Well Done! (Final)

Well Done! (Chaptered)

Well Done! (Part 10 FINAL)


Days passed quickly. It’s been three weeks since I met Kyuhyun. I have yet to give him an answer and he is not pressing me for one.

However, he had been coming over to my house more often these days, like three to four times a week for the past two weeks for extra lessons. I am not complaining though because I enjoyed his company and I was happy to have earned quite a number of star stickers already. True to his words, he toned down on his mushiness but there were several occasions where he overdid it, maybe unconsciously. The intense affection that he had shown me during those times had me wanting to bear hug him in return. Almost.

Eunhyuk and Donghae suspected something about us because Kyuhyun had been joining us for recess and our after school activities, like movie trips and the arcade. I denied all allegations thrown at me. Kyuhyun however was another story. He was cornered one day at school by them and was interrogated incessantly. Kyuhyun could not contain himself and blurted out the truth. Needless to say, I was teased to no end. I admitted but also informed them that I was still indecisive at the moment.

Eunhyuk urged me to accept Kyuhyun on one of the day where we went out for movie after school and I told him to tell that to himself – accept the fact that he liked Donghae romantically and confess already. He playfully told me that the day I accept Kyuhyun will be the day he confess to Donghae. I will keep that in mind, Eunhyuk. I mentally smirked. We both turned to look affectionately at Donghae and Kuyuhyun standing in line to get popcorn and soft drink.

Kyuhyun knew that I was uncomfortable with crowd so as we head out of the cinema after the movie, he held one of my hands and walked close behind me with his other hand on my shoulder while I held on to Eunhyuk’s school bag in front of me. He also wanted to help me carry my school bag but I stopped him and admitted that I took him for a ride the last time and that my shoulder can carry the weight of my school bag just fine. He laughed saying that he knew it and just wanted to indulge me again with or without aching shoulders. I was so moved by his sincerity that I almost bear hug him again. He was getting more and more irresistible. I felt so pampered and it was getting harder and harder to keep up on my reasons to refuse him.

Every now and then, I would find notes that were slipped into my locker by Kyuhyun. Some of them were reminders on the tasks that I have to do, some were cheesy one or two-liners of how much he liked or missed me and the latest one being a big heart shape with KH heart SM in the middle of it. I almost blushed to death.

One day during recess, I was whining childishly over the hassle of having to spend time picking the bean sprouts from the pile of mixed vegetables again. Eunhyuk told me he would gladly take over the whole pile of vegetables to save me the trouble and Donghae said I should just be like a nice trained puppy and eat all the food that was on my plate. Kyuhyun, who was sitting beside me, pulled my plate nearer to his and started on picking out the bean sprouts patiently from my plate to his own.

“There, all done, Min. Bon appétit.” Kyuhyun grinned and pushed my plate back towards me. I was speechless, needless to say. Eunhyuk and Donghae then started whining too and wanted Kyuhyun to help them pick out the thinly sliced scallions from the fried chicken and diced capsicum from the steamed beancurd respectively. Kyuhyun switched their plates and then carry on eating his own food. They whined harder and I laughed so hard.

I found myself seeking Kyuhyun’s assistance on my other subjects as well. Now, I am beginning to not dislike Social Studies that much. I still hate History though. Too much to read, abundance to remember. Kyuhyun helped to the best of his knowledge, ever so willing to spend time in guiding me whenever I sought him out. I am forever grateful to him now.

My mom made friends with Kyuhyun’s mom after Kyuhyun agreed to connect them over the phone one day. This sounded nice but in actual fact, she cut my conversation short while I was on it with Kyuhyun discussing about the pros and cons of squeezing out a ripe pimple when she pried the house phone from my hand and asked him if she could greet his mom since she was back in town. Kyuhyun was surprised but complied respectfully. They made friends, fast. The speed of which should go into the Guinness Book of Records. Kyuhyun’s mom was elated to hear that Kyuhyun had been spending time and having home cooked meals over at my place that she ended up entrusting her only son to my mom. Instead of feeling burdened, my mom was thrilled and promised to take good care of Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun’s mom was so grateful that she broke down in tears. When it comes to the art of consoling someone, my mom was a pro so I left her to it and went back to my room to call Kyuhyun on my mobile phone. Kyuhyun was laughing mirthfully saying how it sounded like the both of us were going to get married. I was so relieved that we were talking over the phone instead of having this conversation face to face otherwise he would have laughed harder when he saw the blush I am spotting now.

Eunhyuk and Donghae complained that I have been spending too much time with Kyuhyun and neglected them. I told Donghae to spend more time with Eunhyuk and he said he already did. Their life revolved around each other, I’m the light bulb, remember. I whispered to Donghae that there may come a time where we could really double date and yes I finally see the possibility. Donghae hugged me tightly in front of the two of them with a I told you so expression. Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun mirrored each other a control your other half look on their faces.

My DreamCafe has long been forgotten. It used to be a major part of my life. I bet it should be infested with zombies by now and my delicious pastries and coffee robbed dry, the shell of my café left to rot but I seriously don’t mind. I have Kyuhyun to occupy my time and I am happy with that. I went on to uninstall the game from my mobile phone.

My life has changed somehow.


I was sitting at my desk at home one day after school waiting for Kyuhyun to arrive for tuition. He had gone home to collect the cake that his mom had baked for my family as a token of appreciation for taking care of him so well.

While waiting, I busied myself with arranging the books, stationeries and the single sheet of Table of Achievement with all the star stickers that I have accumulated over time on my desk. I was nervous about what I was going to do and say to Kyuhyun later and needed to clear my head fast. I had rehearsed it over and over in my head but felt that all the preparation was giving me more nerves than courage. I sat down and covered my face with the palms of my hands with my elbows resting on my desk.
I have been doing some serious thinking these past few nights. More unpleasant than pleasant scenarios flashed through my mind. Having a girlfriend is the natural course of things. A boyfriend though, requires strength, courage and determination to make things work and at the same time overcome hardship, gossips, doubts and setbacks. There are so many things to consider. What if we sent our parents to their death prematurely? How long could a sneaky relationship last? We will need more than courage to face the world should we decided to come out. We will need a strong will, great understanding and firm belief in the relationship and our other half. That is just the emotional aspect. What if Kyuhyun wanted more than emotional support? Will I ever be ready for the physical part? Hugging and holding hands is one thing but going beyond that, I just cannot imagine.

Despite Kyuhyun being all genuinely nice and sweet to me, I couldn’t help having thoughts of him toying with me and when the novelty wore off, I’ll be dumped and be back at square one with a broken heart. If the damage was done, will I ever be my old self again? Call me pessimistic, I don’t care. At some point, I even I prided myself for being sensible and realistic. Kyuhyun, being the genius that he obviously is, has a bright future ahead of him while I am still struggling with my goal. Will he still be proud of having me as a boyfriend a year or two from now? Argh! Why am thinking this much into the future?! I should just enjoy life right now when I am young and try the new things that life brought on along the way, shouldn’t I? Is this too risky for my sensitive heart? Do you think I should try it out with him? Huh, do you? What do you think?

I was so lost in my own world that I did not register Kyuhyun entering my room. He was puzzled about my lack of response when he called my name. He walked over to where I sat and stooped down, drapping an arm on my shoulder. I was startled and my head shot up to see him looking at me with concern.

“Oh, Kyuhyun, you are here.” I said and forced a small smile as my heart was doing a wild tap dance.

“Did I startle you? I called but you didn’t response. What’s on your mind, Min?” He said, worry lacing his words. I shook my head to reassure him but obviously he was not convinced.

“Kyuhyun……..can we talk?” I asked nervously. Kyuhyun nodded his head and guided me to sit on the bed with a gentle pull of my hand. I followed him not knowing what else to do.

“Okay, what do you want to talk about?” He asked apprehensively sensing something amiss. I frowned and look down at my fingers that were clutching tightly to the hem of my t-shirt while worrying my lower lip with my teeth.

“It’s been more than three weeks and you didn’t press me for an answer….you know, to that question. I was wondering if you perhaps….lost interest in me that way already.” I asked cautiously hoping that I had phrased my question in a way not hurtful to any of us. My nervousness multiplied threefold as I speak so I chose to look down at my hands instead of at him.

Kyuhyun’s eyes went wide with surprise at my question. “No, Min. I meant every word that I said back then and I still mean it now. If anything, I like you even more than before.” Kyuhyun turned his body to face me and held on to both of my hands earnestly. If my heart was doing tap dancing before, it was galloping now, hard and fast. “I just wanted to give you time to think things over and sort it out with yourself, that’s why I didn’t press you. I knew you will tell me when you are ready and it seemed like you are ready now.” Kyuhyun puffed out some breaths to calm himself and his body was becoming tense. “This is so scary, Min. Why am getting the sad vibes from you?” He said as he rubbed my hands with his thumbs and held on tighter. I lifted my head to look him into his eyes and then heaved a big breath hoping to steady myself.

“Yes, I have an answer for you and I need you to stay calm and not flip, okay?” I darted my eyes away from his face because he was looking at me so intently that my stormy nerves came back full force. Oh boy, how I wish I could flush myself down the toilet bowl this instance. I looked back at him and found him fidgeting and I could see him perspiring as well. , will I be sending him an express ticket to heaven with my decision? He was not calm and so was I. Maybe we could both die and live happily ever after in heaven, just like Cinderella and her prince. No? Not Cinderella? Not her prince either? Nevermind.…maybe, Ariel? Not her too? Okay, okay, so long as you get what I mean about the living happily ever after thingy.

I was about to pour my heart out when Kyuhyun pressed an index finger to my lips, preventing me from opening my mouth. “Wait, Minnie! Don’t say a word yet! I need to calm down first!” Kyuhyun let go of my hand and started pacing the room and fanning his face at the same time and mumbling why is this so hard over and over again.

“Kyuhy..” I started but he shrieked out a desperate Wait at me again with both palms of his hands stretched out effectively stopping me from continuing. He turned his back to me and took in deep breaths then puffed out slowly. When he thought that he could face me once more, he returned and immediately showed me his back again after looking at me. I gave his back a flat look. Why do I feel like he was the anxious father waiting for the birth of his baby? With him so flustered, I strangely felt calmer.

I stood up and walked over to my desk to retrieve the piece of stars studded paper. Slowly, I walked back to him with his back still facing me. I then wrapped my arms around his torso, pressing the front of my body against his back and laid my left cheek in between his shoulder blades. I felt him tensed up. With the paper still in one of my hand and my other hand wrapped around his chest, I brought my hand up and waved the paper to his face and said, “My wish is….I accept.”

I wondered if Kyuhyun was still alive as I did not feel him move. He didn’t seem to do too well in breathing either. Before I could release my hold from his body to check on him, I felt him gripped my hand that was holding the paper and brought it nearer to his face to have a closer look. He then spun around in my arm and gripped my shoulders tightly. “Repeat that, Min.” He choked out and looked at me with wide eyes.

“I accept, Kyuhyun. Your mission is complete.” I grinned up at him with my arms going around his back this time. He let out a big breath and crushed me in a bear hug and I hugged him right back. He felt so warm. My heart felt so warm. It seemed so fitting and natural. I felt loved. It felt so right. He was happy. I was delighted. I am speaking in short sentences but it was alright because I couldn’t be bothered to connect them as I was busy basking in Kyuhyun’s warmth. Your kind understanding is greatly appreciated.

After a long while, he peeled me off his body and held me at arm’s length by my shoulders and said, “You did it on purpose right, riling me up like you did. I could have died of hypertension, Min. I was so sure you were going to reject me and I wouldn’t be able to handle it.”

“Yup, I did.” I smiled and admitted with no guilt. “I was indecisive for a long time. My brain kept playing out the worst case scenarios and it spooked me. But then, voices in my head told me to stop chickening out and give it a try because of the simple fact that……I like you too.” I whispered out the last few words but Kyuhyun caught them alright. His smile was brilliant enough to blind.

“Min, you don’t know how happy you have made me.” He said and gathered me in his arms again in a gentle hug, a hand on my head, threading my hair lightly and another around my waist.

“Erm…..you don’t mind that I am older than you?” I asked lamely. I had always fantasised myself chasing after girls but never have I imagined myself being chased by a male. So if I am being chased by another male, does that mean that I am the girl?

“I don’t think anyone of us mind here.” Kyuhyun replied reassuringly.

“So am I the girl in the relationship?” I dare asked albeit shyly not breaking the hug.

“What do you think?” Kyuhyun backed his head away and looked at my shy face.

“Shall we take turns?” I said and looked up with a sparkle in my eyes and a smile to my lips.

“Sure, anything for my baby.” Kyuhyun chuckled at my suggestion and pinched my cheek.

“Kyu…” I called and giggled at his happiness.

“Hmm?” He replied still looking lovingly at my face and tucking my fringe behind my ear.

“I like you too. Just want to be official.” I grinned up at him and he pecked my cheek gently.

“Thank you Min. I like you so so so much.” Kyuhyun returned my head to his neck and he turned his head to speak into my ear. His embrace got tighter and warmer.


It has been two years. Kyuhyun and I are still together. We had gone farther from like to love, beyond the emotional to physical. I leave it to your overactive imagination on the physical part. I can only tell you that it was more than satisfactory.

We had our share of problems as with all types of relationships. We overcame it together and our bond became stronger.

I have you to thank for. You (yes, you who are reading this now) told me to accept him and get it over and done with. Don’t try to deny it, I heard you back then. You were the voice in my head. I was a good boy and listened well right? You gave good advice, I must admit and applaud you. I am winking at you, now wink back. That’s a good girl.

Here’s a big thanks to you. THANK YOU!

Hesitation will get you nowhere. Be brave and listen to your heart. Here’s a toast to many more good years to come….

~~~~ END OF FINAL PART 10 ~~~~

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137darkpinku #1
Chapter 10: The last part is the best of the best of the best !!
Elrhumy #3
Chapter 10: Oh MinMin... And always so cool Kyu.. *_*
coolgirlanny #4
Chapter 10: This is awesome...i was literally smiling all the time while reading and i loved it.....:>
I really like these kind of stories which are innocent at the same time giving warm feelings of blossoming love...thumbs up~~~~
Chapter 10: The ending made me feel all warm and fluffy.^^ Such a nice story. I was beginning to wonder if there was a sequel since Sungmin didn't really show any signs of interest until ch8, but the ending pulled through. Thanks for the story.
Chapter 3: Just HAVE to comment about this one line, "The smile on his face blossomed in the speed of fart".
I laughed out loud from reading this one line. You sure have a way with writing. :)
xtinejoy #7
After I read the whole story, that's the only time I realized that I've already read it at LJ. Sorry author-nim, didn't really noticed it..
Well, this story is different from your other stories that I've read. This one is for those innocent readers (know what I mean *smirk*). Its kinda refreshing to read about being inlove at the young age. Those giggles, confusion, palpitations (when you're near that someone), stupidity (crazy things you've done) and many more.. Its overwhelming to feel those as I read this... IYou are really good author-nim, describing people as well as their emotion.. I have great time reading.. keep up formulating another amazing stories...
And as usual,thanks for sharing and im anticipating for your new stories.. (I checked your latest masterpiece, and Im browsing it now).
little-dreamer #8
Chapter 10: i love how you described everything in this story. i found my self laughing every now and then.
Gyaaaa #9
Chapter 10: Re-read this just because i love it and i need more kyumin stories.. *sigh*

Chapter 10: Sungmin knew in told him to stop being dumb and just accept Kyuhyun? That was a smart ending. XD lol I'm way late I started this story late