
Untitled Love Story

It was the day of departure and it was Sooyeon who dropped her sister off at the train station. Soft beams of the sun touched the skin of the two at the outdoor station. Sharing a few more goodbyes, Soojung made her way inside the train. Before getting inside, Soojung scanned the crowd, hoping to see the face of someone she hoped was coming. She let out a long sigh, accepting the fact that he won’t be there. As usual, Soojung got a window seat. After placing the bigger bag in the overhead compartment, she sat down.

“I let my hopes up too high again,” she scolded herself. She knew that Jongin wasn’t coming, but she found herself looking out the window, scanning the people rushing about.

Soon enough, the train was full and someone had occupied the seat beside her. Soojung was still looking out the window, but she couldn’t help but notice the familiar scent as she inhaled. Sighing again, she came to her own conclusion that she was just being delusional. The person beside her snickered; she turned around in curiosity.  Soojung met the soft brown eyes of a boy who was grinning from ear to ear.  Naturally, she squealed upon seeing Kim Jongin sitting right beside her.

“What are you doing here?!”

Jongin let out a soft chuckle as he pulled away, “What’s it look like? I’m going to college, Soojung.”

Soojung was more than excited to see the person she wanted to see the most going back home with her. She now knew that Jongin would always be there for her, and that’s all that mattered.

Then Soojung woke up. Tears soon welled up in her eyes. She felt numb, her heart stung.

The part of the body that was supposed to help her experience what they call love, be loved and become loving towards others, squeezed and struggled with unbearable pain. It felt as if someone was grabbing onto it tightly, forcefully trying to pull it out of Soojung’s chest.

Soojung didn’t know how else to feel.

She’s loved others, but not like this. Although it’s only been a short amount of time, she felt a strong connection. It may seem impractical, but Soojung believed it was possible. 

Having spent the rest of the trip with a blank face and a full mind, she eventually walked lifelessly out of the train. Soojung walked especially slow, finding no reason for her to rush. Staring particularly at nothing, Soojung waited patiently for her bus.

As she stepped off the bus on her stop, she walked to her friend Amber’s house to pick up her car. Amber found Soojung’s mood to be quite unusual, since she only replied in one word sentences. Amber waited a while, finding the right time to ask what was wrong.

With more tears and an aching heart, Soojung told her best friend everything that’s happened.

“Wait… So, the both of you grew attracted towards each other within a week? Are you sure? I mean, it could be that the both of you just enjoy each other’s presence.” Amber coaxed. Apparently, it didn’t help too much since Soojung bawled even louder.

“No, it’s not that! I can feel it, Amber! It’s really different…” Soojung sniffed.

“But you say that about all the other-“

“Shut up, Josephine, or I might have to rip your mouth off and stick it to a wall,”

Amber chuckled and jokingly put her hands up in defense, “Getting vicious there, Jung.”

Soojung let out a small laugh.

“There’s my Soojungie! Keep smiling; it’s going to be okay. Everything will get better, I promise. If it doesn’t, then you can definitely paste my lips to the wall.”


Still half asleep, Soojung walked over to the kitechen to ear some breakfast. It was the first day back to college and her sleeping pattern was still far from normal. Eating the cereal slowly, Soojung thought about that day, and how Jongin still hasn’t contacted her. She started doubting herself, thinking that this was all a joke.

Amber’s words rang through her head, “it’s only been a week,”

Maybe it was too good to be true. Did Jongin just… Play with her? Was she just one of those other girls?

Soojung couldn’t help but think that she’s just been thrown away thoughtlessly.

She cursed to herself when she saw the time: seven forty-five. She had ten minutes to change, brush her teeth, and drive to school. Without wasting any more time, Soojung got ready for school as fast as she could.

Picking up Amber from her house, Amber couldn’t help but note how late Soojung was, and how she looked like she just came out of a tornado. Soojung mocked her as she rolled her eyes in annoyance.

The first thing the girls went to do was register. Since there was a line, they sat down at the lounging area. The first thing that came out of Soojung’s mouth was complaints about Jongin. She told Amber how he hasn’t contacted her at all after she left, and how she thinks that he must hate her so much now. Frustrated, Soojung let out an exasperated sigh and sulked even farther down the couch.

“Soojung, get up! You look ridiculous,” Amber scolded her as some students started staring. Soojung didn’t care and stayed in the position she was in.

Soojung sighed for the umpteenth time before shooting up from the couch, shouting Jongin’s name. She sped towards a boy with a broad back and dark skin. Grabbing the boy from the shoulder, Soojung turned him around. Unfortunately and embarrassingly enough, the face Soojung was staring at did not belong to Jongin.

Soojung blushed and apologized, “O-oh, sorry. I thought you were someone else.” She could hear Amber trying to hold in her laughter from the back.

“Shut up,” Soojung pouted. Walking over to the desk to register, Amber offered to register for Soojung, as a small apology from earlier. Soojung happily thanked her best friend as she skipped to the couch and sat down. A few minutes passed and the girl had grown to be bored. Her eyesight was blocked by a pair of hands seconds later after the thought.

“Took you long enough; now stop covering my eyes. I don’t feel like playing games right now, Amber.” Soojung whined.

“Amber? I don’t recall being named Amber…”

Soojung’s heart raced and her eyes widened.

Holy .


This isn't edited ehe.

I hope I didn't make you wait for too long :)

Happy New Year, by the way! What are your new years resolutions? :)

Feedback about the story would be nice, too <3

Have a good morning/afternoon/evening!

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the next chapter is coming soon. i just dont know how soon LOL


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SNSDHeart143 #1
Chapter 6: BaekYeol~~~ update soon.
Chapter 5: Kekekeke jinri was so cute.. And that was so sweet of jongin to go after soojung :)
Kaistal18 #3
Chapter 4: Emmm, Sehun and Yeol are friends with Jongin then? Did jinri know about the whole thing up until they were in front of Soojung's house?
Chapter 4: Lmao at chan and hun xD
Chapter 4: sehun and chanyeol are really something. they just meet jinri but they act like that.. its creepy.

and, is that really jongin? he's coming to seoul for good? (i hope yes)
thelastghostgirl #6
Chapter 4: Chanyeol and Sehun are kinda scary and funny at the same time :D

finally Kaistal meet..>< what a cliffhanger
Chapter 3: It must be jongin! Jongin~! I want to see them together again /sobs/. By the way nice update author-nim (;
Chapter 3: It's jongin? if yes it's jongin it would be cute! I thought, its not soojung dream when in the airplane. Update soon!