
Under Unfortunate Circumstances

Chapter 6

Oh crap.

I moved my head away hesitantly as our lips parted, trying to prevent any more humiliation.

Jiyong’s eyes were as wide as saucers, his face frozen in a state of shock. Any other moment I would have been elated that I had rendered him speechless but right now I wanted to become one with the floor.

A ghost of a smile was playing at his lips.

Oh no.

I had no idea what to do so I quickly adopted the brace position; burying my face into my lap and covering my head with my arms, hoping this would somehow defend me from his mockery.

“Annalisaaaa…” Jiyong whined while poking my sides, obviously noticing my fail attempt at diffusing the embarrassment of the situation.

I remained unresponsive, refusing to let him make fun of me. I could feel my cheeks singing my lap but I didn’t care.

“I’m not going to make fun of you. I promise.” He moaned while tucking some hair behind my ear, trying to unveil my crimson face.

I turned my head slowly to face him, still weary that he would never let me live this down.

“Welcome back.” He chirped and pinched my nose.

I screwed my face up and soft chuckles filled my ears.

“You’re a good kisser, you know.” Jiyong winked.

I shot up out of my position and gave him a wide-eyed glare before my arm reached out and punched his upper arm.

His expression turned sour as he lifted his gaze to meet mine.

Oh . I rattled the dragon.

“You’re going to regret that.” Dominance oozed from his words.

Before I could run, Jiyong’s arms s around my waist and hauled me up almost effortlessly. I started to protest but his arms got tighter each time I did, making me gasp for air.

He was marching me up the stairs, through the hallway and stopped at his bedroom doorway, looked at me, at the bed, then at me again. Oh no.

He launched me at the bed and leaped on top of me, pinning me down with all his body weight. There was no escape for me.

 I wriggled and kicked but my attempts were useless, so I gave in and crinkled my nose, waiting for the worst.

His head was slowly lowering, closing the distance between us, mischief written all over his face. I squirmed some more, not liking the too-close distance, until he ducked his head to the side and dove towards my ear and then started…


“WHAT THE FU-” Jiyong’s arm came crashing down onto my face and covered my mouth, stopping my screams.

My eyes were almost popping out of my sockets as I felt his tongue wrapping around my earlobe.


I tried to take control of my movements again, but ended up wobbling my limbs around like a retard, still in too much shock to comprehend the situation unfolding in front of me.

I reached my hands out and grabbed Jiyong’s face as I shoved it away with force I didn’t know I had. He toppled to the other side of the bed and I grabbed the opportunity to try and scramble away from him. Only, he caught my ankle and dragged me towards him, until suddenly he let out a *cough* manly *cough* screech when he realised my ankle was still covered in dry mud, and retracted his hand at once, wiping it on the leg of my jeans like I contaminated him.

“You should take a shower…” Jiyong shuddered while eyeing my ankle like it was going to mutate into some kind of monster and attack him.

I nodded while grimacing and hopped to his en-suite bathroom, until I realised I had no towels.

I spun on my heel and gave him a cute smile.

“You’ll need towels, remember?” Jiyong teased while lounging on the bed in an oh-so-majestic manor.

“O-kay, where are they then?” I questioned, tilting my head to the side and raising my eyebrows.

“Not telling, you’ll have to go without.” He winked.

I narrowed my eyes and lifted my muddy ankle, inching closer to him.

“Okay, okay! They’re in the cupboard in the hall!” He choked, clearly frightened of my mutant-muddy ankle.

I gave him a smug grin as I strutted towards the hallway, seeing what looked like an airing cupboard. I opened it up and found some pink towels. While sniggering, I took them, closed the cupboard and turned around, marching back towards the bathroom opposite Jiyong’s room.

As I entered I nearly fainted at the sight before me...


“GAAAAHH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! ” I screamed, trying to avert my gaze but his bare chest, mmmmm…


“I’m joining you.” He grinned.

“Like hell you are!” I wailed as I threw my towels at him and made a dash for the bathroom, locking the door before he could join me.

Eeeeesh. I shuddered as I stripped off and stepped into the shower. How did he get undressed so quickly anyway?




I stepped out of the shower and rung my hair, looking for my towels.

OH damn.

I threw my towels at Jiyong. Crap.

How would I get out of the bathroom?

“JIIIYOOONGGGG?!” I yelled out.

“WHAAAAT?” His mimicking reply echoed back.





This jerk.

I thumped my fist on the door a few times but got no response. Damn.

I sat in the bathroom for a while, wondering if Jiyong would have a change of heart, but it seemed not. Maybe I could make a dash for his room, since it wasn’t too far away and he didn’t seem to be upstairs anymore…

I stealthily poked my head out the door and checked out the hallway. As I suspected, the coast was clear.

I stood up, took a deep breath, covered my chest with one arm and flung open the door before sprinting across the hallway at an inhuman speed.

Almost there.

I heard footsteps on the stairs.

Oh holy mother of all things terrible.

I flipped my head around to see Jiyong with a pile of towels in hand, making his way up the stairs, until he spotted me and froze on his spot, eyes bulging at the girl running loose around his house.

I wasn’t watching where I was going, staring at Jiyong with a mortified expression.



I suddenly ran smack bang into something hard; the doorframe. I had charged into the damn thing and was knocked to the floor.


I nursed my aching head with my hand until I realised something.

Jiyong had seen me .

I curled myself up and tried to cover myself, flipping my head around to see Jiyong, but all I could see were starbursts dancing in my vision as I winced at my sudden movements.

I felt a towel drape over me as Jiyong’s angelic face made its way into my vision. Worry had contorted it as he swore under his breath.

“W-what?” I stammered out, my voice weak.

He inspected my head, his brow furrowed in concentration.

“Y-you saw me n-…” I trailed off.

“Hardly. I only saw your ,” He said in a stern, cold voice. “You’ve cut your head a little, stay there and don’t move. I’m going to get some bandages.”

“Can I at least get dressed?” My voice was weak and I sounded pathetic.

“No. Stay there. I’ll get you some pyjamas in a minute.” His voice held all authority, so I nodded my head in agreement, and then winced in pain as my head spun.

I felt my head with a few fingers and gasped at my now-bloody hand. Little red droplets trickling down each finger. I must have hit my head hard.

“Here.” Jiyong threw his dressing gown at me and I quickly wrapped it around myself while he ran downstairs.

It smelled good. Musky, but a hint of sweetness lingered, caressing my nostrils. Mmmmmm. I breathed in his scent, but my little haven was quickly spoiled as Jiyong kneeled beside me and attended to my wound.

The anti-septic stung a little, but he tried to take as much care as possible, trying not to cause more pain than necessary.

He came close to me, another waft of his sweet scent filling my nose. Mmmmm. I could never get enough of him… He was so perfect… Like God took extra care when making him, being sure that ever feature was defined with precision…

Realisation then dawned on me.

“Y-you saw my… arse.” I stuttered, flushing at my pathetic mishap.

“It was hot.” Jiyong said, though it wasn’t in his normal teasing tone.

I pouted, but then winced as starbursts started to dance in my vision again.

“Don’t.” Jiyong said, worry lacing his voice.

“Sorry…” I whimpered.

“You should stay here the night, you might have a concussion. I have a spare room.” He announced, not really giving me any choice.

 “This is all your fault.” I whined, giving him a deadly glare, which probably looked about as deadly as a bunny rabbit.

“Okay, okay.” He lulled and then kissed my forehead where the cut was heavily bandaged.

He my hair away from my face and tucked the loose strands behind my ears.

I blushed at his sudden actions and pulled away, trying to lift myself off of the ground, but failing to do so without causing myself pain.

Jiyong shot up and grabbed my hand, aiding me to my feet. My knight in shining armour.

He led me to a large-ish room which I assumed I’d be sleeping in.

“You can get dressed now. Not that it matters, I’ve already seen you .” He teased while pointing at a pair of pyjamas.

I scowled and grabbed a pillow, launching it in his direction, but he managed to duck behind the door and shut it just in time.

The jerk.

I huffed as I grabbed the pyjamas and quickly threw them on. The bottoms were a sky blue colour with sheep all over, and the top was a plain black vest. I ran to the full-length mirror to check myself out. Eurgh. I looked a state with a giant bandage attached to my head. I moved closer and checked my hair (A.K.A my baby) to see if there was any blood in it. I pulled waves and waves apart to find nothing. Thank god. I gave my reflection a little smirk and pulled my thick hair over my shoulders before turning around to go downstairs.

I trudged through the hallway and into the kitchen to see Jiyong leaning on a kitchen surface, flicking through a magazine while sipping what I assume was tea. When he saw me enter he gave me a soft smile that nearly melted my insides.

“Can I have some tea too?” I asked while flashing him a sweet smile.

“Sure, the tea bags are over there and the kettle is already boiled,” He pointed to a cute china pot which had ‘TEA’ written on it in bold, black letters. “How’s your head?”

“Okay, still hurts a little.” I mumbled as I poured hot water into a mug and stirred the teabag around.

“It will do. You should be fine but you may be concussed. If you feel like you’re going to black out at any point make sure you let me know.” Jiyong gave me a cautious smile.

“It was your fault.” I mumbled and put my drink down beside him.

“Yes. It was, but I win.” He announced triumphantly.

“What do you mean?” I tilted my head to the side, confused.

“I saw you .” He winked.

My cheeks heated up as I gave him a wide-eyed stare.

“That .” He teased while biting his bottom lip.

I scowled and grabbed my mug, attempting to make a dramatic exit but instead I ended up dropping the mug onto the hard, tiled floor, watching it shatter into a hundred sharp pieces, tea splattering everywhere. We both winced at the sharp sound the china made with the floor.

I gasped at the mess I just made and looked up at Jiyong sheepishly.

“See I told you it’s all your fault.” I mumbled.

“It’s okay, just bring me a cloth, I’ll clean up.” He sighed.

I buried my face into my palms and groaned.

I felt Jiyong grab a few stray hairs and tuck them behind my ear. He never fails to make me giddy. Gaahhh. I turned my head to glance at him and a smile played at his lips.

“The cloth?” He pressed on.

I shot up, grabbed a cloth and gave it to Jiyong before I trudged into the living room and slumped on an armchair, watching Jiyong clean up the mess I made.

 His eyebrows were furrowed in concentration as he picked up the small shards of china. His eyes focused on the mess in front of him. He was so elegant yet his chiselled jawline was so masculine.  It was hard to believe this man nursed me like a worried mother earlier. He was so soft… So gentle… So beautiful…

Annalisa Richie, stop. You won’t even be able to see him again after next week.



I tossed and turned, unable to fall into slumber. My head was pounding even harder than earlier and starbursts were invading my vision.

I sat up and massaged my temples, debating whether to wake Jiyong or not. I glanced at the bedside table and saw that it was 2.42am. Giving Jiyong’s lack of sleep last night due to my drunken mishap I doubt he’d be happy to be disturbed.

I sighed, then scooted out of bed and wandered the giant hallway, until I saw some French doors which lead out to a veranda.

I opened one door carefully and stepped out, breathing in the fresh night air. There was a slight breeze which ruffled the ends of my hair, loose waves swaying gently.

I walked forwards and sat down crossed legged, closing my eyes, breathing through my mouth. The soft scent of the garden filled my nose and a smile pulled at my lips. I felt so content here.

“Hey,” Jiyong’s voice rung out, scaring me out of my thoughts as I nearly jumped to my feet. “What are you doing out here?”

“I can’t sleep.” I murmured, trying to tame my hair from the blowing breeze.

“Your head?” He eyed the bandage dominating my face.

“Yeah, I didn’t want to wake you.” I explained.

“Okay, just sit out here with me for a bit hm?” He cooed as he plonked himself beside me.

I sighed in contentment as I breathed in the fresh air, although the breeze was picking up a little. I shivered slightly, which didn’t escape Jiyong’s eyes.

“Come on, let’s go indoors.” Jiyong began to pull my wrist, but I stayed adamant.

“I don’t want to.” I whined like a little kid and snatched my wrist away.

“I can’t let you get cold with a possible concussion.” He countered, his voice oozing with dominance.

I stayed on my spot and scowled at him, daring him to challenge me.

“Fine, you give me no choice…” He sighed melodramatically.

I eyed him curiously as he shuffled behind me, and then yelped as I felt his arms snake around my waist and pull me to him, settling me in-between his legs. He tightened his arms and rested his head on my shoulder.

I began to struggle, but to no avail.

“It’s either this or we go inside.” Jiyong challenged.

I gave in and relaxed, already feeling warmer due to his tight embrace. I felt his head snuggle deeper into my hair as his breath tickled my bare shoulder. His scent lingered, filling my nostrils and making me giddy. His arms were so warm they could melt my insides.

I snuggled in deeper, enjoying his embrace.

“So, you do like cuddling?” Jiyong teased.


I started to conjure some bullcrap explanation in my head until his embrace tightened and he snuggled in more too. A smile couldn’t help but creep across my lips.

“I’m going to miss you, you know.” He half-whispered.

His words caught me off-guard and my breathing halted. I wasn’t really thinking about having to leave Jiyong, but as soon as he mentioned it, a twisting pain struck my chest.

I turned around to face him and studied his facial features. Worry creased his forehead and the pain in my chest tightened.

“I’ll miss you too.” I whispered back.

We sat that way for a while, our faces close, just drinking in each other’s features. My eyes dropped to rest on his lips. Plump and pink, perfectly pouty. Perfectly kissable.

Our heads began moving closer, closing the distance between us.  My eyes were purely focused on his lips, wanting his sweet taste again. 


Not today.

I wasn’t going to fall for him today.

I halted and bolted upright, startling poor Jiyong, and sprinted out of the veranda, into the spare room, slamming my door shut and burying myself into my bed.

That was too close an encounter.

I heard a few knocks on my door but ignored them. Jiyong didn’t seem to care and waltzed in anyway.

“What’s the matter?” He asked, confusion spiking his voice.

I refused to remove my face from being planted into my pillow.

“I can’t afford to fall for anyone…” I mumbled into the pillow.

“So, you’re falling for me too, huh?” Jiyong teased.

I didn’t even think through what I said and felt my cheeks burn up.

“You’re falling for me too.

Those words echoed through my mind as my heart threatened to explode through my chest.

I looked up at him to see a smug grin plastered all over his face as he began to take his dressing gown off and reveal his…


He was in just boxers.

Black boxers.

Everything else was bare.


“P-put some clothes on.” I blurted, obviously mortified.

“No.” He said nonchalantly as he hopped in bed beside me.

“W-why?” I stuttered.

“I can’t sleep with clothes on.” He shrugged.

“Woah, you are not sleeping in my bed!” I said with finality.

“I want to spend as much time with you as possible.” He blinked innocently.

I glared at him and shuffled out of bed, hearing Jiyong follow suit. I made my way into his room and snuggled down into his big, warm bed.

“My bed? Even better.” He winked while scooting in besides me again.

I was about to get out until Jiyong’s arm s around my waist and pulled me to him, not allowing me to go.

I began to pry his arm away from my waist until I felt something wet on my bare shoulder…



I started freaking out and having a mad spazz attack, flapping my arms while letting out weird, strangled yelps.

“W-what are you doing?” I managed to blurt out, regaining my ability to speak.

“Making the most of our time together.” He shrugged and began kissing my shoulder again.

Woooooah. This was way too weird.

“I’m not having with you!” I blurted out once more, then immediately slapped my hand to my mouth. I could feel myself turning luminescent.

Jiyong paused and looked at me with a deadpan expression.

“I’m not asking you to have with me.” He said monotonously.

I visibly relaxed and relief washed over me. 

“Yet.” He added and latched on to my shoulder again before I could protest.

I immediately tried to shuffle away from him but he grabbed hold of me and began planting pecks all over my hand and arm, not allowing me to escape.

“Can we just sleep?” I whined, my eyes were getting heavy and it was late.

“Fine, stay here though, I think you may still have a concussion.” He argued.

“Fine.” I hissed and rolled over, my back facing him.

His arms made their way to my waist again and drew me into a cuddle. I opened my mouth to protest but before I could say anything Jiyong cut me off.

“Don’t even bother, I know you like cuddling.” He teased.

I shut my mouth, defeated, as I felt him snuggle closer into my hair. His scent filled my nostrils as his warm arms tightened around me, making me feel secure. A smile tugged at my lips and I knew if I was to die tonight, I would die happy. 

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clarasol22 #1
Chapter 6: cute!!<3 hope you can upload :)
Chapter 6: Yay you r back!!
lskmdlsjd #3
Chapter 5: Haha finally Someone who knows eggy bread :') love story so far :)
Chapter 4: Nice update! So Jiyong is really interested in her...kekeke But I'm curious about one thing. How could Khloe call Jiyong? Did she call him with Annalisa's mobile phone? (cuz she just got his number right?) I don't think Annalisa gave out his number so easily or?
Well, those two have to tell each other a few personal things I guess. Otherwise there'll be more surprises for Jiyong (like the 1 week vacation etc. lol).
Chapter 4: Aww. I hope she doesnt go back though...
Please update :D I love it xD
Chapter 3: oh!!! it's getting interesting! :DD Why is he there?! In a club where they even play his music?! xD haha. I'm curious about your updates! :)