
Untitled Love Story

After calming down, everyone gathered around in Soojung’s living room. She demanded an explanation from Jinri, who gave her an apologetic smile. She avoided Jongin’s gaze as she pressed a packet of ice on his swollen cheek.

It all started on the day Soojung was leaving. Jongin was at home, contemplating whether he should go to the train station and say goodbye, or stay at home to spare Soojung’s heart. After making his decision, he called for Jinri. They talked for a while, going over some things before both of them decided to go after her. Jongin’s parents strongly disagreed with his decision, but he went on with it anyway, not only did he want to see Soojung, but also his two best friends. Granny Jung was fine with Jinri going away, since she thought of it as one less mouth to feed.

They made their way to the train station, carrying all their necessities.

“Ri, you have like what—four bags? Did you bring your whole room with you?”

“Says the one who only has one backpack and a suitcase; did you even bring any underwear?”

Getting on the train first, Jinri took the window seat and Jongin sat down beside her. The trip went on and none of them slept, thinking about all the scenarios that could happen when they see Soojung. When they arrived, they stayed at a hotel for a week. They were planning on invading Soojung’s house while she was at school. Jinri knew every corner and hiding spot there is in Soojung’s apartment. Knowing so, she found the extra key in between the cracks of the staircase. Jinri went in first, opening the door quietly and slowly to make sure that no one was actually home. Hearing that no one was home, she pulled Jongin inside. She told him to stay in the guest room as she put her bags down on the floor.

“You stay here. There’s only about an hour and a half left for me to register so I’m going to leave. Nap, eat, watch the television, I don’t care. Just don’t mess anything up or Soojung will skin you alive. Alright, see you!” Jongin groaned—what was he supposed to do for eight hours? He already slept, he ate, and he didn’t like watching TV. He called his friends realizing that they didn’t know that he was there yet. He was lead to voice mail, “Sehun! How’s it going? I’m in town right now and I’m really bored. Call me back when you can.” He called Chanyeol a little while later, and thankfully he picked up, “Jongin, you’re here! Sehun was too lazy to call you back, so waited until you called.”

“Idiot, you’re at school, aren’t you? Go learn something with those large ears of yours. Where’s Sehun?”

“Ouch Jongin, don’t want to see me? Sehun’s flirting with some girl. She has really nice skin of you ask me,”

Their conversation went on for a while until Chanyeol told him that lunch break was over. A few minutes passed and Jinri texted him.

Jongin help! These people behind me won’t stop talking and they complimented my skin! What do I do? They’re scaring me!

Jonging chuckled—he knew that Jinri was at the same university as Sehun and Chanyeol, and he knew that the people scaring poor Jinri were those two boys. Jongin decided to play with her a little bit.

Don’t mind them. Just do your work lol. Oh and my two best friends are attending the same university as you. They won’t be too hard to find. If you spot them, bring them to Soojung’s. thanks :)


“And that’s how we ended up here.” Jinri concluded. Amber held in her giggles. Unfortunately, Soojung could feel Amber vibrating beside her. She glared at the short-haired girl who immediately stopped. Soojung stayed staring at the wall. She wasn't upset, but she was rather shocked. She felt like burden. Hearing that Jongin disobeyed his parents just for her, she felt guilty. 


The morning sun shone through the windows in Soojung's home. Jinri was found sprawled out on the floor of Soojung's bedroom as she snored loudly. It was approximately six in the morning and Soojung had no trouble waking up. She made herself breakfast and called Amber to come over a little earlier, since she had to wait until Jinri woke up. Amber came a few minutes after the phone call and ate breakfast with Soojung. It was almost seven thirty when Jinri came downstairs, rubbing her eyes.

"You remember what day it is today, Jung Soojung?"

"Saturday? Now come on, we can't be late for the extended classes."

Jinri let out a disappointed sigh and shook her head. She ate her breakfast quietly and took a quick shower. The three girls headed out the door silently, making sure that they wouldn't wake Jongin up. In the car, Soojung kept asking Jinri what today was supposed to be. The latter ignored her. Amber didn't say anything, knowing that if she did, she would be stuck in the middle of the problem. When they passed by a bakery, Jinri told Amber to stop. She took her wallet out of her bag, went out, and entered the bakery. She came back to the car in five minutes with a cupcake.

"Why are you eating sugar in the morning? It's unhealthy you know." Soojung nagged.

"I'm going to be walking around all day anyway. So why not eat the fat stuff now and lose it all during the day?"

The campus was at sight and Jinri had finished with her cupcake. Soojung kept asking Jinri what today was. This time, the girl didn't answer. Amber parked the car near the entrance and Jinri was the first to leave. Soojung told her half a goodbye before the other girl went speeding ahead without a single word.

"What's wrong with her?"

"Beats me," Amber sighed.

Jinri didn't eat with the girls that day. She had no appetite and she sighed an unhealthy amount of times. Sehun asked her what was wrong, and Chanyeol tried to make her laugh. Nothing worked. Jinri bused home right after her last class. She texted Soojung with an I'm busing home. Don't look for me. Chanyeol and Sehun tailed behind and Jinri didn't seem to mind. She let the two boys in the house before her. She slammed the guest room door, in which Jongin wasn't occupying anymore, and locked it.

Jongin looked at Soojung who was sitting right across from him. Soojung shrugged. 

"She's been like that since this morning. She asked me what today was and I said 'Saturday'."

"Go upstairs and talk to her." Jongin ordered. Soojung rolled her eyes and told Jongin he wasn't her father.

The girl tapped lightly on the door, "Jinri? What's wrong?"

"Go away!" and she did.

Soojung went back downstairs telling everyone that Jinri told her leave. This time, Jongin went upstairs.

"Jinri? Come on, the birthday girl can't be mad!" 

Soojung nearly had a heart attack. She ran upstairs as fast as she could and hugged Jinri before she could close the door on her. Numerous apologies slipped through and she wouldn't let go of Jinri for a good five minutes.

"You better buy me a good gift right now or else I might cry."

Soojung smiled.


If some of you are confused, this doesn't have much of a plot... Just slice of life sttuff y'know lol. 

Also, Happy Birthday to our one and only big baby! 

Choi Jinri is 20 can you belive it? ;-;

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the next chapter is coming soon. i just dont know how soon LOL


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SNSDHeart143 #1
Chapter 6: BaekYeol~~~ update soon.
Chapter 5: Kekekeke jinri was so cute.. And that was so sweet of jongin to go after soojung :)
Kaistal18 #3
Chapter 4: Emmm, Sehun and Yeol are friends with Jongin then? Did jinri know about the whole thing up until they were in front of Soojung's house?
Chapter 4: Lmao at chan and hun xD
Chapter 4: sehun and chanyeol are really something. they just meet jinri but they act like that.. its creepy.

and, is that really jongin? he's coming to seoul for good? (i hope yes)
thelastghostgirl #6
Chapter 4: Chanyeol and Sehun are kinda scary and funny at the same time :D

finally Kaistal meet..>< what a cliffhanger
Chapter 3: It must be jongin! Jongin~! I want to see them together again /sobs/. By the way nice update author-nim (;
Chapter 3: It's jongin? if yes it's jongin it would be cute! I thought, its not soojung dream when in the airplane. Update soon!