
Under Unfortunate Circumstances

Chapter 4


I felt the vomit trickle up my throat. Oh no.

I sprung to my feet and sprinted across the large room to the bathroom, nursing my aching head with the back of my hand. I quickly moved my hair over my shoulder and vomited into the porcelain toilet bowl.

I sat there for a while, feeling awful and making sure I wasn't gunna hurl again. My head was pounding and I was still in last night's clothes. I can't remember much of last night at all, I'm sure Khloe took care of me though; she always does.

I rubbed my temples as I made my way out the bathroom, boy did I need a glass of wa-


My yells were cut short as Jiyong, who was sat on the floor by the bed, pressed a finger to his lips and began to speak:

"Khloe called me from your phone last night, she couldn't walk you back on her own so she asked me for help. I came as soon as I could but a group of fans found my location so I stayed here the night and made sure you were alright."

He stood up hastily and cupped my face face with one hand, rubbing his thumb at the corner of my mouth.

"You had some dried up vomit." he said matter-of-factly, obviously seeing the startled look on my face.

"W-where did you sleep last night?" I stuttered, a little worried.

"I didn't."

I studied Jiyong's features, deep, dark rings around his eyes, his face looking a little paler than usual.

"Need coffee?" I asked as I turned to look at the tray of sachets the hotel left out, which was now empty. "Oh... Well I should probably shower... Maybe you could go into Khloe's room or something...?" I felt and smelled revolting.

"I won't look, promise." He winked and gave me a cheeky grin.

I stood there with a deadpan expression, I am in no mood for this today.

"Okay, okay! I'll wait outside; give me a call when you're decent, arasso?" Jiyong spun on his heel and waltzed towards the door.

I just nodded my head slightly and gathered my towels, walking slowly into the bathroom, still feeling disoriented.

After my refreshing and rejuvenating shower, I looked through the chest of draws, deciding on a mint green, knit jumper and a pair of blue acid wash skinny jeans. I threw them on and quickly plaited my still-damp hair

"I'm ready!" I called to Jiyong.

He walked in and hovered by the doorway, looking me up and down.

"Come on, let's go."

"Where?" I demanded, ready to protest.

"Breakfast." He said nonchalantly as he turned to leave.

I wasn't about to disagree; I need some food in me. I quickly tied the end of the braid and flicked it to one side. Rushing to catch up with Jiyong who was heading downstairs to the hotel diner.

We grabbed a window seat and waited for the waiter to show up and take our order.

I stared at my lap and tried to recall last night's events, but before I could even try, the waiter marched up towards us and asked for our order.

"What's your favourite, Annalisa?" Jiyong asked, not even looking at the menu.

"Eggy brea- French toast." I corrected myself. Eggy bread was what I called it as a child and it kind of just stuck.

I saw Jiyong try to stifle his chuckles as he told the waiter:

"I'll have two French toasts, please."

The waiter bowed and walked away. I turned to Jiyong to see him covering his mouth with his hand, trying not to laugh. I gave him an icy stare which only made him laugh harder.

"Eggy b-bread?!" he managed to spurt out. Obviously he would not know that it is a British alternative name for French toast. I just looked at my lap and felt the heat flowing up towards my cheeks.

I looked back up, confused as to why I could no longer hear his mockery; Jiyong was staring intensely at me, all laughter had disappeared.

I fiddled with the end of my braid, trying to disengage from this awkward silence.

"How come you're so quiet?" His question caught me off guard and I dropped my hand from my braid rather hastily, which smacked the edge of the mahogany table, causing a pulsing pain in my wrist. I shrugged my shoulders while rubbing my aching wrist. What was I supposed to say?

Jiyong grabbed my chin and tilted my head up to face him. He studied me, and then murmured:

“You don’t have to be shy around me.” Flashing me a dazzling smile which reached his eyes. He was so attractive it was almost in-human.

I gave him a lazy smile and moved my head back, feeling giddy. Okay, so maybe I liked him a little bit. Who wouldn’t? I felt like I was going to melt like butter under his warm stare.

“So, that kiss huh..” He said in such a casual manner I nearly choked on my drink.

The waiter arrived with both our meals and we both bowed slightly, I was trying to cover up the humiliating moment I had just experienced by smiling and nodding my head a little too furiously with a fake grin plastered on my face, looking like a bit of a psychopath. Jiyong, on the other hand, didn’t have to; he acted as though it had never happened.

I whipped my head up and gave him the biggest, wide-eyed, deer-in-the-headlights look possible. He just shot me a sympathetic smile.

This jerk.

“So… Aren’t you going to retaliate? Insult me? Like normal people would?” Jiyong said as soon as the waiter left, waving his hand as if to encourage me to say something.

“…Jerk,” I mumbled underneath my breath.

“What, I can’t hear you?” Jiyong put his hand to his ear and moved closer to me, so damn patronizing.

“I said you’re a jerk.” I hissed while shoving half a slice of eggy bread into my mouth.

He just shook his head and said:

“You gotta do better than that.” while waving his fork around, then shovelling it into his mouth.

I shrugged my shoulders again, making out like I would talk if there wasn’t so much food in my mouth. He didn’t buy it and just gave me a patronizing smile.

“Yesterday you were throwing up about 3 centimetres away from my shoes.” He mentioned while sliding another petite piece of French toast into his mouth.

My jaw hit the floor.

“What?! Really?!” I exclaimed in sheer shock.

“No, I missed that part.” He winked, awaiting my reaction.

I just scowled and cut up another too-large piece of eggy bread. I looked back up at him, waiting for him to say something else he thinks will provoke me when I saw his eyes gazing at my chest. I stared in disbelief. This man.

“WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?! ERT!” I hissed, trying not to raise my voice and alert other people of the mishap on this very unfortunate table.

“There we go.” Jiyong teased as he pointed his thumb and forefinger at me and clicked his tongue.

Oh crap. I gave him the reaction he wanted. I scowled again and returned to my food.

“So… I’m a ert now?” He winked.

“I know how to defend myself, okay? I just don’t know what to say when you tease me.” I whined and pouted my lips.

“That’s why it’s funny.” Jiyong teased and put his knife and fork down.

He stood up to leave, brushing his jeans off and motioning me to hurry up.

“Where are we going?” I mumbled while stuffing my face with eggy bread.

“I’m taking you out, come on.” Jiyong turned towards the door while I shoved the rest of the French toast in my mouth and hurried after him.




We turned a corner into a bustling street, full of busy high street shops and people running around, late for meetings, trying to find certain shops and offices.

I turned to Jiyong, hoping he’d shed some light on where we were heading, he just put his sunglasses on and flipped his hood up, I furrowed my brow in confusion, but then I remembered. He’s a global superstar.

Jiyong’s stride picked up a little, walking faster than I could keep up with and I soon found myself running to keep up. He led us to a little road where a white Bentley was conveniently parked.

I looked around curiously but the place was deserted.

Was this his car?


I turned to him and gave him a curious glare, encouraging him to tell me where we were going. He just flashed me a knowing smile and hopped in the back seat, scooting over to the far side so I could hop in too.

I stood there for a moment, folded my arms over my chest and shifted my weight over to one leg, raising my eyebrows at a confused Jiyong.

“Fine. We’re going back to my place okay? Now hop in before I drag you in.” He encouraged while beckoning me in with one hand.

I rolled my eyes and tipped my head back before complying and hopping into the seat beside him. He told the driver where to go and leaned back, giving me a smug grin.

“I know I keep asking you this but you haven’t yet given me a straight answer. Why me? Out of all the girls you can have?” I asked, looking at him intently, searching his features for the answer.

“You’re adorable.” He said matter-of-factly.

My cheeks burst into flames and I looked down. Holy crap. I was not expecting that.

“See?” He winked and jabbed me in the cheek.

I bit the air as a warning; he chuckled and then turned to look out the blackened windows.

“You do realise I’m only visiting for a week?” I tilted my head as I turned to look at him. His jaw stiffened and a pang of guilt shot through me as I tipped my head down to look at my lap. I really did not want to go back to England.

“We’ll just have to make the most of the time we have then.” He chimed with a dazzling smile, all signs of earlier’s bitterness gone.

I gave him a cute half-smile and turned to look out the window absorbing the scenery. I don’t know why, but my heart was strung with an aching pain, like it was too heavy, threatening to break from the arteries holding it in its place. I was going to miss Jiyong, even though he was a Grad A jerk 90% of the time. I still had 6 days left to spend with him though, right? 



Okay so new chapter, slightly longer. I know some of you don't want happening between the two too early, but honestly, don't worry, I have it all planned out, they will not be getting together too early lol. 

Thanks for reading, comment etc. 

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clarasol22 #1
Chapter 6: cute!!<3 hope you can upload :)
Chapter 6: Yay you r back!!
lskmdlsjd #3
Chapter 5: Haha finally Someone who knows eggy bread :') love story so far :)
Chapter 4: Nice update! So Jiyong is really interested in her...kekeke But I'm curious about one thing. How could Khloe call Jiyong? Did she call him with Annalisa's mobile phone? (cuz she just got his number right?) I don't think Annalisa gave out his number so easily or?
Well, those two have to tell each other a few personal things I guess. Otherwise there'll be more surprises for Jiyong (like the 1 week vacation etc. lol).
Chapter 4: Aww. I hope she doesnt go back though...
Please update :D I love it xD
Chapter 3: oh!!! it's getting interesting! :DD Why is he there?! In a club where they even play his music?! xD haha. I'm curious about your updates! :)