arm wrapped around my waist in a very ual way. Hiroto began to feel confuse with Aoi's gesture towards me.

"Ah I see... very close." he stated.

"No Hiroto he's just...Aoi, what are you--" I tried pushing him away but he had pulled me closer but only this time making me close in onto his broad chest as my arms looked like it was cletching onto his shirt dearly.

"What? What's wrong? Don't want to stay close to your boyfriend?" he evily grinned secretly.

"Boyfriend?" Hiroto questioned looking at him then at me.

"Hiroto no, he's just jok---" just as I was about to explain, my face was cupped on one side and my lips felt a pair of warm soft lips brushing on it making a gentle kiss. He broke away, with a smirk creased on his lips.

"Who said I was joking?" he said. 

"OH MY GOSH!" we heard a female's voice behind us. We all turned behind and it was Ayumi with a scary grin on her face. "Oh my gosh! That was the most romantic scene I've ever seen!" she claimed and came closer to us. "Do it again! Do it again!" she cheered. I looked over at Hiroto whose eyes looked down at the ground shocked at what had just happened. 

"Hiroto, I ca--"

"I'm sorry, I just remembered that I needed to meet with my bandmates for an interview. I'll see you later Kimiko" he bowed down goodbye and quickly walked away from us going into the big crowd that was a few feet away from us. 

"Hiroto..." I whispered quietly. When Aoi was done telling his sister to go back with the family I walked over to him with an angry expression wanting to slap him across the face.

"What the hell was that for?!" I yelled at him, his expression remained indifferent, "What was what for?" he pretended not knowing, both his hands went into his pockets and he leaned closer to my face. 

"You broke one of my rules. 'No meeting any other guy when working with me'" he said with a strict voice. I stared at him in disbelief, leaving my mouth dropping slightly and my eyes growing wider. 

"I wasn't even--"

"You think that I didn't know that you were with him in the Gardens? Yeah I saw that." He explained. 

"You saw that?... But I-- Anyways! You didn't have kiss me right in front of him! Now he thinks I'm really with you!" I complained to him. I attempted to walk away from him to search for Hiroto but Aoi had grabbed my hand and pulled me back. He creased another smirk walking up to me making me walk backwards, trapping myself in a corner.

"But you are with me, and you will be until I get Misaki. So why bother going back to him?" 

"Like you'll get her, she only thinks of you as a good friend." I said. 

"How do you know that? Even if it were true, I'll change that, so don't worry. You'll be released from the misery I give you very soon" he placed a kiss onto my forehead as we heard his mother calling him from behind. 

"Aoi stop making out with your moronic girlfriend and come with us to dinner, were late for our reservation" his mother called us. He smiled and informed her that we were on our way, his hands tangled with mine as we walked off with his family out into the parking lots. "Make sure you triple my pay" I whispered angrily at him and walked off to the other side of his car and headed inside. 

"As you wish moronic rabbit." he said followed by a chuckle and got into his car. As he drove to follow his brother's car his phone started to ring from his pocket. He reached into them and pulled out his phone picking it up. Secretly, I pulled out my phone while he was distracted, 

'Please let me explain tomorrow. Its all a misunderstanding.' I texted Hiroto. I waited for a long time to recieve a text back from him, but as hours passed I realized that I was already home from dinner with Aoi and his family along with his band mates. Not even one single call had came from Hiroto. I flipped my phone open and dialed his number, unfortunately his phone was turned off.

'This is Hiroto, I'm not available right now so leave a message and I'll get back to you, thanks, bye. BEEP'

"Hiroto, hey, its me Kimiko, um... Please don't get the wrong idea, I probably know what your thinking about me and Aoi but trust me its all a misunderstanding... please... let me explain tomorrow. Bye" I said to the answering machine and closed my phone.

"This ..." I threw my phone onto the other side of my bed and pulled the covers over my body and tried to sleep for the rest of the night. "I hate you Aoi!" I sqeeked in anger pulling my pillow over my head wanting to die. 

To be continued.

A/N: omg i'm soooo sorry! File got deleted and wasn't saved so I had to start from scratch all over again... sorry for the long update! :P

New Character Bios


This picture is going to be a now and future look on the on coming chapters.(Left:Now. Right: Future)

Name: Shin Kimura                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Age: 25

Personality: Arrogant, Cool, competitive, has a strong pride, outgoing, confident, stubborn at times, athletic, honest, intelligent in his own way, loyal, and is secretively kind, caring and warm hearted only towards his companions and family. 

Race: Asian: Japanese

Family: Parents, Snatcher (God brother), and Aimi (God sister)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Likes: Motorcycles/bikes, games, guns, auto/mechanic parts, technology, repairing things, sports, guitar, drums, music, joking around and street racing.

Dislikes: Pompus people, arrogant people (even though he is one himself), really sensitive people, dumb idiots in the world, clumsy people, and killers. 

History/past: Shin Kimura is a 25 year old living in the old slums and is working at two jobs, one of them for a noodle delivery shop where his rival, Kimiko, and him used to street race to see whose delivery service is better and faster before she had gotten fired from her job at her own noodle shop. Despite all the losses he had at street racing with her, he enjoys his other job at a local repair shop where he is most famous for his looks and coolness from girls who admire him. He is the God brother of both the Yamazaki siblings, Snatcher and Aimi. His father and their father were engineer buddies back then, which led for both Snatcher and Shin taking interest in building and repairing every technology development they could get their hands on. Shin is working on saving money to go to a professional university to become an engineer just like his father who is now ill, suffering from stomach cancer. In his own way, he is very intelligent and wise, he is also very secretive about his kindness to others. It is the rare side you wouldn't see the often, only his friends and family could see this side of him. Despite his arrogant personality, deep inside, again, he is a kind and very caring gentlemen who struggles to show this side of his personality. 

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There finally made an update after a year!


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themissD #1
well this is my 1st Fanfic that I'll be reading ever (suggested by a friend)I hope I can get through it without LOL'n to much!!! But now, after reading this page I'm reminded of "Coffee Prince" (K-Drama) hopefully it won't follow that plot line to much >^.^<
yunvi_blingkey #2
Chapter 17: This was very unexpected... XD I mean, the updating. I thought you had ditched it, Im so happy you didnt!! I love this story, I'm so glad you are back.
Hope you wont take that long for next chapter, thanks!!
hunoru #3
Chapter 17: YEAHHHH!!!!!!!!!
This chapter was so good!!!!
It was so long, I'm glad you updated.
cover_girl #4
ohhhhhhhhhhh Pleaseeeeeeee update it again. i really love this story. I wonder who will Kimi choose: Aoi or Hiroto. Ofc I love Aoi but I think I hate him in this story ( so rude of me ). Amd even I dun know much about Hiroto, I'm gonna love him for now. So please, update this again
hunoru #5
Please update soon!!
I really like this story.
Please, please, please!!!!!!!!!!
Angellovesgazette #6
Chapter 16: Please update!!!!! I love this story, I've been waiting~ xD

Hopefully Aoi is okay, ; - ;

Update soon please~!!!!!
Chapter 16: I'm still waiting for the next chapter T___T really hope that you can update, i really love this story! so please don't give up on the story, we are waiting!
yunvi_blingkey #8
Chapter 16: OMG!! I TOTALLY LOVE YOUR STORY! *w* please continue :D you can't leave me like this >-< <3 lol
I really hope you don't give up on the story, it's really good :'3
Gazelove #9
YAY!! Amazing update!!!! Now I'm dying for the next chapter... XD