New Meetings

Guardian Angel

"You went on a date?" Meilan asked curiously, coming up and interrupting me in the middle of the story I was telling Surin.

"Don't interrupt people, Meilan, it's really rude. We have such a rude maknae..." Surin reprimanded her, shifting her weight from foot to foot in irritation.

But I was in too good a mood from Saturday to be annoyed at Meilan, even if she had interrupted me. "It's okay, I don't mind this time."

"Well? Did you go on a date? Besides, whom with? Is he nice? Is he hot? Is it even a he?" the maknae pestered me.

"I was just about to tell you! Stop interrupting me! on earth did you know I went on a date with someone?" I snapped.

Meilan closed her eyes and clapped her hand to her chest in a dramatic gesture. "I'm just a genius."

Surin scoffed, "Yeah, right. You were eavesdropping again, weren't you?"

"Was not!" Meilan protested with a scowl on her face, but hastily confessed when she saw Surin's raised eyebrow. "Fine, maybe a little...but I would have figured it out, even if I hadn't been listening!"

"Yes, you would soon as we told you!"

As Meilan opened to say something defensive and scathing, I spotted Jongin and his small group of friends, all covered in artful tattoos, walk past and I turned to slap my hand across only to see Meilan attempt to casually lean against the wall in the most slimming position possible, eyes fixed on the group of tattooed boys, an almost hungry look in them. Surin craned her neck to see who Meilan was staring at and snorted, pushing Meilan's elbow so she slipped and almost fell.

"You are such a-"

"Stop arguing! You two sound like a married couple!" I hissed, breaking off Meilan's seething snarl at her best friend, desperately willing Jongin to look at me.

"Who are you looking at?" Meilan said in a small voice, following my gaze.

I whipped my head around in confusion to see Meilan looking down at me with big shiny eyes.

"Jongin... Why?" I answered.

"Which one is he?" she whispered, looking down.

"I'm guessing he's the one with tattoos..." Surin mused.

Meilan glared at her halfheartedly, worry clearly etched in the way she was pressing her lips together and turned back to me. "Please don't joke. I need to know which one he is."

"The tall one with the dark hair..." I trailed off, still not getting why she was showing so much emotion. Normally Meilan stayed very neutral-faced.

She grabbed my shoulders and shook me gently. "Which one? Brown or black? Tell me! Brown or black?!"

Surin wrenched her away from me so I could answer, "Brown, okay? Brown!"

Relief washed over Meilan's face and she exhaled the breath she'd been holding. "Thank goodness! Oh, he's cute!"

"Why exactly do you care, Meilan?" Surin asked suspiciously.

Meilan flushed.

"Yes, why exactly do you care?" I chimed in.

"I-I....well....does it matter?" Meilan blushed looking extremely flustered.

"I guess not..." I started to reassure her, but Surin snapped, "Of course it matters! Hold have a crush on one of them, don't you?"

"No! I-yes, I do..." Meilan looked down meekly.

"A miracle! Who is it? The skinny kid with the blond hair and the exact same emotionless expression that you alwas have?"

Meilan curled her lip a little. "He's cute, Just no."

Surin continued to guess who had stolen her friend's attention from us. "The adorable little guy with the big eyes and the swallow tattoo on his forearm?"

"Oh, I didn't even see him! Cool, it's not him."

"The huge dude? With the dark blond hair?"

"No! It's the black-haired boy with the hour glass on the back of his neck!" Meilan snapped.

"Panda Boy?" Surin wrinkled her nose. "Why do you like him? And more importantly, WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US?"

Meilan flinched at the tone and volume of Surin's voice. "I don't know, okay? Most of the time you laugh at me when I show my feelings..."

"Pff, no we don't! Right, Chinhae?" Surin turned to me for help.

I looked down and started fidgeting with the hem of my shirt. "Um....well, we I mean, we don't mean any harm, it's just a little...funny to see our emotionless maknae have feelings!"

Meilan scowled. "And that makes it alright, does it?"

"Yep!" "No!" Surin and I said at the same time.

I gave Surin a hard look which she only smiled at. I have the slightest feeling nobody takes me seriously... "Of course that doesn't make it okay, but don't expect us to not react to something that rarely ever occurs!"

Meilan made a face and opened to say something but was interrupted -yet again.

"Hey, Chinhae!"

I whipped about to bump into Jongin's warm and fangirl-worthily hard chest. Craning my neck to look up at him, I smiled uncontrollably.    "Hi, Jongin..."

"Um, Chinhae?" Jongin started shyly, absentmindedly tracing the tattoos on the inside of his wrist with soft and very precise , as if he had done this many times before and knew the delicate and detailed lily by heart. "D'you think I- Would you mind if- Could I maybe continue my portrait of you? I haven't quite finished the details yet..."

I nearly started screaming right then and there at how adorable he was, but was able to contain myself, choking a little instead. "Um, sure! When do you want to....?"

"Is now okay?"

"Yes!" I nodded happily.

A whispered "They are so adorably awkward together!" made me turn around to glare at the culprits.

Meilan and the skinny blond boy were standing pretty close together and looked at me with identical innocent, emotionless expressions while Surin subtly jabbed her thumb at them, looking up to the left. I snorted at their childishness and was about to go with Jongin when somebody cleared their throat loudly and said under their breath, "Thanks for introducing us, I love staying a nameless face! And you call me rude."

Sighing, I turned around again and shot Surin a meanigful look. She shrugged. "Don't look at me like that, it's not like I'm her mother or anything, if she wants to be a snarky, cheeky prick, who am I to stop her? But...I am with her with this one. If you have to leave me with this socially awkward...thing and four strange guys, you could at least tell us who is important enough to be authorized to steal you away from us!"

I watched the changes of emotion flit across Meilan's face with fascination: first she looked absolutely outraged, then triumphant, then, when she realized she was being called a thing, insulted and slightly pissed off (which is extremely for a normal person).

"Sorry, guys. Surin, Meilan, this is Jongin. Jongin, the black-haired sarcastic one in the fake sport uniform shirt and ratty jeans is Surin and the bratty and cheeky redhead in the black leather jacket is Meilan, our maknae."

Jongin grinned. "I've heard a lot of things about you two!"

Meilan snorted. "Not very good things, I'll bet."

"Well, not exactly good things, but I could tell that you guys are pretty cool and that Chinhae is happy to be friends with you."

Surin put her hand to her heart and pretended to wipe away a tear. "She is? I am so touched!"

"Pff, yeah, well...Can I go now?" I asked.

Meilan gasped. "You would leave your treasured friends alone with four strangers? That just happen to be covered it tattoos?"

I rolled my eyes. "Fine. Meilan and Surin, these are- I've just remebered that I don't know your names. Jongin, do you mind inroducing these idiots to your friends?"

He grinned and gestured to the boys in turn. "Surin, Meilan, these are Kyungsoo, Kris, Tao, and Sehun."

Meilan nodded in satisfaction and waved me away. "Have fun!"

As Jongin led me away, I heard the beginning of a conversation that had started when Kris had asked Meilan in an angry voice what she had aginst tattoos.

I stopped  to listen to her reply, curious to see how she would react to a huge guy, maybe a little more than 4 inches taller than she and backed up by three other guys, getting pissed at her.

It was surprisingly calm. Meilan explained, unruffled, that she had simply wanted to guilt me into it and that she had a tattoo herself.

The part had me gasping and Jongin had to drag me away to keep me from dashing back and murdering her alongside Surin.

"Calm down, Chinhae, she's getting scolded enough by Surin and- ooh that looked like it hurt!" Jongin wrinkled his nose in sympathy.

"What happened?"

"Surin slapped her and now Tao and Kris are shielding her while Kyungsoo and Sehun check if she's okay. It kinda looks like she bled a bit..."

"Wow. Okay, that is crazy, even for them. Oh, well."

Jongin opened the door of an empty classroom and we went in. I sat down and let Jongin position me. As he started to draw me, another one of our long conversations began.


A/N: hellooooooo

sorry I didn't update for so long, but I was kind of stuck. and sorry that it's so....awkward at the end.... forgive me

and if you want to see Surin's and Meilan's outfits, here they are (Surin is the first, imagine her with bkack hair and Meilan is the second, imagine her with red hair):



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Chapter 6: ..........yeah i can totally imagine that irl AHAHAHAH great job my friend ♡
Chapter 6: God why is this so hilarious xDD
I'm dying...
AutumnAra #3
Chapter 5: Wow! Interesting! Please update your story really soon
Chapter 5: Ohohohoho dangerous...
I love how the hard guys are so scared of a girl hahaha xDD
Bery bery gud
Me likes *\(^o^)/*♥︎
Chapter 4: Haha omg this is HILARIOUS xD
"She IS? I am SO touched!" Lol

Good Job, good job...
Nana_Kai #6
Chapter 4: Love, love, love! Kai's character is so unlikely considering he has tattoo and rides big bikes. Cutie!
Sone3593 #7
Chapter 4: I love their personalities.


You did well Middlehuang ^^ It was so cute and fluffy and funny
Keep it up Yeeeesh!
Chapter 2: UPDATE MORE MIDDLEHUANG i love it ;;;;
xiuminbaozi11401 #10
Chapter 2: awwww Jonggie and Channie is sooo cute!!! update soon neh?!!!? XDXD:D