Lack of Dignity

Under Unfortunate Circumstances

“WHAAAT?! HOW DID YOU NOT REALISE WHO HE WAS?!” Khloe wailed desperately as she grabbed my wrists and slapped my floppy hands against my face.

“I DON’T KNOW!” I squealed while dramatically clutching my heart and collapsing onto the bed.

“Right, since you’ve lucked out on your first day, you’re coming with me to the bar tonight since I want to pull too.” She whined with a pout, staring at me with her big blue eyes.

“Fiiiine.” I pushed her head away and skipped to my wardrobe. Even though I wasn’t actively looking for someone I still wanted to look cute, right?

“I’ll let you get changed, but don’t even try to out-cute me, I’m the main prize here.” She winked as if she was joking, but I knew she was being deadly serious. You’d be a fool to disobey Khloe Meritz.

“Just knock when you’re ready.” I replied as she waltzed toward her room.

I flicked through the few dresses I had brought with me and decided on an emerald green lacy one which reached halfway down my thigh. This will do.

I flung it onto my bed and grabbed my handbag which had all my make-up in. I shoved my hand in and rummaged around, trying to find my foundation, when I came across an un-identified piece of paper. Huh?

I picked it out and unfolded it to see what it was.

A phone number.

I repeat: Huh?

I wonder whose it was… Maybe some random creep I walked past while in town? Or could it be…? No… He wouldn’t give out his number to just anyone… Would he?

Curiosity got the best of me and I leaped onto the bed and grabbed my phone, eagerly punching in the number which was on the piece of paper. I bit my lip as the phone dialled.



Three times.

Was I given a false number? I blushed at the thought.

I sighed as the number reached the voicemail. Probably a wrong number. Wait, why was I even disappointed? It’s not like I like Jiyong. He’s famous, big deal; it didn’t stop him from acting like a jerk.

I threw my phone at the bed in a huff and marched towards the dressing table. Maybe I am on the pull tonight. I smiled inwardly. There’s something about Korean boys that are SO much hotter than any other race.

My phone’s sharp chime snapped me out of my thoughts. I dropped my foundation bottle and sprinted to my bed, doing a rolly poly and plummeting over the edge onto my bruised hip. I yelped out in pain but was too consumed with the message I just received to care.

“It’s Jiyong, I can’t pick up right now because I’m in the middle of something, I was hoping you’d find my number…”





I decided to reply:

Uh... Thanks… I think. But, why me? Out of all the girls you meet..?”

I sat on the floor, rubbing my sore hip while awaiting his reply.

Why is he taking so long?!

My phone bleeped:

Hey you should be glad I’m even gracing you with my number, you’re a lucky girl you know ;)”

EURGH. What a jerk.

“Wow, thank you so much, I feel so honoured.”

I flung my phone at the bed again and untied my hair. I started undressing and paused to look at myself in the full length mirror.

I was skinny, maybe a little scrawny. Tall, taller than average.

I had well defined collar and hip bones. Which could be a pain, but I kinda like them. I turned around and looked at my . Small, but peachy. I turned back around. My s were okay actually, you’d expect someone as slim as me to be really flat chested, but I was a C cup. Average, but they remained perky, rather than saggy. I was happy with the way I looked. Tall, pale and ginger. I had green eyes, almost emerald, with brown flecks. High, defined cheek bones as well as a sharp but feminine jaw line. My hair was my best feature. It was ginger, but not a carrot-y ginger; it was more of a red colour. It was long; it reached past my hips and just hovered above my .

I’m happy with the way I look, but I’m nothing special. So why was Jiyong interested in me?

“Hey, Lisa? Come on!” Khloe cooed as she launched a pillow at me.

It hit me on the head and I flipped her the bird while retrieving my dress, sliding it over my head and posing in front of the mirror again. I looked pretty good. I grabbed my mascara and quickly added a few extra coats on.

I turned to Khloe and did a little spin. She nodded her head in approval. She still looked the cutest; wearing a flowy white dress which was a good few inches shorter than mine.

We linked arms and headed out the door, ready for our first night in Korea.




We walked into the packed club and immediately the smell of crotch and cheap perfume invaded my nostrils. I wrinkled my nose and grimaced, looking at all the barely-legal girls wearing dresses so skimpy they may as well have been . Men were circling like vultures, waiting for the perfect moment to dive in. Gross. I turned to Khloe, whose face was beaming with excitement as she saw the heaped dance floor. Music was blearing out of the speakers and everyone was jumping, Khloe sprinted to join in and already had at least 3 men after her.

I squinted and scanned the room, looking for the bar (a.k.a my natural habitat) so I could get through the night. Eventually finding it, I ordered an Appletini and stood by the bar, scanning the room while observing the exchanging of pills and money and young couples devouring each other’s faces. I grimaced again and pratically inhaled the rest of my drink.

I wonder what Jiyong was doing… Probably out with the rest of BIGBANG… And as if on cue, Fantastic Baby began to boom throughout the club. I glanced at Khloe, who was grinding up against some handsome stranger, but she saw me, halted immediately and sprinted up to me, latching on to my wrist and dragging me halfway across the room against my will. Bleurgh. The dance floor, my arch nemesis. I took a few bleary steps, not realising that I was already tipsy, and almost fell flat on my face if it weren’t for Khloe, who was still attached to me. Clubbing wasn’t exactly my forte, and neither was dancing.

“DANCE WITH ME, DON’T BE A BUZZKILL!” Khloe shouted over the loud music, eyebrows furrowed in frustration.

I groaned and lazily swayed my hips, but Khloe nudged me hard, obviously thinking my half-assed dance wasn’t good enough. I sighed as the chorus came on, a clouded part of my brain thought I better go for it, and I did. I raised my arms up high and started grinding up against some guy who was near us. Khloe gave out a big “WOOO!” and started doing the same; obviously satisfied by my response. By the bridge of the song, we were both dropping up against our unfortunate strangers, who were having the time of their lives.

The song finished and we cheered, thanked our unfortunate strangers and ran back to the bar. My brain was already swimming in alcohol, but Khloe ordered me another Appletini, and I wasn’t about to complain. I blew air kisses to her, showing my gratitude. She blew some kisses back, but immediately averted her gaze to something behind me, biting her lip. I glanced round curiously and realised she was ogling someone gross-looking. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

As soon as my Appletini was placed on the table I snatched it, but remembered I was already pretty tipsy and I didn’t want to make even more of a tit of myself. So, I was taking small sips of my Appletini while Khloe was downing shot after shot, but she could hold her drink more than the average 18 year old girl, where as I could handle next to nothing.

“Lisa, look! What do you think of him?” Khloe pointed to an average height, brown haired guy wearing an extremely tight t-shirt which clung to his toned abs.

Before I could even express my disgust Khloe was already sauntering toward him, wearing a seductive half-smile. I pushed my palm to my head and downed the rest of my Appletini. Screw responsibility, I was in hell.




I stared at the tiny glass in my hand, willing my vision to focus, but it did not, I started laughing madly at my fruitless efforts. I didn't even know what I was drinking anymore but it was doing its job. I folded my arms on top of the bar and rested my head on them. I breathed in and smelled the luscious coconut of my hair. My favourite shampoo.

"Lisa, come on, we need to go." Khloe was tugging desperately at my arm, her voice strung with worry, but my brain couldn't make the connection to my mouth and I just slurred some nonsense. 

Everything went muffled and Khloe sounded as if she were underwater. I had no idea what was going on anymore, it was as if my brain was disconnected from my body.

I felt a foreign pair of arms snake round my waist and heave me up but I was too gone to even question it.

Everything was getting darker, it was as if a black veil was being lowered in front of my bleary eyes.

I looked up and saw Jiyong's face, lined with worry, but I just smiled and let the darkness submerge me.

-- A/N third chapter yaaaaay. more comments pls, lemme know what you think of my characters, or how Jiyong is, or what you'd like to see from this story, please. xxxxxxx love always
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clarasol22 #1
Chapter 6: cute!!<3 hope you can upload :)
Chapter 6: Yay you r back!!
lskmdlsjd #3
Chapter 5: Haha finally Someone who knows eggy bread :') love story so far :)
Chapter 4: Nice update! So Jiyong is really interested in her...kekeke But I'm curious about one thing. How could Khloe call Jiyong? Did she call him with Annalisa's mobile phone? (cuz she just got his number right?) I don't think Annalisa gave out his number so easily or?
Well, those two have to tell each other a few personal things I guess. Otherwise there'll be more surprises for Jiyong (like the 1 week vacation etc. lol).
Chapter 4: Aww. I hope she doesnt go back though...
Please update :D I love it xD
Chapter 3: oh!!! it's getting interesting! :DD Why is he there?! In a club where they even play his music?! xD haha. I'm curious about your updates! :)