Friends-The Old and The New

Guardian Angel

My eyes darted about nervously and I tried to pull my casual blazer down far enough to hide the fact that my knees were knocking like crazy.

Well, sorry, I haven't gone to meet a boy for a really long time! Like, four years...

Even though the small squeaks my shoes made on the marble floor would have been inaudible in any other place, but here in the (almost) empty museum they sounded like giant were-mice.

As I turned the corner leading to the room with most of the statues, I heard a soft humming and the familiar sound of a pencil on paper. Jongin was lying on his stomach in front of a statue of a sleeping angel, happily sketching and humming.

Immediately I relaxed and felt a smile take hold of my face. I must have made some cuteness overload noise (Jongin was being so cute), because he looked up and when he saw me, I swear to God, his face lit up like a kid's on Christmas Day (is that self praise? I'm just trying to describe this accurately).

"Chinhae! You came!" Jongin grinned.

"Course I came. Most of my friends live here!"

He laughed. "Would you introduce me to them?"

"Sure! This-" I pointed at a Roman soldier that had partially crumbled away "This is Bill. And that-" I continued and gestured to a nymph covering herself with a shawl "is Barbara. These guys-" a group of small devils who were seemingly in the heat of an argument "are Harry, Larry, Barry, Gerry, Perry, and Bob. Then this-" I walked over to my favorite statue, the black and white angel "is Henry and the lady in front of you is Linda. Last, but certainly not least, there is Jongin, my newest and favorite friend. Guys, say hello to Jongin!"

"Hello, Bill, Barbara, Harry, Larry, Barry, Gerry, Perry, Bob, Henry, Linda, and Jongin!" Jongin chirped, his eyes crinkling in a big smile. I started laughing and Jongin laughed right along with me.

"You know, sometimes I really doubt my sanity," I giggled, holding my side and wiping tears of mirth off my cheeks.

"That makes two of us," Jongin agreed.

"I mean, I talk to these statues and not actual human beings except at school and at home, when I can't avoid it."

"I know what you mean, I just talk to the paintings more..."

"Really? Why is that? I know I tend to hang around the statues more because they kind of feel more realistic, if you know what I mean..."

"Yeah, I get what you're trying to say. I prefer the paintings because, well... I guess in my mind they are most likely to give the best advice..." Jongin trailed off looking unsure of himself.

"Why do you think that is?" I asked curiously, then, realizing what I sounded like, hastily adding, "Sorry if I sound like a therapist or a psychologist, you don't have to answer that."

He grinned boyishly "No, it's fine, I probably think that because the state of our planet is perfect proof of how messed up people are, so I kinda prefer dreaming to actually going around in this world. The paintings remind me of my dreams and that's why I prefer talking to them... Right now I'm doing a project for school and I- well statues are better subjects than pieces of canvas covered in uneven layers of colored oils."

"Wow... Um... I never thought of it that way..." I stammered, slightly overwhelmed by his statement.

"Was that confusing? Sorry..."

An awkward silence followed.

Jongin cleared his throat and mumbled nervously, "Uh, you're, um...really pretty and so, um, could I maybe...draw you?"

A giant smile took over my face and I nodded shyly. A look of relief flitted across his face and he immediately started giving me directions on how and where to sit.

When we had both gotten comfortable Jongin started sketching, his brows furrowed adorably in concentration.

A couple hours of talking and drawing later, a security guard came over to kick us out. We walked out laughing about a story I was telling about an embarrassing thing that happened to me and my friends.

"And then Meilan actually went up to the guy and was trying to stomp on his foot, but Surin was holding her back," I giggled.

Jongin was laughing, too, and said, "Surin's boyfriend is called Minseok, right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"One of my friends knows him and apparently he is always talking about her... They seem like a really sweet couple"

"They are... They came here together from Barcelona, that's where they both grew up and met."

"That's why they always speak Spanish with each other! I thought they took the same Spanish class."

"Chinhae!" my mother's sharp bark interrupted my reply, "don't stand around in the dark with strange boys! If you must meet him, invite him for dinner next Friday!"

I looked a Jongin apologetically, "Sorry that I've brought my mother's attention down on your head... You don't have to come to dinner if you don't want to... I mean we have just met..."

"But I feel like I know you already and I want to get to know you better, so if you don't mind I'd like to accept the invitation..."

"I don't mind, in fact I want you to come!"

I cursed inwardly for sounding too eager.

Jongin smiled and pecked me on the cheek, "Good, well, see you in school?"

I nodded and waved a silent goodbye as I walked backwards toward the front door, where, as soon as I closed the door behind me, I was pounced on by a rather curious brother.

"How was the date? Was it nice? Did he kiss you? You were gone for a really long time! What are you going to do when Mom sees all his tattoos when he comes for dinner on Friday?"

"Chanyeol! Please get off of me so that I can stand up. Baek may like that, but I don't. We talked a lot and he said I was pretty and drew me-HOLY , HIS TATTOOS! What is she going to say?"

"He said you were pretty? Well, at least he isn't blind..."

"Channie!!!! What should I do? I really like this guy! I don't want Mom to ruin it for me!"

Chanyeol sighed and examined his nails, "Hmmm, what should you do, I wonder... Is it possible you have a certain awesomely handsome big brother that is, no matter what anyone says, Mom's favorite and could possibly pull a couple of strings for you?"

I rolled my eyes, "Chanyeol, could you please, pretty please with Baekhyun on top, help me?"

He grinned and squashed me in a hug. "Of course I shall help my little sister!"

He started walking away and called one last thing over his shoulder as he climbed up the stairs: "And for your information I am always on top, not Baek!"



Author's Note:

Sorry it took me so long to update, I had no inspiration and I was afraid that if I rushed, it would turn out too awkward.... I am also sorry that the chapters are always so short, but idk, my brain I guess cann only process short chapters or something??? (I know, lame excuse)

Plus, please note that the paragraphs may be screwed up, because when I update with my phone (which I do often) all the paragraphs are deleted and i have to fix them on a computer....


graece, aka MIDDLEHUANG

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Chapter 6: ..........yeah i can totally imagine that irl AHAHAHAH great job my friend ♡
Chapter 6: God why is this so hilarious xDD
I'm dying...
AutumnAra #3
Chapter 5: Wow! Interesting! Please update your story really soon
Chapter 5: Ohohohoho dangerous...
I love how the hard guys are so scared of a girl hahaha xDD
Bery bery gud
Me likes *\(^o^)/*♥︎
Chapter 4: Haha omg this is HILARIOUS xD
"She IS? I am SO touched!" Lol

Good Job, good job...
Nana_Kai #6
Chapter 4: Love, love, love! Kai's character is so unlikely considering he has tattoo and rides big bikes. Cutie!
Sone3593 #7
Chapter 4: I love their personalities.


You did well Middlehuang ^^ It was so cute and fluffy and funny
Keep it up Yeeeesh!
Chapter 2: UPDATE MORE MIDDLEHUANG i love it ;;;;
xiuminbaozi11401 #10
Chapter 2: awwww Jonggie and Channie is sooo cute!!! update soon neh?!!!? XDXD:D