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From: Shopgirl

To: JY_88





Your POV


I was hesitating for more than two hours if I should agree to his invitation or not.

What the hell he was doing in Korea, anyway? Why he wanted to meet! We don’t even know our names. We agreed to hid our personal informations. If he would ask me few days ago, I would yell at him, scold and make fun of him. But today… I was a wrack of a person. I knew no one in Seoul. I was sitting in the hotel room and stared blankly at the black screen of TV since I came from the meeting. And JY_88 is the only person that could help me. Even though he doesn’t know about my name, occupation or even nationality… he knew more my secrets, dreams and weaknesses than my real life friends. I needed him. And he was offering Whisky.


Couple of minutes later, I got a detailed address of a restaurant/bar.


Here it is. I’m gonna meet my best friend.



JiYong’s POV


“What will you do if it’s gonna be ______?” Bae asked me when we were heading to the bar. I asked him to go with me.


“I don’t know. But… it can’t be her. There are thousands of foreign girls in Korea right now. And a lot of dresses like that, right?” I asked  my friend, but he didn’t say a word. I googled him _____’s  photo and he was staring at it.

“She’s a beauty” Thanks Bae. Thanks. That’s the support I need right now. “But a ” he added seeing my expression.



When we arrived at the place I grabbed his arm and didn’t want to let him go.


“What?” he asked surprised


“Can you check around? Maybe she didn’t come after all?” I pleaded him and used my best aegyo.


“Me? I can’t believe it! Kwon JiYong is chickening to meet a girl. Who are you and what have you done with my best friend?” he laughed at me, but seeing that I’m not letting him go, he gave up. “Okay, okay! She was supposed to have black-white studded clutch bag, right?” he asked about our recognition’s sign and I nodded.


When I first saw that bag few weeks ago, I knew Shopgirl’s gonna like it and I sent her the link. She bought it the same day.


“You know you’re pathetic, man! And I’m gonna tease you about it for the rest of your life, right?” Bae said to me, but took a look from behind the corner that we were hiding behind. I thought my heart’s gonna escape from my chest


“Alright. See what I see.” He started to look around the bar


“You see her?”


“Oh, yeah, man! I see a very beautiful girl. Oh, she’s fine! She’s gorgeous” YoungBae starred in one direction with admiration on his face.


“I knew it! I knew she will be!” I jumped from excitement. There are plenty of Chanel dresses. I was a fool thinking that it was the same one.


“But no black-white clutch bag” YoungBae turned to me with a pout and then laughed when he saw me face. Lord, hold me! Someday I’m gonna kill him. “Alright, alright. Wait. Wait a minute. I see a bag next to the bar. So it has to be her”


“And? What does she look like?” I yelled at him, but thankfully there was a laud music and nobody gave a .


“Can’t see her. The waiter is blocking”


“Damn it!”


“Oh, he’s moving, he’s moving” I looked at him in desperation. My life will be shorter by 10 years after that night. Youngbae stepped a bit closer to see properly


“See her?”


“Yeah…” he looked at me and gulped “She’s veeeeery pretty”


“Yes! I knew it! She has to be! She has to be!!” I jumped from excitement once again


“But you know what…” Bae looked at me confused…




“The world is really small…”

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ozwalkr #1
Chapter 7: When the truth comes out...OMO! Seakki is gonna hit the fan! She is gonna be SO PISSED!
Chapter 7: If she only knew the guy was GD. Update soon.
Thekatsmeow #3
Chapter 7: Ha! Her friends are worth their weight in gold... Love the different scenarios as to why JY88 wasn't able to make it. Yep, he's an , especially since he knew it was her!!!!
Chapter 6: what what what
Thekatsmeow #5
Chapter 6: I had a mini dream about this the bar scene, he watched as she turned away a number of men, kinda of glad she was single minded towards him. When the meet at the bar didn't go quite how he'd imagined it, he emailed her his apology and asked if they could start again. I rarely have dreams about fanfics, but yours must have gnawed on my subconscious mind!=^.^=
kiyoshi_101 #6
Chapter 6: Yongiee yy u such a coward.! (メ゚皿゚)ノヽ(#゚Д゚)ノ┌┛Σ(ノ´Д`)ノ
Chapter 6: I don't like it...he is toying with her and acting a douche....sure she said some things wrong but he is the one who ruined her big project...
I mean if he even bothered to listen to it then maybe they could have worked it out.... he is getting what he deserves for not being honest...
Thekatsmeow #8
Chapter 6: Yipes! This was not how he wanted it to go. How about starting with "I'm sorry" ?
ozwalkr #9
Chapter 6: Hmmm. This is gonna get interesting. He just nearly ruined her career, she just told him off, not knowing that he is her "friend"... How is this gonna get fixed? I sure want to find out...
Chapter 6: They met, but don't know they talked to each other. Update soon.