Well Done! (Part 7)

Well Done! (Chaptered)

Well Done! (Part 7 of 10)


We went to the 24-hour pizza joint two streets away from my place.

I went there often with Eunhyuk and Donghae during their sleepover at my place when we got hungry after our midnight movie marathon. It was a cozy place and the food was reasonably priced. I chose a table near the window so that I could look outside when I got tired with looking at Kyuhyun’s face. A smiling waitress came over to take our orders.

“Oh, Sungminnie, it’s you. Here with someone different today.” She looked at me then at Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun smiled at her.

“Luna! You are working this shift too? I though you only worked here on weekends.” I asked surprised to see her.

“I needed the extra money for singing lessons after school. I want to be a singer.” She beamed with excitement.

“You told me that you wanted to be a dancer two weeks ago, Luna.” I shook my head at her fickleness.

“I figured dancing is not to my advantage as I am not tall.” She admitted. Eunhyuk use the word short on her sometime back and he promptly got kicked in the shin. From then on, we only said she was not tall and she was happy with that.

I could only nod. “Singing is good for you. Told you you have a nice voice.” I smiled and supported her choice of career. She giggled and playfully slapped a hand on my shoulder in embarrassment.

“And he is….?” Luna looked at Kyuhyun and smiled shyly. I rolled my eyes. There she goes again.

“My Math tutor, Kyuhyun. Go on, ask him for his phone number. He’s single and available.” I and winked at him feeling proud at being a matchmaker.

Kyuhyun panicked and kept shaking his head and hands in denial. “No, no, no, I have someone already.” He said while looking at me worriedly. So, he has a girlfriend already. Interesting. I’ll have to tell Donghae about that to get him off my back.

I laughed at his flustered state. Luna pouted with amusement obviously enjoying herself too. “Aw, that’s just too bad. Now may I take your orders?” She asked after giving each one of us a menu.

I placed my order first. Kyuhyun just dittoed me. Luna left us with a enjoy your meal.

While waiting for our food, I tried to make small talk with him. “So, you have a girlfriend already?” I asked with curiosity. She couldn’t be from our school since we studied in an all boys school. “How long have you two been together?” I knew I was being a busybody.

“No, I don’t have a girlfriend.” Kyuhyun said shyly while eyeing the pepper and cheese shakers that he was moving around on the table with his hands. “I just have someone that I like a lot for some time now.” He sneaked a peek at me and blushed.

“So you liked a girl but have not confessed to her yet. Is that what you mean?” I probed. What was wrong with these people? Why can’t they just confess and get it over and done with? What’s with all the shyness? Eunhyuk was like that too. Totally frustrating. Not like I could act on his behalf and tell Donghae. If I were to like a girl, I would have told her right into her face. Acceptance or rejection, just get it over and done with. Yes, that was my motto.

“You don’t understand, it is…..complicated. This someone that I like do not like me….yet.” Kyuhyun muttered shyly still playing with the shakers.

“What is so complicated about that?” I threw my hands up in exasperation. “Move on to greener pastures already! You are just making yourself miserable by holding on to this one sided infatuation.” I advised trying hard to hide my annoyance.

“I will work harder and try my best to make this person like me back.” Kyuhyun said with determination shining in his eyes.

“Suit yourself. Good luck then.” I sighed with resignation. Well, it was none of my business anyway.

“Thanks, Min.” Kyuhyun smiled brilliantly. Like that helped him a lot.

Just then, our food arrived. We dropped the matter and talked about other things like family, hobbies, classmates, teachers and believe it or not, homework. I learned that he lived with his parents and an elder sister somewhere near the school. His parents was managing a local language centre with his sister helping in the administration. They had recently just opened up another branch in Taipei, Taiwan. Business was booming and his family members were busy shuttling between the two countries so he was often left alone in the house as he still has to attend school. I was right, he was a lonely child. Sighs.

He told me that he could sing and play the harmonica pretty well. Bragging brat. I challenged him to play and sing for me on the next lesson and he agreed without hesitation adding that he would sing me a love song. I pretended to puke. I also learned that, to my surprise, he liked playing Starcraft too and was at a level much higher than me. We discussed strategy and tactics and I must agree that he was good. All of his teachers doted on him because he excelled in all of the subjects. His had few friends in school. Being the president of the student council, he had an image to up keep so he always maintained a no nonsense attitude such that no one would bully him. As a result, people respected but stayed away from him. He said his true character was actually rather happy-go-lucky and playful.

“What do you aspire to be?” I asked.

“A Math teacher. I like to teach and you must agree that I am good. Even a dumb one like you understood what I had taught, right?” He teased. I rolled my eyes and looked out the window to ponder over what he had just said.

Having heard all that, I must say that he was rather incredible. He was focused on what he did, managing his own life very well without parental guidance and more importantly, he had a goal. Now, what was mine, I wondered. I had wanted to be a musician when I was in primary school but now? I have not given it much thought since then. Maybe I still wanted to be a musician albeit my parents strangling me first before I even become one.

“What’s on your mind?” Kyuhyun asked with his head tilted my way and looking at me.

“I was thinking about my lack of goal in life.” I sighed still looking out the window. “I had wanted to be a musician when I was much younger but now, I am not so sure.” I looked back at him with a pout. “Besides, my dad is not agreeable to me being one saying like I’ll starve and die young. My mom pretty much thinks the same.” I sighed yet again.

“My opinion is, it’s always more fulfilling to choose the path that you desired because only then, you will be passionate and enthusiastic about it rather than one that is chosen for you. I’m not telling you to defy your parents but reasoning with them and showing them your talent in that area always help. The thing is, are you working towards it? If you are thinking to be one but not doing anything towards being one, then you are not going to be one, for sure.” Kyuhyun reasoned.

I wanted to cry.

Not because he just delivered an inspirational speech but because Victoria, Luna’s co-worker at the pizza joint, was standing there behind him when he was yakking away. I so wanted to dig a hole and bury his head in. You wouldn’t think I’ll stuff mine would you? Better his than mine otherwise my hair would get messy.

I knew all that but was guilty of not doing anything about it. I had been taking life for granted, that much was true.

“He’s right you know, Minnie. You should listen to him.” Victoria said while nodding her head. Kyuhyun was mildly surprised at her presence and swiftly turned his head around to face her. “Hey there gorgeous.” She said to Kyuhyun and gave him a radiant smile plus finger waves before strutting off ily towards the kitchen. I gave her a sickeningly sweet smile as she passed my side and then muttered a show off showing my dislike of her. Her laughter can be heard as she walked away. Kyuhyun chuckled while I had my face wrapped up in my two hands in embarrassment.

“What’s wrong, Min?” Kyuhyun asked as he leaned forward and lifted a finger to poke at the finger wall that I had created on my face.

“Victoria heard.”I said flatly.

“And that was bad because…” Kyuhyun was trying hard to connect the dots.

“She is a gossip monger.” I said lifelessly with my face still covered in my hands. “I can imagine that fabricating stories about me being a weakling and exaggerate on how I was being lectured by you like a five year old. She is good at spinning and spreading tales. She couldn’t care less about facts. All she wanted was attention.” I finally removed my hands from my face and leaned back into my chair while letting out a long sigh. “Eunhyuk once revealed that he sometimes sleep at night. She overheard and in no time, the whole thing got distorted and he somehow turned into an exhibitionist.” I said gravely. “Donghae once got angry with her because she misheard jeans as genes when he actually meant that his jeans are in bad shape. The other staff here had a field day with that information and about having to adopt children in future. Luna got furious and told us about it.” I shook my head as I recounted the incidents. “She apologised when confronted but her apologies were less than sincere and she was hardly forgiven at all. We just try to avoid her as much as possible. She’s mean…….like you” I said matter-of-factly. Kyuhyun laughed out loud and slapped his thigh. “You like that compliment huh?” I said sarcastically and he nodded still grinning away. “Say, do you suffer from gastric pain often?” I remembered to ask after swallowing a big bite of my pizza.

“Sometimes.”He looked at me guiltily and then looked back down at his food. “I usually skip meals and often survived on one meal a day, the one taken in school during recess.” I gasped at this piece of information. That’s so stupid, I thought.

“But why? Do you ballooned easily or are you just plain lazy.” I asked with curiosity and unconsciously puffed up my cheeks.

“More the latter but like you, I also hate to eat alon….” Kyuhyun looked up from his food and was stunned to see my puffy cheeks and puckered lips. He reached a hand out slowly towards my face as if in a daze and I backed my head away from his hand to avoid being pinched again. , I had forgotten to tone down on my cute charms. I released the air that I was holding in my mouth and just then he seemed to realise what he was doing and dived his hand down to grab the cheese shaker instead. Smooth.

“I’m sure my mom would have hammered your head in if you were her son.” I commented and made the hammering action with one of my fist above his head. “I am anemic so she is constantly reminding me about taking my meals regularly.” I said and took a sip of my iced milo.

“Maybe I’ll go over to your place for dinner sometimes.” Kyuhyun’s eyes shined unnaturally bright. I promptly choked on my drink and started coughing. Kyuhyun quickly came over to pat me on my back in an attempt to sooth my coughing fits.

I held out one palm out hand indicating that he can stop his patting. “Woah, hold your horses, nobody invited you so don’t come on your own, okay.” I said after I had calmed down. “Stop scaring me, you idiot.”

Kyuhyun pouted and I rolled my eyes. “Go ask your mom, Min. Pleaseee. I’m seriously deprived of home cooked food.” Kyuhyun pleaded uncutely.

“Then you will have to make sacrifices. One meal in exchange for a lesson.” I said smugly feeling sure that that would deter him. His face lit up again, like a firefly lighting up at will.

“Deal!” Kyuhyun fist pumped in victory and beamed brightly. Too dazzling. My eyes hurt. I could literally see him shimmer in glitter.

“What? You agree? You won’t be paid with money but with food you know, .”I tried to explain it to him as simply as I can.

“That’s what I said. It’s a deal.” Kyuhyun beamed with brightness again. Oh, what have I done? I must try to salvage the situation quickly.

“Wait, that is provided that BOTH my parents agree to this arrangement so I’ll still have to ask them first.” I tried to churn out good reasons but my brain just didn’t work fast enough. I’ll just have to work harder at my parents’ side. Kyuhyun nodded his head vigorously, blinding me with his overbright smile again.

I finished my food moodily while he finished his happily and we left after Kyuhyun paid for our meals. I thanked him for feeding me. We reached the junction where we were to go our separate ways (me back home and him to the bus stop), I bid him goodnight and had turned to carry on my way when he grabbed hold of my left hand and tugged me back. I was instantly in his arms and then I heard him said over my ear thanks for having dinner with me, you are great company, really appreciate it.

This was totally platonic, right? Friends do hug each other in gratitude sometimes. No big deal. But how should I respond? Maybe a firm pat on his shoulder and then push him away gently. However, before I could do anything, he let go of me. He my cheek affectionately, rushed a goodbye and then ran off in the direction of the bus-stop. I looked wide-eyed at his retreating back. Gosh! What was that? How was I supposed to feel? I have never experience such genuine affection from another male before so I did not know how to react. I then reminded myself that I was his toy of the week so I straightened my thoughts and posture and headed home. He bloody hell should focus his attention on wooing his girlfriend damn it and not teasing me endlessly.


My parents were back when I reached home. I went to greet my dad in his study then followed my mom’s giggle and found her in the kitchen. Bags and bags of groceries and non-grocery greeted my eyes and they were everywhere - kitchen counter, island and floor. She really did over shop this time. I knew I shouldn’t be thinking this but does she think that money grew on trees? We were lucky that dad’s business was doing well. With her head tilted to one side, she was holding the cordless phone in place between her right shoulder and ear and was happily chatting away with whoever about something that she just bought. I put my life in danger when I decided to walk in. Threading carefully among the bags, I walked over to her. She smiled when she saw me and ended the call quickly. I greeted her with a kiss on her cheek.

“Sugar, wait here. I bought something for you.” Mom told me excitedly and went to rummage through her shopping bags and found what she was looking for. She walked back to me and pushed a small package into my hands. I looked at her in confusion.

“What is it mom?” I asked.

“Open it.”She said with sparkle in her eyes and hands clasped together.

I went on to unwrapped the box and was surprised to find myself holding a limited edition Starcraft 1TB USB Flash Drive keychain.

“Mom, you knew I was eyeing this right!” I looked at her wide-eyed and then jumped forward to hug her tightly, swaying her a little left and right in my hug. She hugged me right back and I felt so loved.

Whatever confrontation I had in mind earlier flew out the window. She was a smart woman, defusing the tension with an appropriate gift.

“Of course, I’m mom.” She grinned smugly. I thanked her and pecked her cheek again. “Now go take a bath. You smell like pizza.” She gave me a light push towards the kitchen door and continued with her unpacking. I hummed as I skipped back to my room and holding the precious gift tightly in my hand.

Today was not a lousy day after all.

~~~~ END OF PART 7 ~~~~

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137darkpinku #1
Chapter 10: The last part is the best of the best of the best !!
Elrhumy #3
Chapter 10: Oh MinMin... And always so cool Kyu.. *_*
coolgirlanny #4
Chapter 10: This is awesome...i was literally smiling all the time while reading and i loved it.....:>
I really like these kind of stories which are innocent at the same time giving warm feelings of blossoming love...thumbs up~~~~
Chapter 10: The ending made me feel all warm and fluffy.^^ Such a nice story. I was beginning to wonder if there was a sequel since Sungmin didn't really show any signs of interest until ch8, but the ending pulled through. Thanks for the story.
Chapter 3: Just HAVE to comment about this one line, "The smile on his face blossomed in the speed of fart".
I laughed out loud from reading this one line. You sure have a way with writing. :)
xtinejoy #7
After I read the whole story, that's the only time I realized that I've already read it at LJ. Sorry author-nim, didn't really noticed it..
Well, this story is different from your other stories that I've read. This one is for those innocent readers (know what I mean *smirk*). Its kinda refreshing to read about being inlove at the young age. Those giggles, confusion, palpitations (when you're near that someone), stupidity (crazy things you've done) and many more.. Its overwhelming to feel those as I read this... IYou are really good author-nim, describing people as well as their emotion.. I have great time reading.. keep up formulating another amazing stories...
And as usual,thanks for sharing and im anticipating for your new stories.. (I checked your latest masterpiece, and Im browsing it now).
little-dreamer #8
Chapter 10: i love how you described everything in this story. i found my self laughing every now and then.
Gyaaaa #9
Chapter 10: Re-read this just because i love it and i need more kyumin stories.. *sigh*

Chapter 10: Sungmin knew in told him to stop being dumb and just accept Kyuhyun? That was a smart ending. XD lol I'm way late I started this story late