Cupid's Trap

Cupid's Trap


Saturday Morning came and thankfully they were no class. But then, 501ville dance club members were summoned for Saturday practice. A few early birds where in front of the practice room door whispering among themselves when Denchi, Shanederella and Chareeh who holds on the keys walked in.

“I wonder what happened,” Chareeh asked as she help Denchi expecting to see through the window.
“There’s a 50% chance that President and Young Saeng will be less awkward.” Denchi said as she unlocked the pad.
“Only fifty percent? I think it will be 100%” she smiled widely and pushed Chareeh to open the door.

Standing there the three girls were nervous, the vice-president pushed the door wide open before being stunned into silence by the spectacle before their very eyes.

Kim Hyun Joong and Heo Young Saeng, almost and wearing only boxers, were lying in the middle of the practice room, their other hands were intertwined and leftover wrappers and bottles were scattered too.

Raising his head and blinking against the sudden flood of sunlight, Young saeng yawned and smiled at the trio, “Could you please close the door? I’d rather not anyone else see President in his boxers.”

Denchi quickly reached for the door shut where a few curious juniors were trying to take a peek, Chareeh blushing while waking up HyunJoong and Shanederella beamed happily.

Shanederella knew she could do it. From the moment she saw her childhood friend and the captain together, she couldn’t resist making plans for them – she just didn’t think it would be too easy. She had much more in mind – much much more. But it looks like she won’t need them after all. Making mental notes for herself, she put the rest of her plans at the back of her head for future use though she’s having some doubtful thoughts but managed to calm herself.

Shanederella knocked on the door impatiently. “What’s taking you so long, Saengie?”

After a few minutes, Young Saeng got out of the clubroom, dressed in his dance practice attire.

“I don’t know if I will get angry or not. But as you have seen, Hyun Joongie and I got together, all thanks to you.”  Young Saeng grinned.

Shanederella behaved just as Young Saeng expected she would – beaming radiantly and grinning from ear to ear. A part of him was hurt that her childhood best friend is being so overjoyed with the current situation wanting him to smack her off but he wants to pursue his plan.

“So, to show our appreciation,” he continued, “Joongie and I would like to invite you out tomorrow. How about it?”

“Sure, that’ll be great,” she said, nodding fervently at her childhood friend.

The dimpled boy grinned, pleased by how smoothly things were going. 

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ExoBlink_forever #1
Than you it was super awesome
cuuuuttee:D hehe :D love the story, so nice :D
@CFKHJO: thankyu!!!
Omooo i just love it your fic *o* pleaseee write more ^^ <br />
xoxo ..... CFKHJO