It's still you

Sehun was walking around through Xiumin's house.

"GO MAKE OUT OUTSIDE!" a voice was heard. He knew it was Xiumin. He looked for Xiumin and then saw an unclosed door. He tried to peep to see what he was doing.


"Luhan.." Sehun whispered


He saw that their hands were still entangled. Xiumin leaned forward and kissed Luhan.

Luhan was shocked that he tried to get Xiumin off of him. But sooner, Luhan kissed back. He didn't know why but it was better this way than remembering Sehun.


Xiumin grabbed Luhan's head and made him lie down on his bed. He continued kissing Luhan and Luhan continued kissing back.


Xiumin tangled his free hand on Luhan's hair which Luhan liked. Then, Xiumin tired to enter his tongue on Luhan's mouth. But Luhan won't open. Then Xiumin tried to Luhan's button-up. Starting from the top. Xiumin had a hold of Luhan's neck and started kissing it. He placed kissmarks everywhere.


"Xiuminaaaaahhh" Luhan groaned


Xiumin continued and he kissed his jawline too. He ed the next one which revealed Luhan's chest. Xiumin Luhan's s and Luhan groaned again.


Xiumin went back into kissing Luhan's mouth. Again, he tried to enter into his mouth.


Luhan made him enter.


He still didn't know why. Why was he kissing Xiumin? Is he totally over Sehun?


Luhan realized everything. He wasn't. He never had and he thinks that he never will be over. He missed this. He misses Sehun's kisses and the kissmarks Sehun gives him. He misses the little groans they make in between. He misses when they stay hugging each other after the session. He misses everything. He misses Sehun.


Luhan started crying. Xiumin felt his tears.


"Omo, Luhannie, why are you crying?" Xiumin said finally breaking the kiss.


They sat down and Xiumin let go of Luhan's hand and tried to wipe his tears. But before touching Luhan's cheeks, Luhan ran out.


As he opened the door the person outside shocked him. He was just standing there. Leaning on the wall with a crushed cup on his hand and its soda was all on the floor. Luhan's heart started beating fast.


"Sehun-ah~" he whispered.


But Sehun heard it. Luhan continued running when he heard Xiumin's footsteps.

And with that, he vanished.


Xiumin got out of his room and tried to look for Luhan.

"Mr. Oh, have you seen Luhannie?" Xiumin asked Sehun who was still infront of Xiumin's room.

"That way" Mr. Oh pointed the opposite way.

"Thanks" Xiumin said and ran off shouting "Luhaaan!"


Sehun was mad. The crushed cup turned into a ball. He saw everything. From the kiss to when Luhan kissed back to Luhan's clothes and until Luhan cried. Though, Sehun didn't know why he cried. He went to where Luhan really is. He knew where he would hide. The bathroom.


Sehun knocked. But there was no answer. He knocked again and again without saying anything. And then, the door opened. It was Luhan.



Luhan ran away from Xiumin and Sehun. He wanted to be alone. He felt bad about himself. He felt that he cheated on Sehun. He went to the bathroom. It's where he always go to have some alone time. Moments later there was a knock. Luhan stayed quiet. And it knocked and knocked again. He got irritated so he washed up his face and opened the door. His hear beated fast again.


"Sehun-ah~" he whispered.


He tried to avoid Sehun And walk away but Sehun held his wrist. Sehun wasn't looking at him. He tried to let go but Sehun was strong.


"Let go" Luhan commanded and still trying to let go of his grip.


"I said let go" Luhan said again.


But Sehun won't let go. He doesn't think he could let go. He wanted both of them forever. He wished that he was Xiumin awhile ago. Tasting Luhan's mouth and owning him. He wanted to feel Luhan's touch and his kiss. He misses everything about them. He misses Luhan.


"Mr. Oh Sehun" Luhan said which made Sehun shocked because he was called formally.


"Please, let go of me" Luhan pleaded


Sehun won't seem to let go of his wrist. Then he pulled Luhan towards him and hugged him tightly.


Luhan was shocked in Sehun's actions. He didn't hugged back. He thought that it's better that way. But he can't hold his tears. He cried and his tears flowed.


Sehun felt Luhan crying. He doesn't want to let go. But he needs to.



Weeks ago


"Mr. Oh, please come with me. The principal is calling you" the Vice Principal said.

They walked through the hallways and Sehun got a feeling of what the principal will say. He went inside the principal's room.

"Ah, Mr. Oh" Mr. Wu, the principal, said.

"Hello Principal Wu" he bowed.

"I heard you are tutoring one of your students. Luhan to be exact"


He knew this would happen. He nodded.


"I see you two are close. Very close"

"Ah, ne"

"Mr. Oh, I don't know what kind of relationship you have with your student Luhan. But whatever it is, you both have to stop it now," Mr. Wu commanded. "You should stop seeing him and stop tutoring him. Don't eat lunch with him and don't take him home. It is included in our rules that there should be no relationship between the students and the teacher."

"But, Mr. Wu--"

"No 'but's' Mr. Oh. If you don't like to do this might as well fire you this instant." Mr. Wu threatened "Or should I expel Luhan?"

Mr. Oh was speechless. He didn't know what to say. He didn't want to break their relationship. Why would he even want to? He got up and bowed to Principal Wu.

"Yes, I understand. I will put a stop immediately."



Time went by fast. It was lunch. They would always eat lunch together. And Luhan will always wait for him outside the faculty. He saw him through the blinds. His heart ached. He wanted to hug him but he can't. 10 minutes passed and Sehun looked again. He was still there. He looked hungry. He waited until he had gone.



Dismissal time came. He knew that Luhan will wait for him. He thought that if he would come out late Luhan will be gone.


He came out an hour after and Luhan was still there. Luhan smiled and waved. Sehun had a teardrop. They went to the park and Sehun broke everything. Though he didn't want to do it, he needed to. He doesn't have anyother job to support his family in the province. Also he didn't want Luhan to be expelled. He tried to hold back his tears but he heard Luhan cry.

Sehun made it quick and he left.


Even whispers of Luhan, he would still hear it. And his tears flowed.



"Mr. Oh!" Xiumin, one of his students said.

"I'd like to invite you to my house party. Please don't tell the other teachers about this" Xiumin begged

"Ara, I'll see if I can come." Mr. Oh smiled


Sehun thought of it and wanted to come in order to relieve his depression. He didn't thought that Luhan would come to those kind of parties because he isn't that type of person.


As he entered Xiumin's house, Xiumin greeted him. He saw that Xiumin was dragging another guy with him.


'It can't be' he thought


But it was. It was Luhan. It was a bit awkward for Sehun. Then, he saw Xiumin and Luhan's hands are entangled together which he got mad inside and turned his both hands into a fist.


Sehun tried to follow Xiumin and Luhan upstairs. But then they vanished. Luckily Xiumin shouted.


He peeped into the door and saw everything they did. Anger And sadness filled Sehun. He felt that he was cheated on.



And now, here he is. Hugging the love of his life. He can't let go. Never would he ever.

He has decided.

"Let go, Mr. Oh" Luhan said while crying.


Sehun took a deep breath.

"I can't let you go"

A tear fell.


"Luhannie," a voice said "Mr. Oh" it continued.



Third chapter! I'm sorry I have such short chapters. >_<




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Chapter 6: pair xiumin with chen then
update the story please
and the story cool
Chapter 2: You said Manila!! Are you philipino?? If you are, thats so cool cause I am as well
Hirooshuichi33 #3
Awwwww poor little lulu :(
Daelo13 #4
Chapter 8: Omg! Please update! This is so good.
Chapter 8: finally xiuchen is backkkkkk xD
poor lil deer, please go to sehun before he leaves you.
omg, im cryingggg sobs sobs
Chapter 8: ahh! T^T poor lulu ;-;
Chapter 8: Luhan !! Quickly go to Sehun before he leaves :( !!
Chapter 7: cheeenn!! Yeah! Finally! Its the fringgin' sweet troll! Yehet! Wooh! XD! Update soon author-nimm ^^
deer_exotic46 #9
Chapter 7: yes...CHEN finally heehee