Silver Fangs

Guardian Angel

Jongin P.O.V.

I stumbled at the force of impact of his fist on my jaw and shook my head lightly to clear the ringing from my ears. Dismissing the coppery taste of blood that was flooding my mouth from a small wound my teeth had inflicted on my tongue, I looked up at the confident smirk of a man that has never lost, took two steps back, and, gathering all the power in my legs, methodically rammed my shoulder first into his stomach to knock the air out of him and render him slightly powerless, then into his bone, successfully knocking him to the ground. Loud cheers errupted from the hypocritical crowd surrounding the ring as I straightened and the announcer clasped my shoulder, yelling, "I pronounce the winner, Blood Angel! He has done it yet again! How he does it beats me. Next up are Cobra and Dragonfang!"

At a light push from the announcer I sauntered past the man I had conquered to the corner where my gang, The Black Team, stood, ignoring the hissed "Skinny " from the ground.

"Proud of you, kid," Kris said as he easily leapt onto the platform and I sprang down. Since Kris was an expert at this, I always paid special attention when he was up top so that I could learn some of his methods.

I watched with fascination, as Kris lightly leaned against the roping and casually flexed his shoulders and arms, something that had two purposes, both equally important to him: one, making every female creature in the vicinity swoon and giving them the strong desire to sleep with him; the other being a small warning to his opponent, who often showed no fear, but still knew that he was up against an experienced guy that hasn't lost in a long time. The only reason I haven't, either, is my training from Kris and my constant spectation of his fights.

Like always, Kris turned his head to wink at us and crack an amused smile at our awe-stricken expressions. Like always he was last of our team, something the guys in charge had organized, a strategy to keep our copying of his moves to a minimum, since that had always improved our performances.

When Kris had finished victoriously, he bounded down from the platform, graceful as a cat, and we all headed to the bar area, complete with tables, music, and scantily clad waitresses. Settling down at our usual table, in our usual seats, we continued to congratulate Kris, everyone stating their usual comment, until Kyungsoo brought our attention to someone. "Um, guys? Do you see that girl over there? Does she look familiar to anyone else?"

We twisted in our seats to look at the waitress he had pointed out, who was standing by a table in the V.I.P. section, conversing with the greasy middle-aged men sitting there, all of them very important members of the underground mafia. She did indeed look etremely familiar, the way she stood with a slightly defiant edge to the way she held her shoulders, the way her hair swung when she tossed her head.

"I know who she is."

I whipped my head back around to stare at Sehun who shrank slightly at everyone's piercing gaze.

"Well, would you care to tell us, or shall we make a guessing game out of this? I didn't even know you had stared at someone for so long that you could recognize their . What a lucky girl," Kris snapped, his pupils dialated with worry.

Sehun scowled. "Well, if you continue to speak so rudely, I might turn it into a guessing game!"

"Sorry, Sehun," Kris sighed, "I just get concerned when I see someone here that actually belongs in my other life."

"I know, Kris, it's concerning for everyone. Her name is Meilan," Sehun provided.

Kyungsoo furrowed his brow. "Isn't she Jongin's girlfriend's redheaded friend? The one that got slapped for having a tattoo?"


"Sehun! Were you staring at her when she fell down instead of helping her, and that's why you can recognize her from behind? That is so disappointing, you're almost as bad as those guys." Tao gestured to the guys Meilan was talking to with disgust. "They're practically eye-ing her!"

Sehun turned red with anger and indignance. "Are seriously comparing me to those sickos? I saw her face! And for the record, I only stared at her once or twice."

Kris groaned. "That's completely beside the point! What is she doing here?"

Kyungsoo snickered as she gathered the empty glasses and walked to the bar to get refills. "Well, if I had to guess, I would say she works here."

In that moment Meilan turned and saw us. Her smile froze and, briefly, an intense glare took over her face, but she immediately regained composure ad the gooey smile returned to her lips, her eyes staying murderous.

"D'you think she saw us?" Tao asked.

"Naw, she was probably just planning the murder of the guys in front of us," Kyungsoo said, eyes wider than usual from the shock of the venom that girl's eyes had emitted.

"Oh, good. Hold on...there are no guys in front of us."

Kyungsoo glowered at Tao. "Ever heard of this little thing called sarcasm? Of course she saw us!"

Sehun gulped. "Oh dear, she's coming over here. Everybody, act natural, like we weren't just talking about her!"

I raised an eyebrow at him to which he responded, "What? She might fall for it!"

A throat clearing interrupted Sehun and Meilan stepped behind him.

"She's right behind me, isn't she."

Meilan smiled coldly. "She is. And what exactly might she fall for? You pretending to not have been just talking about me and wondering what the hell I'm doing here?"

"Dang, she's good," Tao muttered.

"I know that I'm good. I also know that, if someone were to compliment or criticize me, I would like them to say it directly to my face."

"How on earth did you hear that? It's super loud in here!"

She smirked. "I have exceptional good hearing, Tao. Besides, I am standing right beside you."

"Technically, you're standing right beside Kyungsoo-"

"Shut up"

"Yes, ma'am"

"Thank you for your cooperation. Now...WHAT THE ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE?"

Kris snorted. "I could ask the same of you, doll face."

Meilan shot him a dirty look that was even scarier than the one she had been wearing before.

He scowled back. "What? I was just wondering why you're a waitress here instead of a girly café!"

She crossed her arms. "Okay, now you've crossed the line! Did I ask you why you don't work at the supermarket?"

"Well, they said I would scare off customers...clearly that was your problem as well."

Meilan huffed. "Partly that, partly the ugly uniforms that I swear each and every café has!"

"I think most of the uniforms are pretty cute," Tao mumbled.

Her eyes widened. "Well, sure, they're cute on a minority of people, but pastel pink is not good on light skin and that's why I don't like it."

I sighed in relief at her warming up to us, which she unfortunately noticed and brought the sneer back to her face.

"Don't think you've distracted me! I want you to stay the away from Chinhae and Surin."

Sehun smirked and patted her bare thigh. "You don't want to share us?"

She slapped his hand away and glared even harder. "No, they don't work here, don't know about this place, and never should; they could get hurt."

"What about you? Waitresses aren't safe from harm, either, you know."

"I'm not just a waitress. On your days off, it's our turn. Most of the waitresses don't come that day, they're happy with the amount of pay they get waiting tables, or they're just scared."

"Okay, why don't we know this? And which team are you in?" Kyungsoo asked.

"You don't know because you never asked. Duh. And we do it dfferently. Most of the time each girl is her own team, but occasionally they're are groups of two that go aginst eachother at the same time. Right now I, Silver Fangs, am in the lead of the one-woman-teams. Not hard, since most of th girls aren't particularly good and only do it for the tips."

"You get tips? Somehow that isn't quite fair..." Tao complained.

Meilan giggled at his pouty face. "A majority of our crowd are men with odd es that just want to see half- girls wrestle and get even more than they bargained for."

"What exactly do you mean? And why are you called Silver Fangs?" Sehun inquired.

She smiled slightly evilly. "I am called Silver Fangs because I wear silver fangs and bite my opponents. That answer your question?"

He nodded, slightly shocked by the cannibalistic nature of her methods.

"Yo Sylvie!" the bartender shouted and Meilan spun around, smacking Sehun in the face with the fringe attached to her hips. "Table 4 has requested you as their server!"

"Coming!" She turned back to us and snarled, "Don't forget. Stay away."


A/N: Sorry for not updating in ages, I wasn't quite sure how to put this chapter, and I probably didn't make it any better by waiting. Sorry if this .

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Chapter 6: ..........yeah i can totally imagine that irl AHAHAHAH great job my friend ♡
Chapter 6: God why is this so hilarious xDD
I'm dying...
AutumnAra #3
Chapter 5: Wow! Interesting! Please update your story really soon
Chapter 5: Ohohohoho dangerous...
I love how the hard guys are so scared of a girl hahaha xDD
Bery bery gud
Me likes *\(^o^)/*♥︎
Chapter 4: Haha omg this is HILARIOUS xD
"She IS? I am SO touched!" Lol

Good Job, good job...
Nana_Kai #6
Chapter 4: Love, love, love! Kai's character is so unlikely considering he has tattoo and rides big bikes. Cutie!
Sone3593 #7
Chapter 4: I love their personalities.


You did well Middlehuang ^^ It was so cute and fluffy and funny
Keep it up Yeeeesh!
Chapter 2: UPDATE MORE MIDDLEHUANG i love it ;;;;
xiuminbaozi11401 #10
Chapter 2: awwww Jonggie and Channie is sooo cute!!! update soon neh?!!!? XDXD:D