Well Done! (Part 4)

Well Done! (Chaptered)

Well Done! (Part 4 of 10)


After locking the door, I turned wanting to get back to where my friends were but bumped right into Donghae with Eunhyuk behind him.

They were grinning stupidly at me and mimic the finger wave in my face. I rolled my eyes and pulled Donghae by his wrist and walked back in motioning with my head for Eunhyuk to follow. As we passed my parents, I informed them that we would retire to my room and then bid them good night.

As I closed the door to my bedroom, I heard Eunhyuk jumped onto my bed and was happily bouncing on it. I imagined him face planting on the floor and silently rejoiced because he always made me sleep on the floor. Donghae threw his messenger bag on my desk and was fixing his hair in front of my full length mirror.

“Care to explain your presence in my house tonight?” I queried my two friends. I masked my happiness at seeing them with a flat face and crossed arms over my chest. I so wanted to jump them and rain kisses on their faces, platonically speaking. Yes, I do not swing that way. No.

“We figured you couldn’t be having tuition all night long so here we are, rescuing you from your misery of missing us so damn much.” Donghae spoke for the two of them. “And I wanted to watch this movie so badly.” Donghae continued while pulling out a CD from his bag and handed it to me. What? Zombies and doggies? I looked at the title of the movie and scoffed. Couldn’t trust Donghae to choose a good one. “And play Pictureka after that if we are not knocked out by then.” Donghae said with a sparkle in his eyes. Eunhyuk had a constipated look on his face. I will personally knock myself out with a swift karate move if I was still wide awake by then just so to escape from playing that childish game, I thought. But I knew Eunhyuk will bring me back from the dead just to make sure I suffered along with him. Maybe knocking Donghae out will be a better option. Better one suffered than two. That’s right. I shall propose that to Eunhyuk later, I mentally noted.

Donghae zipped up his bag and was about to sling it on my chair when he noticed the achievement table with the star on my desk and moved to pick it up. “Is this what I think it is?”asked Donghae. Donghae was pretty smart when it comes to trivial matters. Eunhyuk jumped off the bed and joined him. “What’s that?” Eunhyuk asked as well. “Read the header, Hyukkie. Achievement Table it said.” I can see they were trying hard not to laugh out loud. I sighed tiredly.

“Yeah, that moron just demoted me to a kid.” I snatched the paper from his hand and proceed to narrate to them my learning journey from earlier. Being my best and closest friends, I told them everything. Everything…..including the pinching and squealing.

“Drum roll please.” Donghae signalled to Eunhyuk and he complied. “He likes you.” Donghae announced. Eunhyuk nodded vehemently.

“How so? I mean, I don’t even know him even though I sensed that he knew about me” I asked. We all moved to sit comfortably on my bed.

“Because he behaved differently with others at school.” Eunhyuk said matter-of-factly. “I know him. He is a friend of Ryeowook and Ryeowook is Hae’s buddy in archery class. Kyuhyun was often seen with Ryeowook as Wookie is also the secretary of the Student Council. They were always planning and discussing about school and stuff. I have seen him laughing before but only when he was with his clique of four classmates, Minho, Changmin, Kibum and Onew. Other times, he pulled a serious, no-nonsense face.”

Donghae nodded his agreement and said, “And I saw him staring at our direction during recess break every so often. At first, I thought that he was looking at me because I was obviously the good looking one among the three of us.” Donghae smirked after a synchronised oh please can be heard from Eunhyuk and I.

“Truth hurts, sorry.” Donghae said while looking at Eunhyuk apologetically. “I am handsome, no doubt about that. Sungmin is adorably good looking while you are” Donghae tapped a finger on his chin and scrutinised Eunhyuk’s face, “pleasant enough.” Donghae was so kind. I would have said ugly to his face instead.

At least I got an adorably good looking. They were bantering with each other while I studied them feeling like a third wheel. Eunhyuk likes Donghae, that much was blatant. Whatever trash that came out of Donghae’s mouth was music to Eunhyuk’s ears. Donghae is either dumb or acts dumb. I was thinking the latter and I intended to stay out of their one-sided romantic affairs.

“Can you not stray away from the topic?” I snapped my fingers at them and succeeded in bringing them back to earth.

“Oh, where was I? Oh yes. I subsequently found out that he was not looking at me as I couldn’t catch his eyes when he was looking at our direction.” Donghae continued as he laid his head down on Eunhyuk’s lap. I moved my laptop away and placed it on the side table before Donghae could accidentally knock it over the edge of the bed. Donghae was accident prone, if you must know.

“He couldn’t be watching Hyukkie either as his back was to him. I mean, what’s there to stare at on his back?” That earned him a light slap from Eunhyuk on his shoulder. Donghae pouted. I rolled my eyes.

“So I figured he was staring at you.” Donghae pointed his index finger at me. “You were always so…..how should I put it, lively in your responses and reactions. Cackling up loudly, talking animatedly and then there’s your epic laughter. I assumed that he was not happy with you for being a clown in school and was busy sending you shut up brainwaves but they probably got lost in your hyena-like laughter.” He paused for drama. “Now it all makes sense, he was salivating after you.” Donghae said wrapping up his long speech. “Someone is going to get himself a boyfriend soon.” Donghae singsonged.

“First of all, I am NOT a clown! I just like to express myself freely, any way I want. Absolutely nothing wrong with that.” I huffed out and planted a firm slap on Donghae's arm. He whined to Eunhyuk. “Secondly, he does not like me that way and was certainly not salivating after me. He did what he did because he found me irresistibly cute. Few people can handle the charm that oozes out of my being just like my mom and he just added himself to the statistics so he coos me without realising it.” I tried to explain it in the most logical way possible but it came out not sounding convincing. At all. “Lastly, I DO NOT swing that way. Period.”

“Are you hearing yourself, blockhead? That sounded so lame.” Donghae was trying his best to irk me. This time, I curled my index finger and aimed my knuckle on his forehead. He whined for Eunhyuk to box my face in now and not wait until Monday. Eunhyuk’s gaze softens and gently rubbed Donghae’s forehead at the same time telling me to aim somewhere other than his prized face next time. I started cackling. I was so pleased with Eunhyuk. Donghae whined some more complaining that nobody was on his side.

“I might as well order a casket for you now seeing the amount of hits you got tonight. You will be dead even before Cinderella loses her shoe.” I then turned to Eunhyuk, “Eunhyuk, start singing some funeral hymns now……..…..or maybe not. Two corpses cannot fit into one casket.” Donghae started guffawing and I joined him. Eunhyuk forced a sarcastic laugh and reached out his hands aiming for my neck. I jumped out of the bed and was chased by Eunhyuk around the room. Seemed like déjà vu, this time the focus was on my neck and not my cheeks. Donghae continued to chortle and cheered him on by saying box his face in! Hyukkie, box his face!

After running around and making hell lot of a noise, we found my mom poking her head in from my bedroom door telling us to tone down our voices and do something less damaging to her sanity. We apologised sheepishly and I gave her a peck on her cheek before I closed the door. We decided to watch that dumb movie as planned and arranged our butts on my bed when the movie started playing. We did not get to play Pictureka as the movie succeeded in zoning us out before it ended. Phew!


I hated going to school on Mondays. The bus ride, the walk, double period of Mrs Boo’s lessons, all made me extra sluggish. I knew that I still wouldn’t be able to understand a of Mrs Boo’s teaching as I had just started on the basics with Kyuhyun. I heaved my lethargic body forward as I neared the school gate and wanted so much to turn back but that would meant repeating the walk and the bus ride again not to mention my mom’s endless nagging and questioning.

I always blamed the state that I am in on my DreamCafe, the popular online game which got me hooked from the very beginning. I have urged Eunhyuk and Donghae to setup a café of their own but they chided me and said that the game was for girls. Well, I guessed they were not entirely wrong but it was popular and so I downloaded it and from then on I was hooked. On top of that, Mondays had all the lessons and people that I disliked and dreaded. Like Math and Science and Social Studies and History AND Mrs Boo. my life, really.

The only two things that I looked forward to on Monday were recess break and one minute to last lesson of the day when I can goof around with who else but Eunhyuk and Donghae. I so love them. Both Eunyhyuk and Donghae left for home on Sunday morning just because their respective moms ordered them to. Our moms were bloody good friends and they conspire, I tell you, to the extent that it should be illegal. They all agreed that wasting away one night is more than enough for a weekend and dictated that we disband by 10am on Sunday morning after a hearty breakfast from my mom.

Dragging my feet to my locker, I pulled out the books that I needed and just as I was about to shut the door, a deep agonised voice calling Min sounded behind me. I was so startled that I shrieked out ! and jumped a metre away from the voice in a single leap and landed my precious on the cold hard ground. Now I was wide awake, my eyes wide in my sockets, heart thumping madly and I was actually whimpering. Gosh, tell me that did not happen.

I was staring wide eyed at Kyuhyun who was leaning against a locker, clutching at his stomach with one hand and spotting a pained expression on his face. He had perspiration decorating his forehead and I could see clearly the acne marks on his cheeks that were emphasied with the reddening of his face.

“Min, help me…” Kyuhyun groaned out. I quickly broke out of my trance and hurried to his side and assist him to a sitting position with his back against the locker.

“What’s wrong?” I asked with concern.

“Gastric pain….” Kyuhyun gasped out.

“Let’s get you some aspirins from the infirmary for your head then.” I said trying to sound as calm as possible for Kyuhyun’s benefit while I gathered my scattered book and stuffed them back into my locker.

“It’s my stomach, dummy.” Kyuhyun would have laughed out loud if not for his current condition, I was sure.

“Oh, that…..no matter, let’s go there anyway. Nurse EeTeuk will get it right.” I brushed him off to hide my embarrassment. Kyuhyun groaned his agreement and I hefted him up with all my strength and placed his right arm on my shoulder to support him better.

That bastard was leaning his whole weight on me and I was left sweating like a pig after a short distance. I was huffing and puffing on the way to the suddenly very far far away infirmary. I risked a look at him and was astonished to see his face losing colour.

“Oh gosh, you are turning white! Don’t you dare faint on me!” I half shouted to wake him up and pulled him along faster. When we had finally reached the godforsaken place (hey, I was never there the whole time I was here…..at this school), I sat him down on a bench outside the infirmary and barged my way in to search desperately for Nurse EeTeuk. I found him bending over a prone student, looking into his eyes with a torchlight pen.

I was frantically pointing my index finger at Kyuhyun’s direction and somewhat yammered at the nurse to drop whatever he was doing and attend to the dying. Nurse EeTeuk rolled his eyes at my dramatic display but followed me out nonetheless after telling the student that he will get back to him, hopefully soon.

We reached Kyuhyun and found that he had rolled himself into a ball on the floor, arms clutching his knees closed to his chest. He was whimpering pathetically with his eyes shut tight, sweat pouring. We helped him up by holding onto one of his arm each and brought him into the sick bay and placed him onto a bed. Nurse EeTeuk asked me what was wrong seeing that Kyuhyun could not answer for himself. I debated whether to start my story from when he called my name eerily earlier. Nope, I better summarised quickly otherwise Kyuhyun will be diagnosed as dead upon arrival and it will be entirely my fault. I gave up and came up with two words. Gastric pain. Nurse EeTeuk nodded and proceeded to examine Kyuhyun while I looked on from a corner.

Nurse EeTeuk gave Kyuhyun a shot and it effectively calmed and loosened his tensed muscles after the medicine took effect. He was soon sleeping like a baby. Nurse EeTeuk had gone back to treat his other patient and I was tasked to watch over Kyuhyun. I contemplated whether I should go back to class seeing that I had nothing to do here but sit and wait. I dropped the idea after remembering that it was Monday and that I should be having History lesson now. Well, I had a valid excuse to be absent from class and even if my mom was to question me, I would reason that she wouldn’t want my tutor to die at my hands. My mom was always compassionate towards others. I’m not sour. No way. I also cannot risked him having an additional bump on that nice head of his should he unfortunately rolled himself over the edge of the bed.

I took a seat by the side of the bed and was looking around the infirmary while he slept. So, the school’s sick bay looked like this. It had a nice view out the window. Unblocked, breezy and full of greenery. I should come here more often, I thought and then mentally slapped myself at how stupid it sounded. Do I want myself or Kyuhyun to be sick more often? Wait, what had Kyuhyun being sick got to do with me (anymore)?

Kyuhyun shifted a little in his sleep and I returned my roaming gaze back to the sick boy. His face was regaining it’s colour. His hair was still sweat-soaked and I reached out my hand to sweep it to one side. I wondered if he suffered from this condition often and planned to ask him when he woke up.

Having nothing else to do, I placed my head down on the side of the bed to rest a little. The huffing and puffing had taken it’s toll on my oh so slim body and I needed to recharge badly. So, pardon me while I drifted off to dreamland.

~~~~ END OF PART 4 ~~~~

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137darkpinku #1
Chapter 10: The last part is the best of the best of the best !!
Elrhumy #3
Chapter 10: Oh MinMin... And always so cool Kyu.. *_*
coolgirlanny #4
Chapter 10: This is awesome...i was literally smiling all the time while reading and i loved it.....:>
I really like these kind of stories which are innocent at the same time giving warm feelings of blossoming love...thumbs up~~~~
Chapter 10: The ending made me feel all warm and fluffy.^^ Such a nice story. I was beginning to wonder if there was a sequel since Sungmin didn't really show any signs of interest until ch8, but the ending pulled through. Thanks for the story.
Chapter 3: Just HAVE to comment about this one line, "The smile on his face blossomed in the speed of fart".
I laughed out loud from reading this one line. You sure have a way with writing. :)
xtinejoy #7
After I read the whole story, that's the only time I realized that I've already read it at LJ. Sorry author-nim, didn't really noticed it..
Well, this story is different from your other stories that I've read. This one is for those innocent readers (know what I mean *smirk*). Its kinda refreshing to read about being inlove at the young age. Those giggles, confusion, palpitations (when you're near that someone), stupidity (crazy things you've done) and many more.. Its overwhelming to feel those as I read this... IYou are really good author-nim, describing people as well as their emotion.. I have great time reading.. keep up formulating another amazing stories...
And as usual,thanks for sharing and im anticipating for your new stories.. (I checked your latest masterpiece, and Im browsing it now).
little-dreamer #8
Chapter 10: i love how you described everything in this story. i found my self laughing every now and then.
Gyaaaa #9
Chapter 10: Re-read this just because i love it and i need more kyumin stories.. *sigh*

Chapter 10: Sungmin knew in told him to stop being dumb and just accept Kyuhyun? That was a smart ending. XD lol I'm way late I started this story late