
Under Unfortunate Circumstances

Chapter One


I examined my luggage through squinted eyes. A plain black case, but with no apparent pull-out handle... Hmm... I bobbed my head to the other side, but still no handle…

…Aha! I noticed a small bump at the top of the bag and decided to yank at it, but to my ‘surprise’ it would not budge.

“Khloeee!” I yelled while struggling, but my good-for-nothing best friend just stood with an amused smile, enjoying my struggle.

Minutes passed until I thought I made some progress, so I took a chance and yanked it harder, only to find myself flying at about 50mph across the waiting section of Heathrow airport. I panicked and started flailing my arms to grab something, but I just landed on the hard laminate floor, most of the impact on my left hip. Nice one, Annalisa. That will bruise nicely tomorrow. I looked up through a tangle of red hair (glad that it would be hiding my beetroot-esque face) and saw a looming Khloe, in hysterics trying to lug my case while heaving with laughter.

“Wow, jeez, thanks for the help, my humble best friend.” I mumbled in a sarcastic manner, but it just made her laugh even harder.

“You… You look like a… Like a… Plum!” She choked out in-between cackles of laughter.

I scraped myself up from the ground and felt my cheeks with the back of my hands. My whole face was burning, but I quickly snatched my bag away from Khloe and stomped toward our boarding gate… Until I heard more laughter from the wicked witch behind me. I stopped and spun round to face her, giving her the most dangerous glare I could muster.

“Our boarding gate’s this way..!” She managed to wheeze out while lifting her arm to point to the exit behind her.

I marched towards it with a mighty “EURGH” and joined the que while Khloe rattled up behind me, still giggling.

When we finally borded the plane, I strutted into the first class cabin we managed to bag for our 11 and a half hour flight to Seoul, South Korea, feeling pretty proud. Khloe and I were mad about Asian cultures and found South Korea the most interesting (since we had both taken language classes last summer) and wanted to spend a week down there and study the amazing country.

“Hey Annalisa, get your skinny in this seat before I drag it here.” Khloe demanded while impatiently tapping the seat beside her.

“Yes, mother.” I retorted lazily while dragging my feet toward the plush looking seat.

She then went to spurt a load of Korean: “I can’t believe we’re finally doing this, after years of talking and giggling about it in high school!” She started wobbling her head and covering with her hand like a bubbling school girl.

I responded in the same Korean outburst: “I KNOW! Hopefully we’ll be able to have a taste of the best assets Korea has to offer, if you know what I mean.” I winked, slumping down into the chair next to her.

She turned to face me with a serious expression and looked at me, before finally opening to say: “Do you think Korean guys will find us attractive? I mean, their parents and elders don’t approve of relationships…” She mumbled, still speaking Korean.

I turned away and just shrugged, not knowing what more to say, and also spying a food cart wheeling down the aisle; I needed a coffee badly. I waited until the cart reached us, and ordered a chocolate machiatto; my favourite. Khloe also ordered a hot drink, but ordered a hot chocolate instead since she detests coffee. I eagerly watched as the air hostess poured my drink. I wanted my coffee fix. Nowww. She handed me the cheap looking mug and I impatiently grabbed it from her. Not a good idea. The coffee swirled and leaped over the sides of the mug, spilling all over my cream chiffon blouse. Annalisa, you idiot.

I yelped as the hot liquid seeped through the thin fabric of my shirt and made contact with my skin. Damn, my body’s going to have bruises and burns everywhere. Beside me Khloe was wriggling away from me trying to avoid getting any on her. Great best friend, right? On my other side the airhostess started to panic and wiped at my shirt frantically with a thin paper napkin which slowly started to disintegrate the more she wiped.

“I-It’s okay, I’ll just go and change.” I stuttered, feeling my cheeks becoming luminescent.

I waited for the hostess to move her cart and stood up, fumbling with the overhead lockers trying to get to my small carry-on bag. Seeing me struggle, the hostess came over and pressed the button with ease, rolling her eyes whilst walking away. I bowed my head down in shame as I turned to my bag and pulled out a light pink t-shirt.

“Leese, make sure you don’t trip on any baggage in the aisle!” Khloe taunted as I walked towards the lavatory, I briefly flipped my head around and gave her a lopsided smile, then stomped into the lavatory and dramatically slammed the door. I heard Khloe’s cackling laughter through the thin wood of the door and smiled inwardly. Why am I friends with her again?

After what felt like a billion hours up in the air, the seatbelt signs flashed and sighs of relief could be heard from almost every passenger on the plane. 

“We are now approaching Seoul, South Korea. Could everyone please fasten their seatbelts and turn off all electrical equipment in preparation of our descent.” The pilot’s nasally voice rang out through the cabin and everybody groaned –including me- as we turned off our phones, tablets and laptops.

I sighed as unplugged my headphones; I was listening to BIGBANG’s new single. A majorly famous Korean boy band, I wasn’t that into them, but I did like Daesung. I have biases in all my favourite K-Pop boy bands, I didn’t really know the others but Daesung’s voice caressed my ears in such a delicate way it was almost heavenly.

Beside me, Khloe groaned and flicked her blonde, wavy hair over one shoulder whilst shoving her iPhone into her jean pocket.

“I can’t believe we have to turn our phones off just because of some silly descent, why should I? Stupid cabin crew.” She muttered under her breath. Of course she knew why, she just loved being a diva.

“Khloe just do as you’re told, or I’ll have to send you to the naughty corner.” I chastised in a child-like squeaky voice and jabbed her in the cheek.

“Yah!” She squealed as she slapped my hand away.

We both jumped as the wheels hit the ground and the plane came to a screeching halt. We were here. In Korea. GAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH. Excitement took over and I grabbed Khloe’s arms and started waving them crazily while whipping my hair around. I probably looked like a madman but who cares? WE’RE IN SEOUL, BABY!




My jaw hit the ground as I walked into my hotel room. Wow. A king sized four-poster bed. All to myself. Holy crap. Immediately, I dropped my bags and sprinted across the spacious room, flapping my arms like a chromosomally damaged penguin, taking a giant leap towards the bed, but ended up toppling over it, dragging some duvet with me. While falling, my arms flailed madly to grab anything which would stop me, but failed. Crap. I squeezed my eyes shut and prepared for the pain of falling on my bruised hip, but something soft broke my fall…

The clean, lush carpet, Oh how I love thy. I stayed there for a while, sprawled on the plush cream carpet.

How did the floor get so comfortable?

Gahhhh! I started digging my fingers into the carpet like a kitten. Why am I such a freak? No wonder I haven’t got a boyfriend yet.

I’m hoping I’ll meet someone here in Korea, although I’m only here for a week but hopefully I could have a fling to remember, and who knows what it could lead to… The only problem I have is that without alcohol, I’m extremely shy. I just never know what to say, my throat jams up and I morph into a giant tomato.

I’m socially awkward, but with my close friends, like Khloe, I’m a complete nut job, I just have to get to know that person and one week is not enough without alcohol... Liver, prepare to work your off this week.

While in Lisa-Land, I failed to notice Khloe waltz into my suite (we have adjoined rooms).

“Our rooms are freaking AWESOME!” She yelled into my face while looming over me. “I was just going to go into town and hunt down some food for us. Wanna come?”

“No I still haven’t unpacked, I’ll meet you by the markets at one o’clock?” I responded, still sprawled on the lush carpet.

“Arasso, freak! See you there!” She winked as she headed out the door.

“Annyeong!” I replied as I picked myself up from the floor.

Sigh… Time to unpack…




Holla, first chapter is up, second one is ready and waiting.

Just a little intro to the main characters and plot etc etc etc



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clarasol22 #1
Chapter 6: cute!!<3 hope you can upload :)
Chapter 6: Yay you r back!!
lskmdlsjd #3
Chapter 5: Haha finally Someone who knows eggy bread :') love story so far :)
Chapter 4: Nice update! So Jiyong is really interested in her...kekeke But I'm curious about one thing. How could Khloe call Jiyong? Did she call him with Annalisa's mobile phone? (cuz she just got his number right?) I don't think Annalisa gave out his number so easily or?
Well, those two have to tell each other a few personal things I guess. Otherwise there'll be more surprises for Jiyong (like the 1 week vacation etc. lol).
Chapter 4: Aww. I hope she doesnt go back though...
Please update :D I love it xD
Chapter 3: oh!!! it's getting interesting! :DD Why is he there?! In a club where they even play his music?! xD haha. I'm curious about your updates! :)