Chapter 2

Saving a Princess 101

“Who the hell lives in the middle of the woods?” Jongin groaned as they got lost in the middle of the wilderness. According to Sungjong, who was the one who knew where the sword master is, the man lived in some part of the forest.

Earlier back at the castle, Sehun told Jongin they would first search for a sword master to teach Sehun. Jongin only shrugged and nodded at him, expressing his disinterest and for them to just get on with it and leave the castle. Sehun only shook his head in exasperation as he let Sungjong pat him comfortably in the back.

“Apparently he does.” Sehun commented as he tried to ignore his hyung’s whining for the umpteenth time. Ever since they entered the forest, Jongin hasn’t stopped whining about everything and it was slowly getting on his nerves. He trudge his horse faster and went ahead, Sungjong following him.

“Don’t worry your highness; I assure you I am good at hiding bodies if the need arises.” Sungjong said and Sehun smiled to himself, the offer sounds very tempting.

“Thanks for the offer but it seems like you have forgotten about Hyung’s loyal guard dog.” Sehun reminded and Sungjong can’t help but laugh at how accurate Sehun called Hoya.

True, Sehun and Jongin may be brothers but Hoya and Jongin are much closer. Both boys are practically joined to the hip and are never seen without the other.  All princes actually are much closer to their servants than their own brothers.

“Are you girls done yapping over there? Mind helping here?” Jongin shouted over them and when the fourth prince and his servant turned around, both Hoya and Jongin were surrounded by bandits. Sungjong acted quickly and sheathed his sword, going into the fray and starting the fight.

Sehun only stood in the sides and stared at the clash of swords and shouts. There really wasn’t anything he could help because his knowledge in that field equates to Sungjong’s imaginary pimples (Have you seen and felt his face? Sehun swear it was smooth and spotless like a baby’s bum.)

After a few moments of pants and grunts, it was already clear they were winning. And Sehun cheered louder for his comrades, basically the only thing he could do at the moment. He was so preoccupied with the fight he didn’t notice one bandit sneaking up on him.

“Behind you, your highness!” Hoya shouted to him in alarm but it was already too late. When Sehun turned around the bandit was already jumping at him, sword raised high in the air. Sehun closed his eyes in fright as he waited for the impact…

… That didn’t come.

“How useless and you call yourself a man?” A melodic voice wafted in his ears and Sehun abruptly opened his eyes.

A woman with waist long brown hair and honey eyes was the sight that greeted him.

Sehun blinked and noticed that a smirk was planted on the woman’s pink lips. She must be the one who spoke… Sehun thought before blinking his eyes for a few more times, now noticing the sword she held on her right hand and the knocked out body of the bandit not too far away.

Sehun’s mind was still floating from fright but when it cleared up, everything clicked.

“You saved me?” Sehun asked with the dumbest face he could have and the woman smirk widen if possible.

“No Sherlock.”

A/N: Short update for now... hope you liked it and please tell me what you think??? *^^*

PS: Luhan will be coming out in the next chapter along with another charatcter :)

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OMG, I'm having a writers block for this TT.TT


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Chapter 5: Hello author-nim ^^ new reader here!
This is a funny chapter, Jongin~~ >< lol
Update soon~ ^^
Chapter 5: Omg this is funny..I hope hunhan romance can start soon kekekek
eine08 #3
Chapter 5: Jongin's part is really funny >_<
Chapter 5: Ohohohohohohoohohohoho. Jongin you're ed.
Omg Sehun you cheesy thang.
Update soon author-nim. ( ̄▽ ̄)
eine08 #5
Chapter 4: I love how they're all scared of Luhan >_<
CrazyTine #6
Chapter 3: My goodness. There's XiuChen. //Teaaaars of joy// Now I'm only waiting for Chanyeol to announce his princess is Baekhyun. I don't really ship KrisHo but we can work on that. Lol.
suju-blue-elf #7
Chapter 4: hey! it's been a long time no seen author nim this chapie is very good!! I love the way Jongin get afraid of the angry Luhan XD and wow finaly Luhan will teach Sehun!! good luck unnie and fighting!!!
suju-blue-elf #8
Chapter 3: Noooo author nim u'll finish it right?? Coz i love ur story and this is enought right?? ~ I'm doing ayegeo right now ok~?? *v* Good luck and than 4 ur story~
onkeyslove #9
Chapter 2: lluhaaaaaan
sorry i'm just want to know, who is the first prince? and who runs the kingdom after the King left?