
You Make Me Smile

Your POV

Why is it so bright? I tried to open my eyes slowly but somehow it ended up closing back. So again I opened it and whoa it’s already morning. Why do I feel that I just slept about two minutes ago but I'm so glad it’s the weekend, hee I don’t have to go to school. Arh, I love the weekends. I got up and stayed on my bed for awhile. The sunlight has entered my room fully, it’s so bright. Someone opened my window I guess. I remembered closing them last night. I can feel the fresh air coming into my room. Maybe it’s my umma, that’s her way of waking me up. I turn to my side table and grab my phone. Its 9 am and one new message I see. Suddenly I remembered the date I had with Jonghyun last night. I feel so happy. I cannot stop smiling. And that kiss, wow. It was my first and it was perfect. I feel all tingle inside. Hee, what’s this, I should stop smiling. This is crazy. Cool down cool down cool down!

“Hey chinggu, are you awake yet? I miss you! I really want to see you. You free today let’s go out okay?”

  • Lee Taemin

This boy always asking a lot of question. He already knows how to make me smile early in the morning.

“I am now. I miss you too! And yes taemin, I'm free today. Okay lets go out, where you wanna go?”

  • Your name goes here


And sent! Maybe I should go downstairs first and check on my umma. Oh wait! he replied already.

“I don’t know, where do you wanna go?”

  • Lee taemin


“Yah taemin! You ask me out, so you decide where to go -.-“

  • Your name goes here


Haish this boy. I wonder how the shoot goes. Oh god I can’t wait to see him. I bet it went great, just maybe. Oh no! I totally forgot that Jonghyun and taemin lives in the same house. Does he know about my date with Jonghyun? Maybe the others told him or even Jjong himself. I should have told him but I-I, maybe he doesn’t know maybe, whatever I'm going downstairs. I threw my phone on the bed and ran downstairs. I’ll think of something to tell taemin about the date. This stair sounds noisy, maybe my sister is in the room under this stairs playing with her toys. That room is like where she keeps all of her toys. I wish that was my room. I really wanted that room. [A/N: I'm like a huge fan of harry potter so this room is inspired from there, you know the room under the stairs for the first two movies, harry stayed in that room? LOL I'm sorry for disrupting the story. Daniel Radcliffe was so cute back then. Still is ;) ]


Your eyes widened as soon as you see couple of beg at the front door.

“Appa you’re leaving already?” you ask in a sad voice and hurried down the stairs.

“Ah my darling. You’re awake. Yes I have to leave already, they keep on calling me nonstop asking me back to work.”

“But it’s only been days since you came home. Why can’t you stay a little longer?”

“I'm sorry baby, I wish I could.” Your appa walk to you and gave you a hug. You hug him back tightly, tears was about to fall down your cheeks. You tried your best to hide them.

“I’ll be back as soon as I can” he said kissing your forehead.

“You better be good to umma and take care of the little one.” you took a glimpse of your umma. You can tell she’s faking a smile and you know that she’s feeling the same way as you are. Trying to hold back the tears.

“I will, you take care appa”

Your appa said his goodbye to your umma and to your little sister and you were hoping that your little sister didn’t cry. She didn’t. You were quite shock by this.

“Appa you will be back rite?” Mia’s voice was so soft and small it made it even harder for you not to cry. Her little self looking up at your appa.

“I will and remember appa loves both of you very much” he wave goodbye and made his way to the front yard and into the cab and wave for the last time before the cab drive away. You and Mia wave back as your mom just watch from the side.

“I made breakfast, come and eat” you couldn’t think clearly. You thought of how long he will be gone this time. You hope for him not to leave you. You wanted him to stay and never leave.

“I'm going to take a shower first, I’ll eat it later”

“Okay then, mia come, let’s have breakfast.” Your umma left with your little sister holding on to your umma’s hand.

You lean against your bedroom door and your thoughts still wandering around about your appa. “Arhhh! I have to snap out of it” you yell kicking something on the floor. You run to your bed and throw yourself on it and grab your phone.

“Fine fine! We’ll go to the park. I miss being there with you, it’s been awhile isn’t? Hmm, and I need to ask you something later. I’ll wait for you there at 12 okay chingu :)”

  • Lee taemin


You throw your phone back on the bed not bothering to reply and went to your bathroom and got ready to meet up with taemin.

You were so excited to meet taemin you dance your way out of the bathroom and head up to your wardrobe. You check out the weather outside your window and smell the fresh air.

“Such a sunny day and a beautiful day indeed” you said making a weird accent. You laugh to yourself.

You picked up a dress and some other accessories for the beautiful day. you got dress and went downstairs to have breakfast.


You walk in the park looking at the people around. The kids were playing and running around the park they look so happy it made you happy. You finally got your appa out of your mind and you can finally smile back normally. You walk around the park to find that best friend of yours. You lay your eyes on a guy sitting on a bench listening to his iPod while his hoodie were up covering his face. You went closer to him, he looks up to you. For a moment he pauses but then he jumps on you and hugs you tightly.

Your name goes here! I miss you” he hugs you even harder.

“Hee, I miss you too taemin. “You hug him back tightly.

“Omo taemin you’re so strong.” You so he could let go of you.

“I'm sorry. You look so pretty today chinggu” as he lets you go.

“Are you okay, did your hyung did something to you today?” you said sarcastically

“Cant I compliment my own friend anymore.” Taemin said making a puppy face. You just smile. He smiles back.

“Isn’t a lovely day” Taemin said grabbing your hand and drag you as you two walk together. You fasten your pace to keep up with him so he could stop dragging you around. You’re beside him now, you took a glimpse on Taemin who is too busy looking at the kids playing. You look down on his hand which is holding yours tightly. 

Why am I nervous his holding my hand, omo what if my palm gets really sweaty.’

“Look at those kids. They’re so cute” taemin giggled. You turn your head to look where taemin was looking at. There were two little kids playing around with each other. One of them is a girl and the other is a boy. The boy was trying to hold the girls hand but the girl looks really shy and gave him his hand slowly.

You turn red. those kids reminded you, of you and taemin. Taemin seems to be happy. He seems to not take notice of the situation. You can really feel your palm is sweating really badly.

“Taemin ah can we sit?”

“Oh nae.” He pulls you towards the nearest bench and let go of your hand as he sits.

You quickly wipe your sweaty palms on your dress not caring if you crumple the dress or maybe you leave a stain on them and took a sit next to him. There was silence for a few moments. You were wondering when he will start talking. You turn to your left to look at him. You broke the silence by asking him how the shoot goes.

“How was the shoot?”

“Oh it was great. I made friends with a lot people. They were very nice.” He turns to you so he could face you.

“Ah I see. That’s it?” you ask him curiously.

“Hehe, that’s it. Nothing really interesting happened. I was bored. I was shooting alone. Usually I have my hyungs. But they weren’t with me that day so it got really boring. Hmm, that’s about it. Nothing fun.”

Hearing taemin said his hyung reminded you about Jonghyun. About the date you had yesterday. The date you didn’t tell your best friend about. You feel guilty for not telling him you went out with one of his hyung.

“Taemin ah, I-I went out with Jonghyun last night.”

Taemin smiles silently.

“I know the guys told me about it.” Taemin didn’t even face you when he answers back, his voice sounded upset “why didn’t you tell me about it?”

“I-I wanted to but, you, I thought you were busy and, I-I didn’t want to bother you so I didn’t. I'm sorry” you stuttered. You didn’t want to upset as he already sounds upset. It made you feel guiltier. He doesn’t even face you when he was talking. His head is still down staring at his shoes like they were something amazing to look at.

“Are you mad?” somehow your hand made its way to touch his without you even thinking of doing it.

Suddenly taemin become serious. He took your hand which is already on top of his and holds them. He looks straight into your eyes. It’s impossible for you to look away now since he got the grip both of your hand.

“Do you like him?” he looks serious. You didn’t know what to say.

“What?”   ‘Out of the words the only one can get out of my mouth is that?’

“Do you like Jonghyun hyung?” taemin still looks serious. It made you even nervous to see taemin asking you such a question in a very serious way. You wonder if he can hear your heartbeat, because obviously it’s beating like 100 drums all at once. He never had been this serious about anything. You take a deep breath still finding the words to say. ‘Do I like him, I don’t know, do I?’  Are the only words you could think of in your mind. Taemin was still staring at you waiting for your answer.

“I-I don’t know!” you finally answer pulling your hands away from his grip and turn to the front. You close your eyes trying to calm yourself down. You couldn’t breathe normally it was harder for you. There was water flowing down your cheek. It wasn’t raining. You feel fingers on your face wiping the tears away from. You open your eyes slowly since you know it was taemin.

“Don’t cry. I didn’t mean to make you cry. Please don’t.” he said while pulling you into his arm. He hugs you tightly. His hands caressing your long black hair.

“I'm sorry” he whispered to your ear.

“But please don’t cry, it hurts me”

You feel safe inside his arms. You wanted to stay there forever. You lower your face down and bury your face on his shoulder. You didn’t care if you got his sweater wet you just wanna be in his care.

“I’ll fight for you”

‘What did he just say?’

“I will, I promise”

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EternallyTVXQ #1
awesome story
haha,spending some time with fun!update soon.
AWWW! this is so sweet...<br />
Key is really a fast-thinker<br />
i like the -homework scene
you guys always makes me smile with your comments :) HAHAHA ! yes, jjongs taking you away :o i'll update soon :p thank you !
she's Jonghyun's lady now:)he's really sweet and caring.but Taemin also has a spot in her heart.i wonder what'll happen now.update soon.
TAEMIN! HELP! Jong's taking me away!
AAWWWWWW this is such a sweet chap. it makes my heart flutter. UPDATES
Litche #8
aaaaw omg so sweet aaw! I cant belive she hasnt figured it out yet. :o update soon! :D <3
ohh lala.seriously,what a lucky girl.having both Jonghyun and Taemin falling in love*sighs*
TAEMIN im on ur side. I love you Taemin. I was threatened to kiss him