
Untitled Love Story

there's a few swears at the end 


Soojung turned around to meet a pair of crescent-shaped eyes

"Jinri!" Soojung screamed, "You're here! Why are you here? When did you get here? How did you get here? Is anyone else with you? What the heck, Jin! Answer me!”

Jinri laughed at her cousin’s actions, “Well, Jungie, I would answer those questions for you if you would let me,” Jinri breathed in deeply before continuing, “First of all, I’m here because I wanted to go to a good college. Second of all, I got here around… I think maybe four hours ago? I got here by train, of course; and no, no one else is with me,” Jinri finished with a smile.

Soojung squealed and took her cousin in for a tight hug. They broke the hug when Amber came back from registering.

“Hey Soo—oh, who is this?” Amber chirped.

“Amber, this is Jinri. Jinri, this is Amber.”

Amber nodded, “Ah, so you’re Jinri. I’ve heard a lot about you! It’s nice to see you in person.”  

Soojung jumped up again, “Oh, this is so exciting!”

The trio went to class after Jinri registered. Since Soojung and Amber are both 2nd year students and were taking different courses than Jinri, they were separated. The day went by fairly slowly because Soojung was just too excited to go back home and go everywhere with Jinri. She’s her best friend and she can’t stand how they were always separated; but now that Jinri’s here, it takes Soojung’s mind off of everything else that’s pulling her down.


Jinri felt nervous and shy, naturally. She didn’t know anyone, nor did she know how to get around the school. Thankfully, she was one of the first students to enter the room-- she didn’t have to deal with too much staring. A few minutes passed and two boys occupied the seats behind her. Jinri could hear the two whispering.

“Dude, she’s pretty cute. Look at her skin! It’s so… milky. Like yours!” one giggled.

What the heck? Jinri thought.

“Yeol, be quiet she can hear you. I’m pretty sure she isn’t deaf. Right?” the other boy kicked at her seat.

Jinri turned around with her brows slightly furrowed, “Why…”

“What’s your name?” the boy who kicked her seat asked.

Just like Soojung, Jinri was quite shy when it came to boys, only she was worse. Jinri avoided his eyes and fiddled with her fingers before muttering out a, “Choi Jinri.” She heard the boy laugh, and she mentally dug herself deeper in the hole she desperately wanted to hide in.

“You are pretty cute. I’m Oh Sehun by the way. This is—“

“Park Chanyeol,” he smiled, “I can introduce myself, you know.”

“Well, we all know how bad you are with girls,” the Sehun boy snorted.

“I think I’m pretty good with the ladies, excuse you!” Chanyeol shot back.

“Who’s the Casanova here?”


“Chanyeol, you’re so stupid.”

Hearing the two bicker, Jinri turned herself around, finding no reason to be interacting with them anymore.


Class ended about 2 hours later. Jinri was a little more annoyed than she should be, since the two boys talked throughout the whole lesson. They talked about girls, shared dirty jokes, and talked about a whole bunch of sports. She was far more than irritated; she knew where to sit tomorrow, and it’s definitely not near them.

“They’re worse than Taemin! I swear to God,” Jinri muttered to herself. She huffed as she walked out of the large classroom. Jinri had a feeling that someone was following her, but she brushed it off. 

Paranoid, she thought. 

Although, her thought was wrong, as Jinri squealed when pair of strong hands grabbed her from behind. Her hands shook nervously as she stiffened. She didn’t say anything, she didn’t fight back. She heard the person chuckle and Jinri felt a little bit more relaxed.

But she wasn’t happy with who grabbed her.

“O-Oh Sehun?” she muttered out, not bothering to turn around.

“Don’t forget me! Chanyeol is here!” Jinri groaned inwardly. She started walking away, but light footsteps followed hers. The girl ignored it as best she could, but the pitter-patter and the constant snickering made it hard for her. When Soojung was within her view, Jinri almost completely brushed them off, running towards her cousin.

The two boys behind her were surprised—they didn’t expect her to run, and so they ran after her. They winced as they heard the two girls giggle and squeal as they jumped about. They slowed down when Chanyeol made eye contact with Soojung. Soojung cocked her head to the side, looking at Jinri in confusion. Jinri turned around and groaned again.

“Oh no,”

Soojung asked her what was wrong, but the girl just took a hold of Soojung’s elbow and began walking away. Soojung teased Jinri, seeing that the two boys were still following her. Soojung earned a light slap on the shoulder by Jinri. Muttering a few swear words, Jinri dragged Soojung along to the bus stop.

Arriving at their destination, the two girls stepped off.

So did the boys.

Jinri was getting quite irritated again. She stopped in her tracks, which caused Soojung to trip from the sudden stop.

Jinri turned around, “Why are you following me?” she raised a brow.

Chanyeol piped, “Oh we’re here to-“

“Visit an old friend. We’re not following you.” Sehun smirked.

Jinri’s eyes widened, “You-you’re…?” she trailed off, hoping that they would get the gist of it.

“Correct!” Chanyeol bellowed as Sehun nodded his head continuously.

Jinri groaned again. She muttered even more curses under her breath. On the other hand, Soojung was very much confused. She kept asking Jinri who they were, and why they were right on their tails. Soojung finally burst when the two boys were on her doorstep.

“Okay, what the hell is up with all this? What do you want?” she crossed her arms, looking at Sehun and Chanyeol rather coldly.

Jinri closed her eyes and sighed, “I-It’s okay, Jungie. I know them. I-uh, they’re here to do a… project. You know? First day thing where you have to make a thing and uh…” Jinri’s voice slowly came to a hush. Soojung glared at her with a raised brow.

“I’m not letting them in my house,” Soojung protested.

Please!” Jinri begged.

Soojung looked at her cousin with even more confusion. Just a while back, she was running away from them—now she wants to invite them into her own house? Has she gone mad?

Knowing Jinri, though, there was always a reason behind her antics.

“Fine; but if they break anything, you’re responsible.” Soojung huffed while she unwillingly unlocked the door.

Soojung immediately plopped herself on the couch, telling Jinri to help herself and feed the guests. Jinri took some milk and cookies out, later then placing them on the coffee table.

“By the way,” Soojung ignored the two boys currently pigging out on the snacks, “you have the spare key, right? You knew where it was?”

Jinri nodded, “I hope you don’t mind. I helped myself to the guest room.”

“Oh, right, Soojung? Your gift is in my pink suitcase. You can go get it. I need to start on whatever we need to do.”



“Son of a —holy ; oh my God what is happening? Choi Jinri, get your stupid up here right now! my life who are you!?” Soojung swore in English. She didn’t care if Jinri didn’t understand her; she just wanted her to know how mad she was. First the two boys downstairs and now this!? Hell no. Soojung had the right to be mad, considering that she had just opened the door to the guest room to see someone lying down on the bed.

Her screams surely woke the stranger up.

Still in her “English mode,” Soojung took her slipper off and was ready to hit and swear at whoever it was.

“You little-- my life! If you get anywhere near me I swear to - JONGIN!?”


You're all angry and confused. I know.

I love you <3

i didnt edit it again fml

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the next chapter is coming soon. i just dont know how soon LOL


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SNSDHeart143 #1
Chapter 6: BaekYeol~~~ update soon.
Chapter 5: Kekekeke jinri was so cute.. And that was so sweet of jongin to go after soojung :)
Kaistal18 #3
Chapter 4: Emmm, Sehun and Yeol are friends with Jongin then? Did jinri know about the whole thing up until they were in front of Soojung's house?
Chapter 4: Lmao at chan and hun xD
Chapter 4: sehun and chanyeol are really something. they just meet jinri but they act like that.. its creepy.

and, is that really jongin? he's coming to seoul for good? (i hope yes)
thelastghostgirl #6
Chapter 4: Chanyeol and Sehun are kinda scary and funny at the same time :D

finally Kaistal meet..>< what a cliffhanger
Chapter 3: It must be jongin! Jongin~! I want to see them together again /sobs/. By the way nice update author-nim (;
Chapter 3: It's jongin? if yes it's jongin it would be cute! I thought, its not soojung dream when in the airplane. Update soon!