Already Gone

Parenting for Aliens???


Jiyoung wrapped his arms around Dara’s petite waist as Dara placed her arms around his neck.  He smiled at his beautiful wife as they both slow danced. Dara felt her heart beat fast against her chest as Jiyoung looked into her eyes. Jiyoung just makes her fall in love every day.  The two are so in love with each other. Everything felt so perfect for them. They couldn’t ask for more.

“Thank you…” Jiyoung said as he ran his fingers through his beautiful wife’s hair. “For loving me and for giving me a beautiful daughter…”

Dara felt her face heat up at her husband’s sweet words. She cupped his face and gave him a soft kiss.

“You loved me with all your heart. I’m lucky to have a husband like you. I love you so much, Jiyoung-ah…” She said after she pulled away from the kiss and rested her forehead against his. “Besides…  I couldn’t have given you Sanjee if you didn’t help…”

“Aigoo… My naughty wifey…” Jiyoung chuckled before pulling Dara for another kiss.

The two had a wonderful night. It was incredibly romantic.

Most couples fall out of love during their marriage, but it was incredibly different for Jiyoung and Dara. Every day was a day to look forward to seeing each other. Every day was a day that their feelings for each other would grow. Each time that passes is important for them. Each time that goes by is a moment to fall in love with each other again and again. As impossible as it seems, their marriage seemed to be a perfect one. When Sanjee came, their relationship bloomed even more…

“Thank you for that romantic dinner, Mr. Kwon…” Dara said giggling as Jiyoung opened the door of the car for her.

“It was my pleasure, Mrs. Kwon.” Jiyoung said with a smile before he kissed her hand as she sat on the passenger’s seat.

Jiyoung closed the door on Dara’s side and sat on the driver’s seat in order to drive home. Jiyoung kept his left hand on the steering wheel and his right hand on top of Dara’s

“You think Bommie-unnie and Seunghyun will be alright with Sanjee?” Dara asked, having her motherly instincts take over her.

“They’ll be fine.” Jiyoung said chuckling. “I’m sure they will be. Those two love Sanjee so much…”

“You’re right. I’m glad we have them to watch over her.” Dara agreed smiling. “Parenting for us became easier because of them… They’re always there to help us…”

“Sometimes I feel like they’re Sanjee’s parents instead of us. They’re so close to her.” Jiyoung remarked laughing.

“I know… It’s about time they made their own, don’t you think? Aish, those two are such stupid aliens for not realizing their feelings for each other. It’s so obvious already! They’re frustrating me…”  Dara said as she scratched her head.

“But we have to admit… It was right to choose them… Neh?” Jiyoung said smiling to himself at the thought of having great friends like Seunghyun and Bom.  He glanced at Dara who glanced back at him.

“Yes…. It was a good choice we made…” Dara said, then Jiyoung looked back at the road, only to see a big truck spinning out of control and heading towards them.

“Jiyoung!” Dara gasped as she closed her eyes in fright. Jiyoung held Dara’s hand protectively, watching the truck crash against them. Everything happened so fast…

Bom and Seunghyun had been trying to put Sanjee to bed, but she couldn’t go to sleep. She was unexpectedly hyper that night. Bom carried her niece in her arms, and sang a lullaby to her and patted her bottom. Seunghyun stood behind her and watched her with a smile. Bom looked so blooming as she held Sanjee in her arms. Her motherly instincts made Bom looked more beautiful for Seunghyun. Bom never had any experience with children, but she made a good mother to Sanjee, moreover, her voice was so soft and beautiful, such music to his ears.

“You and I together it just feels so right~” Bom sang softly to Sanjee. Sanjee smiled at her aunt before she closed her eyes.

“You’re pretty good at this, Bom I have to admit.” Seunghyun blabbered all of a sudden, saying his thoughts out loud. He gasped at what he just said. It was unintended for him to say that. He felt his face heat up as Bom gazed at him with a smile on her face.

“Don’t false-flatter me, Seunghyun…” Bom said, but still smiled at him. She gave him a light punch on the arm.

“But it’s true. You’re so good at being a mother even though you still aren’t one…” Seunghyun complimented. “I think it’s about time you become one. Let’s make our own Sanjee! Now would be a perfect time, baby boo~”

“Aish you byeontae!” Bom growled as she hit his head with a pillow.


They stopped their actions as soon as they heard the phone ring. Seunghyun stood up to answer the call, while Bom sat down at the sofa and held Sanjee in her arms. She looked at Seunghyun and watched his facial expressions shift as he talked to the caller. For some reason, Bom had a bad feeling. She stood up and approached Seunghyun.

“What is it?” She asked as Seunghyun ended the call.

Seunghyun looked at her with a remorseful look on his face. He tried to hold his tears, but unfortunately, he failed.

“Bom… I… It’s…” Seunghyun tried to talked but his couldn’t. tears fell from his eyes and he had a hard time breathing. Truly, the news was hard to comprehend.

“Seunghyun, look at me, what happened?” Bom asked, fearing the worst. The premonition might be real after all, but she hoped that what she was thinking didn’t happen. She was hoping for another bad news. Anything else but that…

“Bom…” Seunghyun breathed slowly as he held Bom’s shoulders. Bom held Sanjee close to her heart as she looked at Seunghyun, preparing herself for what she was about to hear. “They’re gone, Bom…I’m so sorry.”

Seunghyun kept his head low and Bom sobbed on his shoulder…

“No it can’t be…” She sobbed hard as Seunghyun her hair.

The two of them cried,, waking Sanjee up who cried  with them as though she could comprehend what happened.

A.N.  Waaahhhh T.T I’m sorry for killing Daragon… I feel so sad for them…

But atleast I gave them a moment before they died… LOL

Happy New Year, Everyone! I love you all! Thanks for subscribing, commenting and upvoting my story! Thanks so much for your support. You guys are my inspiration <3

With love,

~Kei-chan <3


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When will you update it authornim?
Will you update this story again authornim?
sildaagnesty #3
Chapter 8: I'll wait for you to update the next chapter.... pleaseeeeee
zaza1234 #4
Chapter 8: Authornim...i really love this story...can you update please..
65384084 #5
Please can you continue this story,.....
65384084 #6
Chapter 8: I'm really love this story,.....please continue update this story,...
codebtz #7
Chapter 8: ahhh i love dis story... update please lolsorry its just that dis is a really good one and im sooo curious as to what will happen next!!! hope all is good authornim!!!
Chapter 8: cant wait for next update! love the story!
Chapter 8: glad you updated! so Seunghyun who ruined their blind date, haishh that guy.... I hope you can update as you can, I know you're now a co-ed school u.u
My school also will starting tomorrow

fighting for us! ^ ^ ㅋㅋㅋ