
New Addiction

Woohyun looked up from the contract he was reading when a plate was put on his table, alongside a cup of coffee. "What flavor is it this time?" He sighed. 

Sunggyu has been baking a lot of cakes for the past two weeks, reason being: Christmas is coming up and they have decided to come up with more flavors for the festival, in hope to attract more customers. If the responses are good, they would put up the new flavors in their menu. 

Sometimes, Woohyun, Hoya, Dongwoo, Myungsoo and Yongguk - Sungjong's boyfriend would be gathered in the cafe to taste the cakes Sunggyu, Sungyeol and Sungjong have made, to give their suggestions and opinions. You can say, all their friends are pretty much traumatized by eating so much cakes in the two weeks, but Woohyun can't avoid it, especially when he's home, and there's Sunggyu.

"Dark chocolate! Give it a try and let me know how is it!" Sunggyu said excitedly, pushing the fork into Woohyun's hand. 

"Gyu... You know I love you but can I not?" Woohyun pouted, hoping that Sunggyu would let him off. The mere sight of cake scares him to no end. Sunggyu has been baking a lot of cakes in the past two weeks, and asking him for his opinion. 

"I promise you it will be delicious this time!" 

"You say that all the time." Woohyun whined, rubbing his face with his hands, laying his head against the table. 

Honestly, the cakes Sunggyu baked were just so-so most of the time. And on other days, Sunggyu has the tendency to experiment with weird flavoring that Woohyun almost wanted to puke after at the first bite. 

Sunggyu took a look at Woohyun and gave up. "Fine, I will let Sungjong taste it then." 

With that, Woohyun raised his head and saw Sunggyu taking the plate of cake with him, ready to make his way out of the study room. And Woohyun quickly stood up from his seat, pulling on Sunggyu's arm to stop him. He put the plate of cake on the table before pulling Sunggyu onto his lap, hugging him. 

"You know, using Sungjong's name doesn't work anymore." 

Sunggyu pouted. He knew that was true since Sungjong has a boyfriend now. One that treats him really well. "Fine, I will give it to Taekwoon then." And tried to struggle out of Woohyun's hold, but Woohyun pulled him back. "Okay, that works." He laughed. Taekwoon is a neighbor of theirs that gets Woohyun very jealous at times. Sunggyu is always full of praises for the man, complimenting him for his good looks, how athletic he is, how well he can cook and the list goes on. And the name 'Taekwoon' never fails to get Woohyun jealous.

"So try it out for me before I bring it to Taekwoon." Sunggyu chuckled, feeding the dark chocolate cake to Woohyun who reluctantly took it.

"How is it?" Sunggyu asked expectantly, eyeing Woohyun intensively for any changes in his expression. 

Woohyun nodded his head, showing a thumbs up. "Out of all the cakes you have baked, this is the best." 

"Really?" Sunggyu asked with a wide smile, eyes sparkling with joy, and Woohyun couldn't help but chuckled at his excitement. "Yes, my love." And stole a kiss. 

"Is it too sweet though?" 

"Not really. Instead, I think it can be sweeter." Upon hearing Woohyun's suggestion, Sunggyu immediately took a bite of the cake and nodded his head in agreement. "Your suggestions always helps me. Thank you." He smiled, giving Woohyun a kiss. 

"Aren't you a barista, why are you becoming a baker now." Woohyun sighed, hugging Sunggyu close to himself. 

"Because I can do everything!" 

And a mischievous smile made it onto Woohyun's face as he heard the words Sunggyu had just said. "You really can do everything. What about we do something else?" 

"Like what?" 

"You said you can do everything, right?" Woohyun asked in which Sunggyu nodded in reply. "Well, it's been a while since we had fun in bed. What about we do that now?" 

Sunggyu rolled his eyes, shoving a piece of cake into Woohyun's mouth. "Excuse you, no mature content while I'm trying to eat here." 

Woohyun pouted, "Oh come on! It's been two weeks! I came back from Japan last week, hoping to get my welcome home but i was welcomed home with the sight of you baking cakes and more cakes."

"Ah, so it has only been two weeks." Sunggyu said nonchalantly, taking another bite of the dark chocolate cake.  

"Only two weeks?!" Woohyun said in disbelief. "Two days are enough to kill me!" 

"Oh then shouldn't you be dead like two weeks ago? Am I talking to a ghost right now?" 

"Sunggyu shi..."

"Yes, Woohyun shi?" 

"Can we?" 

"No. I'm going to bake another cake." Sunggyu said, already standing to leave the room but Woohyun pulled him back. "But this one tastes good." 

"Well, you made a suggestion that helps, so I'm going to improve it. Now excuse me, my love." Sunggyu smiled, giving Woohyun a short kiss before he finally left the room. 

Once the door to the study room closes, Woohyun grabs his hair in frustration, messing it up. "Wow Kim Sunggyu, you sure know how to frustrate me!" He groans. 


By the time Woohyun had completed all his work and took a bath, all ready to sleep, Sunggyu was still in the kitchen working on the improved dark chocolate cake. And Woohyun knew going to the kitchen to hurry Sunggyu wouldn't help at all, so he just sat on their bed, playing with his phone as he waited for his lover. 

About half an hour later, Sunggyu finally entered their bedroom, all washed up and ready for bed. He slipped his arms around Woohyun, snuggling into the warmth of his lover. "So warm." He muttered, bringing a smile onto Woohyun's face. 

"Will you give baking cakes a break and go on a date with your dear husband here tomorrow?" 

"Hmmmm...." Sunggyu pondered for a long time, tapping his finger against his chin, and Woohyun pouted at how it took the man such a long time to think about it. Don't the answer comes to mind instantly? He was sure he would answer a 'yes' immediately if Sunggyu asked him out on a date 

"Do you really have to think for that long?" 

Sunggyu laughed when he saw the pout on his husband's face. Even after six years, Woohyun was still Woohyun. That idiot. Sunggyu's idiot. 

"I like that idea. I wonder where will my dear husband bring me to though." 

And those words were more than enough to put a smile back on Woohyun's face. "Should we go for ice-cream? It's been a while since we went for one." 

Sunggyu nodded his head almost immediately, obviously loving the idea. And then, a wide grin was on Sunggyu's face as he turned to Woohyun. "Do you still remember what you said to me in your proposal? That was so cute yet idiotic at the same time." And he laughed out loud, as he remembered Woohyun's words. 

"No! I don't remember anything about it!" Woohyun blushed, getting all embarrassed. He was never one to get all embarrassed in their relationship but this incident had him utterly embarrassed. 


It was a little more than a year ago when Sunggyu happened to come across an unknown CD placed in the cupboard of the study room with the title 'Proposal' and without thinking much, he played the CD. 

When he played the CD, it started off by showing the couch in their living room and then, he saw a body coming into the camera. It's Woohyun. Sunggyu watched as the man took a seat at the couch, waving at the camera with a shy smile while saying a soft 'hi', and Sunggyu couldn't help but smiled at the sight. 

"It has already been five years since we got together, and I'm really happy that you love me..." Then Sunggyu smiled again when he saw Woohyun shyly rubbing the back of his neck. 

Woohyun was rarely this shy around him, it was always him that was shy around the man, and Sunggyu found his boyfriend really adorable when he behaved in this way. 

"I know I'm not exactly the best boyfriend you can wish for... And that I'm kind of stupid all the time but I really, really love you."

"Sunggyu, I want to be by your side for the rest of your life, to make you happy, to eat ice-cream with you for the rest of our life." And Sunggyu laughed. 

"That idiot. Who proposes like that." He mutters to himself, with a big grin on his face. Really, Woohyun is probably the biggest idiot on earth, and probably the biggest idiot in his life but nevertheless, he loves him. Just as much as Woohyun loves him. 

"Kim Sunggyu, will you let this idiot take care of you for the rest of your life?" Woohyun asked, pulling out a bouquet of roses in one hand, and a ring in the other hand. 

Sunggyu shook his head with a grin as he took the CD out and put it back in it's casing, before he started writing something on a post-it and sticked it to the cover of the casing. Then, he put the CD back in it's original spot, as if he had never seen the CD before. 



It took Woohyun about two months before the man finally found out that Sunggyu has already gave him a reply and he immediately ran to their living room, confirming with Sunggyu about the post-it he found on the casing. 

"You're really willing to marry me?! Really?! Sunggyu!" 

"Yes, yes. It sure took you a long time." Sunggyu replied with a smile that he was trying extremely hard to keep in, but Woohyun was being all adorable and excited like a kid that Sunggyu couldn't help it. 

"Oh my god! Sunggyu, we are finally going to get married! I have waited for five years." Woohyun said in happiness as he hugged Sunggyu close to himself. 

"Finally, Woohyun." Sunggyu grinned. 



"Hey morning." Woohyun greeted, leaning in to steal a kiss from the still sleepy Sunggyu. "Time to wake up!" Then he felt a hand hit his playfully. 

"Woo!" Sunggyu blushed, hiding his face in Woohyun's chest, which received him a string of melodious laughter. "Oh come on, why are you still getting so shy? You're so cute." 

"Shut up." Sunggyu groaned, pushing the duvet away from him and just as he was about to get off the bed, he turned back to Woohyun, kicking him off the bed. "Good morning, love." He greeted, laughing as he did so.

"What was that for?!" Woohyun cried in pain, rubbing his as he got up from the ground. 

"That's what you get for touching my without permission." 

"But I'm your husband!"

"Too bad, I'm denying you the permission to touch me today." Sunggyu said nonchalantly as he tapped Woohyun's nose, and ended it off with a kiss on the lips. 

"You're such a tease." Woohyun groaned. 

"But you love me." 

"I really do." Woohyun smiled. 


"Woo, it's cold." Sunggyu pouted as he rubbed his hands together, trying to warm them up. They have been walking on the street for around fifteen minutes but Woohyun has yet to hold his hand when he would usually do it everywhere and and anytime. 

"Where are your gloves? Did you forget to bring them with you again?" Woohyun sighed, grabbing his own gloves and put them on Sunggyu but the other man pulled his hands back almost instantly. 

"What's wrong? Didn't you say it's cold?" Woohyun frowned.

"Why aren't you holding my hands? Do you find my hands dirty?" Sunggyu asked angrily, almost glaring at the man. And he almost wanted to punch Woohyun when the man started to laugh after hearing what he had said. "You were the one who said I can't touch you for today and now, you want me to hold your hand." 

Sunggyu looked away immediately, embarrassed at the fact that he actually forgot what he said in the morning. "But it's cold now, hold my hand." He demanded, and Woohyun did as told gladly, putting their intertwined hands in his own coat pocket which brought a smile on Sunggyu's face. 


"Woohyun, do you remember the first time you met my mum?" Sunggyu asked as he fed Woohyun a piece of waffle. 

"Of course I do. Why are you embarrassing me so much lately?" 


It was on an early morning, and the two were deep in their sleep with limbs wrapped around each other's bodies when a knock came on their door. Sunggyu groaned as he was awakened by the continuous knocking on their door. "Woo, go and get the door." 

However, Woohyun only pulled Sunggyu closer, mumbling a 'sleep, they will go soon'. Sunggyu groaned even more when the knocking continued without rest and that irritated Sunggyu to no end. "Woo, get the door please." 

Giving up, Woohyun got out of bed sleepily, and got the door only to find a middle-aged woman standing in front of their door.

"Who are you?" Woohyun asked, yawning and scratching his head as he questioned the middle-aged woman in front of her.

"Does Kim Sunggyu live here?" 

Woohyun immediately frowned when Sunggyu came into the talk. "Who are you exactly? Why are you asking about my boyfriend?" 

Before the middle-aged woman could even answer Woohyun's question, hands were wrapped around Woohyun's waist and Sunggyu's head was leaning against Woohyun's shoulder. "Who is it, Woo?" 

As Sunggyu questioned his boyfriend, he turned to look at the person who decided to disrupt their sleep and he immediately pulled away from Woohyun, staring at the woman in front of their door with wide eyes. "Umma! What are you doing here?!" 

Woohyun is fully awake by now and turned to Sunggyu with just as wide eyes. "U-umma? She's your mum?" 

"So you're our son's boyfriend, right?" Mrs Kim asked and Woohyun immediately bowed at the woman. "Yes, I'm Sunggyu's boyfriend, Nam Woohyun." 

"That's a nice name. And aren't you guys going to invite me in?" 

Woohyun immediately took the bag in Mrs Kim's hand and invited the woman in. "Have a seat. I will go get you a drink!" Woohyun said and quickly ran to the kitchen but ran back out seconds later. "Umma, what do you want to drink?" 

"Just water will do." Mrs Kim smiled sweetly at Woohyun.

Once Woohyun was out of the living room, Sunggyu turned to his mum. "Umma, what are you doing here?" 

Instead of receiving the answer to his question, Mrs Kim knocked his head instead. "How dare you keep your mum in the dark about your boyfriend! If Myungsoo didn't tell me about it, I would still be kept in the dark about it." 

"Ah umma! I told you that someone was interested in me before, didn't I ?!" Sunggyu groaned, rubbing his head with a pout. 

"That doesn't count! You were still single back then." Mrs Kim scolded. 

"Here's your water." Woohyun put the cup of water on the coffee table in front of them. "Umma, give me ten minutes. I will be down in ten minutes!" Woohyun said, and ran to their bedroom without listening to what Sunggyu's mum had to say.

"What's with your boyfriend?" 

Sunggyu shrugged but chuckled at Woohyun. "Stupid, isn't he?" 

"So, he's the one you told me about previously?" 

Sunggyu smiled, nodding his head. "He turned out to be the one I had a crush on back in high school." 

"Really? That's fate!" Mrs Kim said in excitement. "How long have you guys been dating?"

"Hmm, it's been almost a year." And then, he received another hit on the head. "How can you hide it from me for this long?!" 

"Ah umma, stop hitting me! I just didn't know when's a good time to tell you about it." Sunggyu groaned. "But you know now, what do you think about him?" 

Mrs Kim pondered over the question for quite a long while that it worries Sunggyu. "Umma-" 

"As long as he is good to you, then that's fine." Mrs Kim said and Sunggyu broke out into a wide smile. "Don't worry, he's an idiot for me." 

"And you're lucky to find someone that loves you this much. Don't let him go." 

"I won't. I can't either." Sunggyu smiled, eyes turning into crescents. 

"Sorry to keep you waiting, umma." They turned their heads to the source of the voice and Sunggyu immediately laughed at the sight.

"Woo, what's with the suit and tie?" Sunggyu laughed even more. 

"I'm meeting your mum for the first time, I should give her a good impression." Woohyun pouted. 

"That's fine. First impression is important but I guess your first impression belonged to when you first met me at the door, isn't it?" 

Woohyun remembered yawning and scratching his head in front of Mrs Kim at the door and fell to the ground. "I'm ruined! Gyu, what if umma won't allow us to be together?" Woohyun whined, grabbing his hair in despair.

"Then I guess I should go and pack my stuffs." Sunggyu chuckled and was getting up from his seat but Woohyun pushed him back down. "Gyu, you can't go!" 

"Umma, please forget about just now and remember the Woohyun you see now." Woohyun practically begged. 

Mrs Kim laughed. "It's fine. Just be good to our son. I can see you really do love him and I'm thankful for that." 

"Idiot, umma approved of you already." Sunggyu chuckled, pulling Woohyun to sit beside him. 

"Umma, I will be good to Sunggyu and love him for all my life." Woohyun smiled at Sunggyu, grabbing Sunggyu's hand into his own. 

Mrs Kim smiled at the two and she couldn't be happier when she saw the two's intertwined hands. 


"I'm not." Sunggyu laughed. "I was just thinking about how far we have come in this relationship and I realized that thanks to you," he held onto Woohyun's hand, smiling at the man before he continued his sentence. "I have a lot of happy memories." And Woohyun smiled back at him. "Really?"

Sunggyu nodded his head, pushing himself forward to give Woohyun a kiss on his cheek. "And I'm so glad that even after all these years, you're still Woohyun. The idiot Woohyun I love a lot." 

"Why are you denying me the permission to touch you today? I really want to hug you right now!" Woohyun whined and Sunggyu could see the tears filling his eyes. 

"Come here and hug me." Sunggyu smiled, and that was all Woohyun needed before he lunged himself on Sunggyu. "Don't cry, you idiot. I didn't say this words for you to cry." 

"I'm just really touched." Woohyun cried, hiding his face on Sunggyu's shoulder as he let his tears fall. 

"Woohyun, you know I love you a lot, right?"

Woohyun nodded his head furiously, hugging Sunggyu even closer to himself. "I love you a lot too." He confessed among the sobbing, getting Sunggyu into fits of giggle at how adorable Woohyun was at that moment. 

"Stop crying, my love. Let me kiss you." Woohyun pulled away from the hug and furiously wiped his tears away with his hands but Sunggyu stopped him. He wiped Woohyun's tears away with his own hands, kissing his eyes then his nose then finally, his lips.

"What did you do to my Sunggyu." Woohyun mumbled when they pulled away from the kiss. "You're too sweet, you're not my Sunggyu."

"Yah! Why do you always have to say that when I'm just trying to treat you better." Sunggyu scolded, hitting his shoulder. 

"That's more like it." And they both laughed. 




Hey hey, yes your eyes did not trick you. It's really an update for New Addiction hehehe. Does anyone still remember this story? I hope you guys do >< anyway, this is the epilogue for New Addiction (umm, is it?) and honestly, I have been working on it even before I posted the last chapter of New Addiction. I wrote lots and lots of different versions of epilogue and finally decided that this was it! I hope it was fine. Oh btw, as I have said, I wrote a lot of different versions of the epilogue and some part of this epilogue is actually made up of different parts of a few of the different versions. Who knows, you might just see a random update some day again hahaha. This was suppose to be up on Christmas but I'm late by a day :( So sorry :( but I would still love to wish you guys a Merry Christmas and may you have a great new year ^^
Please leave me some comments, that would be greatly appreciated ^^ 

Goodbye for now /waves/ 
Thank you for all your support and love towards New Addiction hehehe the female hormones couple love you guys too ❤️

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It's been a year and one day since New Addiction ended, I really miss this story ㅠㅠ enjoy!


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692 streak #1
Chapter 31: still one of the sweetest endings 🥰
Chapter 31: It was sweet.❤️
Chapter 22: Poor my Namo
Gyu get really hard to my baby
Chapter 16: Finally someone is going to be nice ^.^
Chapter 6: How could Gyu be so cruel to my baby
sunggyu_chingyu #6
Chapter 31: greaaaaaat! i reread again and still the fluffiness kills me XD too sweet! but i like it hahaha
Chapter 31: So cute, so cute, so cute. Oh my god! I cried along with Woohyun when Sunggyu kept rejecting and laughed when Woohyun was being such an idiot. He's cute, in an idiotic way.
Chapter 31: This story is cute ^^ I'm grinning like an idiot while reading this XD
Chapter 31: thank you for the feel good story, i needed it!
Hima26 #10
Chapter 30: Toooo ...cute. I read it for the 2nd time. Still can't get over it. One of my favorites. Thanks for this wonderful story.