Cupid's Trap

Cupid's Trap


Shanederella can’t believe what was happening. It all seemed like a nightmare and she desperately wished she could wake up and find out that it actually was one.

But it wasn’t – and she knew it.

And so she ran like she never ran before, following Young Saeng into the darkened nearby park not far from the mall, not stopping, not even catching her breath. The image of Young Saeng back banishing farther and farther away fueled her to keep going pass even her physical limitations.

When finally Young Saeng stopped on the middle of the park, his back still at her, Shanederella clutched her side and gulped mouthfuls of air.

“Sae…Saengie,” she uttered, still panting heavily. “Whatever you saw earlier there, it was nothing. Please listen...”

“Saeng please…” Even she was surprised to hear desperation in her voice now.

Park Shanederella seldom pleaded with anybody. And then she realized for the first time - if it has something to do with Young Saeng, she’ll do anything, even swallow her pride. They have been childhood best friends/neighbors since they were born. They parents was friends and neighbors, being an only child on both families they became playmates then classmates during their elementary days. He was her strength, her savior, her happiness, everything.

That’s why when Young Saeng mother, transferred him on an all boys school, because it made her worried that her son will be gay growing old with only females surrounding him, it made her cried knowing that they will finally be apart with each other. Back then, she only wish to be with him and God was so nice that after a year of praying finally her wish was answered. Shanederella rejoice when she heard that the school will finally cater girls too, immediately she seeks for an approval from her good parents to let her transfer school with the help of Denchi.

“Saengie…please, look at me. Look at me,” she walked to him slowly, clutching his shirt and resting her head on his back. She could feel his muscles tense and she grew even more desperate.

“Please don’t hate me,” she heard herself whisper in a voice she didn’t recognize. A desperate whimpering voice she had always despised – a weak voice in her book. “You know I can’t bear it if you hate me. I don’t care if everybody else hates me, but if it’s you…”

“…if it’s you…I won’t be able to go on. To me, you are the most important, Saengie, you know that,” she continued and cried.

And then softly, tenderly, he replied, “No…I don’t know that.”

Shanederella was surprised that he was even talking to her. “Saengie, you must believe me. I’m not interested with Hyun Joong.”

The boy slowly turned to look at her. The silver moonlight, the stars and the lights from a nearby lamp post help here see his smiling eyes, and a sweet smile playing upon his cute lips showing his dimples.

“I know,” he whispered, caressing her cheek with his hand. “And neither am I.”

“What?” Shanederella asked in confusion.

Young Saeng smiled again at her, running his fingers down her hair. “This was all a hoax. Hyun Joong and I never got together nor have special LOVE feeling towards each other,” he explained.

“But…” her eyes opened wide. “Why?”

“You still haven’t figured it out? You really have become far-sighted or else you’re just plain clueless to things that really matter,” he said, frowning slightly and withdrawing his hand from the tangles of her hair.

It took a while for it to register - and then her own words from not so long ago came rushing back to her.

“…when two people get too close, they tend to become far-sighted; they look too far beyond and overlook the person right there beside them.”

She had said that, not realizing how little she understood its real meaning.

“But I thought you were gay…” she murmured softly.

Young Saeng smiled at her lovingly, tilting her chin towards him. Then, he brought down his lips upon hers in the sweetest most passionate first kiss. And when they broke apart, Young Saeng took her hand in his, entwining their fingers together. “So am I still gay to you??”

Shanederella who was surprised with her child hood best friend’s action just shook her head.

“So does the beautiful cupid in front of me willing to be trap with me forever? There’s no escaping me, you know.” Young saeng sweetly proposed while pinching her hands intertwining with him.

“Of course!! How can the cupid refused if the captor was YOU,” she grinned sweetly to her childhood bestfriend/neighbor/boyfriend/soon to be husband^^.

Young Saeng grabbed her childhood best friend/neighbor/girlfriend/soon to be wife for a sweet kiss and a big embrace.

Young Saeng who take a peek on his watch, and then kiss shanederella’s earlobe and whispered “Happy Birthday to my dearest cupid!! I LOVE YOU!!!  ”

Shanederella who forgot about the time was surprised as the park was suddenly brightened with different colors of lights. Then, emerged from bushes around the playground area was Denchi and Kyujong holding on a round cake singing HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!  Then Hyunjoong, Chareeh.

Shanederella untangled her arms around Young saeng and covered because of the overwhelming surprised she got not only from her best friends but also the couples who were involve in her so called *Bromance-Cupid-Plan*.

Jonghyun, Seunghyun was playing a guitar, then Kibum-Kevin, Eunhyuk-Sungmin, Onew-key, Hyung Jun – Jungmin, Jiyong-Seungri, Mir-Cheundong and Taemin-Minhowho were holding a cute heart shape cupcake with one candle emerged everywhere singing “HAPPY BIRTHDAY”

She turned around to face the other boys with a look of surprise, and tears of joy fall from her eyes. After the song, she thanks everyone, that made her cry again happily and they all shared a big group hug.

“Hey!! Hey!! Enough already, the cupid is now trapped by me” Young Saeng acting jealous as he grabbed his girlfriend away from the big hugged of bromance couples. Afterall, they were still male species.

“The bromance cupid-trap-plan went well thus, this means HYUNSAENG bromance target is a failure” Denchi asked and giggled happily that Shanederella plan was failed.

Shanederella peered at their President seriously before speaking, “are you sure you’re not interested in my Saengie, President Hyun Joong? Because you know we can share if you want to. You can have him Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and I’ll have him Tues-”

“ Shanederella!!!” She heard Young Saeng protest sternly.

“I was kidding, Saengie!”

Everyone was laughing happily; Shanederella gave Young Saeng’s hand a gentle squeeze.

“Hyun Joong was already taken anyway,” Young Saeng said.

“What?!” Shanederella stared at Hyun Joong.

Everyone also was shocked from the sudden announcement, except for Chareeh, Denchi and Kyujong, asked “Who is it?”

The President smirked at ’s reaction but eventually grabbed his vice president who was beside him and suddenly kiss Chareeh in front of everyone.

Everyone giggles as they know what it feels to LOVE and be LOVE back. It was the perfect end to a perfect day and hopefully, the perfect start of a perfect relationship of not only 10 but all thoroughly imperfect people.


Thank You for reading.. i hope you like the story.. please do leave a comment. thanks..

You can also read my other stories... 501ville and few oneshots.. ^3^

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ExoBlink_forever #1
Than you it was super awesome
cuuuuttee:D hehe :D love the story, so nice :D
@CFKHJO: thankyu!!!
Omooo i just love it your fic *o* pleaseee write more ^^ <br />
xoxo ..... CFKHJO