
Long-Lasting Friends
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Whilst Jaejoong was chatting altogether with the others along the way, Yoochun just wandered his gaze towards anywhere else; with his ears still listened to everything that Jaejoong has said. Sometimes, Yoochun even giggled over the other’s silly words as well secretly. As Yoochun didn’t put much attention on the others, he didn’t even realize that Yunho was actually looking at him several times as well with curiosity.

“What do you think, Yoochun?” asked Yunho so casually; practically making Jaejoong, Yoochun, even the other friends looking at him weirdly.

“Me- what?” asked Yoochun back, obviously wasn’t ready to answer the sudden question.

“Don’t ask him!” Jaejoong quickly interrupted as he slapped Yunho’s hand lightly; somehow feeling afraid that Yoochun might didn’t like the interruption of his private time. “He’s just a man without opinion, Yunho. As clueless as a human could be.”

“What? Isn’t that too harsh?” replied Yunho, trying his best to not laugh over the other’s words.

“He knew about that too. I’ve been telling him about that a lot,” Jaejoong said with a pout; didn’t even realize that he wasn’t helping Yoochun at all right now. “You see, sometimes we need to get an opinion when choosing the clothes that we wanted to buy... right? But every single time I’ve asked him about it, he always answered it with ‘Looks fine’ or ‘That’s alright’. Isn’t that so annoying?”

Yoochun just shrugged it off easily, as the others were looking at him amusedly; especially Yunho.

“I think it’s just you acted like a woman, Jae,” replied one of the bunch; Geunsuk, with a giggle.

“What?! I didn’t!” complained Jaejoong almost right away with his widened eyes.

“Wait- that’s not the point,” said Hyunjoong, who was also there, as he was glaring at the other with suspicion. “Why did you go shopping with him? You always tell us that you don’t like to buy clothes with anyone else since it’s uncomfortable!”

“Yoochun isn’t just anyone. Isn’t he?” asked Jaejoong back, raising his eyebrows slightly.

“And what that makes us?” pushed Hyunjoong once more.

“Huh? You’re my friends; as well as the others like Yunho or Geunsuk,” answered Jaejoong, frowning as he felt that the other’s question was so weird for him. He took a slight glance towards Yoochun, who has laughed in silence upon the obliviousness of him, though Jaejoong decided to leave him be for now and paid his attention back to Hyunjoong. “What was that supposed to be?”

“Let’s find something to eat now. It’s already past two and we haven’t eaten our lunch yet,” Yunho finally broke the discussion between the two of them, thinking that it wouldn’t meet an end in any ways. He was then turning his attention towards Yoochun, who has calmed himself down again. “Do you have something that you want to eat, Yoochun?”

Yoochun was taken aback for the second time, didn’t expect for Yunho to start another conversation with him. “No,” he answered hesitantly. “I don’t mind with anything.”

“See! He’s a man without opinion,” Jaejoong retorted almost instantly, pointing his finger right at Yoochun. “I have to decide everything for him and me whenever we’re going out; literally!”

Yunho was instantly laughing aloud, couldn’t help to find that Jaejoong and Yoochun’s relationship were actually funny and refreshing. He just realized that even though Jaejoong was so obsessed with the other, he was still able to mock Yoochun.

“Anyway, does anyone mind to eat at the food hall instead?” Jaejoong suddenly changed the topic, as he felt uneasy with the sudden attention from Yunho to Yoochun. As much as he should like the fact that Yunho was accepting Yoochun as a part of them, he still couldn’t. “I’m kind of craving for the pajeon that’s sold there, actually.”

“Sure, I don’t mind at all,” answered Yunho, couldn’t find anything wrong from Jaejoong’s words. Yet before they had a chance to walk further to the food hall, Yunho has stopped his steps and smiled awkwardly towards the others. “Need to use restroom for a second. I’ll be back soon, okay?”

Yoochun’s gaze was never leaving the half-running Yunho, due to his suspicion and curiosity. Yoochun knew that Yunho was acting unusual with him today, which meant that there was something in the latter’s head. Knowing that he couldn’t get the real answer by staying with Jaejoong and the others in a meantime, Yoochun finally sighed deeply.

“I’m going too,” said Yoochun.

Since Yoochun didn’t care about the other’s opinions, he has already started walking without even bothered to wait for any replies. But of course, his plan indeed wasn’t as easy; not when there was Jaejoong around him as well. Within no time, Jaejoong has already caught him up and walked right beside him unknowingly.

“To the restroom?” asked Jaejoong light-heartedly.

“Yeah,” Yoochun replied as he was thinking on how to get rid of Jaejoong for some minutes. “Can’t you just- wait there with the others? I’m just going to go to the restroom. You don’t have to follow me there too, right? Just have a chat with the others in a meantime.”


Jaejoong immediately stopped in a midway as he could see the seriousness on Yoochun’s face. Sure, Jaejoong desperately didn’t want to let Yoochun left alone with Yunho after everything he has seen. But on the other side, Jaejoong also knew that Yoochun was being reasonable. He couldn’t go that far; especially when Yoochun had no idea that Jaejoong was thinking that way.

“Okay,” replied Jaejoong finally.

“Good. It won’t take long,” said Yoochun back with a smile, ruffling Jaejoong’s hair on the process.


Instead of getting into the male’s restroom, Yoochun just leaned against the wall as he was waiting for Yunho. After all, going to the restroom was just one of his excuses to talk with Yunho by himself. Yoochun needed to know the other’s intention, so that he could decide the next thing he should do.

“What- Gosh! You nearly made me get a heart attack!” shouted Yunho, as soon as he saw Yoochun’s appearance right at the outside of restroom.

“Not my intention. But sorry, I guess,” replied Yoochun, just after a moment of silence.

“What are you doing?” asked Yunho confusedly. He didn’t understand on why Yoochun haven’t gone to the restroom and just stood there; right in front of him. “Don’t you want to go to the restroom as well? Do you want me to wait you her

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cassiesya #1
Chapter 9: Awesome story author !
Going to scroll down you story and reah them all...
Chapter 9: They're both so sweet <3
Of course Jaejoong can't really want to stay away from chunnie~ needs him too much :D
True... They hide behind the soulmate title, but it's completely fishy :p
Ow... poor chun, he's full of doubts in fact, isn't he?
How sweet is Jaejoong <333 He knows how to talk to his soulmate ^^
Nyaaaaaaaaaaa <333 I love Jae's confession! Omo you're making me melt here!!!
They're so cute!!! I wanna hug them too!!
hahahaha they'll never change! And that's goood! Love chunnie is a sleepyhead and Jaejoong is too sweet, he can't resist it ^^
kkkkk Chun still a bad liar, isn't he? He could act better lol
Omooooo <333 lovely way to say it chun XDD
He should thank the evil-teasing-Min!

Ah ~ *take a deep breath* I LOVE IT DEAR!!!!
thank you for writing this for me! I’m really glad and grateful and I love it!!! <3 THANKS
Chapter 8: What a stupid fight and misunderstanding!
But still... they're so lovely <333
I love how Jaejoong is worrying about Chun <3 so sweeeet
Also Changmin is really something XD Makes me laugh so much!
Yunho's feeling are quite pure, makes me almost pity him... but I love more the way Jae loves chun :p
Ah~ Yoochun is a dorky-dumb sometimes XDD but I support him !! Go Go chun!!
no... Jae goooo!!! Chun is dumb but he loves you! kkk

thank you dear, sorry for being late <3
Chapter 7: You know what??
I really want to read it again from the start... XD
Chapter 9: Loved it. Nice ending.
faridpraderago #6
Chapter 9: ohhhh! This is an end...what the-
i expected a bit longer story than this...but its okay, i like the ending^^
finally,that idiot confessed his feeling...though i'm still wanna smack his head for not saying those words when jae finally confessed -__-
faridpraderago #7
Chapter 8: that stupid yoochun,denied his feeling -_-
i wonder how could jaejae likes him or even stay with him,tsk...
Thank you for the update^^
Chapter 8: <3333333333333 thank you darlinnnnnng!!!
I'll comment this later :p
Chapter 7: Sorry for being late bab' //>__<//
Let's read again to be sure I don't forget anything :p

Ow poor chun, he's all gloomy and sad ><
He's so touchiiiing <333 I like his behaviour it's cute and I want to hug him!
Somehow I'm really glad that he wants to wait for Jaejoong to make a sign and just hope he'll make a move silently <33 this the way I picture him
Changmin is so caring and thoughtful with his hyung~
such an awkward situation... did Jaejoong asked help to Changmin??? he did, didn't he??
I'm glaaad if he diiiiid XDDD
omo omo omo …. this tension and this apprehension is killing meeeee XDDD I feel like I'm Jaejoong XDD lol actually.... I love this situation and Jaejoong's fear to lose chun XD *meanie me*
I don't know if I pity Jae or not... I like it too much that he's struggling to keep Chun by his side <333 *more and more meanie*
roh Chun is mean too! But I like it! :P can't be too easy kkk
Nyaaaa I'm meltinnnnnnnnnnnnng <333 okay now I pity Jae, it's so hurtful for him... and he's doing so many efforts.. (but I still like that very much XDD)
Owwwwwwwwwwwwwww <3 this is so cute and touching~<3 (the hug and Jaejoong's words...and tears :p)
*answering JJ's question*… That's because I love that Jae... XD
OMOOOOOOOO O_o like for REAL? *giggles like crazy*
Kkkkkk … Voldemin forever~
he??? does he say it because of Yunho??
Uwaaaaa Jaejoong punched him! Oo *shock*
Why stupid? He's noooot! He's lovely and I love him <3333 *slightly Chun biased today :p*

Uwaaaaaaaaaaaa why is it over????? Y_Y
I loved the second reading as much as the first one and really the only thing I have in mind right now is : “HYAAAAAAAA I need the next chapt!!!” (I wonder why I didn't post this at least when I read the chapt...)
Also don't be sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyyy I love it!!!!
I am the one who should be! So again, sorry for being late! You should remind me!!! you know that sometimes I completely forget and No it's not possible to forget Chun!
faridpraderago #10
Chapter 7: i'm completely agree with changmin,chunnie is really a definition of stupid -_-
i was jumping happiliy when they were finally kissed,but that stupid lazy ruined the mood,tsk..tsk..tsk