
Untitled Love Story

Sadly, this will be the last chapter. I know I just introduced 2 new pairings in the last chapter, but I really do not know how I'm going to branch this out further. Some of you may know that I have misplaced the notebook where I had everything pre-written. Anyway, thank you for taking this journey with me, as this is my first full-length (does seven chapters count as full-length?), fic. The last chapter is as cliché as you might think it would be. I still hope you enjoy it, though, because honestly, this is the best thing I could ever write and/or come up with at the moment. I'll be jumping forward three years, if you don't mind.


After accidentally confessing his love for Jinri in the mall parking lot in front of everyone, the night after, he asked her to dinner. She accepted the offer but their date wasn't as pleasant as they expected. The reservations for the restaurant were mixed up and they weren't able to eat, so Sehun drove Jinri to the night market. There, a drunk man spilled sauce all over her tshirt, and she had nothing to cover herself up with, as her bra was starting to show. As the gentleman Sehun was, he took his jacket off and placed it over Jinri, who thanked him and afterwards decided to take a walk around instead. They got to know each other more, like how Sehun is allergic to apples and Jinri is a lot stronger than she looks. Sehun was worried that Jinri would catch a cold from her wet shirt, and so he offered to walk her back to Soojung's. 

That same night, Baekhyun and Chanyeol were still avoiding each other. Soojung and Jongin couldn't stand the awkwardness whenever they were together, so they lured the two to Soojung's house and locked the two in a room, hoping the misunderstandings would be cleared up. Baekhyun and Chanyeol were locked in the room longer than they should have, just because Jongin and Soojung had fallen asleep on the couch. In the morning, Baekhyun explained how the misunderstandings were finally cleared up, but Chanyeol was upset because he wasn't able to eat for hours. Even though Chanyeol was mad at Jongin for locking him in a room to starve, he was still thankful since he can finally talk to Baekhyun without feeling awkward.

Three years later, Jinri moved in with Sehun while Soojung and Jongin stayed at the apartment. Baekhyun and Chanyeol went to visit Baekhyun's grandmother's house for a few months. Amber was taken in by an entertainment company and has been training as of last year. 

It was a hot evening and the four were lazing around the livingroom at Soojung's. The ice in their drinks has already melted and they were sweating in places they never knew had sweat glands. Before this, the four were enjoying a game of cards when the power went out. As expected, the air-conditioning turned off and they had no other way to cool off other than what's left in Soojung's freezer and spreading the cold food all over their bodies.

"It's so hot and I'm so bored!" Jinri whined, "Can we go somewhere the power isn't out? You neighbourhood is so... old, Soojung."

"Well I'm sorry for trying to buy the cheapest house. You know how expensive the damn tuition fee is?" Soojung sighed.

"We can't really go to a mall since it’s already, like, what? Midnight?" Jongin was sprawled across the floor, with a pack of now warm peas on his stomach.

It was silent for a while because all four were trying to figure out a place where they know was still open and had air conditioning. They couldn't use their phones because the batteries have already died a long time ago. Suddenly, Sehun shot up from the couch.

"Can't we just go in the car and use the air conditioning there? I'm dying!" 

", you'll just waste gas. Might was well drive around somewhere or something." Jinri pulled him back down to sit.

Soojung gasped, "Yes! That's it! We can drive somewhere."

"Really? Where are we going to go?" Jongin sat up and stared at Soojung.

"We can go to the train station. It's always open and I'm pretty sure they have emergency electricity. We can visit my relatives, too! I haven't visited them in such a long time." Soojung pouted. She felt bad since she left her reckless cousins in the hands of Granny Jung and Sooyeon. Jinri became excited and agreed with Soojung. Although most of them were a pain in the , they still missed them. Desperate for some cool air, the boyfriends agreed. Sehun and Jinri headed back to their apartment to pack. They met up at the train station which was thankfully air conditioned. 

"Got the tickets?" Sehun asked. Soojung nodded as she waved them in the air. She linked arms with Jinri and skipped happily towards the train. The two boys were left behind they laughed at how cute the girls were acting. Their seats were near the back and the seats were in pairs.

"Why do you get to sit with Jinri? You see her every day!" Soojung whined, wanting to sit with her cousin.

"But she's my girlfriend. Go sit with Jongin! Or on his lap," Sehun smirked.

" there are children on this plane." Jongin spoke to the boy from across the aisle.

"Says the one who swore!" Sehun retorted. Soojung rolled her eyes and Jinri flicked her boyfriend's forehead. Soojung did the same as she sat down beside Jongin.

"I think the only children here are you two. Now shut up and go to sleep." Soojung said.


The trip went by quickly since they all fell asleep. Since there was no car to pick them up, they had to walk all the way to Granny Jung's house. They thanked the heavens that it wasn't as hot, and the amount of wind blowing was just perfect. Soojung lead Jongin to her bedroom while Jinri did the same with Sehun.  They smiled upon seeing that their rooms were still in the same state as they left it. Soojung decided to wake Sooyeon up and Jinri decided to wake Tiffany up. 

Soojung counted to three, loud enough for Jinri to hear.

"WAKE UP!" they shouted at the same time.

Sooyeon sprang up, ", IS THERE A FIRE!?" Soojung burst out in laughter seeing her sister panic.

"Jung Soojung I swear t0o God!"

Meanwhile, Jinri was displeased with Tiffany's reaction, since all she did was shift around in the bed.

"Hey! Hwang Miyoung!" Jinri shouted in her ear.

Tiffany mumbled, "I know you're here, Jinri. Now shut up. I want to sleep." 

Jinri pouted, "Fine then, stay there!" she huffed as she exited the room. 


It's been three days since the couples came to visit, and they were nothing but great company. Soojung and Jongin went to visit Jongin's parents that afternoon, hoping to resolve whatever conflict there was existing between the family. Thankfully, not too much went down, and the family was back together. Although Mr. Kim still needs some time to himself to think about Soojung. 

That evening, the girls went out for a short walk while the boys stayed at home.

"Don't you think it's time for you two to get a boyfriend? You don't have much time, you know." Soojung nudged at her sister and Miyoung.

Soojung expected a "Stop rubbing it in our faces, Soo." but instead, Sooyeon told her that it would take some time for her to find someone again, and Miyoung just shrugged. 

Jinri then in, "what about you, Soojung? Are you and Jongin planning to get married soon?" 

Sooyeon clapped, "That's right! It's about time I got a niece or nephew." A twinkle appeared in the elders eyes. 

"Don't get your hopes up, sis. We haven't even talked about getting married." Soojung sighed.

Meanwhile, the most energetic of them all was extremely silent, and that worried Jinri.

"Sunyoung? Are you okay? Usually, you'd be cracking jokes left and right. What's wrong?" 

Now all of the attention was on the short girl, expecting an explanation. Sunyoung didn't look up from the ground as she shook her head.

"I'm fine."

"Definitely not, Sun!" Tiffany wrapped her arms around the girl.

Jessica stopped walking and so did the others.

"Spill it," she raised a brow.

Sunyoung sighed. She knew that they weren't going to move until she told them something.

"Well you see, I met this guy at the market the other day and--"

Soojung gasped, "A guy!? Really!?" 

Sooyeon hushed her but Soojung just shrugged.

"Anyways, he asked me out on a date but I don't know if i should go. I mean, I met him at the market. Who knows what he could do to me?"

Jinri squealed, "Who cares! If he's cute, go for it! Get to know each other! But, if he's creepy, just run. But I don't think you can go too far with those legs."



The sun was setting when the girls came back from their stroll. Everyone was dead tired and they all plopped themselves on to the couch. Who knew laughing and walking could be so tiring? Obviously they didn't know until the energy from their bodies drained as they walked through the front door. Soojung had her eyes closed for what she thought was just a moment. Turns out she fell asleep on the couch for a good thirty minutes.  She opened her eyes and looked around, only to find out that everyone else was gone, except for Jongin, who was sitting in front of her.

"Good evening, sleepy-head." he chuckled.

Soojung yawned and stretched, "Where is everyone?"

"They're outside eating dinner. Minho used the grill."

Soojung pursed her lips and nodded, "Let's go outside, then?"

Jongin nodded and got up. He stretched out his arm to help Soojung off the couch. She stretched one last time before walking towards the front door and slipping her shoes on. Jongin followed her from behind. The warm breeze hit the couple's face when the door opened. Soojung cocked her head when she saw that the grill was outside, but not the people.

"I thought you said they were--"

"I lied. Well, partially. They're outside, just not here." he then grabbed her hand and led her towards the mini forest. He stopped right at the beginning of the path and came face to face with Soojung. He took a cloth out of his back pocket.

"I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to blindfold you now." before Soojung could even protest, Jongin had already wrapped the piece of folded cloth around her eyes.

"Jongin, what's going on?"

"Shh, just trust me. I'll be behind you, guiding you by your shoulders. Don't worry; I'll be here to catch you if you fall."

"But I already fell,"


Soojung chuckled, "I already fell in love with you."

Jongin's heart fluttered, "That is the cheesiest thing you have ever said to me, you know?"

"Whatever, lover boy. Now lead me to wherever you want me to go."

Jongin led her to a familiar place they both knew very well.

The place they first met.

There was a picnic table set up just behind the middle bench. The table was neatly set with a rose in the middle. Lights were hung up on the tree trunks, giving the area a comforting glow. Soojung was in for a great surprise when she took the blindfold off.

"What's all this?"

Jongin replied with a shrug and pulled her to her seat. Once she was seated, he sat across from her. Clapping twice, Taemin came out from behind a tree with a forced smile.

"Hi. I'm your waiter. What do you want?"

Soojung snorted, "Nice shirt. The ruffled shoulder pads really accent your bowl cut."

"Ha-ha, very funny. You're lucky that I promised Jongin that I wouldn't be mean to you tonight. Anyways, your order? Oh, who am I kidding? There's only one thing on the menu." then he walked away. Soojung rolled her eyes and crossed her legs. But as she crossed her legs, something cold brushed against her thigh. She was wearing a dress after all. She looked under the table to see what it was, but unfortunately it was too dark for her to see, so she used her hand and waved it all around under the table to try and find it. Her fingers brushed over the cold item that she assumed was hanging off a string. She tugged the item off and lifted it up from under the table to get a better look.

It was a ring.

Jongin smiled widely and took the ring from her delicate fingers, "I didn't think you would find it this fast."

Soojung's heart raced. Is he doing what she thinks he's about to do? Her thoughts were jumbled and went dry.

"Jung Soojung, you know I'm not good at expressing myself with words, so I'll just get to the point. I'm sorry if you wanted some long, cheesy speech, but I can't do that. My love for you is something that I can't explain. One thing I do know is that i want to spend the rest of my life with someone who makes me happy. So, Jung Soojung, will you marry me?"

Soojung was overflowing with tears and excitement. Her voice shook, "Of course I will."


this is not edited to please forgive my mistakes. if something doesnt make sense just holla at me lmao.

ANYWAYS HECK YEAH I FINISHED LOL. Im so sorry if the ending did not satisfy you (because it definitely did not satisfy me ugh). I am so so so so sorry for not updating in months lol. High school is extremely time consuming so I didnt really have the time to write. I did have a bit of time, although, to check some stories out. Some of you have been posting on my wall and sending me messages to check your story out, which i have been doing. So yeahh :))

oh and i got into bangtan earlier this year and frick me they are giving me so much emotions.

feel free to chat with me! tell me who your bias is! your ships! YOUR BIAS IN BANGTAN BECAUSE FRICK I ACTUALLY HAVE NEVER FELT THIS WAY TOWARDS A GROUP BEFORE.

if you want to communicate with me in other ways, i have three tumblr blogs (im always on here tbh) feel free to ask me for my urls lmao dont be shyyy

yass ok as i promised, i will be starting Europa II when i have the time so please give that a bit of support too! if you like sesul then thats a plus ahaha.

if something doesnt make sense, just tell me and ill answer your quesiton right away!

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the next chapter is coming soon. i just dont know how soon LOL


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SNSDHeart143 #1
Chapter 6: BaekYeol~~~ update soon.
Chapter 5: Kekekeke jinri was so cute.. And that was so sweet of jongin to go after soojung :)
Kaistal18 #3
Chapter 4: Emmm, Sehun and Yeol are friends with Jongin then? Did jinri know about the whole thing up until they were in front of Soojung's house?
Chapter 4: Lmao at chan and hun xD
Chapter 4: sehun and chanyeol are really something. they just meet jinri but they act like that.. its creepy.

and, is that really jongin? he's coming to seoul for good? (i hope yes)
thelastghostgirl #6
Chapter 4: Chanyeol and Sehun are kinda scary and funny at the same time :D

finally Kaistal meet..>< what a cliffhanger
Chapter 3: It must be jongin! Jongin~! I want to see them together again /sobs/. By the way nice update author-nim (;
Chapter 3: It's jongin? if yes it's jongin it would be cute! I thought, its not soojung dream when in the airplane. Update soon!