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JiYong’s POV



„What’s wrong with him?”

“Yah, JiYong ah” 


She’s going to Korea. Headquarter, then it’s possibly in Seoul. She’ll be in Seoul! 


Tabi hyung hit my shoulder and I woke up from thoughts.

“What?” I frowned and looked at him

“Maknae is calling you for more than 5minutes and you’re just starring at the phone”

“What do you want from me?” I yelled at the youngest but he just pouted

“Oh stop it Ji. We all are tired. Don’t yell at him” Surprisingly Youngbae scolded me and I just looked at me phone again, just to check if Shopgirl replied to my last mail. She didn’t. Maybe she’s already in a plane. To Korea. . I wanted to check the arrivals, but I paused, realizing I have no idea from where she’s going. What airport she’s arriving… I don’t even have a ing idea what time zone she’s from. Her replies are always on different hours. I know nothing about her. Just the fact that she’s a girl. In her 20s. Just like me. And is an expert in her area. Just like me. She loves fashion. Just like me. I know her dog’s name. And some random facts that wouldn’t help me much if I would ever met her in real life. That was our plan from the very beginning. Emails. First it was about our love for fashion, then about random stuff. She had no idea who I was. And I liked it. But I didn’t like that I don’t know who she is. She was treating me like a normal guy. I didn’t know her name, but I was considering her as one of my best friends. And now, she will be in Korea. How long can the flight be? Maybe she’s from Japan and it’ll take her just 2h. Or from America, Europe… damn it. She could be from anywhere.

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ozwalkr #1
Chapter 7: When the truth comes out...OMO! Seakki is gonna hit the fan! She is gonna be SO PISSED!
Chapter 7: If she only knew the guy was GD. Update soon.
Thekatsmeow #3
Chapter 7: Ha! Her friends are worth their weight in gold... Love the different scenarios as to why JY88 wasn't able to make it. Yep, he's an , especially since he knew it was her!!!!
Chapter 6: what what what
Thekatsmeow #5
Chapter 6: I had a mini dream about this the bar scene, he watched as she turned away a number of men, kinda of glad she was single minded towards him. When the meet at the bar didn't go quite how he'd imagined it, he emailed her his apology and asked if they could start again. I rarely have dreams about fanfics, but yours must have gnawed on my subconscious mind!=^.^=
kiyoshi_101 #6
Chapter 6: Yongiee yy u such a coward.! (メ゚皿゚)ノヽ(#゚Д゚)ノ┌┛Σ(ノ´Д`)ノ
Chapter 6: I don't like it...he is toying with her and acting a douche....sure she said some things wrong but he is the one who ruined her big project...
I mean if he even bothered to listen to it then maybe they could have worked it out.... he is getting what he deserves for not being honest...
Thekatsmeow #8
Chapter 6: Yipes! This was not how he wanted it to go. How about starting with "I'm sorry" ?
ozwalkr #9
Chapter 6: Hmmm. This is gonna get interesting. He just nearly ruined her career, she just told him off, not knowing that he is her "friend"... How is this gonna get fixed? I sure want to find out...
Chapter 6: They met, but don't know they talked to each other. Update soon.