Winged Devil

Guardian Angel

Fog swirled around me as I walked through the moonlit garden. Delicate silver petals floated down from the boughs of a huge ancient tree that towered above me. I looked up into the tree and saw a shiny black wing tip disappear higher up. "Hello?" I called up and received a low hum in return.

The beautiful yet eerie melody pierced my brain like a thousand needles and my vision swam with visions of a small figure in white standing by a grave. The child (as I assumed it was, from its size and proportions) turned around and transformed into a grinning man whose features seemed so familiar to me, but whose identity was just out of my reach.

"Chinhae" My name echoed through the graveyard, sending an unpleasant numbing tingle down my spine, like icy cold water was trickling down the ridge of my back.

"Chinhae.... Chinhae.... Chinhae!" The calling became more and more urgent, each murmur clouding my mind further. Slowly, the talons of my brother's voice tore me out of my seemingly meaningful dream.

I groggily opened my eyes to the blurred, but familiar view of my big brother sticking his face in mine. Grumbling crabbily, I closed my eyes again and turned around.

"Chinhae, are you awake?" I groaned into my pillow.

"Is that a yes or a no?"

"It's a 'no, get the out of my room and let me sleep'," I snapped. He didn't falter in the least, already used to this daily (or actually hourly, if I was at home) greeting.

"Chinhae, it's an emergency!" he whined. Even though his emergencies are never what most people would even call slightly worrying, I still freaked out (as always) when he said that.

"What happened? Did someone die? Is Grandma sick again? Did she have a heart attack? Spit it out, Chanyeol!"

Chanyeol gave me his trademark 10 billion watt smile and shoved an envelope under my nose. "A really hot guy turned up and told me to give this to you."

Did I mention that my brother is gay?

"That's your emergency? Are you ing kidding? I'm going back to sleep!"

"No!" Chanyeol started poking my cheek in a strange attempt to keep me awake, "Don't go back to sleep yet! He said you should look at it as soon as possible! Open it, open it, open it!"

"Meh, fine." I ran my finger along the fold of the envelope to reveal a small vanilla colored piece of sketch paper. Pulling it out, I started to study one of the most amazing drawings I had ever seen.

With many of a soft pencil, the artist had managed to create the exact image of one of my favorite statues in the museum across the park. It was a statue of a breathtakingly flawless angel, whose majestic wings measured most of the angel's body and were, strangely, pitch black. The sculptor had used a slab of black marble to construct the wings, that contrasted strongly with the pure white marble that made up the rest of the angel. What intrigued me most about that particular statue, was the facial expression that I know is impossible for me to get onto paper. An interesting mixture of anger, hate, care, and love pulled the angel's face into a grimace no human being could recreate. All the details - from the sadness that filled the eyes, to the perfect transition from the black marble wings to the white robe - were completed without mistake.

A small scribble in the corner caught my eye and I brought the drawing closer to my face to better see what was written in the corner. "For Chinhae, may the odds be ever in your favour - especially if you come to this statue at 5 pm today -- Jongin."

That cued the mental freak out, the "what should I wear, should I even go? I mean I haven't even done ___ yet today!", you know what I mean.

An awkward throat-clearing brought my attention back to the present situation. And with present situation, I mean my brother wanting to know what the hell is going on. I shot him a dirty look, "What?"

"What What?"

"Oh my God, Chanyeol, are you going Thrift Shop on me? I only want to know why the you're staring at me with that y smile!" "What y smile?"

"The smile that you've had since you were three. Seriously, Mom always says you scared the out of me whenever you smiled."

He pouted, "MOM! Chinhae's bullying me!"

"Ha! You're 21 and you still rely on Mom!"

"Shut up!" he wailed.

"Aw, I'm sorry, it's just....." I trailed off, not wanting to finish my sentence, knowing it would hurt him.

"Shemurr..... Who's Jongin?"

"Shemurr? Oh, God, so you've picked up that habit from Meilan? She knows how much that annoys me and so do you!"

"Who is Jongin?" Chanyeol repeated stubbornly.

"None of your business!" "Oh, come on! I told you about Baek!"

"Yeah, but I didn't ask for it. You are purposefully nosing about in my business!"

"Ugh, fine! If it goes well, you'll bring him back here, anyway.... Just DON'T make out in my room."


A/N: Sorry that it's so short, guize!!!! I couldn't sleep and updated on my phone at 2 am, so......

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Chapter 6: ..........yeah i can totally imagine that irl AHAHAHAH great job my friend ♡
Chapter 6: God why is this so hilarious xDD
I'm dying...
AutumnAra #3
Chapter 5: Wow! Interesting! Please update your story really soon
Chapter 5: Ohohohoho dangerous...
I love how the hard guys are so scared of a girl hahaha xDD
Bery bery gud
Me likes *\(^o^)/*♥︎
Chapter 4: Haha omg this is HILARIOUS xD
"She IS? I am SO touched!" Lol

Good Job, good job...
Nana_Kai #6
Chapter 4: Love, love, love! Kai's character is so unlikely considering he has tattoo and rides big bikes. Cutie!
Sone3593 #7
Chapter 4: I love their personalities.


You did well Middlehuang ^^ It was so cute and fluffy and funny
Keep it up Yeeeesh!
Chapter 2: UPDATE MORE MIDDLEHUANG i love it ;;;;
xiuminbaozi11401 #10
Chapter 2: awwww Jonggie and Channie is sooo cute!!! update soon neh?!!!? XDXD:D